12 research outputs found

    Website Layanan Pengaduan Masyarakat Pada Bina Marga Kota Palangka Raya

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    The public complaint service website is a support system primarily for the community who wish to report road and bridge damage complaints in the Public Works Department. In handling community complaints, the Public Works Department has a mechanism for handling complaints that can be done directly or using WhatsApp applications. This results in complaint handling still being manual and not computerized. The Waterfall software development methodology was used in designing and building this system. The stages involved were: Requirements Definitions, System and Software Design, Implementation and Unit Testing, Integration and System Testing, and Operation and Maintenance. The programming language used in developing the website was PHP, the database used was MySQL, and blackbox testing was performed. After testing, the website can run its functions well, which is to manage complaint data entered into the database. The aim is for the Public Works Department to plan road and bridge construction and repairs in a more structured manner and to help with road and bridge monitoring. This website can facilitate the public in reporting the location of damaged roads and bridges using the Google Maps API, making it easier for users to determine the location of damaged roads and bridges


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    Dalam kehidupan di suatu perumahan, biasanya diberlakukan mengenai sistem pembayaran iuran sosial yang ditujukan untuk keperluan tertentu. Pada Perumahan Taman Kradenan Asri, diberlakukan beberapa iuran. Sistem yang digunakan saat ini masih diberlakukan secara konvensional, dimana orang yang ditugaskan untuk mengambil tagihan iuran mencatat kapan pembayaran dilakukan pada sebuah buku dan dikarenakan ada beberapa iuran, maka dibutuhkan beberapa buku yang disesuaikan dengan jenis iurannya. Sistem ini membutuhkan tenaga dan biaya lebih, dan memungkinkan terjadinya human error, selain itu para warga tidak bisa mengakses untuk melakukan pengecekan mengenai tagihan mereka. Oleh sebab itu dilakukan penelitian dengan judul “Web Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keuangan untuk Iuran di Perumahan Taman Kradenan Asri” dengan tujuan membuat sebuah sistem informasi berbasis web yang dapat memudahkan para petugas yakni bendahara dan petugas keamanan dalam melakukan proses pendataan dan para warga dapat melakukan pengecekan mengenai data iuran yang sudah maupun dibayarkan oleh warga terkait. Sebelum merancang sistem terkait, dilakukan diskusi dengan calon pengguna mengenai kebutuhan pengguna dan kemudian akan dilakukan penyesuaian pada rancangan perangkat lunak (Arsitektur Desain) mengenai sistem yang akan dirancang. Halaman web ini menerapkan konsep CRUD (Create, Read, Update, dan Delete) dan menghubungkan dengan database MySQL yang dipergunakan untuk menyimpan data secara real-time. Sistem ini memiliki sisi admin (Ketua RT, Bendahara, dan Petugas Keamanan) dan warga. Dimana hak akses paling banyak dipegang oleh Ketua RT yang dapat melakukan pemantauan mengenai seluruh kegiatan pendataan baik dari kegiatan arisan maupun iuran keamanan, kemudian pada sisi petugas yang melakukan pencatatan dapat melakukan proses penambahan, pembaruan, dan penghapusan mengenai data tagihan iuran. Serta bendahara dapat melakukan pengundian arisan secara online dan petugas keamanan dimudahkan dalam koordinasi pengambilan iuran keamanan dengan para warga. Sedangkan pada sisi warga, dapat melihat data iuran ix yang sudah terbayarkan dan membuat janji untuk pengambilan iuran. Dalam pengujian sistem ini dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap pihak yang terkait dan dari hasil wawancara tersebut menunjukkan bahwa sistem yang dirancang dapat memudahkan proses pencatatan dan pengecekan mengenai tagihan iuran dari sisi petugas maupun warga

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Catering Berbasis Web Menggunakan YII 2 Framework (Studi Kasus : PT. Anugrah Agung Citratama Catering)

