3,245 research outputs found


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    In this dissertation, we worked on several algorithmic problems in bioinformatics using mainly three approaches: (a) a streaming model, (b) sux-tree based indexing, and (c) minwise-hashing (minhash) and locality-sensitive hashing (LSH). The streaming models are useful for large data problems where a good approximation needs to be achieved with limited space usage. We developed an approximation algorithm (Kmer-Estimate) using the streaming approach to obtain a better estimation of the frequency of k-mer counts. A k-mer, a subsequence of length k, plays an important role in many bioinformatics analyses such as genome distance estimation. We also developed new methods that use sux tree, a trie data structure, for alignment-free, non-pairwise algorithms for a conserved non-coding sequence (CNS) identification problem. We provided two different algorithms: STAG-CNS to identify exact-matched CNSs and DiCE to identify CNSs with mismatches. Using our algorithms, CNSs among various grass species were identified. A different approach was employed for identification of longer CNSs ( 100 bp, mostly found in animals). In our new method (MinCNE), the minhash approach was used to estimate the Jaccard similarity. Using also LSH, k-mers extracted from genomic sequences were clustered and CNSs were identified. Another new algorithm (MinIsoClust) that also uses minhash and LSH techniques was developed for an isoform clustering problem. Isoforms are generated from the same gene but by alternative splicing. As the isoform sequences share some exons but in different combinations, regular sequencing clustering methods do not work well. Our algorithm generates clusters for isoform sequences based on their shared minhash signatures. Finally, we discuss de novo transcriptome assembly algorithms and how to improve the assembly accuracy using ensemble approaches. First, we did a comprehensive performance analysis on different transcriptome assemblers using simulated benchmark datasets. Then, we developed a new ensemble approach (Minsemble) for the de novo transcriptome assembly problem that integrates isoform-clustering using minhash technique to identify potentially correct transcripts from various de novo transcriptome assemblers. Minsemble identified more correctly assembled transcripts as well as genes compared to other de novo and ensemble methods. Adviser: Jitender S. Deogu

    Consensus Ensemble Approaches Improve De Novo Transcriptome Assemblies

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    Accurate and comprehensive transcriptome assemblies lay the foundation for a range of analyses, such as differential gene expression analysis, metabolic pathway reconstruction, novel gene discovery, or metabolic flux analysis. With the arrival of next-generation sequencing technologies it has become possible to acquire the whole transcriptome data rapidly even from non-model organisms. However, the problem of accurately assembling the transcriptome for any given sample remains extremely challenging, especially in species with a high prevalence of recent gene or genome duplications, those with alternative splicing of transcripts, or those whose genomes are not well studied. This thesis provides a detailed overview of the strategies used for transcriptome assembly, including a review of the different statistics available for measuring the quality of transcriptome assemblies with the emphasis on the types of errors each statistic does and does not detect and simulation protocols to computationally generate RNAseq data that present biologically realistic problems such as gene expression bias and alternative splicing. Using such simulated RNAseq data, a comparison of the accuracy, strengths, and weaknesses of seven representative assemblers including de novo, genome-guided methods shows that all of the assemblers individually struggle to accurately reconstruct the expressed transcriptome, especially for alternative splice forms. Using a consensus of several de novo assemblers can overcome many of the weaknesses of individual assemblers, generating an ensemble assembly with higher accuracy than any individual assembler. Advisor: Jitender S. Deogu

    A consensus‑based ensemble approach to improve transcriptome assembly

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    Background: Systems-level analyses, such as differential gene expression analysis, co-expression analysis, and metabolic pathway reconstruction, depend on the accuracy of the transcriptome. Multiple tools exist to perform transcriptome assembly from RNAseq data. However, assembling high quality transcriptomes is still not a trivial problem. This is especially the case for non-model organisms where adequate reference genomes are often not available. Different methods produce different transcriptome models and there is no easy way to determine which are more accurate. Furthermore, having alternative-splicing events exacerbates such difficult assembly problems. While benchmarking transcriptome assemblies is critical, this is also not trivial due to the general lack of true reference transcriptomes. Results: In this study, we first provide a pipeline to generate a set of the simulated benchmark transcriptome and corresponding RNAseq data. Using the simulated benchmarking datasets, we compared the performance of various transcriptome assembly approaches including both de novo and genome-guided methods. The results showed that the assembly performance deteriorates significantly when alternative transcripts (isoforms) exist or for genome-guided methods when the reference is not available from the same genome. To improve the transcriptome assembly performance, leveraging the overlapping predictions between different assemblies, we present a new consensus-based ensemble transcriptome assembly approach, ConSemble. Conclusions: Without using a reference genome, ConSemble using four de novo assemblers achieved an accuracy up to twice as high as any de novo assemblers we compared. When a reference genome is available, ConSemble using four genomeguided assemblies removed many incorrectly assembled contigs with minimal impact on correctly assembled contigs, achieving higher precision and accuracy than individual genome-guided methods. Furthermore, ConSemble using de novo assemblers matched or exceeded the best performing genome-guided assemblers even when the transcriptomes included isoforms. We thus demonstrated that the ConSemble consensus strategy both for de novo and genome-guided assemblers can improve transcriptome assembly. The RNAseq simulation pipeline, the benchmark transcriptome datasets, and the script to perform the ConSemble assembly are all freely available from: http:// bioin folab. unl. edu/ emlab/ conse mble/

