186 research outputs found

    A Type II Singularity Avoidance Algorithm for Parallel Manipulators using Output Twist Screws

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    Parallel robots (PRs) are closed-chain manipulators with diverse applications due to their accuracy and high payload. However, there are configurations within the workspace named Type II singularities where the PRs lose control of the end-effector movements. Type II singularities are a problem for applications where complete control of the end-effector is essential. Trajectory planning produces accurate movements of a PR by avoiding Type II singularities. Generally, singularity avoidance is achieved by optimising a geometrical path with a velocity profile considering singular configurations as obstacles. This research presents an algorithm that avoids Type II singularities by modifying the trajectory of a subset of the actuators. The subset of actuators represents the limbs responsible for a Type II singularity, and they are identified by the angle between two Output Twist Screws. The proposed avoidance algorithm does not require optimisation procedures, which reduces the computational cost for offline trajectory planning and makes it suitable for online trajectory planning. The avoidance algorithm is implemented in offline trajectory planning for a pick and place planar PR and a spatial knee rehabilitation P

    Admittance Controller Complemented with Real-time Singularity Avoidance for Rehabilitation Parallel Robots

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    Rehabilitation tasks demand robust and accurate trajectory-tracking performance, mainly achieved with parallel robots. In this field, limiting the value of the force exerted on the patient is crucial, especially when an injured limb is involved. In human-robot interaction studies, the admittance controller modifies the location of the robot according to the user efforts driving the end-effector to an arbitrary location within the workspace. However, a parallel robot has singularities within the workspace, making implementing a conventional admittance controller unsafe. Thus, this study proposes an admittance controller that overcomes the limitations of singular configurations by using a real-time singularity avoidance algorithm. The singularity avoidance algorithm modifies the original trajectory based on the actual location of the parallel robot. The complemented admittance controller is applied to a 4 degrees of freedom parallel robot for knee rehabilitation. In this case, the actual location is measured by a 3D tracking system because the location calculated by the forward kinematics is inaccurate in the vicinity of a singularity. The experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed admittance controller for safe knee rehabilitation exercise

    Vision-Based Hybrid Controller to Release a 4-DOF Parallel Robot from a Type II Singularity

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    [EN] The high accuracy and dynamic performance of parallel robots (PRs) make them suitable to ensure safe operation in human¿robot interaction. However, these advantages come at the expense of a reduced workspace and the possible appearance of type II singularities. The latter is due to the loss of control of the PR and requires further analysis to keep the stiffness of the PR even after a singular configuration is reached. All or a subset of the limbs could be responsible for a type II singularity, and they can be detected by using the angle between two output twist screws (OTSs). However, this angle has not been applied in control because it requires an accurate measure of the pose of the PR. This paper proposes a new hybrid controller to release a 4-DOF PR from a type II singularity based on a real time vision system. The vision system data are used to automatically readapt the configuration of the PR by moving the limbs identified by the angle between two OTSs. This controller is intended for a knee rehabilitation PR, and the results show how this release is accomplished with smooth controlled movements where the patient¿s safety is not compromised.This research was funded by the FEDER-CICYT project with reference PID2020-119522RBI00 (ROBOTS PARALELOS DE REHABILITACION: DETECCION Y CONTROL DE SINGULARIDADES EN PRESENCIA DE ERRORES DE MANUFACTURA), Spain.Pulloquinga-Zapata, J.; Escarabajal-Sánchez, RJ.; Ferrándiz, J.; Vallés Miquel, M.; Mata Amela, V.; Urízar, M. (2021). Vision-Based Hybrid Controller to Release a 4-DOF Parallel Robot from a Type II Singularity. Sensors. 21(12):1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21124080121211

    Dexterity, workspace and performance analysis of the conceptual design of a novel three-legged, redundant, lightweight, compliant, serial-parallel robot

