16 research outputs found

    Self-optimizing Strategies for Dynamic Vertical Sectorization in LTE Networks

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    International audience—Vertical Sectorization (VS) consists in creating ver-tically separated sectors in the original cell using an Active Antenna Systems (AAS) supporting two distinct beams with different downtilts. The total transmit power is split between the two sectors, while the frequency bandwidth can be reused by each sector, creating additional interference between the two sectors. For low traffic demand, VS may lead to performance degradation, while for high traffic demand in both sectors, VS is likely to bring about important capacity gains. Hence intelligent activation policy of VS is needed to fully benefit from this feature. In this paper, we propose an approach taking advantage of the more focused downtilted beam. A dynamic alpha fair bandwidth sharing is proposed for low and medium load. It is autonomously replaced by full bandwidth reuse for high load scenarios using a threshold-based controller. A flow-level dynamic simulator is used to numerically validate the proposed mechanisms

    Spectral and Energy Efficiency in Cellular Mobile Radio Access Networks

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    Driven by the widespread use of smartphones and the release of a wide range of online packet data services, an unprecedented growth in the mobile data usage has been observed over the last decade. Network operators recently realised that the traditional approach of deploying more macrocells could not cope with this continuous growth in mobile data traffic and if no actions are taken, the energy demand to run the networks, which are able to support such traffic volumes risks to become unmanageable. In this context, comprehensive investigations of different cellular network deployments, and various algorithms have been evaluated and compared against each other in this thesis, to determine the best deployment options which are able to deliver the required capacity at a minimum level of energy consumption. A new scalable base station power consumption model was proposed and a joint evaluation framework for the relative improvements in throughput, energy consumption,and energy efficiency is adopted to avoid the inherent ambiguity of using only the bit/J energy efficiency metric. This framework was applied to many cellular network cases studies including macro only, small cell only and heterogeneous networks to show that pure small cell deployments outperform the macro and heterogeneous networks in terms of the energy consumption even if the backhaul power consumption is included in the analysis. Interestingly, picocell only deployments can attain up to 3 times increase in the throughput and 2.27 times reduction in the energy consumed when compared with macro only RANs at high target capacities, while it offers 2 times more throughput and reduces the energy consumption by 12% when compared with the macro/pico HetNet deployments. Further investigations have focused on improving the macrocell RAN by adding more sectors and more antennas. Importantly, the results have shown that adding small cells to the macrocell RAN is more energy efficient than adding more sectors even if adaptive sectorisation techniques are employed. While dimensioning the network by using MIMO base stations results in less consumed energy than using SISO base stations. The impact of traffic offloading to small cell, sleep mode, and inter-cell interference coordination techniques on the throughput and energy consumption in dense heterogeneous network deployments have been investigated. Significant improvements in the throughput and energy efficiency in bit/J were observed. However, a decrease in the energy consumption is obtained only in heterogeneous networks with small cells deployed to service clusters of users. Finally, the same framework is used to evaluate the throughput and energy consumption of massive MIMO deployments to show the superiority of massive MIMOs versus macrocell RANs, small cell deployments and heterogeneous networks in terms of achieving the target capacity with a minimum level of energy consumption. 1.6 times reduction in the energy consumption is achieved by massive MIMOs when compared with picocell only RAN at the same target capacity and when the backhaul power consumption is included in the analysis

    Energy efficiency in cellular wireless networks

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    Energy efficiency of Long Term Evolution (LTE) cellular communication networks has become a major concern for network operators, not only to reduce the operational costs, but also to reduce their environmental effects. Within LTE cellular networks, base stations are responsible for most of the energy consumption, consuming 70-95% or more of the network power depending on the network topology, configuration, radio technology and data rates that are used. Power control is an important function in cellular wireless networks and refers to setting the output power levels of transmitters, termed eNodeB in the downlink and user equipment (UEs) in the uplink. LTE utilizes two different mechanisms for uplink power control: Open Loop Power Control (OLPC) and Closed Loop Power Control (CLPC). Uplink OLPC is performed by the UE following eNodeB configuration and can compensate for long term channel variation such as path loss and shadowing. The uplink CLPC mechanism attempts to improve power control performance by compensating fast channel variations due to multipath fading. In CLPC the eNodeB sends Transmit Power Control (TPC) commands to the UE to adjust the UE’s transmit power. This thesis focuses on an Open Loop Power Control (OLPC) scheme for LTE uplink by using the Okumura-Hata propagation path loss model to set the User Equipment (UE) uplink transmit power control parameters in order to reduce the UE energy consumption. In general, the UE requires more power to connect to distant base stations than closer base stations and therefore this thesis analyses the required power levels using the Okumura-Hata propagation path loss model. Estimation of path loss is very important in initial deployment of wireless network and cell planning. This thesis analyses the Okumura-Hata propagation path loss in different receiver antenna heights (

