34 research outputs found

    Mapping parallel loops on multicore systems

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    The compute nodes in contemporary HPC systems contain one or more multicore processors. As a result, these nodes constitute a shared-memory multiprocessor, often combining CMP and SMT concurrency technologies. This configuration introduces different levels of sharing in the cache hierarchy, resulting in non-uniform data sharing overheads. In this paper we analyze the data-sharing patterns that exhibit a real multithreaded application when executing on a multicore system, with emphasis in the use of the shared last level cache (LLC) for the concurrent threads. As a consequence of this study, we explore the loop mapping problem in such systems with the aim of optimizing the shared use of the the LLC by all parallel threads. We propose a three-phase loop mapping strategy that deals with workload imbalances, minimizes cache sharing interferences, and maximizes intra-core and inter-core data reuse in the cache hierarchy. Preliminary results show some benefits of our approach. However, this is a work in progress and much more research is being done.Postprint (author’s final draft

    Foundations for Automatic, Adaptable Compilation

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    Computational science demands extreme performance because the running time of an application often determines the size of the experiment that a scientist can reasonably compute. Unfortunately, traditional compiler technology is ill-equipped to harness the full potential of today's computing platforms, forcing scientists to spend time manually tuning their application's performance. Although improving compiler technology should alleviate this problem, two challenges obstruct this goal: hardware platforms are rapidly changing and application software is difficult to statically model and predict. To address these problems, this thesis presents two techniques that aim to improve a compiler's adaptability: automatic resource characterization and selective, dynamic optimization. Resource characterization empirically measures a system's performance-critical characteristics, which can be provided to a parameterized compiler that specializes programs accordingly. Measuring these characteristics is important, because a system's physical characteristics do not always match its observed characteristics. Consequently, resource characterization provides an empirical performance model of a system's actual behavior, which is better suited for guiding compiler optimizations than a purely theoretical model. This thesis presents techniques for determining a system's data cache and TLB capacity, line size, and associativity, as well as instruction-cache capacity. Even with a perfect architectural-model, compilers will still often generate suboptimal code because of the difficulty in statically analyzing and predicting a program's behavior. This thesis presents two techniques that enable selective, dynamic-optimization for cases in which static compilation fails to deliver adequate performance. First, intermediate-representation (IR) annotation generates a fully-optimized native binary tagged with a higher-level compiler representation of itself. The native binary benefits from static optimization and code generation, but the IR annotation allows targeted and aggressive dynamic-optimization. Second, adaptive code-selection allows a program to empirically tune its performance throughout execution by automatically identifying and favoring the best performing variant of a routine. This technique can be used for dynamically choosing between different static-compilation strategies; or, it can be used with IR annotation for performing dynamic, feedback-directed optimization

    Leveraging bloom filters for smart search within NUCA caches

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    Journal ArticleOn-chip wire delays are becoming increasingly problematic in modern microprocessors. To alleviate the negative effect of wire delays, architects have considered splitting up large L2/L3 caches into several banks, with each bank having a different access latency depending on its physical proximity to the core. In particular, several recent papers have considered dynamic non-uniform cache architectures (D-NUCA) for chip multi-processors. These caches are dynamic in the sense that cache lines may migrate towards the cores that access them most frequently. In order to realize the benefits of data migration, however, a "smart search" mechanism for finding the location of a given cache line is necessary. These papers assume an oracle and leave the smart search for future work. Existing search mechanisms either entail high performance overheads or inordinate storage overheads. In this paper, we propose a smart search mechanism, based on Bloom filters. Our approach is complexity-effective: it has the potential to reduce the performance and storage overheads of D-NUCA implementations. Also, Bloom filters are simple structures that incur little design complexity. We present the results of our initial explorations, showing the promise of our novel search mechanism