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    In this article, the mechanical design and analysis of a novel three-legged, agile robot with passively compliant 4-degrees-of-freedom legs, comprising a hybrid topology of serial, planar and spherical parallel structures, is presented. The design aims to combine the established principle of the Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum model for energy efficient locomotion with the accuracy and strength of parallel mechanisms for manipulation tasks. The study involves several kinematics and Jacobian based analyses that specifically evaluate the application of a non-overconstrained spherical parallel manipulator as a robot hip joint, decoupling impact forces and actuation torques, suitable for the requirements of legged locomotion. The dexterity is investigated with respect to joint limits and workspace boundary contours, showing that the mechanism stays well conditioned and allows for a sufficient range of motion. Based on the functional redundancy of the constrained serial-parallel architecture it is furthermore revealed that the robot allows for the exploitation of optimal leg postures, resulting in the possible optimization of actuator load distribution and accuracy improvements. Consequently, the workspace of the robot torso as additional end-effector is investigated for the possible application of object manipulation tasks. Results reveal the existence of a sufficient volume applicable for spatial motion of the torso in the statically stable tripodal posture. In addition, a critical load estimation is derived, which yields a posture dependent performance index that evaluates the risks of overload situations for the individual actuators

    Parallel Robot Translational Performance Evaluation through Direction-Selective Index (DSI)

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    Performance indexes usually provide global evaluations of robot performances mixing their translational and/or rotational capabilities. This paper proposes a definition of performance index, called direction-selective index (DSI), which has been specifically developed for parallel manipulators and can provide uncoupled evaluations of robot translational capabilities along relevant directions. The DSI formulation is first presented within a general framework, highlighting its relationship with traditional manipulability definitions, and then applied to a family of parallel manipulators (4-RUU) of industrial interest. The investigation is both numerical and experimental and allows highlighting the two chief advantages of the proposed DSIs over more conventional manipulability indexes: not only are DSIs more accurate in predicting the workspace regions where manipulators can best perform translational movements along specific directions, but also they allow foreseeing satisfactorily the dynamic performance variations within the workspace, though being purely kinematic indexes. The experiments have been carried out on an instrumented 4-RUU commercial robot

    A New Index for Detecting and Avoiding Type II Singularities for the Control of Non-Redundant Parallel Robots