    Next-Generation Transcriptome Assembly: Strategies and Performance Analysis

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    Accurate and comprehensive transcriptome assemblies lay the foundation for a range of analyses, such as differential gene expression analysis, metabolic pathway reconstruction, novel gene discovery, or metabolic flux analysis. With the arrival of next-generation sequencing technologies, it has become possible to acquire the whole transcriptome data rapidly even from non-model organisms. However, the problem of accurately assembling the transcriptome for any given sample remains extremely challenging, especially in species with a high prevalence of recent gene or genome duplications, those with alternative splicing of transcripts, or those whose genomes are not well studied. In this chapter, we provided a detailed overview of the strategies used for transcriptome assembly. We reviewed the different statistics available for measuring the quality of transcriptome assemblies with the emphasis on the types of errors each statistic does and does not detect. We also reviewed simulation protocols to computationally generate RNAseq data that present biologically realistic problems such as gene expression bias and alternative splicing. Using such simulated RNAseq data, we presented a comparison of the accuracy, strengths, and weaknesses of nine representative transcriptome assemblers including de novo, genome-guided, and ensemble methods

    TRAPID : an efficient online tool for the functional and comparative analysis of de novo RNA-Seq transcriptomes

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    Transcriptome analysis through next-generation sequencing technologies allows the generation of detailed gene catalogs for non-model species, at the cost of new challenges with regards to computational requirements and bioinformatics expertise. Here, we present TRAPID, an online tool for the fast and efficient processing of assembled RNA-Seq transcriptome data, developed to mitigate these challenges. TRAPID offers high-throughput open reading frame detection, frameshift correction and includes a functional, comparative and phylogenetic toolbox, making use of 175 reference proteomes. Benchmarking and comparison against state-of-the-art transcript analysis tools reveals the efficiency and unique features of the TRAPID system

    Multi-omics integration accurately predicts cellular state in unexplored conditions for Escherichia coli.

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    A significant obstacle in training predictive cell models is the lack of integrated data sources. We develop semi-supervised normalization pipelines and perform experimental characterization (growth, transcriptional, proteome) to create Ecomics, a consistent, quality-controlled multi-omics compendium for Escherichia coli with cohesive meta-data information. We then use this resource to train a multi-scale model that integrates four omics layers to predict genome-wide concentrations and growth dynamics. The genetic and environmental ontology reconstructed from the omics data is substantially different and complementary to the genetic and chemical ontologies. The integration of different layers confers an incremental increase in the prediction performance, as does the information about the known gene regulatory and protein-protein interactions. The predictive performance of the model ranges from 0.54 to 0.87 for the various omics layers, which far exceeds various baselines. This work provides an integrative framework of omics-driven predictive modelling that is broadly applicable to guide biological discovery

    ConSemblEX: A Consensus-Based Transcriptome Assembly Approach that Extends ConSemble and Improves Transcriptome Assembly

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    An accurate transcriptome is essential to understanding biological systems enabling omics analyses such as gene expression, gene discovery, and gene-regulatory network construction. However, assembling an accurate transcriptome is challenging, especially for organisms without adequate reference genomes or transcriptomes. While several methods for transcriptome assembly with different approaches exist, it is still difficult to establish the most accurate methods. This thesis explores the different transcriptome assembly methods and compares their performances using simulated benchmark transcriptomes with varying complexity. We also introduce ConSemblEX to improve a consensus-based ensemble transcriptome assembler, ConSemble, in three main areas: we provide the ability to use any number of assemblers, provide a variety of consensus assembly outputs, and provide information about the effect of each assembler in the final assembly. Using five assembly methods both in the de novo and genome-guided approaches, we showed how ConSemblEX can be used to explore various strategies for consensus assembly, such as ConSemblEX-4+, to find the optimum assembly. Compared to the original ConSemble, ConSemblEX improved the de novo assembly performance, increasing the precision by 14% and F1 by 5%, and significantly reducing the FP by 49%. In the genome-guided assembly, ConSemblEX had identical performance to the original ConSemble. We showed that ConSemblEX provides tools to explore how different methods perform and behave depending on the datasets. With the ConSemblEX-select assembly, we further demonstrated that we can improve consensus-based assembly more by choosing optimum overlap sets among different methods. Such information provides the foundation to develop machine learning algorithms in the future to further improve transcriptome assembly performance. Adviser: Jitender Deogu
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