    Planning and dynamic spectrum management in heterogeneous mobile networks with QoE optimization

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    The radio and network planning and optimisation are continuous processes that do not end after the network has been launched. To achieve the best trade-offs, especially between quality and costs, operators make use of several coverage and capacity enhancement methods. The research from this thesis proposes methods such as the implementation of cell zooming and Relay Stations (RSs) with dynamic sleep modes and Carrier Aggregation (CA) for coverage and capacity enhancements. Initially, a survey is presented on ubiquitous mesh networks implementation scenarios and an updated characterization of requirements for services and applications is proposed. The performance targets for the key parameters, delay, delay variation, information loss and throughput have been addressed for all types of services. Furthermore, with the increased competition, mobile operator’s success does not only depend on how good the offered Quality of Service (QoS) is, but also if it meets the end user’s expectations, i.e., Quality of Experience (QoE). In this context, a model for the mapping between QoS parameters and QoE has been proposed for multimedia traffic. The planning and optimization of fixed Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) networks with RSs in conjunction with cell zooming has been addressed. The challenging case of a propagation measurement-based scenario in the hilly region of Covilhã has been considered. A cost/revenue function has been developed by taking into account the cost of building and maintaining the infrastructure with the use of RSs. This part of the work also investigates the energy efficiency and economic implications of the use of power saving modes for RSs in conjunction with cell zooming. Assuming that the RSs can be switched-off or zoomed out to zero in periods when the traffic exchange is low, such as nights and weekends, it has been shown that energy consumption may be reduced whereas cellular coverage and capacity, as well as economic performance may be improved. An integrated Common Radio Resource Management (iCRRM) entity is proposed that implements inter-band CA by performing scheduling between two Long Term Evolution – Advanced (LTE-A) Component Carriers (CCs). Considering the bandwidths available in Portugal, the 800 MHz and 2.6 GHz CCs have been considered whilst mobile video traffic is addressed. Through extensive simulations it has been found that the proposed multi-band schedulers overcome the capacity of LTE systems without CA. Result shown a clear improvement of the QoS, QoE and economic trade-off with CA

    Beam Tracking Strategies for 5G New Radio Networks Operating in the Millimetre Wave Bands