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    [ES] Los robots paralelos (PR por sus siglas en inglés) son mecanismos donde el efector final está unido a la base, mediante al menos dos cadenas cinemáticas abiertas. Los PRs ofrecen una gran capacidad de carga y alta precisión, lo que los hace adecuados para diversas aplicaciones, entre ellas la interacción persona-robot. Sin embargo, en las proximidades de una singularidad Tipo II (singularidad dentro del espacio de trabajo), un PR pierde el control sobre los movimientos del efector final. La pérdida de control representa un riesgo importante para los usuarios, especialmente en rehabilitación robótica. En las últimas décadas, los PR se han popularizado en la rehabilitación de miembros inferiores debido al aumento del número de personas que viven con limitaciones físicas. Así, esta tesis trata sobre la detección y evitación de singularidades de Tipo II para asegurar total control de un PR no redundante para la rehabilitación y diagnóstico de rodilla, denominado 3UPS+RPU. En la literatura, existen varios índices para detectar y medir la cercanía a una singularidad basados en métodos analíticos y geométricos. Sin embargo, algunos de estos índices carecen de significado físico y son incapaces de identificar los actuadores responsables de la pérdida de control. Esta tesis aporta dos novedosos índices para detectar y medir la proximidad a una singularidad de Tipo II, capaces de identificar el par de actuadores responsables de la singularidad. Los dos índices son los ángulos entre los componentes lineal (T_i,j) y angular (O_i,j) de dos Twist Screw de Salida (OTS por sus siglas en inglés) normalizados i,j. Una singularidad Tipo II es detectada cuando T_i,j = O_i,j = 0 y su proximidad se mide mediante los mínimos ángulos T_i,j (minT) y O_i,j (minO) para los casos plano y espacial, respectivamente. La eficacia de los índices T_i,j y O_i,j se evalúa de forma teórica y experimental en un robot 3UPS+RPU y un mecanismo de cinco barras. Además, se propone un procedimiento experimental para el adecuado establecimiento del límite de cercanía a una singularidad de Tipo II mediante la aproximación progresiva del PR a una singularidad y la medición de la última posición controlable. Posteriormente, se desarrollan dos nuevos algoritmos deterministas para liberar y evitar una singularidad de Tipo II basados en minT y minO para PR no redundantes. minT y minO se utilizan para identificar los dos actuadores a mover para liberar o evitar el PR de una singularidad. Ambos algoritmos requieren una medición precisa de la pose alcanzada por el efector final. El algoritmo para liberar un PR de una configuración singular se aplica con éxito en un controlador híbrido basado en visión artificial para el PR 3UPS+RPU. El controlador utiliza un sistema de fotogrametría para medir la pose del robot debido a la degeneración del modelo cinemático en las proximidades de una singularidad. El algoritmo de evasión de singularidades Tipo II se aplica a la planificación offline y online de trayectorias no singulares para un mecanismo de cinco barras y el PR 3UPS+RPU. Estas aplicaciones verifican el bajo coste computacional y la mínima desviación introducida en la trayectoria original por los nuevos algoritmos. La implementación directa de un controlador de fuerza/posición en el PR 3UPS+RPU es insegura porque el paciente podría llevar involuntariamente al PR a una singularidad. Por lo tanto, esta tesis concluye presentando un novedoso controlador de fuerza/posición complementado con el algoritmo de evasión de singularidades de Tipo II. El nuevo controlador se evalúa durante rehabilitación activa de una pierna de maniquí y una pierna humana no lesionada. Los resultados muestran que el nuevo controlador combinado mantiene el PR 3UPS+RPU lejos de configuraciones singulares con una desviación mínima de la trayectoria original. Por lo tanto, esta tesis habilita el 3UPS+RPU PR para la rehabilitación segura de miembros inferiores lesionados.[CAT] Els robots paral·lels (PR per les seues sigles en anglés) són mecanismes on l'efector final està unit a la base, mitjançant almenys dues cadenes cinemàtiques obertes. Els PRs ofereixen una gran capacitat de càrrega i alta precisió, la qual cosa els fa adequats per a diverses aplicacions, entre elles la interacció persona-robot. No obstant això, en les proximitats d'una singularitat Tipus II (singularitat dins de l'espai de treball), un PR perd el control sobre els moviments de l'efector final. La pèrdua de control representa un risc important per als usuaris, especialment en rehabilitació robòtica. En les últimes dècades, els PR s'han popularitzat en la rehabilitació de membres inferiors a causa de l'augment del nombre de persones que viuen amb limitacions físiques. Així, aquesta tesi tracta sobre la detecció i evació de singularitats de Tipus II per a assegurar total control d'un PR no redundant per a la rehabilitació i diagnòstic de genoll, denominat 3UPS+RPU. En la literatura, existeixen diversos índexs per a detectar i mesurar la proximitat a una singularitat basats en mètodes analítics i geomètrics. No obstant això, alguns d'aquests índexs manquen de significat físic i són incapaços d'identificar els actuadors responsables de la pèrdua de control. Aquesta tesi aporta dos nous índexs per a detectar i mesurar la proximitat a una singularitat de Tipus II, capaços d'identificar el parell d'actuadors responsables de la singularitat. Els dos índexs són els angles entre els components lineal (T_i,j) i angular (O_i,j) de dues Twist Screw d'Eixida (OTS per les seues sigles en engonals) normalitzats i,j. Una singularitat Tipus II és detectada quan T_i,j = O_i,j = 0 i la seua proximitat es mesura mitjançant els minimos angles T_i,j (minT) i O_i,j (minO) per als casos pla i espacial, respectivament. L'eficàcia dels índexs T_i,j i O_i,j es evalua