8 research outputs found

    High-performance, Platform-Independent DDoS Detection for IoT Ecosystems

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    Most Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) detection and mitigation strategies for Internet of Things (IoT) are based on a remote cloud server or purpose-built middlebox executing complex intrusion detection methods, that impose stringent scalability and performance requirements on the IoT due to the vast amounts of traffic and devices to be handled. In this paper, we present an edge-based detection scheme using BPFabric, a high-speed, programmable data-plane switch architecture, and lightweight network functions to execute upstream anomaly detection. The proposed detection scheme ensures fast detection of DDoS attacks originated from IoT devices, while guaranteeing minimum resource usage and processing overhead. Our solution was compared against two widespread coarse-grained detection techniques, showing detection delays under 5ms, an overall accuracy of 93 − 95% and a bandwidth overhead of less than 1%

    A Control Plane Enabling Automated and Fully Adaptive Network Traffic Monitoring With eBPF

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    The extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) enables the dynamic injection of user-defined processing logic at run-time in the Linux networking stack without disrupting any active monitoring process. This enables the selective extraction of only the traffic features that are needed in a given instant of time, which is what we define fully adaptive network traffic monitoring. However, eBPF programs require ad-hoc control plane routines for each specific scenario in order to orchestrate the underlying data plane and export the required metrics, resulting in potentially duplicated source codes to maintain, and creating the risk of deploying, at runtime, unverified user-defined code that controls the devices running the monitoring process. This paper presents a control plane that automatically adapts both its management tasks and data extraction methodologies based on the underlying data plane provided by the user, who can merely focus on the monitoring logic definition. The paper evaluates the performance of the control plane's modules and demonstrates the advantages, in terms of processing speed and memory consumption, of a fully-adaptive monitoring approach with respect to nProbe (a state-of-the-art solution), an adaptive and a non-adaptive methodology in eBPF. Experiments prove that the control plane monitoring options do not significantly affect the underlying data plane (0.15% degraded throughput) and leverage the most efficient extraction primitives (20x faster execution time). Moreover, the fully-adaptive monitoring leads to a higher number of processed packets (10x) and significantly lower memory occupancy (10x) when extracting the smallest set of features

    Design, implementation and experimental evaluation of a network-slicing aware mobile protocol stack

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorWith the arrival of new generation mobile networks, we currently observe a paradigm shift, where monolithic network functions running on dedicated hardware are now implemented as software pieces that can be virtualized on general purpose hardware platforms. This paradigm shift stands on the softwarization of network functions and the adoption of virtualization techniques. Network Function Virtualization (NFV) comprises softwarization of network elements and virtualization of these components. It brings multiple advantages: (i) Flexibility, allowing an easy management of the virtual network functions (VNFs) (deploy, start, stop or update); (ii) efficiency, resources can be adequately consumed due to the increased flexibility of the network infrastructure; and (iii) reduced costs, due to the ability of sharing hardware resources. To this end, multiple challenges must be addressed to effectively leverage of all these benefits. Network Function Virtualization envisioned the concept of virtual network, resulting in a key enabler of 5G networks flexibility, Network Slicing. This new paradigm represents a new way to operate mobile networks where the underlying infrastructure is "sliced" into logically separated networks that can be customized to the specific needs of the tenant. This approach also enables the ability of instantiate VNFs at different locations of the infrastructure, choosing their optimal placement based on parameters such as the requirements of the service traversing the slice or the available resources. This decision process is called orchestration and involves all the VNFs withing the same network slice. The orchestrator is the entity in charge of managing network slices. Hands-on experiments on network slicing are essential to understand its benefits and limits, and to validate the design and deployment choices. While some network slicing prototypes have been built for Radio Access Networks (RANs), leveraging on the wide availability of radio hardware and open-source software, there is no currently open-source suite for end-to-end network slicing available to the research community. Similarly, orchestration mechanisms must be evaluated as well to properly validate theoretical solutions addressing diverse aspects such as resource assignment or service composition. This thesis contributes on the study of the mobile networks evolution regarding its softwarization and cloudification. We identify software patterns for network function virtualization, including the definition of a novel mobile architecture that squeezes the virtualization architecture by splitting functionality in atomic functions. Then, we effectively design, implement and evaluate of an open-source network slicing implementation. Our results show a per-slice customization without paying the price in terms of performance, also providing a slicing implementation to the research community. Moreover, we propose a framework to flexibly re-orchestrate a virtualized network, allowing on-the-fly re-orchestration without disrupting ongoing services. This framework can greatly improve performance under changing conditions. We evaluate the resulting performance in a realistic network slicing setup, showing the feasibility and advantages of flexible re-orchestration. Lastly and following the required re-design of network functions envisioned during the study of the evolution of mobile networks, we present a novel pipeline architecture specifically engineered for 4G/5G Physical Layers virtualized over clouds. The proposed design follows two objectives, resiliency upon unpredictable computing and parallelization to increase efficiency in multi-core clouds. To this end, we employ techniques such as tight deadline control, jitter-absorbing buffers, predictive Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request, and congestion control. Our experimental results show that our cloud-native approach attains > 95% of the theoretical spectrum efficiency in hostile environments where stateof- the-art architectures collapse.This work has been supported by IMDEA Networks InstitutePrograma de Doctorado en Ingeniería Telemática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Francisco Valera Pintor.- Secretario: Vincenzo Sciancalepore.- Vocal: Xenofon Fouka