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    [ES] La llegada de la próxima generación del estándar de comunicaciones móviles, la llamada quinta generación (5G), es prácticamente una realidad. Las primeras redes comerciales han comenzado a ser desplegadas, centrándose en ofrecer altas velocidades de transferencia de datos. Sin embargo, el estándar 5G va mucho más allá y prevé dar soporte a nuevos servicios que pretenden revolucionar la sociedad. Estos nuevos servicios imponen un nivel alto de requisitos en no solo en cuanto a velocidad del tráfico de datos, sino en cuanto a latencia o número de dispositivos conectados simultáneamente. La amplia variedad de requisitos no puede ser soportada por las redes de cuarta generación (4G), por lo que se hizo necesario plantear un nuevo paradigma para las redes inalámbricas. Con la promesa de grandes cantidades de ancho de banda sin utilizar, el estándar 5G contempla utilizar frecuencias en la comúnmente conocida como banda de milimétricas (mmWave). Esta banda presenta grandes pérdidas de propagación, que se acentúan si existen bloqueos de señal. Actividades regulatorias del uso de las bandas de milimétricas atrajo el interés tanto de la industria como de la academia en plantear soluciones para dar servicio en estas bandas. En los últimos años se han presentado infinidad de trabajos basados en sistemas con múltiples antenas o MIMO, para conformar las señales transmitidas o recibidas en haces apuntando en determinadas direcciones. La ganancia que aportan los sistemas MIMO pueden compensar las altas pérdidas de propagación, asegurando la viabilidad de las comunicaciones mmWave. Se ha detectado una evidente falta de estudios sobre la viabilidad de sistemas MIMO en entornos móviles y dinámicos con bloqueos que hagan necesario que el sistema se reconfigure. Esta Tesis pretende cubrir este espacio desde un enfoque práctico y propone mecanismos de gestión de los haces para hacerles un seguimiento utilizando los recursos y mecanismos del nuevo estándar 5G. Las soluciones aportadas se basan en el uso eficiente de los reportes de medidas de las señales de referencia estandarizadas en enlace descendente. En primer lugar, esta Tesis recoge un análisis minucioso del estado del arte, donde se corrobora la necesidad de aportar soluciones de seguimiento de haces en sistemas de comunicaciones en la banda de milimétricas. Además, se estudian los diferentes mecanismos definidos en el estándar 5G y que posibilitan el seguimiento. Cabe destacar que el estándar no define un mecanismo único a seguir, permitiendo presentar propuestas. Una vez conocidas las tecnologías, se centra el estudio en el impacto del seguimiento sobre las prestaciones a nivel de red y de enlace. Dicho estudio se realiza sobre un sistema punto a punto, donde el terminal móvil se desplaza por un entorno urbano. En base a simulaciones de red, se cuantifica el índice de seguimiento de haz y de cómo dicho seguimiento afecta a la relación señal a ruido más interferencia (SINR) y la tasa de transmisión del usuario. Las soluciones de seguimiento propuestas en esta Tesis se pueden clasificar en dos categorías. En una primera categoría, se realiza el seguimiento en base a reportes de medidas de las señales de referencia. Independientemente de la velocidad, se alcanza un seguimiento del 91% con poca penalización en la tasa de transmisión si se monitorizan los haces de interés con una periodicidad menor de 20 ms. En la segunda categoría caben mecanismos de seguimiento que hacen uso de fuentes externas de información. Dentro de esta categoría, se propone un fingerprinting que relacione haces con la localización reportada y un modelo de machine learning (ML) que prediga los haces a utilizar. El fingerprinting proporciona los mismos niveles de rendimiento. Sin embargo, esta solución es muy sensible a errores y requiere considerar todos los casos posibles, lo que la hace tecnológicamente inviable. En cambio, el modelo de ML, que hace p[CA] L'arribada de la següent generació de l'estàndard de comunicacions mòbils, l'anomenada cinquena generació (5G), es pràcticament una realitat. Les primeres xarxes comercials han començat a desplegar-se i s'han centrat en oferir altes velocitats de transferència de dades. No obstant, l'estàndard 5G va molt mes allà y preveu donar suport a nous serveis que pretenen revolucionar la societat. Estos nous serveis imposen un alt nivell de requisits no sols en quant a velocitat de tràfic de dades, si no també en quant a latència o número de connexions simultànies. L'ampla varietat de requisits no es suportada per les xarxes de quarta generació (4G) actuals, per el qual es va fer necessari un nou paradigma de xarxes sense fil. Amb la promesa de amplies quantitats d'ample de banda, l'estàndard 5G contempla utilitzar freqüències a la banda de mil·limètriques. Esta banda presenta l'inconvenient d'experimentar grans pèrdues de propagació, que s'accentuen en cas de bloqueigs. L'apertura de les bandes de mil·limètriques va atraure l'interès tant de l'industria com de l'acadèmia en plantejar solucions per a donar servei en estes bandes. En els últims anys s'han presentat infinitat de treballs basats en sistemes amb múltiples antenes o MIMO, per a conformar els senyals transmesos o rebuts en feixos apuntant en determinades direccions d'interès. El guany de feix es pot utilitzar per a compensar les pèrdues de propagació, assegurant la viabilitat de les comunicacions en la banda de mil·limètriques. No obstant això, s'ha detectat una preocupant manca d'estudis sobre la viabilitat d'estos sistemes en entorns mòbils i dinàmics, amb obstacles que bloquejen els feixos i facen necessari que el sistema es reconfigure. El present treball de Tesi pretén cobrir este espai buit i des d'un punt de vista pràctic, es proposen mecanismes de gestió dels feixos per a ser el seguiment utilitzant els recursos i mecanismes dels que disposa l'estàndard 5G. D'esta manera, les solucions aportades es basen en la utilització eficient dels reports de mesures dels senyals de referència del enllaç descendent. En primer lloc, esta