de manera teòrica i experimental en un robot 3UPS+RPU i un mecanisme de cinc barres. A més, es proposa un procediment experimental per a l'adequat establiment del límit de proximitat a una singularitat de Tipus II mitjançant l'aproximació progressiva del PR a una singularitat i el mesurament de l'última posició controlable. Posteriorment, es desenvolupen dos nous algorismes deterministes per a alliberar i evadir una singularitat de Tipus II basats en minT i minO per a PR no redundants. minT i minO s'utilitzen per a identificar els dos actuadors a moure per a alliberar o evadir el PR d'una singularitat. Aquests algorismes requereixen un mesurament precís de la posa aconseguida per l'efector final. L'algorisme per a alliberar un PR d'una configuració singular s'aplica amb èxit en un controlador híbrid basat en visió artificial per al PR 3UPS+RPU. El controlador utilitza un sistema de fotogrametria per a mesurar la posa del robot a causa de la degeneració del model cinemàtic en les proximitats d'una singularitat. L'algorisme d'evació de singularitats Tipus II s'aplica a la planificació offline i en línia de trajectòries no singulars per a un mecanisme de cinc barres i el PR 3UPS+RPU. Aquestes aplicacions verifiquen el baix cost computacional i la mínima desviació introduïda en la trajectòria original pels nous algorismes. La implementació directa d'un controlador de força/posició en el PR 3UPS+RPU és insegura perquè el pacient podria portar involuntàriament al PR a una singularitat. Per tant, aquesta tesi conclou presentant un nou controlador de força/posició complementat amb l'algorisme d'evació de singularitats de Tipus II. El nou controlador s'avalua durant la rehabilitació activa d'una cama de maniquí i una cama humana no lesionada. Els resultats mostren que el nou controlador combinat manté el PR 3UPS+RPU lluny de configuracions singulars amb una desviació mínima de la trajectòria original. Per tant, aquesta tesi habilita el 3UPS+RPU PR per a la rehabilitació segura dels membres inferiors lesionats.[EN] Parallel Robots (PR)s are mechanisms where the end-effector is linked to the base by at least two open kinematics chains. The PRs offer a high payload and high accuracy, making them suitable for various applications, including human robot interaction. However, in proximity to a Type II singularity (singularity within the workspace), a PR loses control over the movements of the end-effector. The loss of control represents a major risk for users, especially in robotic rehabilitation. In the last decades, PRs have become popular in lower limb rehabilitation because of the increment in the number of people living with physical limitations. Thus, this thesis is about the detection and avoidance of Type II singularities to ensure complete control of a non-redundant PR for knee rehabilitation and diagnosis named 3UPS+RPU. In the literature, several indices exist to detect and measure the closeness to a singular configuration based on analytical and geometrical methods. However, some of these indices have no physical meaning, and they are unable to identify the actuators responsible for the loss of control. This thesis contributes two novel indices to detect and measure the proximity to a Type II singularity capable of identifying the pair of actuators responsible for the singularity. The two indices are the angles between the linear (T_i,j) and the angular (O_i,j) components of two i,j normalised Output Twist Screws (OTSs). A Type II singularity is detected when the angles T_i,j = O_i,j = 0 and its closeness is measured by the minimum T_i,j (minT) and minimum O_i,j (minO) for planar and spatial cases, respectively. The effectiveness of the indices T_i,j and O_i,j is evaluated from a theoretical and experimental perspective in a 3UPS+RPU and a five bars mechanism. Moreover, an experimental procedure is proposed for setting a proper limit of closeness to a Type II singularity by the progressive approach of the PR to singular configuration and measuring the last controllable pose. Subsequently, two novel deterministic algorithms for releasing and avoiding Type II singularities based on minT and minO are developed for non-redundant PRs. The minT and minO are used to identify the two actuators to move for release or prevent the PR from the singularity. Both algorithms require an accurate measuring of the pose reached by the end-effector. The algorithm to release a PR from a singular configuration is successfully applied in a vision-based hybrid controller for the 3UPS+RPU PR. The controller uses a photogrammetry system to measure the pose of the robot due to the degeneration of the kinematic model in the vicinity of a singularity. The Type II singularity avoidance algorithm is applied to offline and online free-singularity trajectory planning for a five-bar mechanism and the 3UPS+RPU PR. These applications verify the low computation cost and the minimum deviation introduced in the original trajectory for both novel algorithms. The direct implementation of a force/position controller in the 3UPS+RPU PR is unsafe because the patient could unintentionally drive the PR to a Type II singularity. Therefore, this thesis concludes by presenting a novel force/position controller complemented with the Type II singularity avoidance algorithm. The complemented controller is evaluated during patient-active exercises in a mannequin leg and an uninjured human limb. The results show that the novel combined controller keeps the 3UPS+RPU PR far from singular configurations with a minimum deviation on the original trajectory. Hence, this thesis enables the 3UPS+RPU PR for the safe rehabilitation of injured lower limbs.Pulloquinga Zapata, JL. (2023). A New Index for Detecting and Avoiding Type II Singularities for the Control of Non-Redundant Parallel Robots [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19427

