22 research outputs found

    Oil spill and ship detection using high resolution polarimetric X-band SAR data

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    Among illegal human activities, marine pollution and target detection are the key concern of Maritime Security and Safety. This thesis deals with oil spill and ship detection using high resolution X-band polarimetric SAR (PolSAR). Polarimetry aims at analysing the polarization state of a wave field, in order to obtain physical information from the observed object. In this dissertation PolSAR techniques are suggested as improvement of the current State-of-the-Art of SAR marine pollution and target detection, by examining in depth Near Real Time suitability

    Radar Backscatter Modeling Based on Global TanDEM-X Mission Data

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    Radarrückstreuung bezeichnet den Teil eines ausgesendeten elektromagnetischen Signals, der von einem Ziel am Boden wieder zurück zur Antenne gerichtet ist. Die Eigenschaften des zurückgestreuten Signals ändern sich in Abhängigkeit von Frequenz und Polarisation des Radarsignals, der Aufnahmegeometrie, sowie vom Zustand des Erdbodens und der Art der Bodenbedeckung. Informationen über das Radarrückstreuverhalten sind von höchster Wichtigkeit für die Auslegung von SAR-Missionen und werden verbreitet zur Entwicklung wissenschaftlicher Modelle genutzt, beispielsweise bei der Erforschung der Biosphäre und Kryosphäre. Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist die Auswertung und Nutzung des globalen TanDEM-X-Datensatzes zur Modellierung der Radarrückstreuung im X-Band unter Berücksichtigung unterschiedlicher Aufnahmeparameter und Landnutzungsarten, sowie die Bereitstellung einer Reihe von globalen Rückstreumodellen, die auf aktuellen Daten basieren, für die wissenschaftliche Gemeinschaft. Es wurde ein neuer Ansatz zur statistischen Modellierung der Rückstreuinformation entwickelt, der die Qualität der zugrunde liegenden Messungen berücksichtigt. Daraus ergeben sich gewichtete polynomiale Modelle für die verschiedenen Landnutzungsarten, wie sie in der GlobCover-Karte der ESA definiert sind. Darüber hinaus wird ein eigener Validierungsansatz vorgestellt, mit zusätzlicher Betrachtung der saisonalen Variation der Rückstreuung und einer separaten Analyse des Rückstreuverhaltens des Tropischen Regenwaldes. Der nächste Schwerpunkt ist die Betrachtung des Grönländischen Eisschildes, das gekennzeichnet ist durch das Vorhandensein verschiedener Arten von Schneebedeckung, die von trockenem bis hin zu sehr feuchtem Schnee variiert. Der begrenzte Detailgrad, den die GlobCover Karte in Grönland aufweist (nur eine Klasse für das gesamte Eisschild), erlaubt dort keine verlässliche Modellierung der Rückstreuung. Diese Schwierigkeit lieferte die Motivation für die Entwicklung eines neuen Ansatzes zur Analyse des Informationsgehalts der interferometrischen TanDEM-X-Daten mit dem Ziel, unterschiedliche Schnee-Fazien mit Hilfe des sog. C-Means Fuzzy Clustering Algorithmus zu lokalisieren. Aus dieser Untersuchung konnte die Existenz von vier unterschiedlichen Klassen von Schnee-Fazien abgeleitet werden, deren Eigenschaften anschließend mit Hilfe externer Referenzdaten interpretiert wurden. Die daraus entstandene Karte wurde zur Erstellung eines einfallswinkelabhängigen Rückstreumodells genutzt, separat für jede der vier Klassen, wobei eine modifizierte Version des entwickelten Algorithmus zur Generierung globaler Rückstreumodelle eingesetzt wurde. Darüber hinaus wurde als Nebenprodukt zusätzlich die Eindringtiefe von TanDEM-X in die Eisschicht geschätzt, durch Inversion des von Weber Hoen und Zebker vorgeschlagenen "Ein-chicht Volumendekorrelationsmodells". Die Ergebnisse wurden mit dem Höhenunterschied zwischen dem globalen TanDEM-X-DEM und ICESat-Messungen verglichen. Abschließend wird ein neu entwickelter Algorithmus zur Generierung von Rückstreukarten großer Gebiete vorgestellt. Dieser erlaubt unter Verwendung von Rückstreumodellen das Angleichen der erstellten Karten anhand eines Referenzeinfallswinkels, was dann das Füllen verbleibender Lücken ermöglicht, die aufgrund fehlender Eingangsdaten vorhanden sind