Tesi recull una anàlisi minuciosa de l'estat de l'art on es corrobora la necessitat de aportar solucions de seguiment de feixos per a comunicacions en la banda de freqüències mil·limètriques. A més a més, s'estudien els diferents mecanismes definits a l'estàndard 5G i que possibiliten el seguiment. Cap destacar que l'estàndard no defineix un mecanisme únic, si no que deixa la porta oberta a presentar propostes. Una vegada conegudes les tecnologies, l'estudi es centra en l'impacte del seguiment sobre les prestacions a nivell de xarxa i d'enllaç. Este estudi es realitza sobre un sistema MIMO punt a punt, en una única estació base i un terminal mòbil desplaçant-se en un entorn urbà. En base a simulacions d'extrem a extrem, es quantifica l'índex de seguiment de feix i com l'anomenat seguiment afecta a la relació senyal a soroll més interferència (SINR) i a la taxa instantània de transmissió de l'usuari. Les solucions de seguiment de feixos propostes a la Tesi es poden classificar en dos categories. A la primera categoria, el seguiment de feixos es realitza en base als reports de mesures dels senyals de referència. Independentment de la velocitat, s'arriba a una taxa de seguiment del 91% amb poca penalització de taxa de transmissió si els feixos d'interès es mesuren amb una periodicitat menor a 20 ms. A la segona categoria pertanyen els algoritmes que utilitzen fonts d'informació externes. Dins d'aquesta categoria es proposa un fingerprinting que relaciona un parell de feixos amb la ubicació de l'usuari, i a banda un model d'intel·ligència artificial (IA) que preveu el feix a utilitzar. El fingerprinting ofereix el mateix rendiment. Però, esta solució es molt sensible a errors i requereix considerar tots els casos possibles, fent-la tecnològicament inviable. En canvi, el[EN] The arrival of the next generation of mobile communication standards, the so-called Fifth Generation (5G), is already a reality. The first commercial networks have begun to be deployed, and they focus on providing higher data rates. However, the 5G standard goes much further from that and aims at providing support to new services which will revolutionise the society. These new services impose a high level of requirements not only in terms of the data traffic speed, but also in terms of very low latency or incredibly large number of simultaneous connections. This wide variety of requirements cannot be technologically supported by the current Fourth Generation (4G) networks, so it became necessary to move forward with a new paradigm for wireless networks. With the promise of large amounts of bandwidth, in the order of GHz, the 5G standard contemplates the use of frequencies in the commonly known Millimetre Wave (mmWave) band. The mmWave band experiences large propagation losses, which are accentuated in blockage events. Regulatory activities worldwide in the mmWave bands attracted the interest of both the industry and the academia. In the last few years, a tremendous number of contributions on mmWave propagation studies and networks have appeared, most of them based on Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) solutions. MIMO architectures allow to beamform, which focuses the radiated energy on certain directions of interest called beams. The additional beam gain compensates the high propagation losses, ensuring the viability of the communications in the mmWave band. There is an evident lack of viability studies of mmWave MIMO systems in mobile and highly-dynamic environments, where obstacles may block beams and forcing frequent re-configurations. This Thesis work aims to fill this gap from a practical approach. This Thesis proposes beam management mechanisms utilising the mechanisms and resources offered by the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) 5G radio access standard: 5G New Radio (NR). The practical solutions are based on the efficient use of measurement reports of standardised downlink Reference Signals (RS). In first place, this Thesis provides a thorough state-of-the-art analysis and corroborates the need of adopting beam tracking solutions for mmWave networks. Then, a complete overview of the 5G standard mechanisms that enable beam tracking is given. The NR standard does not define a standardised mechanism for beam tracking, leaving the door open to proposals to carry out such monitoring. Once the technologies have been identified, the Thesis continues with assessing the impact of the beam tracking strategies on the network and link-level performance. The study is focused on individual point-to-point mmWave links in a realistic urban environment. Based on end-to-end network simulations, the Thesis is interested in assessing the beam tracking success ratio and how beam misalignment affects the perceived Signal to Noise plus Interference Ratio (SINR) and user throughput at pedestrian and vehicular speeds. The beam tracking solutions proposed in this Thesis fall into two categories. The first category monitors beams based on measuring and reporting beamformed RS. Regardless of the speed, this beam tracking category provides up to 91 % tracking performance, with little throughput reduction if the beams of interest are measured with a periodicity below 20 ms. Beam tracking in the second category relies on external information sources. Within this category, this Thesis proposes a fingerprinting database relating beams to the user position and a machine learning (ML) model. Fingerprinting beam tracking is technologically viable and provides similar performance levels. However, this solution is very sensitive to errors and requires considering all possible situations. The ML beam tracking, which makes predictions with a 16 % of estimation error for the reference data set.I want to thank the Spanish Ministry of Education and Professional Formation for funding this Thesis work with an official pre-doctoral contract grant.Herranz Claveras, C. (2019). Beam Tracking Strategies for 5G New Radio Networks Operating in the Millimetre Wave Bands [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/130845TESI

