21 research outputs found

    Well-being and -ageing with chronical disease: the BV2 project

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    International audienceThe BV2 project aims to propose a monitoring system for wellbeing but also well-aging working on the prevention, detection and monitoring using a System of the Systems (SoS) approach. The project partner already uses the IoT technologies and the BV2 platform will combine the different developed systems. The main originality of the project consist s in the development of a virtual platform by combining the existing system

    IoT Security Evolution: Challenges and Countermeasures Review

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    Internet of Things (IoT) architecture, technologies, applications and security have been recently addressed by a number of researchers. Basically, IoT adds internet connectivity to a system of intelligent devices, machines, objects and/or people. Devices are allowed to automatically collect and transmit data over the Internet, which exposes them to serious attacks and threats. This paper provides an intensive review of IoT evolution with primary focusing on security issues together with the proposed countermeasures. Thus, it outlines the IoT security challenges as a future roadmap of research for new researchers in this domain

    Análisis, despliegue e integración de plataformas para Fog Computing

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    In IoT applications, data capture in a sensor network can generate a large flow of information between the nodes and the cloud, affecting response times and device complexity but, above all, increasing costs. Fog computing refers to the use of pre-processing tools to improve local data management and communication with the cloud. This work presents an analysis of the features that platforms implementing fog computing solutions should have. Additionally, an experimental work integrating two specific platforms used for controlling devices in a sensor network, processing the generated data, and communicating with the cloud is presented.En las aplicaciones de IoT la captación de datos en una red de sensores puede generar un gran flujo de información entre los nodos y el cloud, condicionando los tiempos de respuesta, la complejidad en los dispositivos y por sobre todo incrementando los costos. Fog Computing se refiere a la utilización de herramientas de preprocesamiento para mejorar el manejo de datos locales y la comunicación con la nube. En este trabajo se presenta el análisis de las características que deben tener las plataformas que implementan soluciones de Fog Computing. Adicionalmente se presenta un trabajo experimental que integra dos plataformas específicas, aplicadas al control de dispositivos en una red de sensores, el procesamiento de los datos generados y la comunicación con la nube.Facultad de Informátic

    IoT Middleware Platforms for Smart Energy Systems: An Empirical Expert Survey

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    Middleware platforms are key technology in any Internet of Things (IoT) system, considering their role in managing the intermediary communications between devices and applications. In the energy sector, it has been shown that IoT devices enable the integration of all network assets to one large distributed system. This comes with significant benefits, such as improving energy efficiency, boosting the generation of renewable energy, reducing maintenance costs and increasing comfort. Various existing IoT middlware solutions encounter several problems that limit their performance, such as vendor locks. Hence, this paper presents a literature review and an expert survey on IoT middleware platforms in energy systems, in order to provide a set of tools and functionalities to be supported by any future efficient, flexible and interoperable IoT middleware considering the market needs. The analysis of the results shows that experts currently use the IoT middleware mainly to deploy services such as visualization, monitoring and benchmarking of energy consumption, and energy optimization is considered as a future application to target. Likewise, non-functional requirements, such as security and privacy, play vital roles in the IoT platforms’ performances

    An IoT Platform Based on Microservices and Serverless Paradigms for Smart Farming Purposes

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    Nowadays, the concept of “Everything is connected to Everything” has spread to reach increasingly diverse scenarios, due to the benefits of constantly being able to know, in real-time, the status of your factory, your city, your health or your smallholding. This wide variety of scenarios creates different challenges such as the heterogeneity of IoT devices, support for large numbers of connected devices, reliable and safe systems, energy efficiency and the possibility of using this system by third-parties in other scenarios. A transversal middleware in all IoT solutions is called an IoT platform. the IoT platform is a piece of software that works like a kind of “glue” to combine platforms and orchestrate capabilities that connect devices, users and applications/services in a “cyber-physical” world. In this way, the IoT platform can help solve the challenges listed above. This paper proposes an IoT agnostic architecture, highlighting the role of the IoT platform, within a broader ecosystem of interconnected tools, aiming at increasing scalability, stability, interoperability and reusability. For that purpose, different paradigms of computing will be used, such as microservices architecture and serverless computing. Additionally, a technological proposal of the architecture, called SEnviro Connect, is presented. This proposal is validated in the IoT scenario of smart farming, where five IoT devices (SEnviro nodes) have been deployed to improve wine production. A comprehensive performance evaluation is carried out to guarantee a scalable and stable platform

