16 research outputs found

    Performance of Well Known Packet Scheduling Algorithms in the Downlink 3GPP LTE System

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    This paper investigates the performance of well known packet scheduling algorithms developed for single carrier wireless systems from a real time video streaming perspective. The performance evaluation is conducted using the downlink third generation partnership project long term evolution (3GPP LTE) system as the simulation platform. This paper contributes to the identification of a suitable packet scheduling algorithm for use in the downlink 3GPP LTE system supporting video streaming services. Simulation results show that, in the downlink 3GPP LTE system supporting video streaming services, maximum-largest weighted delay first (M-LWDF) algorithm outperforms other packet scheduling algorithms by providing a higher system throughput, supporting a higher number of users and guaranteeing fairness at a satisfactory level

    Carrier Load Balancing Methods with Bursty Traffic for LTE-Advanced Systems

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    A Centralized and Scalable Uplink Power Control Algorithm in Low SINR Scenarios

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    Power control is becoming increasingly essential for the fifth-generation (5G) and beyond systems. An example use-case, among others, is the unmanned-aerial-vehicle (UAV) communications where the nearly line-of-sight (LoS) radio channels may result in very low signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratios (SINRs). Investigations in [1] proposed to efficiently and reliably solve this kind of non-convex problem via a series of geometrical programmings (GPs) using condensation approximation. However, it is only applicable for a small-scale network with several communication pairs and practically infeasible with more (e.g. tens of) nodes to be jointly optimized. We therefore in this paper aim to provide new insights into this problem. By properly introducing auxiliary variables, the problem is transformed to an equivalent form which is simpler and more intuitive for condensation. A novel condensation method with linear complexity is also proposed based on the form. The enhancements make the GP-based power control feasible for both small-and especially large-scale networks that are common in 5G and beyond. The algorithm is verified via simulations. A preliminary case study of uplink UAV communications also shows the potential of the algorithm.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolog

    Downlink Performance of a Multi-Carrier MIMO System in a Bursty Traffic Cellular Network

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    Performance of LTE network for VoIP users

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    With the arrival of LTE standard, it is expected that the mobile voice services paradigm will shift from the circuit switched to fully packet switched mode supporting the VoIP services. VoIP services took quite a bit of time before they were accepted as the main stream telephony service in the fixed networks. To provide VoIP services over the LTE networks with appropriate QoS, it is necessary to analyse the performance of such services and optimise the network parameters. This paper analyses the performance of VoIP services on the LTE network using the FD and the SMP packet scheduling techniques. This work identifies and analyses the features of above LTE packet scheduling techniques to enhance the QoS of VoIP services. An OPNET-based simulation model is used to analyse the performance of VoIP services on the LTE network by incorporating G.711 and G.723 speech coders. The work also studied the performance of VoIP services in variable transmission channel conditions

    Analysis of Cell Load Coupling for LTE Network Planning and Optimization

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    System-centric modeling and analysis are of key significance in planning and optimizing cellular networks. In this paper, we provide a mathematical analysis of performance modeling for LTE networks. The system model characterizes the coupling relation between the cell load factors, taking into account non-uniform traffic demand and interference between the cells with arbitrary network topology. Solving the model enables a network-wide performance evaluation in resource consumption. We develop and prove both sufficient and necessary conditions for the feasibility of the load-coupling system, and provide results related to computational aspects for numerically approaching the solution. The theoretical findings are accompanied with experimental results to instructively illustrate the application in optimizing LTE network configuration.Comment: The paper contains 22 pages with 9 figures. The paper is submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. This is the version in Jan 2012 after one revisio

    Diseño de una red de nueva generación LTE-A para una zona urbana en Bogotá bajo el estándar 3gpp y la recomendación ITU-R M.1457

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    La industria de las telecomunicaciones, a nivel mundial y vista desde la perspectiva sus principales actores, operadores, fabricantes y distribuidores, atraviesa por una serie de cambios relacionados con el despliegue de la banda ancha inalámbrica y la entrada del All IP y muchos servicios embebidos tras estos desarrollos tecnológicos. Estos cambios implican desafíos y aplican a cualquier mercado, donde esté establecido un operador móvil o un prestador de servicios móvil. Siendo el reto más importante migrar sus redes basadas en circuitos conmutados a redes All IP, el uso masificado de terminales móviles cada vez más sofisticadas y robustas hacen que el usuario demande más servicios. Por ende la implantación de la tecnología LTE hace que cubra todas las expectativas de velocidad tanto para los usuarios como para los operadores móviles.Abstract. The telecommunications industry, global perspective and view its key players, operators, manufacturers and distributors, passes through a series of changes related to the deployment of wireless broadband and All-IP input and many services embedded after these technological developments. These changes involve challenges and apply to any market, which is set to a mobile operator or mobile service provider. Being the biggest challenge to migrate their networks based on circuit switched networks to All-IP, the mass use of mobile terminals become more sophisticated and robust make the user demand more services. Thus the introduction of LTE technology covering all makes speed expectations for both users and mobile operators.Maestrí