    Adaptive Cellular Layout in Self-Organizing Networks using Active Antenna Systems

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    The rapidly growing demand of capacity by wireless services is challenging the mobile industry with a need of new deployment strategies. Besides, the nature of the spatial and temporal distribution of user traffic has become heterogeneous and fluctuating intermittently. Those challenges are currently tackled by network densification and tighter spatial reuse of radio resources by introducing a heterogeneous deployment of small cells embedded in a macro cell layout. Since user traffic is varying both spatially and temporally, a so called busy hour planning is typically applied where enough small cells are deployed at the corresponding locations to meet the expected capacity demand. This deployment strategy, however, is inefficient as it may leave plenty of network resources under-utilized during non-busy hour, i.e., most of the operation time. Such over-provisioning strategy incurs high capital investment on infrastructure (CAPEX) as well as operating cost (OPEX) for operators. Therefore, optimal would be a network with flexible capacity accommodation by following the dynamics of the traffic situation and evading the inefficiencies and the high cost of the fixed deployment approach. The advent of a revolutionizing base station antenna technology called Active Antenna Systems (AAS) is promising to deliver the required flexibility and dynamic deployment solution desired for adaptive capacity provisioning. Having the active radio frequency (RF) components integrated with the radiating elements, AAS supports advanced beamforming features. With AAS-equipped base station, multiple cell-specific beams can be simultaneously created to densify the cell layout by means of an enhanced form of sectorization. The radiation pattern of each cell-beam can be dynamically adjusted so that a conventional cell, for instance, can be split into two distinct cells, if a high traffic concentration is detected. The traffic in such an area is shared among the new cells and by spatially reusing the frequency spectrum, the cell-splitting (sectorization) doubles the total available radio resources at the cost of an increased co-channel interference between the cells. Despite the AAS capability, the realization of flexible sectorization for dynamic cell layout adaptation poses several challenges. One of the challenges is that the expected performance gain from cell densification can be offset by the ensuing co-channel interference in the system. It is also obvious that a self-organized autonomous management and configuration is needed, if cell deployment must follow the variation of the user traffic over time and space by means of a sectorization procedure. The automated mechanism is desired to enhance the system performance and optimize the user experience by automatically controlling the sectorization process. With such a dynamic adaptation scheme, the self-organizing network (SON) facilities are getting a new dimension in terms of controlling the flexible cell layout changes as the environment including the radio propagation characteristics cannot be assumed stationary any longer. To fully exploit the flexible sectorization feature in three-dimensional space, reliable and realistic propagation models are required which are able to incorporate the dependency of the radio channel characteristics in the elevation domain. Analysis of the complex relationship among various system parameters entails a comprehensive model that properly describes the AAS-sectorization for conducting detailed investigation and carrying out precise evaluation of the ensuing system performance. A novel SON algorithm that automates the AAS-sectorization procedure is developed. The algorithm controls the activation/deactivation of cell-beams enabling the sectorization based cell layout adjustment adaptively. In order to effectively meet the dynamically varying network capacity demand that varies according to the spatial user distribution, the developed SON algorithm monitors the load of the cell, the spatial traffic concentrations and adapts the underlying cell coverage layout by autonomously executing the sectorization either in the horizontal or vertical plane. The SON algorithm specifies various procedures which rely on real time network information collected using actual signal measurement reports from users. The particular capability of the algorithm is evading unforeseen system performance degradation by properly executing the sectorization not only where in the network and when it is needed, but also only if the ensuing co-channel interference does not have adverse impact on the user experience. To guarantee the optimality of the network performance after sectorization, a performance metric that takes both the expectable gain from radio resource and impact of the co-channel interference into account is developed. In order to combat the severity of the inter-cell interference problem that arises with AAS-sectorization between the co-channel operated cells, an interference mitigation scheme is developed in this thesis. The proposed scheme coordinates the data transmission between the co-sited cells by the transmission muting principle. To ensure that the transmission muting is not degrading the overall system performance by blanking more data transmission, a new SON algorithm that controls the optimal usage the proposed scheme is developed. To appropriately characterize the spatial separation of the cell beams being activated with sectorization, a novel propagation shadowing model that incorporates elevation tilt parameter is developed. The new model addresses the deficiencies of the existing tilt-independent shadowing model which inherently assumes a stationary propagation characteristics in the elevation domain. The tilt-dependent shadowing model is able to statistically characterize the elevation channel variability with respect to the tilt configuration settings. Simplified 3D beamforming models and beam pattern synthesis approaches required for fast cell layout adaptation and dynamic configuration of the AAS parameters are developed for the realization of various forms of AAS-based sectorization. Horizontal and vertical sectorization are the two forms of AAS-based sectorization considered in this thesis where two beams are simultaneously created from a single AAS to split the underlying coverage layout in horizontal or vertical domain, respectively. The performance of the developed theoretical AAS-sectorization concepts and models are examined by means of system level simulations considering the Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A) macro-site deployment within exemplifying scenarios. Simulation results have demonstrated that the SON mechanism is able to follow the different conditions when and where the sectorization delivers superior performance or adversely affects the user experience. Impacts on the performance of existing SON operations, like Mobility Robustness Optimization (MRO), which are relying on stationary cell layout conditions have been studied. Further investigations are carried out in combination with the cell layout changes triggered by the dynamic AAS-based sectorization. The observed results have confirmed that proper coordination is needed between the SON scheme developed for AAS sectorization and the MRO operation to evade unforeseen performance degradation and to ensure a seamless user experience. The technical concepts developed in this thesis further have impacted the 3rd3^\textrm{rd} Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) SON for AAS Work Item (WI) discussed in the Radio Access Network (RAN)-3 Work Group (WG). In particular, the observed study results dealing with the interworking of the existing SON features and AAS sectorization have been noted in the standardization work

    Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments

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    The demand for mobile connectivity is continuously increasing, and by 2020 Mobile and Wireless Communications will serve not only very dense populations of mobile phones and nomadic computers, but also the expected multiplicity of devices and sensors located in machines, vehicles, health systems and city infrastructures. Future Mobile Networks are then faced with many new scenarios and use cases, which will load the networks with different data traffic patterns, in new or shared spectrum bands, creating new specific requirements. This book addresses both the techniques to model, analyse and optimise the radio links and transmission systems in such scenarios, together with the most advanced radio access, resource management and mobile networking technologies. This text summarises the work performed by more than 500 researchers from more than 120 institutions in Europe, America and Asia, from both academia and industries, within the framework of the COST IC1004 Action on "Cooperative Radio Communications for Green and Smart Environments". The book will have appeal to graduates and researchers in the Radio Communications area, and also to engineers working in the Wireless industry. Topics discussed in this book include: • Radio waves propagation phenomena in diverse urban, indoor, vehicular and body environments• Measurements, characterization, and modelling of radio channels beyond 4G networks• Key issues in Vehicle (V2X) communication• Wireless Body Area Networks, including specific Radio Channel Models for WBANs• Energy efficiency and resource management enhancements in Radio Access Networks• Definitions and models for the virtualised and cloud RAN architectures• Advances on feasible indoor localization and tracking techniques• Recent findings and innovations in antenna systems for communications• Physical Layer Network Coding for next generation wireless systems• Methods and techniques for MIMO Over the Air (OTA) testin


