218 research outputs found

    A Novel Workload Allocation Strategy for Batch Jobs

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    The distribution of computational tasks across a diverse set of geographically distributed heterogeneous resources is a critical issue in the realisation of true computational grids. Conventionally, workload allocation algorithms are divided into static and dynamic approaches. Whilst dynamic approaches frequently outperform static schemes, they usually require the collection and processing of detailed system information at frequent intervals - a task that can be both time consuming and unreliable in the real-world. This paper introduces a novel workload allocation algorithm for optimally distributing the workload produced by the arrival of batches of jobs. Results show that, for the arrival of batches of jobs, this workload allocation algorithm outperforms other commonly used algorithms in the static case. A hybrid scheduling approach (using this workload allocation algorithm), where information about the speed of computational resources is inferred from previously completed jobs, is then introduced and the efficiency of this approach demonstrated using a real world computational grid. These results are compared to the same workload allocation algorithm used in the static case and it can be seen that this hybrid approach comprehensively outperforms the static approach

    The M-Machine Multicomputer

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    The M-Machine is an experimental multicomputer being developed to test architectural concepts motivated by the constraints of modern semiconductor technology and the demands of programming systems. The M- Machine computing nodes are connected with a 3-D mesh network; each node is a multithreaded processor incorporating 12 function units, on-chip cache, and local memory. The multiple function units are used to exploit both instruction-level and thread-level parallelism. A user accessible message passing system yields fast communication and synchronization between nodes. Rapid access to remote memory is provided transparently to the user with a combination of hardware and software mechanisms. This paper presents the architecture of the M-Machine and describes how its mechanisms maximize both single thread performance and overall system throughput

    A novel approach to allocating QoS-constrained workflow-based jobs in a multi-cluster grid

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    Clusters are increasingly interconnected to form multi-cluster systems, which are becoming popular for scientific computation. Grid users often submit their applications in the form of workflows with certain Quality of Service (QoS) requirements imposed on the workflows. These workflows detail the composition of Grid services and the level of service required from the Grid. This paper addresses workload allocation techniques for Grid workflows. We model a resource within a cluster as a G/G/1 queue and minimise failures (QoS requirement violation) of jobs by solving a mixed-integer non-linear program (MINLP). The novel approach is evaluated through an experimental simulation and the results confirm that the proposed workload allocation strategy not only provides QoS guarantee but also performs considerably better in terms of satisfying QoS requirements of Grid workflows than reservation-based scheduling algorithms. © 2006 ACM

    A Novel Approach to Workload Allocation of QoS-Constrained Workflow-Based Jobs in a Utility Grid

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    Efficient processor allocation strategies for mesh-connected multicomputers