    A New Paradigm of Pharmaceutical Drug Delivery Systems (DDS) : Challenges for Space, Time, and Shapes

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    Using 3D food printing with the Internet of Things (IoT) technology, patients can receive diagnoses and prescriptions from their doctors while in the comfort of their homes. The patient-specific prescription has been innovated by converging 3D food printing technology with drug delivery systems (DDSs). Quantitative drug dosages can be incorporated into the composition of food and produced in any shape within a short time. Automating food and DDSs makes promising implications for healing patients remotely, as well. Each of these aspects, along with IoT technology, have contributed to increased health care for patients, no matter their location. The quantitative discharge of vitamin C melted in water, mayonnaise, ketchup, and peanut butter has been verified using the Piston Typed Extrusion (PTE) method. Designs with different curves and shapes were repeatedly printed with a head speed of 1.6×10-2 m/s, and it was confirmed that effective control while printing the shapes was possible. The Hagen-Poiseuille (HP) formula was utilized to simulate the overall printing time. This simulation affirmed that increasing the head speed from 1.6×10-2 m/s to 4.0×10-2 m/s had reduced the printing time consistently, but the time was not reduced continuously after 4.0×10-2 m/s, depending on the materials’ viscosities and how much curvature exists in the designs. The precision of printing was adjusted within 5% of the theoretical value during printing, and the IoT technology allowed printing of the materials within five minutes, regardless of the patient’s location.   Article Type: Original Researc

    A Framework for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)-Based IoT Application Development

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    Funding: This research was partially supported by funds provided by the European Commission in the scope of FoF/H2020-723710 vf-OS, ICT/H2020-825631 ZDMP projects, and by the FCT— Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia in the scope of UIDB/00066/2020 related to CTS—Centro de Tecnologia e Sistemas research unit.In the last decades, the increasing complexity of industrial information technology has led to the emergence of new trends in manufacturing. Factories are using multiple Internet of Things (IoT) platforms to harvest sensor information to improve production. Such a transformation contributes to efficiency growth and reduced production costs. To deal with the heterogeneity of the services within an IoT system, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is referred to in the literature as being advantageous for the design and development of software to support IoT-based production processes.The aim of SOA-based design is to provide the leverage to use and reuse loosely coupled IoT services at the middleware layer to minimise system integration problems. We propose a system architecture that follows the SOA architectural pattern and enables developers and business process designers to dynamically add, query or use instances of existing modular software in the IoT context. Furthermore, an analysis of utilization of modular software that presents some challenges and limitations of this approach is also in the scope of this workpublishersversionpublishe

    Performance analysis of constrained device virtualization algorithm

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    Internet of Things aims to automate and add intelligence into existing processes by introducing constrained devices such as sensors and actuators. These constrained devices lack in computation and memory resources and are usually battery powered for ease of deployments. Due to their limited capabilities, the constrained devices usually host proprietary protocols, platforms, data formats and data structures for communications and therefore, are unable to communicate with devices from different vendors. This inability leads to interoperability issues in Internet of Things which, is in fact against the spirit of Internet of things which, envisions interconnection of billions of devices and hence, results in an isolated, vendor-locked and close-loop deployments of IoT solutions. Various approaches have been made by the industry and academia to resolve the interoperability issues amongst constrained devices. However, majority of the solutions are at different layers of the communication stack but do not provide a holistic solution for the problem. In more recent research, there have been theoretical proposals to virtualize constrained devices to abstract their data so that its always available to applications. We have adopted this technique in our research to virtualize the entire Internet of Things network so that virtual TCP/IP based protocols can operate on virtual networks for enabling interoperability. This paper proposes the operations of the Constrained Device Virtualization Algorithm and then simulates it in CloudSIM to derive performance results. The paper further highlights open issues for future research in this area