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    The race to next generation cellular networks is on with a general consensus in academia and industry that massive densification orchestrated by self-organizing networks (SONs) is the cost-effective solution to the impending mobile capacity crunch. While the research on SON commenced a decade ago and is still ongoing, the current form (i.e., the reactive mode of operation, conflict-prone design, limited degree of freedom and lack of intelligence) hinders the current SON paradigm from meeting the requirements of 5G. The ambitious quality of experience (QoE) requirements and the emerging multifarious vision of 5G, along with the associated scale of complexity and cost, demand a significantly different, if not totally new, approach to SONs in order to make 5G technically as well as financially feasible. This dissertation addresses these limitations of state-of-the-art SONs. It first presents a generic low-complexity optimization framework to allow for the agile, on-line, multi-objective optimization of future mobile cellular networks (MCNs) through only top-level policy input that prioritizes otherwise conflicting key performance indicators (KPIs) such as capacity, QoE, and power consumption. The hybrid, semi-analytical approach can be used for a wide range of cellular optimization scenarios with low complexity. The dissertation then presents two novel, user-mobility, prediction-based, proactive self-optimization frameworks (AURORA and OPERA) to transform mobility from a challenge into an advantage. The proposed frameworks leverage mobility to overcome the inherent reactiveness of state-of-the-art self-optimization schemes to meet the extremely low latency and high QoE expected from future cellular networks vis-à-vis 5G and beyond. The proactiveness stems from the proposed frameworks’ novel capability of utilizing past hand-over (HO) traces to determine future cell loads instead of observing changes in cell loads passively and then reacting to them. A semi-Markov renewal process is leveraged to build a model that can predict the cell of the next HO and the time of the HO for the users. A low-complexity algorithm has been developed to transform the predicted mobility attributes to a user-coordinate level resolution. The learned knowledge base is used to predict the user distribution among cells. This prediction is then used to formulate a novel (i) proactive energy saving (ES) optimization problem (AURORA) that proactively schedules cell sleep cycles and (ii) proactive load balancing (LB) optimization problem (OPERA). The proposed frameworks also incorporate the effect of cell individual offset (CIO) for balancing the load among cells, and they thus exploit an additional ultra-dense network (UDN)-specific mechanism to ensure QoE while maximizing ES and/or LB. The frameworks also incorporates capacity and coverage constraints and a load-aware association strategy for ensuring the conflict-free operation of ES, LB, and coverage and capacity optimization (CCO) SON functions. Although the resulting optimization problems are combinatorial and NP-hard, proactive prediction of cell loads instead of reactive measurement allows ample time for combination of heuristics such as genetic programming and pattern search to find solutions with high ES and LB yields compared to the state of the art. To address the challenge of significantly higher cell outage rates in anticipated in 5G and beyond due to higher operational complexity and cell density than legacy networks, the dissertation’s fourth key contribution is a stochastic analytical model to analyze the effects of the arrival of faults on the reliability behavior of a cellular network. Assuming exponential distributions for failures and recovery, a reliability model is developed using the continuous-time Markov chains (CTMC) process. Unlike previous studies on network reliability, the proposed model is not limited to structural aspects of base stations (BSs), and it takes into account diverse potential fault scenarios; it is also capable of predicting the expected time of the first occurrence of the fault and the long-term reliability behavior of the BS. The contributions of this dissertation mark a paradigm shift from the reactive, semi-manual, sub-optimal SON towards a conflict-free, agile, proactive SON. By paving the way for future MCN’s commercial and technical viability, the new SON paradigm presented in this dissertation can act as a key enabler for next-generation MCNs

    Traffic-Driven Energy Efficient Operational Mechanisms in Cellular Access Networks

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    Recent explosive growth in mobile data traffic is increasing energy consumption in cellular networks at an incredible rate. Moreover, as a direct result of the conventional static network provisioning approach, a significant amount of electrical energy is being wasted in the existing networks. Therefore, in recent time, the issue of designing energy efficient cellular networks has drawn significant attention, which is also the foremost motivation behind this research. The proposed research is particularly focused on the design of self-organizing type traffic-sensitive dynamic network reconfiguring mechanisms for energy efficiency in cellular systems. Under the proposed techniques, radio access networks (RANs) are adaptively reconfigured using less equipment leading to reduced energy utilization. Several energy efficient cellular network frameworks by employing inter-base station (BS) cooperation in RANs are proposed. Under these frameworks, based on the instantaneous traffic demand, BSs are dynamically switched between active and sleep modes by redistributing traffic among them and thus, energy savings is achieved. The focus is then extended to exploiting the availability of multiple cellular networks for extracting energy savings through inter-RAN cooperation. Mathematical models for both of these single-RAN and multi-RAN cooperation mechanisms are also formulated. An alternative energy saving technique using dynamic sectorization (DS) under which some of the sectors in the underutilized BSs are turned into sleep mode is also proposed. Algorithms for both the distributed and the centralized implementations are developed. Finally, a two-dimensional energy efficient network provisioning mechanism is proposed by jointly applying both the DS and the dynamic BS switching. Extensive simulations are carried out, which demonstrate the capability of the proposed mechanisms in substantially enhancing the energy efficiency of cellular networks