    Urban Deformation Monitoring using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and SAR tomography

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    This book focuses on remote sensing for urban deformation monitoring. In particular, it highlights how deformation monitoring in urban areas can be carried out using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Tomography (TomoSAR). Several contributions show the capabilities of Interferometric SAR (InSAR) and PSI techniques for urban deformation monitoring. Some of them show the advantages of TomoSAR in un-mixing multiple scatterers for urban mapping and monitoring. This book is dedicated to the technical and scientific community interested in urban applications. It is useful for choosing the appropriate technique and gaining an assessment of the expected performance. The book will also be useful to researchers, as it provides information on the state-of-the-art and new trends in this fiel

    Remote Sensing of the Oceans

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    This book covers different topics in the framework of remote sensing of the oceans. Latest research advancements and brand-new studies are presented that address the exploitation of remote sensing instruments and simulation tools to improve the understanding of ocean processes and enable cutting-edge applications with the aim of preserving the ocean environment and supporting the blue economy. Hence, this book provides a reference framework for state-of-the-art remote sensing methods that deal with the generation of added-value products and the geophysical information retrieval in related fields, including: Oil spill detection and discrimination; Analysis of tropical cyclones and sea echoes; Shoreline and aquaculture area extraction; Monitoring coastal marine litter and moving vessels; Processing of SAR, HF radar and UAV measurements

    Forward Modelling of Multifrequency SAR Backscatter of Snow-Covered Lake Ice: Investigating Varying Snow and Ice Properties Within a Radiative Transfer Framework