    Estudio Comparativo de Plataformas Middleware Open-Source de Internet de las cosas (IoT) Basado en Métricas Cuantitativas y Cualitativas

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    El Internet de las cosas (IoT) es considerado una tecnología emergente compuesta por los sensores y actuadores que envían información a través de diferentes protocolos de comunicación conectados a puertas de enlace y plataformas middleware propietarias y de código abierto, estás últimas tienen un notable incremento. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un estudio de evaluación del rendimiento de middleware open-source de IoT utilizando métricas cualitativas y cuantitativas. Se ha realizado una clasificación de veinte middlewares IoT open-source, tomando como muestra a dos de ellas, Konker y Thingsboard. Se ha utilizado el framework SMI (Service Measurement Index) propuesto por el Cloud Services Measurement Initiative Consortium (CSMIC) para poder clasificar las métricas dentro de las categorías del SMI, en el caso de las métricas cualitativas se ha dado una escala de clasificación, y en las métricas cuantitativas se han tenido las siguientes: latencia medida en milisegundos, bytes enviados, bytes recibidos, medidos en bytes, tiempo de conexión medido en milisegundos, disponibilidad medida en porcentaje y costo medido en unidad monetaria. Se realizó pruebas en tiempo real de rendimiento con parámetros y número de usuarios usando el software Apache JMeter, directamente a dos VPS que se alquiló e instaló los middlewares, estos VPS están ubicados en Canadá perteneciente a la empresa OVH. Los resultados obtenidos nos indica que las métricas cualitativas están sujetas a la percepción del usuario en cambio de las pruebas cuantitativas el middleware thingsboard, es el que tiene la menor cantidad de bytes enviados y recibidos en comparación de konker, concluimos que el número de parámetros no incrementa significativamente los bytes enviados, en la métrica tiempo de conexión no se incrementa el valor de milisegundos al aumentar el número de parámetros, además encontramos que el número de usuarios simultáneos que acceden al middleware es de 500, como valor óptimo, teniendo que el middleware konker no presenta errores en comparación de Thingsboard que presenta un 18%, siendo un valor aceptable y en cuanto a la métrica de la latencia tiene un comportamiento menor hasta los 500 usuarios.Tesi

    Edge computing platforms for Internet of Things

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    Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to transform many domains of human activity, enabled by the collection of data from the physical world at a massive scale. As the projected growth of IoT data exceeds that of available network capacity, transferring it to centralized cloud data centers is infeasible. Edge computing aims to solve this problem by processing data at the edge of the network, enabling applications with specialized requirements that cloud computing cannot meet. The current market of platforms that support building IoT applications is very fragmented, with offerings available from hundreds of companies with no common architecture. This threatens the realization of IoT's potential: with more interoperability, a new class of applications that combine the collected data and use it in new ways could emerge. In this thesis, promising IoT platforms for edge computing are surveyed. First, an understanding of current challenges in the field is gained through studying the available literature on the topic. Second, IoT edge platforms having the most potential to meet these challenges are chosen and reviewed for their capabilities. Finally, the platforms are compared against each other, with a focus on their potential to meet the challenges learned in the first part. The work shows that AWS IoT for the edge and Microsoft Azure IoT Edge have mature feature sets. However, these platforms are tied to their respective cloud platforms, limiting interoperability and the possibility of switching providers. On the other hand, open source EdgeX Foundry and KubeEdge have the potential for more standardization and interoperability in IoT but are limited in functionality for building practical IoT applications