88 research outputs found

    Seamless Infrastructure independent Multi Homed NEMO Handoff Using Effective and Timely IEEE 802.21 MIH triggers

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    Handoff performance of NEMO BS protocol with existent improvement proposals is still not sufficient for real time and QoS-sensitive applications and further optimizations are needed. When dealing with single homed NEMO, handoff latency and packet loss become irreducible all optimizations included, so that it is impossible to meet requirements of the above applications. Then, How to combine the different Fast handoff approaches remains an open research issue and needs more investigation. In this paper, we propose a new Infrastructure independent handoff approach combining multihoming and intelligent Make-Before-Break Handoff. Based on required Handoff time estimation, L2 and L3 handoffs are initiated using effective and timely MIH triggers, reducing so the anticipation time and increasing the probability of prediction. We extend MIH services to provide tunnel establishment and switching before link break. Thus, the handoff is performed in background with no latency and no packet loss while pingpong scenario is almost avoided. In addition, our proposal saves cost and power consumption by optimizing the time of simultaneous use of multiple interfaces. We provide also NS2 simulation experiments identifying suitable parameter values used for estimation and validating the proposed mode

    Towards an architecture to support complex multihomed mobility scenarios

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    In this paper, we present the Multihomed Mobile Network Architecture (MMNA), a comprehensive multihomed mobility solution for complex nested mobility scenarios. It provides a multihoming management mechanism for gateway discovery and selection, on top of an efficient multihomed mobility model integrating different mobility and multihoming protocols. We describe how the MMNA was experimentally implemented and evaluated in a testbed setup. We first validated the capabilities of the solution in terms of different multihoming features, namely load sharing, link failure recovery, and preference setting. We then examined the effectiveness and feasibility of the MMNA solution considering a use case example of a search and rescue scenario. The results highlight the practicality and advantages of deploying the MMNA solution into realistic scenarios

    Multihomed mobile network architecture

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    IP mobility ensures network reachability and session continuity while IPv6 networks are on the move. In the Network Mobility (NEMO) model, the potential for NEMO Mobile Routers (MRs) to interconnect and extend Internet connectivity allows the formation Nested NEMO networks. With MANEMO, nested MRs can be efficiently interconnected in a tree-based structure with Internet access being maintained via a designated Gateway. However, this only supports single-homed Internet connectivity. With the span of wireless access technologies and the popularity of multi-interfaced devices, multihoming support in this scenario becomes critical. A Nested Mobile Network with heterogeneous available Internet access options would allow better overall network performance and optimal utilisation of available resources. In this paper, we present the Multihomed Mobile Network Architecture (MMNA), a comprehensive multihomed mobility solution. It provides a multihoming management mechanism for Gateway Discovery and Selection on top of a multihomed mobility model integrating different mobility and multihoming protocols. It enables a complex nested multihomed topology to be established with multiple gateways supporting heterogeneous Internet access. The results demonstrate that the proposed solution achieves better overall throughput, load sharing, and link failure recovery

    Enhanced Mobility Solution In Mobile Ipv6 Network

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    The performance of Network Mobility (NEMO) used to manage network mobility does not provide satisfactory result in terms of delay, throughput and session continuity when dealing with multihomed mobile network. Enhanced Mobility Solution in Mobile IPv6 Network is extremely complex; the study addressed the multihoming issues of MIPV6 Networks on the basis of NEMO Basic Support, analyzes the benefits of multihoming and discusses implementation issues of all classes of multihoming possibilities. Additionally, Policy-based routing, as one of the multihoming benefits, is studied in particular. A framework based on policy based routing protocol was proposed for handling both the inbound and the outbound traffic on a mobile network, under specified policies which consider packet characteristics, current network situation and user preferences. The interface selection algorithm was based on NEMO implementation structure using a technique of mutihoming which was extended to MIPv6 concepts The outcome of this research work are: a designed policy protocol for policy messages communication between the Mobile Router and the Home Agent, the framework is simulated using Network Simulator (NS2) with an extension of mobiwan, the result shows the end to end delay, average end to end delay, overhead, optimal routing path, average inter-packet latency and throughput of the developed system. The information from the analysis of the result shows that the enhanced solution has drastically reduced average packet delay to minimum with 72.5 %( 0.040s to 0.011s), and end-end delay with 75 %( 0.020s to 0.005s) compared with NEMO solution. Overhead in the mobile network was maintained by 10bytes per nested level by keeping the session. The solution is important by enterprises in making decision to acquire internet connectivity for the purpose of connectivity redundancy and traffic load distribution optimization. This result is very important for time sensitive application that requires stable network condition

    Efficient mobility and multihoming support for mountain rescue

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    Introducing an IP-based communication system into the mountain rescue domain would enable carrying out search and rescue missions in an effective way. With efficient mobility and multihoming support, a Mountain Rescue Team would be able to establish more effective and reliable Internet communication. In this paper, we present the Multihomed Mobile Network Architecture (MMNA), a comprehensive multihomed mobility solution for complex nested mobility scenarios. It provides a multihoming management mechanism for gateway discovery and selection, on top of an efficient multihomed mobility model integrating different mobility and multihoming protocols. The design of the MMNA solution is first presented. We then describe how the MMNA was experimentally implemented and evaluated in a testbed setup to examine its effectiveness and feasibility considering a use case example of a mountain rescue scenario. The results highlight the practicality and advantages of deploying the MMNA into such a critical real-world scenario

