2,546 research outputs found

    Mechanism Design for Demand Response Programs

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    Demand Response (DR) programs serve to reduce the consumption of electricity at times when the supply is scarce and expensive. The utility informs the aggregator of an anticipated DR event. The aggregator calls on a subset of its pool of recruited agents to reduce their electricity use. Agents are paid for reducing their energy consumption from contractually established baselines. Baselines are counter-factual consumption estimates of the energy an agent would have consumed if they were not participating in the DR program. Baselines are used to determine payments to agents. This creates an incentive for agents to inflate their baselines. We propose a novel self-reported baseline mechanism (SRBM) where each agent reports its baseline and marginal utility. These reports are strategic and need not be truthful. Based on the reported information, the aggregator selects or calls on agents to meet the load reduction target. Called agents are paid for observed reductions from their self-reported baselines. Agents who are not called face penalties for consumption shortfalls below their baselines. The mechanism is specified by the probability with which agents are called, reward prices for called agents, and penalty prices for agents who are not called. Under SRBM, we show that truthful reporting of baseline consumption and marginal utility is a dominant strategy. Thus, SRBM eliminates the incentive for agents to inflate baselines. SRBM is assured to meet the load reduction target. SRBM is also nearly efficient since it selects agents with the smallest marginal utilities, and each called agent contributes maximally to the load reduction target. Finally, we show that SRBM is almost optimal in the metric of average cost of DR provision faced by the aggregator

    Impact of vehicle to grid in the power system dynamic behaviour

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    This work was supported in part by FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia de Portugal, under the grant SFRH/BD/47973/2008 and within the framework of the Project "Green Island" with the Reference MIT-PT/SES-GI/0008/2008, by the European Commission within the framework of the European Project MERGE - Mobile Energy Resources in Grids of Electricity, contract nr. 241399 (FP7) and by INESC Porto - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores do PortoTese de doutoramento. Sistemas Sustentáveis de Energia. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    Optimization of Aggregators Energy Resources considering Local Markets and Electric Vehicle Penetration