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              Teknologi telah menjadi kebutuhan primer yang mendampingi kebutuhan manusia saat ini. Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi tentunya mempermudah aktivitas dalam berbagai bidang, salah satunya bisnis atau usaha. PT Anugrah Agung Citratama Catering merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang mengelola dibidang makanan dan minuman. Selain makanan dan minuman, PT Anugrah Agung Citratama Catering juga menyediakan makanan ringan dan snack pada acara pernikahan, peresmian, launching produk dan lain-lain. Pada saat ini PT Anugrah Agung Citratama Catering memiliki permasalahan dimana belum tersedianya wadah pelayanan berupa pengelolaan stok barang, pemesanan, informasi varian menu dan perhitungan gaji karyawan yang berguna untuk memanajemen usaha catering tersebut. Sistem manajemen yang digunakan AACatering masih dilakukan secara manual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang aplikasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Catering untuk mempermudah karyawan AACatering dalam mengelola usaha catering dan juga mempermudah pelanggan untuk dapat memesan menu pada AACatering tanpa harus datang langsung ke lokasi. Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Catering ini dibuat dengan teknik MVC (Model View Controller) untuk mengatur struktur tampilan dan juga data yang diinputkan akan di olah sistem untuk nantinya di tampilkan sesuai kebutuhan, kemudian menggunakan bahasa pemograman PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), framework Yii2, javascript dan menggunakan MySQL sebagai database

    A Case Study of TNB Network Solution & Support (NSS) Inventory Information System: A Quick Printable and Non-redundancy Web-based Application

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    This system is proposed to develop a web-based inventory information system for Network Solution & Support (NSS) department of Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Perak. The purpose of this study is to replace the conventional method which is the manual file system for managing inventory to online system where it can help to save the time especially in the process of updating the new inventory information. Besides that, the conventional method also contains the risk of duplicated files and leads to data redundancy and cost the memory wastage. NSS Inventory Information System is an alternative way to replace the manual file system so that multiple users can access the same data simultaneously at different stations. In addition, NSS Inventory Information System is based on Rapid Application Development (RAD) as the methodology where it involves the process of Requirement Planning, User Design, Construction and Cutover. Furthermore, it is developed by using Java programming language based on Vaadin Framework and MySQL as a database. Based on the testing and usability study, the result is very satisfying based on the staffs from NSS department and the contribution is able to help NSS department from TNB to update the inventory list by replacing the manual file system to a proper information system


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    Observing the great potential of the internet in rural environment, village government in Kragan, Gondangrejo District, Karanganyar Regency, has established internet network that residents could use with relatively lower price compared to that of other internet providers. Even though the internet connection has adequate speed, it still has obstacles specifically in managing the internet subscribers. Every villager who will subscribe to the internet must go to the village office and fill out a registration form and then the form is archived. Although the method is effective, it is vulnerable to customer data and information loss and is not flexible for residents who carry out their daily activities in a place that is relatively far from the village office. In addition, when there is an internet interruption, customers must send short messages to administrator, and then it will be inspected by a technician. Every reported problem is not stored properly, as a result, administrators cannot monitor whether customer complaints have been resolved. To overcome these two problems, a web-based application that is flexible and can be used by users with various computer platforms is proposed. The application development follows the waterfall model. The results of testing using black-box technique show that the functionality of the application is running with a failure percentage of 0%. Meanwhile, the test to determine usability level of the application using the System Usability Scale (SUS) method showed an acceptance rate of 66,2%, meaning that the application is suitable for use even though training for the users is needed

    Sistem Pembayaran Administrasi Siswa di SMA Muhammadiyah AL-Kautsar Program Khusus Kartasura Berbasis Website

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    Currently is the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, this is marked by the rapid development of information technology. The development of this technology has affected many sectors, one of which is the education sector. The development and utilization of information technology must be maximized as far as possible, various school administration systems can be integrated into websites that use computers and the internet, one of which is the school administration payment system. Muhammadiyah AL-Kautsar High School Special Program Kartasura plans to digitize the administrative payment information system. The purpose of this research is to develop an administrative payment website system that will facilitate the work of school financial officers in serving payment transactions. The Systems development life cycle (SDLC) methodology with a waterfall approach is used in this study, which includes requirements analysis, system design, coding, program testing, and maintenance. The programming language in this study uses the ReactJS Framework and Chakra-UI, then there is NodeJS as the root for making this website, then for the database the author uses MongoDB. The system has gone through the stages of black-box testing which resulted in the conclusion that the developed system can function properly

    Sistem Layanan Informasi Maintenance Of Pesma KH Mas Mansur UMS (Slim Pesma)