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    Lakes are a key feature in the Northern Hemisphere landscape. The coverage of lakes by ice cover has important implications for local weather conditions and can influence energy balance. The presence of lake ice is also crucial for local economies, providing transportation routes, and acting as a source of recreation/tourism and local customs. Both lake ice cover, from which ice dates and duration can be derived (i.e., ice phenology), and ice thickness are considered as thematic variables of lakes as an essential climate variable by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) for understanding how climate is changing. However, the number of lake ice phenology ground observations has declined over the past three decades. Remote sensing provides a method of addressing this paucity in observations. Active microwave remote sensing, in particular synthetic aperture radar (SAR), is popular for monitoring ice cover as it does not rely on sunlight and the resolution allows for the monitoring of small and medium-sized lakes. In recent years, our understanding of the interaction between active microwave signals and lake ice has changed, shifting from a double bounce mechanism to single bounce at the ice-water interface. The single bounce, or surface scattering, at the ice-water interface is due to a rough surface and high dielectric contrast between ice and water. However, further work is needed to fully understand how changes in different lake ice properties impact active microwave signals. Radiative transfer modelling has been used to explore these interactions, but there are a variety of limitations associated with past experiments. This thesis aimed to faithfully represent lake ice using a radiative transfer framework and investigate how changes in lake ice properties impact active microwave backscatter. This knowledge was used to model backscatter throughout ice seasons under both dry and wet conditions. The radiative transfer framework used in this thesis was the Snow Microwave Radiative Transfer (SMRT) model. To investigate how broad changes in ice properties impact microwave backscatter, SMRT was used to conduct experiments on ice columns representing a shallow lake with tubular bubbles and a deep lake without tubular bubbles at L/C/X-band frequencies. The Canadian Lake Ice Model (CLIMo) was used to parameterize SMRT. Ice properties investigated included ice thickness, snow ice bubble radius and porosity, root mean square (RMS) height of the ice-water interface, correlation length of the ice-water interface, and tubular bubble radius and porosity. Modelled backscatter indicated that changes in ice thickness, snow ice porosity, and tubular bubble radius and porosity had little impact on microwave backscatter. The property that had the largest impact on backscatter was RMS height at the ice-water interface, confirming the results of other recent studies. L and C-band frequencies were found to be most sensitive to changes in RMS height. Bubble radius had a smaller impact on backscatter, but X-band was found to be most sensitive to changes in this property and would be a valuable frequency for studying surface ice conditions. From the results of these initial experiments, SMRT was then used to simulate the backscatter from lake ice for two lakes during different winter seasons. Malcolm Ramsay Lake near Churchill, Manitoba, represented a shallow lake with dense tubular bubbles and Noell lake near Inuvik, Northwest Territories, represented a deep lake with no tubular bubbles. Both field data and CLIMo simulations for the two lakes were used to parameterize SMRT. Because RMS height was determined to be the ice property that had the largest impact on backscatter, simulations focused on optimizing this value for both lakes. Modelled backscatter was validated using C-band satellite imagery for Noell Lake and L/C/X-band imagery for Malcolm Ramsay Lake. The root mean square error values for both lakes ranged from 0.38 to 2.33 dB and Spearman’s correlation coefficient (ρ) values >0.86. Modelled backscatter for Noell Lake was closer to observed values compared to Malcolm Ramsay Lake. Optimized values of RMS height provided a better fit compared to a stationary value and indicated that roughness likely increases rapidly at the start of the ice season but plateaus as ice growth slows. SMRT was found to model backscatter from ice cover well under dry conditions, however, modelling backscatter under wet conditions is equally important. Detailed field observations for Lake Oulujärvi in Finland were used to parameterize SMRT during three different conditions. The first was lake ice with a dry snow cover, the second with an overlying layer of wet snow, and the third was when a slush layer was present on the ice surface. Experiments conducted under dry conditions continued to support the dominance of scattering from the ice-water interface. However, when a layer of wet snow or slush layer was introduced the dominant scattering interface shifted to the new wet layer. Increased roughness at the boundary of these wet layers resulted in an increase in backscatter. The increase in backscatter is attributed to the higher dielectric constant value of these layers. The modelled backscatter was found to be representative of observed backscatter from Sentinel-1. The body of work of this thesis indicated that the SMRT framework can be used to faithfully represent lake ice and model backscatter from ice covers and improved understanding of the interaction between microwave backscatter and ice properties. With this improved understanding inversion models can be developed to retrieve roughness of the ice-water interface, this could be used to build other models to estimate ice thickness based on other remote sensing data. Additionally, insights into the impact of wet conditions on radar backscatter could prove useful in identifying unsafe ice locations

    Abstracts on Radio Direction Finding (1899 - 1995)

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    The files on this record represent the various databases that originally composed the CD-ROM issue of "Abstracts on Radio Direction Finding" database, which is now part of the Dudley Knox Library's Abstracts and Selected Full Text Documents on Radio Direction Finding (1899 - 1995) Collection. (See Calhoun record https://calhoun.nps.edu/handle/10945/57364 for further information on this collection and the bibliography). Due to issues of technological obsolescence preventing current and future audiences from accessing the bibliography, DKL exported and converted into the three files on this record the various databases contained in the CD-ROM. The contents of these files are: 1) RDFA_CompleteBibliography_xls.zip [RDFA_CompleteBibliography.xls: Metadata for the complete bibliography, in Excel 97-2003 Workbook format; RDFA_Glossary.xls: Glossary of terms, in Excel 97-2003 Workbookformat; RDFA_Biographies.xls: Biographies of leading figures, in Excel 97-2003 Workbook format]; 2) RDFA_CompleteBibliography_csv.zip [RDFA_CompleteBibliography.TXT: Metadata for the complete bibliography, in CSV format; RDFA_Glossary.TXT: Glossary of terms, in CSV format; RDFA_Biographies.TXT: Biographies of leading figures, in CSV format]; 3) RDFA_CompleteBibliography.pdf: A human readable display of the bibliographic data, as a means of double-checking any possible deviations due to conversion

    Performance Analysis of TanDEM-X Quad Polarization Products in Pursuit Monostatic Mode