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    O sector elétrico tem vindo a evoluir ao longo do tempo. Esta situação deve-se ao facto de surgirem novas metodologias para lidarem com a elevada penetração dos recursos energéticos distribuídos (RED), principalmente veículos elétricos (VEs). Neste caso, a gestão dos recursos energéticos tornou-se mais proeminente devido aos avanços tecnológicos que estão a ocorrer, principalmente no contexto das redes inteligentes. Este facto torna-se importante, devido à incerteza decorrente deste tipo de recursos. Para resolver problemas que envolvem variabilidade, os métodos baseados na inteligência computacional estão a se tornar os mais adequados devido à sua fácil implementação e baixo esforço computacional, mais precisamente para o caso tratado na tese, algoritmos de computação evolucionária (CE). Este tipo de algoritmo tenta imitar o comportamento observado na natureza. Ao contrário dos métodos determinísticos, a CEé tolerante à incerteza; ou seja, é adequado para resolver problemas relacionados com os sistemas energéticos. Estes sistemas são geralmente de grandes dimensões, com um número crescente de variáveis e restrições. Aqui a IC permite obter uma solução quase ótima em tempo computacional aceitável com baixos requisitos de memória. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi propor um modelo para a programação dos recursos energéticos dos recursos dedicados para o contexto intradiário, para a hora seguinte, partindo inicialmente da programação feita para o dia seguinte, ou seja, 24 horas para o dia seguinte. Esta programação é feita por cada agregador (no total cinco) através de meta-heurísticas, com o objetivo de minimizar os custos ou maximizar os lucros. Estes agregadores estão inseridos numa cidade inteligente com uma rede de distribuição de 13 barramentos com elevada penetração de RED, principalmente energia renovável e VEs (2000 VEs são considerados nas simulações). Para modelar a incerteza associada ao RED e aos preços de mercado, vários cenários são gerados através da simulação de Monte Carlo usando as funções de distribuição de probabilidade de erros de previsão, neste caso a função de distribuição normal para o dia seguinte. No que toca à incerteza no modelo para a hora seguinte, múltiplos cenários são gerados a partir do cenário com maior probabilidade do dia seguinte. Neste trabalho, os mercados locais de eletricidade são também utilizados como estratégia para satisfazer a equação do balanço energético onde os agregadores vão para vender o excesso de energia ou comprar para satisfazer o consumo. Múltiplas metaheurísticas de última geração são usadas para fazer este escalonamento, nomeadamente Differential Evolution (DE), Hybrid-Adaptive DE with Decay function (HyDE-DF), DE with Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (DEEDA), Cellular Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm with Normal-Cauchy Distribution (CUMDANCauchy++), Hill Climbing to Ring Cellular Encode-Decode UMDA (HC2RCEDUMDA). Os resultados mostram que o modelo proposto é eficaz para os múltiplos agregadores com variações de custo na sua maioria abaixo dos 5% em relação ao dia seguinte, exceto para o agregador e de VEs. É também aplicado um teste Wilcoxon para comparar o desempenho do algoritmo CUMDANCauchy++ com as restantes meta-heurísticas. O CUMDANCauchy++ mostra resultados competitivos tendo melhor performance que todos os algoritmos para todos os agregadores exceto o DEEDA que apresenta resultados semelhantes. Uma estratégia de aversão ao risco é implementada para um agregador no contexto do dia seguinte para se obter uma solução mais segura e robusta. Os resultados mostram um aumento de quase 4% no investimento, mas uma redução de até 14% para o custo dos piores cenários.The electrical sector has been evolving. This situation is because new methodologies emerge to deal with the high penetration of distributed energy resources (DER), mainly electric vehicles (EVs). In this case, energy resource management has become increasingly prominent due to the technological advances that are taking place, mainly in the context of smart grids. This factor becomes essential due to the uncertainty of this type of resource. To solve problems involving variability, methods based on computational intelligence (CI) are becoming the most suitable because of their easy implementation and low computational effort, more precisely for the case treated in this thesis, evolutionary computation (EC) algorithms. This type of algorithm tries to mimic behavior observed in nature. Unlike deterministic methods, the EC is tolerant of uncertainty, and thus it is suitable for solving problems related to energy systems. These systems are usually of high dimensions, with an increased number of variables and restrictions. Here the CI allows obtaining a near-optimal solution in good computational time with low memory requirements. This work's main objective is to propose a model for the energy resource scheduling of the dedicated resources for the intraday context, for the our-ahead, starting initially from the scheduling done for the day ahead, that is, 24 hours for the next day. This scheduling is done by each aggregator (in total five) through metaheuristics to minimize the costs or maximize the profits. These aggregators are inserted in a smart city with a distribution network of 13 buses with a high penetration of DER, mainly renewable energy and EVs (2000 EVs are considered in the simulations). Several scenarios are generated through Monte Carlo Simulation using the forecast errors' probability distribution functions, the normal distribution function for the day-ahead to model the uncertainty associated with DER and market prices. Multiple scenarios are developed through the highest probability scenario from the day-ahead when it comes to intraday uncertainty. In this work, local electricity markets are used as a mechanism to satisfy the energy balance equation where each aggregator can sell the excess of energy or buy more to meet the demand. Several recent and modern metaheuristics are used to solve the proposed problems in the thesis, namely Differential Evolution (DE), Hybrid-Adaptive DE with Decay function (HyDE-DF), DE with Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (DEEDA), Cellular Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm with NormalCauchy Distribution (CUMDANCauchy++), Hill Climbing to Ring Cellular Encode-Decode UMDA (HC2RCEDUMDA). Results show that the proposed model is effective for the multiple aggregators. The metaheuristics present satisfactory results and mostly less than 5% variation in costs from the day-ahead except for the EV aggregator. A Wilcoxon test is also applied to compare the performance of the CUMDANCauchy++ algorithm with the remaining metaheuristics. CUMDANCauchy++ shows competitive results beating all algorithms in all aggregators except for DEEDA, which presents similar results. A risk aversion strategy is implemented for an aggregator in the day-ahead context to get a safer and more robust solution. Results show an increase of nearly 4% in day-ahead cost but a reduction of up to 14% of worst scenario cost