    Investigation on the Effort Transmission in Planar Parallel Manipulators

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    International audienceIn the design of a mechanism, the quality of effort transmission is a key issue. Traditionally, the effort transmissivity of a mechanism is defined as the quantitative measure of the power flowing effectiveness from the input link(s) to the output link(s). Many researchers have focused their work on the study of the effort transmission in mechanisms and diverse indices have been defined. However, the developed indices have exclusively dealt with the studies of the ratio between the input and output powers and they do not seem to have been devoted to the studies of the admissible reactions in passive joints. However, the observations show that is possible for a mechanism to reach positions in which the transmission indices will have admissible values but the reaction(s) in passive joint(s) can reach excessively high values leading to the breakdown of the mechanism. In the present paper, a method is developed to ensure the admissible values of reactions in passive joints of planar parallel manipulators. It is shown that the increase of reactions in passive joints of a planar parallel manipulator depends not only on the transmission angle but also the position of the instantaneous centre of rotation of the platform. It allows the determination of the maximal reachable workspace of planar parallel manipulators taking into account the admissible reactions in its passive joints. The suggested method is illustrated vie a 5R planar parallel mechanism and a planar 3-RPR parallel manipulator. I Introduction Parallel manipulators have many advantages in terms of acceleration capacities and payload-to-weight ratio [1], but one of their main drawbacks concerns the presence of singularities [2]-[5]. It is known that in the neighbourhood of the singular positions the reactions in joints of a manipulator considerably grow up. In order to have a better understanding of this phenomenon, many researchers have focused their works on the analysis of the effort transmission in parallel manipulators. One of the evident criterions for evaluation of effort transmission is the transmission angle (or pressure angle which is equal to 90 degrees minus the transmission angle) [7]-[9]. The pressure angle is well known for characterizing the transmission quality in lower kinematic pairs, such as cams [10], but this idea was also used for effort transmission analysis in the parallel manipulators [7], [9]. To evaluate the effort transmission quality, several indexes have been introduced. One of the first attempts was proposed in [6]. This paper presents a criterion named the Transmission Index (TI) that is based on transmission wrench screw. The TI varies between 0 and 1. If it is equal to 0, the considered link is in a dead position, i.e. it cannot move anymore. If it is equal to 1, this link has the best static properties. In the same vein as [6], the study [11] generalizes the TI for spatial linkages and defines the Global TI (GTI). The authors also prove that the GTI is equal, for prismatic and revolute joints, to the cosine of the pressure angle. The conditioning index was also proposed [12] for characterizing the quality of transmission between the actuators and the end-effector. This index is based on the Jacobian matrix or its "norm", which relate the actuator velocities (efforts, resp.) to the platform twist (wrench, resp.) by the following relations:  t Jq  and T   w J τ , where J is the Jacobian matrix, t the platform twist, q  the input velocities,  the actuator efforts, and w the wrench applied on the platform. All these indices have been used in many works for design and analysis of parallel mechanisms [14]-[21]. However, it is also known that because of the non homogeneity of the terms of the Jacobian matrix, the conditioning index is not well appropriated for mechanisms having both translational and rotational degrees of freedom (DOF) [13]. Moreover, all the previously mentioned indices do not take into account the real characteristics of the actuators, i.e. the fact that their input efforts are bounded between [-max i  , max i  ] [13]. In order to solve this problem, in study [22] a numerical analysis method has been developed. It has been proposed to characterize the force workspace of robots taking into account a given fixed wrench applied on the platform and actuator efforts comprised in the boundary interval [-max i  , max i  ]. However, this workspace depends on the given direction and norm of the external force/moment and will change with the variation of the applied wrench. Moreover, for many robot applications, the external wrench direction is not known, contrary to its norm. Therefore, in [23], a way to compute the maximal workspac