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    Since 2010 the two twin synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellites TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X have been acquiring high-resolution images to generate a global Earth’s digital elevation model (DEM). Both satellites have been flying in a controlled close orbit formation, acquiring data in the nominal bistatic stripmap single polarization mode. Once the acquisition of the data set for the generation of the DEM has been completed, the flexibility offered by both SAR instruments in terms of interferometric, imaging, and polarization modes, has been further exploited to demonstrate the different capabilities of the TanDEM-X experimental modes. By activating the dual-receive antenna (DRA) mode full polarimetric data can be acquired. For the first time it has been possible to systematically command quad polarization acquisitions in a dedicated TanDEM-X mission science phase, started in October 2014. In this paper, we present a first performance analysis and quality assessment of such quad polarization products. The SAR image resolution and the noise equivalent sigma zero have been evaluated to show the quality of the focused SAR products. The influence of different instrument parameters on the SAR and interferometric performance, such as chirp bandwidth, pulse repetition frequency, or block adaptive quantization, have been investigated as well. For the evaluation of the interferometric performance, key parameters such as coherence and interferometric phase error have been analyzed. In this paper the obtained results are presented and recommendations are given for the optimization in the commanding of TanDEM-X quad polarization acquisitions

    Coherent Change Detection Under a Forest Canopy

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    Coherent change detection (CCD) is an established technique for remotely monitoring landscapes with minimal vegetation or buildings. By evaluating the local complex correlation between a pair of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images acquired on repeat passes of an airborne or spaceborne imaging radar system, a map of the scene coherence is obtained. Subtle disturbances of the ground are detected as areas of low coherence in the surface clutter. This thesis investigates extending CCD to monitor the ground in a forest. It is formulated as a multichannel dual-layer coherence estimation problem, where the coherence of scattering from the ground is estimated after suppressing interference from the canopy by vertically beamforming multiple image channels acquired at slightly different grazing angles on each pass. This 3D SAR beamforming must preserve the phase of the ground response. The choice of operating wavelength is considered in terms of the trade-off between foliage penetration and change sensitivity. A framework for comparing the performance of different radar designs and beamforming algorithms, as well as assessing the sensitivity to error, is built around the random-volume-over-ground (RVOG) model of forest scattering. If the ground and volume scattering contributions in the received echo are of similar strength, it is shown that an L-band array of just three channels can provide enough volume attenuation to permit reasonable estimation of the ground coherence. The proposed method is demonstrated using an RVOG clutter simulation and a modified version of the physics-based SAR image simulator PolSARproSim. Receiver operating characteristics show that whilst ordinary single-channel CCD is unusable when a canopy is present, 3D SAR CCD permits reasonable detection performance. A novel polarimetric filtering algorithm is also proposed to remove contributions from the ground-trunk double-bounce scattering mechanism, which may mask changes on the ground near trees. To enable this kind of polarimetric processing, fully polarimetric data must be acquired and calibrated. Motivated by an interim version of the Ingara airborne imaging radar, which used a pair of helical antennas to acquire circularly polarised data, techniques for the estimation of polarimetric distortion in the circular basis are investigated. It is shown that the standard approach to estimating cross-talk in the linear basis, whereby expressions for the distortion of reflection-symmetric clutter are linearised and solved, cannot be adapted to the circular basis, because the first-order effects of individual cross-talk parameters cannot be distinguished. An alternative approach is proposed that uses ordinary and gridded trihedral corner reflectors, and optionally dihedrals, to iteratively estimate the channel imbalance and cross-talk parameters. Monte Carlo simulations show that the method reliably converges to the true parameter values. Ingara data is calibrated using the method, with broadly consistent parameter estimates obtained across flights. Genuine scene changes may be masked by coherence loss that arises when the bands of spatial frequencies supported by the two passes do not match. Trimming the spatial-frequency bands to their common area of support would remove these uncorrelated contributions, but the bands, and therefore the required trim, depend on the effective collection geometry at each pixel position. The precise dependence on local slope and collection geometry is derived in this thesis. Standard methods of SAR image formation use a flat focal plane and allow only a single global trim, which leads to spatially varying coherence loss when the terrain is undulating. An image-formation algorithm is detailed that exploits the flexibility offered by back-projection not only to focus the image onto a surface matched to the scene topography but also to allow spatially adaptive trimming. Improved coherence is demonstrated in simulation and using data from two airborne radar systems.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 202