480 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of massively parallel embedded hardware architectures for retinal image processing

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    This paper examines the implementation of a retinal vessel tree extraction technique on different hardware platforms and architectures. Retinal vessel tree extraction is a representative application of those found in the domain of medical image processing. The low signal-to-noise ratio of the images leads to a large amount of low-level tasks in order to meet the accuracy requirements. In some applications, this might compromise computing speed. This paper is focused on the assessment of the performance of a retinal vessel tree extraction method on different hardware platforms. In particular, the retinal vessel tree extraction method is mapped onto a massively parallel SIMD (MP-SIMD) chip, a massively parallel processor array (MPPA) and onto an field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA)This work is funded by Xunta de Galicia under the projects 10PXIB206168PR and 10PXIB206037PR and the program Maria BarbeitoS

    Dynamically reconfigurable architecture for embedded computer vision systems

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    The objective of this research work is to design, develop and implement a new architecture which integrates on the same chip all the processing levels of a complete Computer Vision system, so that the execution is efficient without compromising the power consumption while keeping a reduced cost. For this purpose, an analysis and classification of different mathematical operations and algorithms commonly used in Computer Vision are carried out, as well as a in-depth review of the image processing capabilities of current-generation hardware devices. This permits to determine the requirements and the key aspects for an efficient architecture. A representative set of algorithms is employed as benchmark to evaluate the proposed architecture, which is implemented on an FPGA-based system-on-chip. Finally, the prototype is compared to other related approaches in order to determine its advantages and weaknesses

    Vision Science and Technology at NASA: Results of a Workshop

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    A broad review is given of vision science and technology within NASA. The subject is defined and its applications in both NASA and the nation at large are noted. A survey of current NASA efforts is given, noting strengths and weaknesses of the NASA program

    PRECISION: A Reconfigurable SIMD/MIMD Coprocessor for Computer Vision Systems-on-Chip

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    Computer vision applications have a large disparity in operations, data representation and memory access patterns from the early vision stages to the final classification and recognition stages. A hardware system for computer vision has to provide high flexibility without compromising performance, exploiting massively spatial-parallel operations but also keeping a high throughput on data-dependent and complex program flows. Furthermore, the architecture must be modular, scalable and easy to adapt to the needs of different applications. Keeping this in mind, a hybrid SIMD/MIMD architecture for embedded computer vision is proposed. It consists of a coprocessor designed to provide fast and flexible computation of demanding image processing tasks of vision applications. A 32-bit 128-unit device was prototyped on a Virtex-6 FPGA which delivers a peak performance of 19.6 GOP/s and 7.2 W of power dissipationThis work is funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Government of Spain (projects TIN2013-41129-P and TEC2012-38921-C02-02) and the Xunta de Galicia (contract GRC 2014/008)S

    Neuromorphic analogue VLSI

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    Neuromorphic systems emulate the organization and function of nervous systems. They are usually composed of analogue electronic circuits that are fabricated in the complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) medium using very large-scale integration (VLSI) technology. However, these neuromorphic systems are not another kind of digital computer in which abstract neural networks are simulated symbolically in terms of their mathematical behavior. Instead, they directly embody, in the physics of their CMOS circuits, analogues of the physical processes that underlie the computations of neural systems. The significance of neuromorphic systems is that they offer a method of exploring neural computation in a medium whose physical behavior is analogous to that of biological nervous systems and that operates in real time irrespective of size. The implications of this approach are both scientific and practical. The study of neuromorphic systems provides a bridge between levels of understanding. For example, it provides a link between the physical processes of neurons and their computational significance. In addition, the synthesis of neuromorphic systems transposes our knowledge of neuroscience into practical devices that can interact directly with the real world in the same way that biological nervous systems do

    Behavioral Learning in a Cognitive Neuromorphic Robot: An Integrative Approach

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    We present here a learning system using the iCub humanoid robot and the SpiNNaker neuromorphic chip to solve the real-world task of object-specific attention. Integrating spiking neural networks with robots introduces considerable complexity for questionable benefit if the objective is simply task performance. But, we suggest, in a cognitive robotics context, where the goal is understanding how to compute, such an approach may yield useful insights to neural architecture as well as learned behavior, especially if dedicated neural hardware is available. Recent advances in cognitive robotics and neuromorphic processing now make such systems possible. Using a scalable, structured, modular approach, we build a spiking neural network where the effects and impact of learning can be predicted and tested, and the network can be scaled or extended to new tasks automatically. We introduce several enhancements to a basic network and show how they can be used to direct performance toward behaviorally relevant goals. Results show that using a simple classical spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) rule on selected connections, we can get the robot (and network) to progress from poor task-specific performance to good performance. Behaviorally relevant STDP appears to contribute strongly to positive learning: “do this” but less to negative learning: “don't do that.” In addition, we observe that the effect of structural enhancements tends to be cumulative. The overall system suggests that it is by being able to exploit combinations of effects, rather than any one effect or property in isolation, that spiking networks can achieve compelling, task-relevant behavior

    A 10 000 fps CMOS Sensor With Massively Parallel Image Processing

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    International audienceA high-speed analog VLSI image acquisition and preprocessing system has been designed and fabricated in a 0.35 standard CMOS process. The chip features a massively parallel architecture enabling the computation of programmable low-level image processing in each pixel. Extraction of spatial gradients and convolutions such as Sobel or Laplacian filters are implemented on the circuit. Measured results show that the proposed sensor successfully captures raw images up to 10 000 frames per second and runs low-level image processing at a frame rate of 2000 to 5000 frames per second