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    Abstract Efficient processor allocation and job scheduling algorithms are critical if the full computational power of large-scale multicomputers is to be harnessed effectively. Processor allocation is responsible for selecting the set of processors on which parallel jobs are executed, whereas job scheduling is responsible for determining the order in which the jobs are executed. Many processor allocation strategies have been devised for mesh-connected multicomputers and these can be divided into two main categories: contiguous and non-contiguous. In contiguous allocation, jobs are allocated distinct contiguous processor sub-meshes for the duration of their execution. Such a strategy could lead to high processor fragmentation which degrades system performance in terms of, for example, the turnaround time and system utilisation. In non-contiguous allocation, a job can execute on multiple disjoint smaller sub-meshes rather than waiting until a single sub-mesh of the requested size and shape is available. Although non-contiguous allocation increases message contention inside the network, lifting the contiguity condition can reduce processor fragmentation and increase system utilisation. Processor fragmentation can be of two types: internal and external. The former occurs when more processors are allocated to a job than it requires while the latter occurs when there are free processors enough in number to satisfy another job request, but they are not allocated to it because they are not contiguous. A lot of efforts have been devoted to reducing fragmentation, and a number of contiguous allocation strategies have been devised to recognize complete sub-meshes during allocation. Most of these strategies have been suggested for 2D mesh-connected multicomputers. However, although the 3D mesh has been the underlying network topology for a number of important multicomputers, there has been relatively little activity with regard to designing similar strategies for such a network. The very few contiguous allocation strategies suggested for the 3D mesh achieve complete sub-mesh recognition ability only at the expense of a high allocation overhead (i.e., allocation and de-allocation time). Furthermore, the allocation overhead in the existing contiguous strategies often grows with system size. The main challenge is therefore to devise an efficient contiguous allocation strategy that can exhibit good performance (e.g., a low job turnaround time and high system utilisation) with a low allocation overhead. The first part of the research presents a new contiguous allocation strategy, referred to as Turning Busy List (TBL), for 3D mesh-connected multicomputers. The TBL strategy considers only those available free sub-meshes which border from the left of those already allocated sub-meshes or which have their left boundaries aligned with that of the whole mesh network. Moreover TBL uses an efficient scheme to facilitate the detection of such available sub-meshes while maintaining a low allocation overhead. This is achieved through maintaining a list of allocated sub-meshes in order to efficiently determine the processors that can form an allocation sub-mesh for a new allocation request. The new strategy is able to identify a free sub-mesh of the requested size as long as it exists in the mesh. Results from extensive simulations under various operating loads reveal that TBL manages to deliver competitive performance (i.e., low turnaround times and high system utilisation) with a much lower allocation overhead compared to other well-known existing strategies. Most existing non-contiguous allocation strategies that have been suggested for the mesh suffer from several problems that include internal fragmentation, external fragmentation, and message contention inside the network. Furthermore, the allocation of processors to job requests is not based on free contiguous sub-meshes in these existing strategies. The second part of this research proposes a new non-contiguous allocation strategy, referred to as Greedy Available Busy List (GABL) strategy that eliminates both internal and external fragmentation and alleviates the contention in the network. GABL combines the desirable features of both contiguous and non-contiguous allocation strategies as it adopts the contiguous allocation used in our TBL strategy. Moreover, GABL is flexible enough in that it could be applied to either the 2D or 3D mesh. However, for the sake of the present study, the new non-contiguous allocation strategy is discussed for the 2D mesh and compares its performance against that of well-known non-contiguous allocation strategies suggested for this network. One of the desirable features of GABL is that it can maintain a high degree of contiguity between processors compared to the previous allocation strategies. This, in turn, decreases the number of sub-meshes allocated to a job, and thus decreases message distances, resulting in a low inter-processor communication overhead. The performance analysis here indicates that the new proposed strategy has lower turnaround time than the previous non-contiguous allocation strategies for most considered cases. Moreover, in the presence of high message contention due to heavy network traffic, GABL exhibits superior performance in terms of the turnaround time over the previous contiguous and non-contiguous allocation strategies. Furthermore, GABL exhibits a high system utilisation as it manages to eliminate both internal and external fragmentation. The performance of many allocation strategies including the ones suggested above, has been evaluated under the assumption that job execution times follow an exponential distribution. However, many measurement studies have convincingly demonstrated that the execution times of certain computational applications are best characterized by heavy-tailed job execution times; that is, many jobs have short execution times and comparatively few have very long execution times. Motivated by this observation, the final part of this thesis reviews the performance of several contiguous allocation strategies, including TBL, in the context of heavy-tailed distributions. This research is the first to analyze the performance impact of heavy-tailed job execution times on the allocation strategies suggested for mesh-connected multicomputers. The results show that the performance of the contiguous allocation strategies degrades sharply when the distribution of job execution times is heavy-tailed. Further, adopting an appropriate scheduling strategy, such as Shortest-Service-Demand (SSD) as opposed to First-Come-First-Served (FCFS), can significantly reduce the detrimental effects of heavy-tailed distributions. Finally, while the new contiguous allocation strategy (TBL) is as good as the best competitor of the previous contiguous allocation strategies in terms of job turnaround time and system utilisation, it is substantially more efficient in terms of allocation overhead