    Edge computing infrastructure for 5G networks: a placement optimization solution

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    This thesis focuses on how to optimize the placement of the Edge Computing infrastructure for upcoming 5G networks. To this aim, the core contributions of this research are twofold: 1) a novel heuristic called Hybrid Simulated Annealing to tackle the NP-hard nature of the problem and, 2) a framework called EdgeON providing a practical tool for real-life deployment optimization. In more detail, Edge Computing has grown into a key solution to 5G latency, reliability and scalability requirements. By bringing computing, storage and networking resources to the edge of the network, delay-sensitive applications, location-aware systems and upcoming real-time services leverage the benefits of a reduced physical and logical path between the end-user and the data or service host. Nevertheless, the edge node placement problem raises critical concerns regarding deployment and operational expenditures (i.e., mainly due to the number of nodes to be deployed), current backhaul network capabilities and non-technical placement limitations. Common approaches to the placement of edge nodes are based on: Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), where the processing capabilities are deployed at the Radio Access Network nodes and Facility Location Problem variations, where a simplistic cost function is used to determine where to optimally place the infrastructure. However, these methods typically lack the flexibility to be used for edge node placement under the strict technical requirements identified for 5G networks. They fail to place resources at the network edge for 5G ultra-dense networking environments in a network-aware manner. This doctoral thesis focuses on rigorously defining the Edge Node Placement Problem (ENPP) for 5G use cases and proposes a novel framework called EdgeON aiming at reducing the overall expenses when deploying and operating an Edge Computing network, taking into account the usage and characteristics of the in-place backhaul network and the strict requirements of a 5G-EC ecosystem. The developed framework implements several placement and optimization strategies thoroughly assessing its suitability to solve the network-aware ENPP. The core of the framework is an in-house developed heuristic called Hybrid Simulated Annealing (HSA), seeking to address the high complexity of the ENPP while avoiding the non-convergent behavior of other traditional heuristics (i.e., when applied to similar problems). The findings of this work validate our approach to solve the network-aware ENPP, the effectiveness of the heuristic proposed and the overall applicability of EdgeON. Thorough performance evaluations were conducted on the core placement solutions implemented revealing the superiority of HSA when compared to widely used heuristics and common edge placement approaches (i.e., a MEC-based strategy). Furthermore, the practicality of EdgeON was tested through two main case studies placing services and virtual network functions over the previously optimally placed edge nodes. Overall, our proposal is an easy-to-use, effective and fully extensible tool that can be used by operators seeking to optimize the placement of computing, storage and networking infrastructure at the users’ vicinity. Therefore, our main contributions not only set strong foundations towards a cost-effective deployment and operation of an Edge Computing network, but directly impact the feasibility of upcoming 5G services/use cases and the extensive existing research regarding the placement of services and even network service chains at the edge

    Enabling Resilient and Efficient Communication for the XRP Ledger and Interledger

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    The blockchain technology is relatively new and still evolving. Its development was fostered by an enthusiastic community of developers, which sometimes forgot about the lessons from the past related to security, resilience and efficiency of communication which can impact network scalability, service quality and even service availability. These challenges can be addressed at network level but also at operating system level. At network level, the protocols and the architecture used play a major role, and overlays have interesting advantages like custom protocols and the possibility of arbitrary deployments. This thesis shows how overlay networks can be designed and deployed to benefit the security and performance in communication for consensus-validation based blockchains and blockchain inter-operativity, taking as concrete cases the XRP ledger and respectively the Interledger protocol. XRP Ledger is a consensus-validation based blockchain focused on payments which currently uses a flooding mechanism for peer to peer communication, with a negative impact on scalability. One of the proposed overlays is based on Named Data Networking, an Internet architecture using for propagation the data name instead of data location. The second proposed overlay is based on Spines, a solution offering improved latency on lossy paths, intrusion tolerance and resilience to routing attacks. The system component was also interesting to study, and the contribution of this thesis centers around methodologies to evaluate the system performance of a node and increase the security from the system level. The value added by the presented work can be synthesized as follows: i) investigate and propose a Named Data Networking-based overlay solution to improve the efficiency of intra-blockchain communication at network level, taking as a working case the XRP Ledger; ii) investigate and propose an overlay solution based on Spines, which improves the security and resilience of inter-blockchain communication at network level, taking as a working case the Interledger protocol; iii) investigate and propose a host-level solution for non-intrusive instrumentation and monitoring which helps improve the performance and security of inter-blockchain communication at the system level of machines running Distributed Ledger infrastructure applications treated as black-boxes, with Interledger Connectors as a concrete case

    ATHENA Research Book

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    The ATHENA European University is an alliance of nine Higher Education Institutions with the mission of fostering excellence in research and innovation by facilitating international cooperation. The ATHENA acronym stands for Advanced Technologies in Higher Education Alliance. The partner institutions are from France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, and Slovenia: the University of Orléans, the University of Siegen, the Hellenic Mediterranean University, the Niccolò Cusano University, the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, and the University of Maribor. In 2022 institutions from Poland and Spain joined the alliance: the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University and the University of Vigo. This research book presents a selection of the ATHENA university partners' research activities. It incorporates peer-reviewed original articles, reprints and student contributions. The ATHENA Research Book provides a platform that promotes joint and interdisciplinary research projects of both advanced and early-career researchers

    ATHENA Research Book, Volume 1

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    The ATHENA European University is an alliance of nine Higher Education Institutions with the mission of fostering excellence in research and innovation by facilitating international cooperation. The ATHENA acronym stands for Advanced Technologies in Higher Education Alliance. The partner institutions are from France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, and Slovenia: the University of Orléans, the University of Siegen, the Hellenic Mediterranean University, the Niccolò Cusano University, the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, and the University of Maribor. In 2022 institutions from Poland and Spain joined the alliance: the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University and the University of Vigo. This research book presents a selection of the ATHENA university partners' research activities. It incorporates peer-reviewed original articles, reprints and student contributions. The ATHENA Research Book provides a platform that promotes joint and interdisciplinary research projects of both advanced and early-career researchers