    Floating Point Arithmetic for Transport Triggered Architectures

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    Laskentajärjestelmiin kohdistuu usein suorituskyky- ja virrankulutusvaatimuksia, joita ei pystytä saavuttamaan yleiskäyttöisellä prosessorilla. Toistaalta laitteistokiihdyttimien suunnittelu voi vaatia kohtuuttoman paljon työaikaa. Ongelmaa voidaan lähestyä käyttämällä sovellusta varten räätälöityä sovelluskohtaista käskykantaprosessoria (Application-Specific Instruction set Processor, ASIP), joka on kuitenkin ohjelmoitava. Prosessorin räätälöinnin täytyy olla pitkälle automatisoitua säästääkseen kustannuksia. TTA-based Codesign Environment (TCE) on siirtoliipaistuun prosessoriarkkitehtuuriin (Transport Triggered Architecture, TTA) perustuva ASIP-kehitysympäristö. TTA on arkkitehtuurina helposti räätälöitävä ja joustaa pienistä ytimistä suuritehoisiin pitkän käskysanan suorittimiin. Useat tieteellisen laskennan ja signaalinkäsittelyn sovellukset, joissa TTA:n skaalautuvuudesta ja käskytason rinnakkaisuudesta olisi erityistä hyötyä, vaativat tuen laitteistokiihdytetylle liukulukulaskennalle. Tässä diplomityössä suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin TCE-projektia varten sarja liukulukuyksiköitä. Yksiköiden suunnittelussa pyrittiin alustariippumattomuuteen sekä korkeaan suorituskykyyn Field Programmable Gate Array alustoilla (FPGA) jopa tinkimällä tuetusta liukulukustandardista. Yksiköt sisältävät työkalut puolen tarkkuuden liukulukulaskentaan. Lisäksi työssä esitetään erikoiskäskyihin perustuvat nopeat algoritmit liukulukujakolaskun ja -neliöjuuren laskentaan. Yksiköiden toiminta varmistettiin automaattisella rekisterisiirtotason (Register Transfer Level, RTL) testipenkillä. Vertailussa Altera Stratix-II-FPGA:lla yksiköt pääsivät lähelle Alteran omien liukulukuyksiköiden suorituskykyä. Uudemmalla Xilinx Virtex-6-FPGA:lla korkein mahdollinen suorituskyky vaatisi tiheämpää liukuhihnoitusta

    ESoftCheck: Removal of Non-vital Checks for Fault Tolerance

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    On-chip Monitoring: A Light-Weight Interconnection Network Approach

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    Current nanometer technologies are subjected to several adverse effects that seriously impact the yield and performance of integrated circuits. Such is the case of within-die parameters uncertainties, varying workload conditions, aging, temperature, etc. Monitoring, calibration and dynamic adaptation have appeared as promising solutions to these issues and many kinds of monitors have been presented recently. In this scenario, where systems with hundreds of monitors of different types have been proposed, the need for light-weight monitoring networks has become essential. In this work we present a light-weight network architecture based on digitization resource sharing of nodes that require a time-to-digital conversion. Our proposal employs a single wire interface, shared among all the nodes in the network, and quantizes the time domain to perform the access multiplexing and transmit the information. It supposes a 16% improvement in area and power consumption compared to traditional approaches

    Compatible phase co-scheduling on a CMP of multi-threaded processors

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    Ranking commercial machines through data transposition

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    The performance numbers reported by benchmarking consortia and corporations provide little or no insight into the performance of applications of interest that are not part of the benchmark suite. This paper describes data transposition, a novel methodology for addressing this ubiquitous benchmarking problem. Data transposition predicts the performance for an application of interest on a target machine based on its performance similarities with the industry-standard benchmarks on a limited number of predictive machines. The key idea of data transposition is to exploit machine similarity rather than workload similarity as done in prior work, i.e., data transposition identifies a predictive machine that is most similar to the target machine of interest for predicting performance for the application of interest. We demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of data transposition using the SPEC CPU2006 benchmarks and a set of 117 commercial machines. We report that the machine ranking obtained through data transposition correlates well with the machine ranking obtained using measured performance numbers (average correlation coefficient of 0.93). Not only does data transposition improve average correlation, we also demonstrate that data transposition is more robust towards outlier benchmarks, i.e., the worst-case correlation coefficient improves from 0.59 by prior art to 0.71. More concretely, using data transposition to predict the top-1 machine for an application of interest leads to the best performing machine for most workloads (average deficiency of 1.2% and max deficiency of 24.8% for one benchmark), whereas prior work leads to deficiencies over 100% for some workloads

    Exploiting different levels of parallelism in the biological sequence comparison problem

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    In the last years the fast growth of bioinformatics field has atracted the attention of computer scientists. At the same time, de exponential growth of databases that contains biological information (such as protein and DNA data) demands great efforts to improve the performance of computational platforms. In this work, we investigate how bioinformatics applications benefit from parallel architectures that combine different alternatives to exploit coarse- and fine-grain parallelism. As a case of analysis, we study the performance behavior of the Ssearch application that implements the Smith-Waterman algorithm (SW), which is a dynamic programing approach that explores the similarity between a pair of sequences. The inherent large parallelism of the application makes it ideal for architectures supporting multiple dimensions of parallelism (thread-level parallelism, TLP; data-level parallelism, DLP; instruction-level parallelism, ILP). We study how this algorithm can take advantage of different parallel machines like the SGI Altix, IBM Power6, IBM Cell BE and MareNostrum machines. Our study includes a qualitative analysis of the parallelization opportunities and also the quantification of the performance in terms of speedup and execution time. These measures are collected taking into account the specific characteristics of each architecture. As an example, our results show that a share memory multiprocessor architecture (SMP) like the PowerPC 970MP of Marenostrum machine can surpasses a heterogeneous multi- processor machine like the current IBM Cell BE.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version