    Fault-Tolerant Load Management for Real-Time Distributed Computer Systems

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    This paper presents a fault-tolerant scheme applicable to any decentralized load balancing algorithms used in soft real-time distributed systems. Using the theory of distance-transitive graphs for representing topologies of these systems, the proposed strategy partitions these systems into independent symmetric regions (spheres) centered at some control points. These central points, called fault-control points, provide a two-level task redundancy and efficiently re-distribute the load of failed nodes within their spheres. Using the algebraic characteristics of these topologies, it is shown that the identification of spheres and fault-control points is, in general, is an NP-complete problem. An efficient solution for this problem is presented by making an exclusive use of a combinatorial structure known as the Hadamard matrix. Assuming a realistic failure-repair system environment, the performance of the proposed strategy has been evaluated and compared with no fault environment, through an extensive and detailed simulation. For our fault-tolerant strategy, we propose two measures of goodness, namely, the percentage of re-scheduled tasks which meet their deadlines and the overhead incurred for fault management. It is shown that using the proposed strategy, up to 80% of the tasks can still meet their deadlines. The proposed strategy is general enough to be applicable to many networks, belonging to a number of families of distance transitive graphs. Through simulation, we have analyzed the sensitivity of this strategy to various system parameters and have shown that the performance degradation due to failures does not depend on these parameter. Also, the probability of a task being lost altogether due to multiple failures has been shown to be extremely low

    A distributed bio-inspired method for multisite grid mapping

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    Computational grids assemble multisite and multiowner resources and represent the most promising solutions for processing distributed computationally intensive applications, each composed by a collection of communicating tasks. The execution of an application on a grid presumes three successive steps: the localization of the available resources together with their characteristics and status; the mapping which selects the resources that, during the estimated running time, better support this execution and, at last, the scheduling of the tasks. These operations are very difficult both because the availability and workload of grid resources change dynamically and because, in many cases, multisite mapping must be adopted to exploit all the possible benefits. As the mapping problem in parallel systems, already known as NP-complete, becomes even harder in distributed heterogeneous environments as in grids, evolutionary techniques can be adopted to find near-optimal solutions. In this paper an effective and efficient multisite mapping, based on a distributed Differential Evolution algorithm, is proposed. The aim is to minimize the time required to complete the execution of the application, selecting from among all the potential ones the solution which reduces the use of the grid resources. The proposed mapper is tested on different scenarios

    Online Event Correlations Analysis in System Logs of Large-Scale Cluster Systems

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    Stochastic scheduling and workload allocation : QoS support and profitable brokering in computing grids

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    Abstract: The Grid can be seen as a collection of services each of which performs some functionality. Users of the Grid seek to use combinations of these services to perform the overall task they need to achieve. In general this can be seen as aset of services with a workflow document describing how these services should be combined. The user may also have certain constraints on the workflow operations, such as execution time or cost ----t~ th~ user, specified in the form of a Quality of Service (QoS) document. The users . submit their workflow to a brokering service along with the QoS document. The brokering service's task is to map any given workflow to a subset of the Grid services taking the QoS and state of the Grid into account -- service availability and performance. We propose an approach for generating constraint equations describing the workflow, the QoS requirements and the state of the Grid. This set of equations may be solved using Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP), which is the traditional method. We further develop a novel 2-stage stochastic MILP which is capable of dealing with the volatile nature of the Grid and adapting the selection of the services during the lifetime of the workflow. We present experimental results comparing our approaches, showing that the . 2-stage stochastic programming approach performs consistently better than other traditional approaches. Next we addresses workload allocation techniques for Grid workflows in a multi-cluster Grid We model individual clusters as MIMIk. queues and obtain a numerical solutio~ for missed deadlines (failures) of tasks of Grid workflows. We also present an efficient algorithm for obtaining workload allocations of clusters. Next we model individual cluster resources as G/G/l queues and solve an optimisation problem that minimises QoS requirement violation, provides QoS guarantee and outperforms reservation based scheduling algorithms. Both approaches are evaluated through an experimental simulation and the results confirm that the proposed workload allocation strategies combined with traditional scheduling algorithms performs considerably better in terms of satisfying QoS requirements of Grid workflows than scheduling algorithms that don't employ such workload allocation techniques. Next we develop a novel method for Grid brokers that aims at maximising profit whilst satisfying end-user needs with a sufficient guarantee in a volatile utility Grid. We develop a develop a 2-stage stochastic MILP which is capable of dealing with the volatile nature . of the Grid and obtaining cost bounds that ensure that end-user cost is minimised or satisfied and broker's profit is maximised with sufficient guarantee. These bounds help brokers know beforehand whether the budget limits of end-users can be satisfied and. if not then???????? obtain appropriate future leases from service providers. Experimental results confirm the efficacy of our approach.Imperial Users onl