    Secure Data Management and Transmission Infrastructure for the Future Smart Grid

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    Power grid has played a crucial role since its inception in the Industrial Age. It has evolved from a wide network supplying energy for incorporated multiple areas to the largest cyber-physical system. Its security and reliability are crucial to any country’s economy and stability [1]. With the emergence of the new technologies and the growing pressure of the global warming, the aging power grid can no longer meet the requirements of the modern industry, which leads to the proposal of ‘smart grid’. In smart grid, both electricity and control information communicate in a massively distributed power network. It is essential for smart grid to deliver real-time data by communication network. By using smart meter, AMI can measure energy consumption, monitor loads, collect data and forward information to collectors. Smart grid is an intelligent network consists of many technologies in not only power but also information, telecommunications and control. The most famous structure of smart grid is the three-layer structure. It divides smart grid into three different layers, each layer has its own duty. All these three layers work together, providing us a smart grid that monitor and optimize the operations of all functional units from power generation to all the end-customers [2]. To enhance the security level of future smart grid, deploying a high secure level data transmission scheme on critical nodes is an effective and practical approach. A critical node is a communication node in a cyber-physical network which can be developed to meet certain requirements. It also has firewalls and capability of intrusion detection, so it is useful for a time-critical network system, in other words, it is suitable for future smart grid. The deployment of such a scheme can be tricky regarding to different network topologies. A simple and general way is to install it on every node in the network, that is to say all nodes in this network are critical nodes, but this way takes time, energy and money. Obviously, it is not the best way to do so. Thus, we propose a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for the searching of critical nodes. A new scheme should be proposed for smart grid. Also, an optimal planning in power grid for embedding large system can effectively ensure every power station and substation to operate safely and detect anomalies in time. Using such a new method is a reliable method to meet increasing security challenges. The evolutionary frame helps in getting optimum without calculating the gradient of the objective function. In the meanwhile, a means of decomposition is useful for exploring solutions evenly in decision space. Furthermore, constraints handling technologies can place critical nodes on optimal locations so as to enhance system security even with several constraints of limited resources and/or hardware. The high-quality experimental results have validated the efficiency and applicability of the proposed approach. It has good reason to believe that the new algorithm has a promising space over the real-world multi-objective optimization problems extracted from power grid security domain. In this thesis, a cloud-based information infrastructure is proposed to deal with the big data storage and computation problems for the future smart grid, some challenges and limitations are addressed, and a new secure data management and transmission strategy regarding increasing security challenges of future smart grid are given as well

    A novel multi-level and community-based agent ecosystem to support customers dynamic decision-making in smart grids

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    Electrical systems have evolved at a fast pace over the past years, particularly in response to the current environmental and climate challenges. Consequently, the European Union and the United Nations have encouraged the development of a more sustainable energy strategy. This strategy triggered a paradigm shift in energy consumption and production, which becoming increasingly distributed, resulted in the development and emergence of smart energy grids. Multi-agent systems are one of the most widely used artificial intelligence concepts in smart grids. Both multi-agent systems and smart grids are distributed, so there is correspondence between the used technology and the network's complex reality. Due to the wide variety of multi-agent systems applied to smart grids, which typically have very specific goals, the ability to model the network as a whole may be compromised, as communication between systems is typically non-existent. This dissertation, therefore, proposes an agent-based ecosystem to model smart grids in which different agent-based systems can coexist. This dissertation aims to conceive, implement, test, and validate a new agent-based ecosystem, entitled A4SG (agent-based ecosystem for smart grids modelling), which combines the concepts of multi-agent systems and agent communities to enable the modelling and representation of smart grids and the entities that compose them. The proposed ecosystem employs an innovative methodology for managing static or dynamic interactions present in smart grids. The creation of a solution that allows the integration of existing systems into an ecosystem, enables the representation of smart grids in a realistic and comprehensive manner. A4SG integrates several functionalities that support the ecosystem's management, also conceived, implemented, tested, and validated in this dissertation. Two mobility functionalities are proposed: one that allows agents to move between physical machines and another that allows "virtual" mobility, where agents move between agent communities to improve the context for the achievement of their objectives. In order to prevent an agent from becoming overloaded, a novel functionality is proposed to enable the creation of agents that function as extensions of the main agent (i.e., branch agents), allowing the distribution of objectives among the various extensions of the main agent. Several case studies, which test the proposed services and functionalities individually and the ecosystem as a whole, were used to test and validate the proposed solution. These case studies were conducted in realistic contexts using data from multiple sources, including energy communities. The results indicate that the used methodologies can increase participation in demand response events, increasing the fitting between consumers and aggregators from 12 % to 69 %, and improve the strategies used in energy transaction markets, allowing an energy community of 50 customers to save 77.0 EUR per week.Os últimos anos têm sido de mudança nos sistemas elétricos, especialmente devido aos atuais desafios ambientais e climáticos. A procura por uma estratégia mais sustentável para o domínio da energia tem sido promovida pela União Europeia e pela Organização das Nações Unidas. A mudança de paradigma no que toca ao consumo e produção de energia, que acontece, cada vez mais, de forma distribuída, tem levado à emergência das redes elétricas inteligentes. Os sistemas multi-agente são um dos conceitos, no domínio da inteligência artificial, mais aplicados em redes inteligentes. Tanto os sistemas multi-agente como as redes inteligentes têm uma natureza distribuída, existindo por isso um alinhamento entre a tecnologia usada e a realidade complexa da rede. Devido a existir uma vasta oferta de sistemas multi-agente aplicados a redes inteligentes, normalmente com objetivos bastante específicos, a capacidade de modelar a rede como um todo pode ficar comprometida, porque a comunicação entre sistemas é, geralmente, inexistente. Por isso, esta dissertação propõe um ecossistema baseado em agentes para modelar as redes inteligentes, onde vários sistemas de agentes coexistem. Esta dissertação pretende conceber, implementar, testar, e validar um novo ecossistema multiagente, intitulado A4SG (agent-based ecosystem for smart grids modelling), que combina os conceitos de sistemas multi-agente e comunidades de agentes, permitindo a modelação e representação de redes inteligentes e das suas entidades. O ecossistema proposto utiliza uma metodologia inovadora para gerir as interações presentes nas redes inteligentes, sejam elas estáticas ou dinâmicas. A criação de um ecossistema que permite a integração de sistemas já existentes, cria a possibilidade de uma representação realista e detalhada das redes de energia. O A4SG integra diversas funcionalidades, também estas concebidas, implementadas, testadas, e validadas nesta dissertação, que suportam a gestão do próprio ecossistema. São propostas duas funcionalidades de mobilidade, uma que permite aos agentes mover-se entre máquinas físicas, e uma que permite uma mobilidade “virtual”, onde os agentes se movem entre comunidades de agentes, de forma a melhorar o contexto para a execução dos seus objetivos. É também proposta uma nova funcionalidade que permite a criação de agentes que funcionam como uma extensão de um agente principal, com o objetivo de evitar a sobrecarga de um agente, permitindo a distribuição de objetivos entre as várias extensões do agente principal. A solução proposta foi testada e validada por vários casos de estudo, que testam os serviços e funcionalidades propostas individualmente, e o ecossistema como um todo. Estes casos de estudo foram executados em contextos realistas, usando dados provenientes de diversas fontes, tais como comunidades de energia. Os resultados demonstram que as metodologias utilizadas podem melhorar a participação em eventos de demand response, subindo a adequação entre consumidores e agregadores de 12 % para 69 %, e melhorar as estratégias utilizadas em mercados de transações de energia, permitindo a uma comunidade de energia com 50 consumidores poupar 77,0 EUR por semana

