381,102 research outputs found

    Analysis methodology for flow-level evaluation of a hybrid mobile-sensor network

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    Our society uses a large diversity of co-existing wired and wireless networks in order to satisfy its communication needs. A cooper- ation between these networks can benefit performance, service availabil- ity and deployment ease, and leads to the emergence of hybrid networks. This position paper focuses on a hybrid mobile-sensor network identify- ing potential advantages and challenges of its use and defining feasible applications. The main value of the paper, however, is in the proposed analysis approach to evaluate the performance at the mobile network side given the mixed mobile-sensor traffic. The approach combines packet- level analysis with modelling of flow-level behaviour and can be applied for the study of various application scenarios. In this paper we consider two applications with distinct traffic models namely multimedia traffic and best-effort traffic

    Performance Analysis of Mobile Networks for M2M Communication

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    Bakalářská práce „Výkonnostní analýza mobilní sítě pro M2M komunikace“ se zabývá teoretickým rozborem M2M zařízení a mobilních sítí třetí a čtvrté generace. Druhá část bakalářské práce se věnuje simulaci přetížení sítě LTE. Přetížení sítě LTE je dosaženo dvěma způsoby: přetížení objemem přenášených dat nebo přetížení způsobené nově připojenými zařízeními do sítě. Třetí část práce se věnuje návrhu a simulaci vylepšení M2M komunikace v LTE síti. Pro simulace byl využit simulační nástroj OPNET Modeler.This bachelor thesis "The benchmark analysis of mobile network for M2M communication" focuses on theoretical study of M2M devices and third- and fourth-generation mobile networks. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the LTE network overload simulation. The LTE network overload is achieved in two ways: the overload caused by the volume of data transmitted, or the overload caused by devices newly connected to the network. The third part of the thesis deals with the design and simulation improvement of M2M communication in the LTE network. A network simulator OPNET Modeler was used for the simulation.

    Energy-efficient off-body communication nodes with receive diversity

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    Off-body wireless communication applications range from fall-detection systems for the elderly to monitoring networks for rescue workers. Further development of practical body-worn systems requires compact, low-cost and low-power battery-powered equipment. A versatile wearable network node offering all these features, including a powerful microcontroller for data processing and additional memory for local data logging was designed and implemented. The node allows receive diversity, mitigating the negative impact of fading, which is typically present in indoor propagation environments. Channel measurements are performed for an indoor Non Line-of-Sight communication between two nodes. Mobile-to-base-station as well as mobile-to-mobile links are considered. A statistical analysis of the performance determines outage probability with and without receiver diversity for both link types, showing a significant diversity gain in all cases. Correlation properties, level crossing rate and average fade duration are also determined

    A Mediation Framework for Mobile Web Service Provisioning

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    Web Services and mobile data services are the newest trends in information systems engineering in wired and wireless domains, respectively. Web Services have a broad range of service distributions while mobile phones have large and expanding user base. To address the confluence of Web Services and pervasive mobile devices and communication environments, a basic mobile Web Service provider was developed for smart phones. The performance of this Mobile Host was also analyzed in detail. Further analysis of the Mobile Host to provide proper QoS and to check Mobile Host's feasibility in the P2P networks, identified the necessity of a mediation framework. The paper describes the research conducted with the Mobile Host, identifies the tasks of the mediation framework and then discusses the feasible realization details of such a mobile Web Services mediation framework.Comment: Proceedings of 2006 Middleware for Web Services (MWS 2006) Workshop @ 10th International IEEE EDOC Conference "The Enterprise Computing Conference", October 16, 2006, pp. 14-17. IEEE Computer Societ

    Performance Analysis of On-Demand Routing Protocols in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have recently gained a lot of popularity due to their rapid deployment and instant communication capabilities. WMNs are dynamically self-organizing, self-configuring and self-healing with the nodes in the network automatically establishing an adiej hoc network and preserving the mesh connectivity. Designing a routing protocol for WMNs requires several aspects to consider, such as wireless networks, fixed applications, mobile applications, scalability, better performance metrics, efficient routing within infrastructure, load balancing, throughput enhancement, interference, robustness etc. To support communication, various routing protocols are designed for various networks (e.g. ad hoc, sensor, wired etc.). However, all these protocols are not suitable for WMNs, because of the architectural differences among the networks. In this paper, a detailed simulation based performance study and analysis is performed on the reactive routing protocols to verify the suitability of these protocols over such kind of networks. Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO) routing protocol are considered as the representative of reactive routing protocols. The performance differentials are investigated using varying traffic load and number of source. Based on the simulation results, how the performance of each protocol can be improved is also recommended.Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs), IEEE 802.11s, AODV, DSR, DYMO

    VANET Connectivity Analysis

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    Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) are a peculiar subclass of mobile ad hoc networks that raise a number of technical challenges, notably from the point of view of their mobility models. In this paper, we provide a thorough analysis of the connectivity of such networks by leveraging on well-known results of percolation theory. By means of simulations, we study the influence of a number of parameters, including vehicle density, proportion of equipped vehicles, and radio communication range. We also study the influence of traffic lights and roadside units. Our results provide insights on the behavior of connectivity. We believe this paper to be a valuable framework to assess the feasibility and performance of future applications relying on vehicular connectivity in urban scenarios

    Queueing models for mobile ad hoc networks

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    This thesis presents models for the performance analysis of a recent communication paradigm: mobile ad hoc networking. The objective of mobile ad hoc networking is to provide wireless connectivity between stations in a highly dynamic environment. These dynamics are driven by the mobility of stations and by breakdowns of stations, and may lead to temporary disconnectivity of parts \ud of the network. Applications of this novel paradigm can be found in telecommunication services, but also in manufacturing systems, road-traffic control, animal monitoring and emergency networking. The performance of mobile ad hoc networks in terms of buffer occupancy and delay is quantified in this thesis by employing specific queueing models, viz., time-limited polling models. These polling models capture the uncontrollable characteristic of link availability in mobile ad hoc networks. Particularly, a novel, so-called pure exponential time-limited, service discipline is introduced in the context of polling systems. The highlighted performance characteristics for these polling systems include the stability, the queue lengths and the sojourn times of the customers. Stability conditions prescribe limits on the amount of tra±c that can be sustained by the system, so that the establishment of these conditions is a fundamental keystone in the analysis of polling models. Moreover, both exact and approximate analysis is presented for the queue length and sojourn time in time-limited polling systems with a single server. These exact analytical techniques are extended to multi-server polling systems operating under the pure time-limited service discipline. Such polling systems with multiple servers effectively may reflect large communication networks with multiple simultaneously active links, while the systems with a single server represent performance models for small networks in which a single communication link can be active at a time