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    Pesantren Mahasiswa Internasional KH Mas Mansur (Pesma) has good management in developing its resources with the help of various facilities that are in it, and has a mission to digitize each system that has been implemented to date. but unfortunately in managing the maintenance of each facility is very poorly conditioned so that it creates a very slow response and an environment that is less conducive. therefore, the authors conduced this research to conduct a case study of facilities with constraints in pesma, especially in the maintenance of facilities that are in each mahasantri room such as cupboards and other furniture in certain rooms. This Web based application was created using Bootstrap and Laravel Framework. The method used in this study is the Waterfall SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) Method. this application is named with "SLIM Pesma

    Sistem Informasi Kasir Pada Bengkel Body Repair Mobil “A.B.P Garage” Berbasis Website

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    The use of technology in the company not only supports business processes but is also very important for company revenue. Business owners always pay attention to existing technological developments in order to increase their business success. Therefore, many companies want to apply technology in every aspect of their business processes. Car body repair workshop "A.B.P Garage" is a business engaged in the automotive sector. Until now, this workshop transaction system still uses the manual payment method written using a sales record book. The workshop does not yet have a report of income or sales per period. The website-based cashier information system is expected to optimize the transaction process at the A.B.P Garage workshop. The method used in making this system is the waterfall method. This research uses observational research methods and literature review. This application is created using PHP and MySQL which is connected to PHPMyAdmin with XAMPP as a web server and uses Visual Studio Code as a programming framework, the system built can generate sales reports. The results obtained after black box testing are the system can run according to the expected function. The second test is testing the SUS questionnaire with 30 respondents and getting an average value of 76.16, which means the system is feasible to use. The benefit for the owner is the ease of recording transaction data and managing report recaps

    Performing and analyzing non-formal inspections of entity relationship diagram (ERD)

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    Designing and understanding of diagrammatic representations is a critical issue for the success of software projects because diagrams in this field provide a collection of related information with various perceptual signs and they help software engineers to understand operational systems at different levels of information system development process. Entity relationship diagram (ERD) is one of the main diagrammatic representations of a conceptual data model that reflects users' data requirements in a database system. In today's business environment, the business model is in a constant change which creates highly dynamic data requirements which also requires additional processes like modifications of ERD. However, in the literature there are not many measures to better understand the behaviors of software engineers during designing and understanding these representations. Hence, the main motivation of this study is to develop measures to better understand performance of software engineers during their understanding process of ERD. Accordingly, this study proposes two measures for ERD defect detection process. The defect detection difficulty level (DF) measures how difficult a defect to be detected according to the other defects for a group of software engineers. Defect detection performance (PP) measure is also proposed to understand the performance of a software engineer during the defect detection process. The results of this study are validated through the eye tracker data collected during the defect detection process of participants. Additionally, a relationship between the defect detection performance (PP) of a software engineer and his/her search patterns within an ERD is analyzed. Second experiment with five participants is also conducted to show the correlation between the proposed metric results and eye tracker data. The results of experiment-2 also found to be similar for DF and PP values. The results of this study are expected to provide insights to the researchers, software companies, and to the educators to improve ERD reasoning process. Through these measures several design guidelines can be developed for better graphical representations and modeling of the information which would improve quality of these diagrams. Moreover, some reviewing instructions can be developed for the software engineers to improve their reviewing process in ERD. These guidelines in turn will provide some tools for the educators to improve design and review skills of future software engineers. (c) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Warehouse management system enhancement for a-to-z textiles limited

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    A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Embedded and Mobile Systems of Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and TechnologyTechnology utilization in industry in developing countries is the challenge, often there are crisis of equipment, goods and items destruction or loss in the warehouses. The enhancement of the warehouse management system for the Company help to utilize resources effectively thus improves Company performance. The aim of this study was to improve warehouse management through the use of information communication and technology. The study developed mobile application for customer registration, order management and stock management but also the study developed web application for account management, order management, invoice generation, client registration and stock management. The study extended the features of the mobile application to web-based application for the easy of the management of the application and reduce the load of the mobile application. Data were collected through observations and interviews for the aim of understanding the current system, how the company is managing the warehouse and getting requirements for these developed systems. The developed web and mobile application of warehouse management system were assessed and verified to evaluate functionalities and usability of the systems. The system enhanced the access of information at the fingertips, increase availability of service for the customer 24 hours per day through making order on spot, easier flow of information between the personnel of the company such as sales personnel, administrator of the systems and storekeeper, but also getting stock level instantly, order management and tracking, invoice generation and status of the invoice