    A framework for supporting network continuity in vehicular IPv6 communications

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    The appearance of recent standards about cooperative ITS architectures towards a reference communication stack has been an inflection point in the research about vehicular networks. The ISO Communication Access for Land Mobiles (CALM) and the ETSI European ITS communication architecture have paved the way towards real and interoperable vehicular cooperative systems. Within these convergent proposals, IPv6 communications are recognized as a key component to enable traffic efficiency and infotainment applications. The proper operation of these applications and the achievement of value-added ITS services require an uninterrupted network connectivity. This paper addresses this problem by proposing a novel communication stack to support the provision of continuous and secure IPv6 vehicular communications. The solution follows the ISO/ETSI guidelines for the development of cooperative ITS systems and is based on standardized technologies such as Network Mobility (NEMO) protocol to provide an integral management of IPv6mobility. The solution integrates IEEE 802.21 media independent handover services for optimizing the handover process. While the support to the handover optimization offered by the proposed ITS communication stack is demonstrated through a mobility use case, a real testbed supporting most of the communications features is developed to validate and assess the real performance of the stack design.This work has been sponsored by the European Seventh Framework Program, through the ITSSv6 (contract 270519) and FOTsis (contract 270447) projects; the Ministry of Science and Innovation, through the Walkie-Talkie project (TIN2011-27543-C03); and the Seneca Foundation, by means of the GERM program (04552/GERM/06)

    MROM scheme to improve handoff performance in mobile networks

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    Mobile Router (MR) mobility supported by Network Mobility Basic Support Protocol (NEMO BS) is a Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) extension that supports Host Mobility. Proposed Multihoming and Route Optimization for MANEMO (MROM) scheme is designed to provide Route Optimization (RO) and Multihomed in NEMO architectures. This paper proposes two novel schemes; MANEMO routing scheme and Multihoming-based scheme. These are to provide support for next generation networks. The proposed MROM scheme differs from other schemes for NEMO environment because it considers the requirements of more application flows parameters as packet lost delivery, handoff delay as well as throughput). Another difference is that not only the network infrastructure can begin the functionality of flow routing, but also an Edge Mobile Router (EMR) can do this flow for routing. Moreover, it utilizes the state of the art and presently active access network to perform the separation of each flow in mobile network. Thus, proposed MROM exhibits multihoming features and improves handoff performance by initiating flow-based fast registration process in NEMO environment. A handoff method is proposed with enhanced functionalities of the Local Mobility Anchors (LMA), Mobile Routers (MRs) and signaling messages with a view to achieve continuous connectivity through handoff in NEMO. Both analytical and simulation approaches are used. Analytical evaluation is carried out to analyze packet delivery lost and handoff delay of our proposed scheme. It was also shown that cost of signaling messages and packet delivery are contributing to total handoff cost. At the simulation part, network simulator 3 (NS 3) has been used as the tool to get performance metrics that have been considered like packet delivery ratio, handoff delay, and packet loss. Our proposed scheme (MROM) has been benchmarking to the standard NEMO BS Protocol and P-NEMO. In this paper, we discuss proposed MROM for next generation networks, providing detailed analysis with a numerical model, proposed MROM, by maximizing the handoff performance, has been justified to have better mobility support than the ordinary NEMO BS Protocol and PNEMO. Keywords—MROM, MANEMO, RO, Multihomed, Handoff

    QoE de streaming de vídeo em redes veiculares com multihoming

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    With the ever-increasing interest and availability of vehicular networks, it is important to study the Quality-of-Experience provided by these networks, which ultimately determines the general public perception and thus the overall user adoption. The broad Internet access, the evolution of user equipment, such as smartphones, tablets and personal computers, and the appearance of services like Youtube and Netflix, is leading the user content consumption to be more and more in the form of video streaming. Either motivated by safety or commercial applications, video streaming in such highly mobile environments offers multiple challenges. This dissertation evaluates the QoE of a multihoming communication strategy, supported simultaneously byWAVE and Wi-Fi, for increasing the reliability and performance of video streams in these environments. Furthermore, it also investigates how distinct network functionalities, such as multihoming load balance, buffering, and network metrics such as throughput and latency affect the overall QoE observed. The results obtained led to the proposal of a multihoming load balance policy for video applications based on access technologies, aiming to improve QoE. The overall results show that QoE improves by 7.5% using the proposed approach.Com o aumento contínuo do interesse e disponibilidade de redes veiculares, é importante agora estudar a Qualidade de Experiência fornecida por estas redes, que fundamentalmente determina a opinião e a percepção do público geral sobre um dado serviço. O vasto acesso à Internet, a evolução dos equipamentos, como os telemóveis atuais, tablets e computadores pessoais, e o aparecimento de serviços como o YouTube e o Netflix, está a fazer com que o conteúdo mais consumido seja cada vez mais em forma de streaming de vídeo. Quer seja motivado por aplicações de segurança ou comerciais, o streaming de vídeo em ambientes altamente móveis levanta vários desafios. Esta dissertação avalia a Qualidade de Experiência de técnicas de multihoming, permitindo o uso de diferentes tecnologias de comunicação, como o WAVE e o Wi-Fi, para aumentar a fiabilidade e desempenho de streams de vídeo nestes ambientes. Para além disso, investiga também como é que diferentes mecanismos de rede, como o balanceamento, multihoming e o buffering, e métricas como a taxa de transferência e latência, afetam a QoE observada. Os resultados obtidos levaram à proposta de uma política de divisão de tráfego para aplicações de vídeo baseada em tecnologias de acesso para situações de multihoming, visando uma melhoria da QoE do utilizador. Utilizando o método proposto, os resultados mostram que a experiência do utilizador tem uma melhoria de 7,5%.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic