313 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Small Cells' Deployment under Imperfect Traffic Hotspot Localization

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    Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets), long been considered in operators' roadmaps for macrocells' network improvements, still continue to attract interest for 5G network deployments. Understanding the efficiency of small cell deployment in the presence of traffic hotspots can further draw operators' attention to this feature. In this context, we evaluate the impact of imperfect small cell positioning on the network performances. We show that the latter is mainly impacted by the position of the hotspot within the cell: in case the hotspot is near the macrocell, even a perfect positioning of the small cell will not yield improved performance due to the interference coming from the macrocell. In the case where the hotspot is located far enough from the macrocell, even a large error in small cell positioning would still be beneficial in offloading traffic from the congested macrocell.Comment: This article is already published in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 201

    System level analysis of heterogeneous networks under imperfect traffic hotspot localization

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    We study, in this paper, the impact of imperfect small cell positioning with respect to traffic hotspots in cellular networks. In order to derive the throughput distribution in macro and small cells, we firstly perform static level analysis of the system considering a non-uniform distribution of user locations. We secondly introduce the dynamics of the system, characterized by random arrivals and departures of users after a finite service duration, with the service rates and distribution of radio conditions outfitted from the first part of the work. When dealing with the dynamics of the system, macro and small cells are modeled by multi-class processor sharing queues. Macro and small cells are assumed to be operating in the same bandwidth. Consequently, they are coupled due to the mutual interferences generated by each cell to the other. We derive several performance metrics such as the mean flow throughput and the gain, if any, generated from deploying small cells to manage traffic hotspots. Our results show that in case the hotspot is near the macro BS (Base Station), even a perfect positioning of the small cell will not yield improved performance due to the high interference experienced at macro and small cell users. However, in case the hotspot is located far enough from the macro BS, performing errors in small cell positioning is tolerated (since related results show positive gains) and it is still beneficial in offloading traffic from the congested macrocell. The best performance metrics depend also on several other important factors such as the users' arrival intensity, the capacity of the cell and the size of the traffic hotspot.Comment: This paper is already published in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 201

    Offloading traffic hotspots using moving small cells

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    In this paper, the concept of moving small cells in mobile networks is presented and evaluated taking into account the dynamics of the system. We consider a small cell moving according to a Manhattan mobility model which is the case when the small cell is deployed on the top of a bus following a predefined trajectory in areas which are generally crowded. Taking into account the distribution of user locations, we study the dynamic level considering a queuing model composed of multi-class Processor Sharing queues. Macro and small cells are assumed to be operating in the same bandwidth. Consequently, they are coupled due to the mutual interferences generated by each cell to the other. Our results show that deploying moving small cells could be an efficient solution to offload traffic hotspots.Comment: This article is already published in IEEE ICC conference 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Wireless networks symposiu

    A Localization System for Optimizing the Deployment of Small Cells in 2-Tier Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    Due to the ever growing population of mobile device users and expansion on the number of devices and applications requiring data usage, there is an increasing demand for improved capacity in wireless cellular networks. Cell densification and 2-tier heterogeneous networks (HetNets) are two solutions which will assist 5G systems in meeting these growing capacity demands. Small-cell deployment over existing heterogeneous networks have been considered by researchers. Different strategies for deploying these small-cells within the existing network among which are random, cell-edge and high user concentration (HUC) have also been explored. Small cells deployed on locations of HUC offloads traffic from existing network infrastructure, ensure good Quality of Service (QoS) and balanced load in the network but there is a challenge of identifying HUC locations. There has been considerable research performed into techniques for determining user location and cell deployment. Currently localization can be achieved using time dependent methods such as Time of Arrival (ToA), Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA), or Global Positioning Systems (GPS). GPS based solutions provide high accuracy user positioning but suffer from concerns over user privacy, and other time dependent approaches require regular synchronization which can be difficult to achieve in practice. Alternatively, Received Signal Strength (RSS) based solutions can provide simple anonymous user data, requiring no extra hardware within the mobile handset but often rely on triangulation from adjacent Base Stations (BS). In mobile cellular networks such solutions are therefore often only applicable near the cell edge, as installing additional BS would increase the complexity and cost of a network deployment. The work presented in this thesis overcomes these limitations by providing an observer system for wireless networks that can be used to periodically monitor the cell coverage area and identify regions of high concentrations of users for possible small cell deployment in 2-tier heterogeneous networks. The observer system comprises of two collinear antennas separated by λ/2. The relative phase of each antenna was varied using a phase shifter so that the combined output of the two antennas were used to create sum and difference radiation patterns, and to steer the antenna radiation pattern creating different azimuth positions for AoA estimation. Statistical regression analysis was used to develop range estimation models based on four different environment empirical pathloss models for user range estimation. Users were located into clusters by classifying them into azimuth-range classes and counting the number of users in each class. Locations for small cell deployment were identified based on class population. BPEM, ADEM, BUEM, EARM and NLOS models were developed for more accurate range estimation. A prototype system was implemented and tested both outdoor and indoor using a network of WiFi nodes. Experimental results show close relationship with simulation and an average PER in range estimation error of 80% by applying developed error models. Based on both simulation and experiment, system showed good performance. By deploying micro-, pico-, or femto-cells in areas of higher user concentration, high data rates and good quality of service in the network can be maintained. The observer system provides the network manager with relative angle of arrival (AoA), distance estimation and relative location of user clusters within the cell. The observer system divides the cell into a series of azimuthal and range sectors, and determines which sector the users are located in. Simulation and a prototype design of the system is presented and results have shown system robustness and high accuracy for its purpose

    Markov Decision Processes with Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of autonomous and resource-limited devices. The devices cooperate to monitor one or more physical phenomena within an area of interest. WSNs operate as stochastic systems because of randomness in the monitored environments. For long service time and low maintenance cost, WSNs require adaptive and robust methods to address data exchange, topology formulation, resource and power optimization, sensing coverage and object detection, and security challenges. In these problems, sensor nodes are to make optimized decisions from a set of accessible strategies to achieve design goals. This survey reviews numerous applications of the Markov decision process (MDP) framework, a powerful decision-making tool to develop adaptive algorithms and protocols for WSNs. Furthermore, various solution methods are discussed and compared to serve as a guide for using MDPs in WSNs

    Distance Distributions and Proximity Estimation Given Knowledge of the Heterogeneous Network Layout

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    Today's heterogeneous wireless network (HWN) is a collection of ubiquitous wireless networking elements (WNEs) that support diverse functional capabilities and networking purposes. In such a heterogeneous networking environment, proximity estimation will play a key role for the seamless support of emerging applications that span from the direct exchange of localized traffic between homogeneous WNEs (peer-to-peer communications) to positioning for autonomous systems using location information from the ubiquitous HWN infrastructure. Since most of the existing wireless networking technologies enable the direct (or indirect) estimation of the distances and angles between their WNEs, the integration of such spatial information is a natural solution for robustly handling the unprecedented demand for proximity estimation between the myriads of WNEs. In this paper, we develop an analytical framework that integrates existing knowledge of the HWN layout to enable proximity estimation between WNE supporting different radio access technologies (RATs). In this direction, we derive closed-form expressions for the distance distribution between two tagged WNEs given partial (or full) knowledge of the HWN topology. The derived expressions enable us to analyze how different levels of location-awareness affect the performance of proximity estimation between WNEs that are not necessarily capable of communicating directly. Optimal strategies for the deployment of WNEs, as means of maximizing the probability of successful proximity estimation between two WNEs of interest, are presented, and useful guidelines for the design of location-aware proximity estimation in the nowadays HWN are drawn