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 212

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    A bibliography listing 146 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system is presented. The subject coverage concentrates on the biological, psychological, and environmental factors involved in atmospheric and interplanetary flight. Related topics such as sanitary problems, pharmacology, toxicology, safety and survival, life support systems, and exobiology are also given attention

    Advances in Mechanical Systems Dynamics 2020

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    The fundamentals of mechanical system dynamics were established before the beginning of the industrial era. The 18th century was a very important time for science and was characterized by the development of classical mechanics. This development progressed in the 19th century, and new, important applications related to industrialization were found and studied. The development of computers in the 20th century revolutionized mechanical system dynamics owing to the development of numerical simulation. We are now in the presence of the fourth industrial revolution. Mechanical systems are increasingly integrated with electrical, fluidic, and electronic systems, and the industrial environment has become characterized by the cyber-physical systems of industry 4.0. Within this framework, the status-of-the-art has become represented by integrated mechanical systems and supported by accurate dynamic models able to predict their dynamic behavior. Therefore, mechanical systems dynamics will play a central role in forthcoming years. This Special Issue aims to disseminate the latest research findings and ideas in the field of mechanical systems dynamics, with particular emphasis on novel trends and applications

    Combined Admittance Control With Type II Singularity Evasion for Parallel Robots Using Dynamic Movement Primitives

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    [EN] This article addresses a new way of generating compliant trajectories for control using movement primitives to allow physical human-robot interaction where parallel robots (PRs) are involved. PRs are suitable for tasks requiring precision and performance because of their robust behavior. However, two fundamental issues must be resolved to ensure safe operation: first, the force exerted on the human must be controlled and limited, and second, Type II singularities should be avoided to keep complete control of the robot. We offer a unified solution under the dynamic movement primitives (DMP) framework to tackle both tasks simultaneously. DMPs are used to get an abstract representation for movement generation and are involved in broad areas, such as imitation learning and movement recognition. For force control, we design an admittance controller intrinsically defined within the DMP structure, and subsequently, the Type II singularity evasion layer is added to the system. Both the admittance controller and the evader exploit the dynamic behavior of the DMP and its properties related to invariance and temporal coupling, and the whole system is deployed in a real PR meant for knee rehabilitation. The results show the capability of the system to perform safe rehabilitation exercises.This work was supported in part by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional under Grant PID2021-125694OB-I00, in part by the Vicerrectorado de Investigacion de la Universitat Politecnica de Valencia under Grant PAID-11-21, and in part by the Ministerio de Universidades, Gobierno de Espana under Grant FPU18/05105.Escarabajal-Sánchez, RJ.; Pulloquinga-Zapata, J.; Valera Fernández, Á.; Mata Amela, V.; Vallés Miquel, M.; Castillo-García, FJ. (2023). Combined Admittance Control With Type II Singularity Evasion for Parallel Robots Using Dynamic Movement Primitives. IEEE Transactions on Robotics. 39(3):2224-2239. https://doi.org/10.1109/TRO.2023.32381362224223939