    Secure Data Management and Transmission Infrastructure for the Future Smart Grid

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    Power grid has played a crucial role since its inception in the Industrial Age. It has evolved from a wide network supplying energy for incorporated multiple areas to the largest cyber-physical system. Its security and reliability are crucial to any country’s economy and stability [1]. With the emergence of the new technologies and the growing pressure of the global warming, the aging power grid can no longer meet the requirements of the modern industry, which leads to the proposal of ‘smart grid’. In smart grid, both electricity and control information communicate in a massively distributed power network. It is essential for smart grid to deliver real-time data by communication network. By using smart meter, AMI can measure energy consumption, monitor loads, collect data and forward information to collectors. Smart grid is an intelligent network consists of many technologies in not only power but also information, telecommunications and control. The most famous structure of smart grid is the three-layer structure. It divides smart grid into three different layers, each layer has its own duty. All these three layers work together, providing us a smart grid that monitor and optimize the operations of all functional units from power generation to all the end-customers [2]. To enhance the security level of future smart grid, deploying a high secure level data transmission scheme on critical nodes is an effective and practical approach. A critical node is a communication node in a cyber-physical network which can be developed to meet certain requirements. It also has firewalls and capability of intrusion detection, so it is useful for a time-critical network system, in other words, it is suitable for future smart grid. The deployment of such a scheme can be tricky regarding to different network topologies. A simple and general way is to install it on every node in the network, that is to say all nodes in this network are critical nodes, but this way takes time, energy and money. Obviously, it is not the best way to do so. Thus, we propose a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for the searching of critical nodes. A new scheme should be proposed for smart grid. Also, an optimal planning in power grid for embedding large system can effectively ensure every power station and substation to operate safely and detect anomalies in time. Using such a new method is a reliable method to meet increasing security challenges. The evolutionary frame helps in getting optimum without calculating the gradient of the objective function. In the meanwhile, a means of decomposition is useful for exploring solutions evenly in decision space. Furthermore, constraints handling technologies can place critical nodes on optimal locations so as to enhance system security even with several constraints of limited resources and/or hardware. The high-quality experimental results have validated the efficiency and applicability of the proposed approach. It has good reason to believe that the new algorithm has a promising space over the real-world multi-objective optimization problems extracted from power grid security domain. In this thesis, a cloud-based information infrastructure is proposed to deal with the big data storage and computation problems for the future smart grid, some challenges and limitations are addressed, and a new secure data management and transmission strategy regarding increasing security challenges of future smart grid are given as well