    Intelligent and Efficient Ultra-Dense Heterogeneous Networks for 5G and Beyond

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    Ultra-dense heterogeneous network (HetNet), in which densified small cells overlaying the conventional macro-cells, is a promising technique for the fifth-generation (5G) mobile network. The dense and multi-tier network architecture is able to support the extensive data traffic and diverse quality of service (QoS) but meanwhile arises several challenges especially on the interference coordination and resource management. In this thesis, three novel network schemes are proposed to achieve intelligent and efficient operation based on the deep learning-enabled network awareness. Both optimization and deep learning methods are developed to achieve intelligent and efficient resource allocation in these proposed network schemes. To improve the cost and energy efficiency of ultra-dense HetNets, a hotspot prediction based virtual small cell (VSC) network is proposed. A VSC is formed only when the traffic volume and user density are extremely high. We leverage the feature extraction capabilities of deep learning techniques and exploit a long-short term memory (LSTM) neural network to predict potential hotspots and form VSC. Large-scale antenna array enabled hybrid beamforming is also adaptively adjusted for highly directional transmission to cover these VSCs. Within each VSC, one user equipment (UE) is selected as a cell head (CH), which collects the intra-cell traffic using the unlicensed band and relays the aggregated traffic to the macro-cell base station (MBS) in the licensed band. The inter-cell interference can thus be reduced, and the spectrum efficiency can be improved. Numerical results show that proposed VSCs can reduce 55%55\% power consumption in comparison with traditional small cells. In addition to the smart VSCs deployment, a novel multi-dimensional intelligent multiple access (MD-IMA) scheme is also proposed to achieve stringent and diverse QoS of emerging 5G applications with disparate resource constraints. Multiple access (MA) schemes in multi-dimensional resources are adaptively scheduled to accommodate dynamic QoS requirements and network states. The MD-IMA learns the integrated-quality-of-system-experience (I-QoSE) by monitoring and predicting QoS through the LSTM neural network. The resource allocation in the MD-IMA scheme is formulated as an optimization problem to maximize the I-QoSE as well as minimize the non-orthogonality (NO) in view of implementation constraints. In order to solve this problem, both model-based optimization algorithms and model-free deep reinforcement learning (DRL) approaches are utilized. Simulation results demonstrate that the achievable I-QoSE gain of MD-IMA over traditional MA is 15%15\% - 18%18\%. In the final part of the thesis, a Software-Defined Networking (SDN) enabled 5G-vehicle ad hoc networks (VANET) is designed to support the growing vehicle-generated data traffic. In this integrated architecture, to reduce the signaling overhead, vehicles are clustered under the coordination of SDN and one vehicle in each cluster is selected as a gateway to aggregate intra-cluster traffic. To ensure the capacity of the trunk-link between the gateway and macro base station, a Non-orthogonal Multiplexed Modulation (NOMM) scheme is proposed to split aggregated data stream into multi-layers and use sparse spreading code to partially superpose the modulated symbols on several resource blocks. The simulation results show that the energy efficiency performance of proposed NOMM is around 1.5-2 times than that of the typical orthogonal transmission scheme

    Interference charecterisation, location and bandwidth estimation in emerging WiFi networks

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    Wireless LAN technology based on the IEEE 802.11 standard, commonly referred to as WiFi, has been hugely successful not only for the last hop access to the Internet in home, office and hotspot scenarios but also for realising wireless backhaul in mesh networks and for point -to -point long- distance wireless communication. This success can be mainly attributed to two reasons: low cost of 802.11 hardware from reaching economies of scale, and operation in the unlicensed bands of wireless spectrum.The popularity of WiFi, in particular for indoor wireless access at homes and offices, has led to significant amount of research effort looking at the performance issues arising from various factors, including interference, CSMA/CA based MAC protocol used by 802.11 devices, the impact of link and physical layer overheads on application performance, and spatio-temporal channel variations. These factors affect the performance of applications and services that run over WiFi networks. In this thesis, we experimentally investigate the effects of some of the above mentioned factors in the context of emerging WiFi network scenarios such as multi- interface indoor mesh networks, 802.11n -based WiFi networks and WiFi networks with virtual access points (VAPs). More specifically, this thesis comprises of four experimental characterisation studies: (i) measure prevalence and severity of co- channel interference in urban WiFi deployments; (ii) characterise interference in multi- interface indoor mesh networks; (iii) study the effect of spatio-temporal channel variations, VAPs and multi -band operation on WiFi fingerprinting based location estimation; and (iv) study the effects of newly introduced features in 802.11n like frame aggregation (FA) on available bandwidth estimation.With growing density of WiFi deployments especially in urban areas, co- channel interference becomes a major factor that adversely affects network performance. To characterise the nature of this phenomena at a city scale, we propose using a new measurement methodology called mobile crowdsensing. The idea is to leverage commodity smartphones and the natural mobility of people to characterise urban WiFi co- channel interference. Specifically, we report measurement results obtained for Edinburgh, a representative European city, on detecting the presence of deployed WiFi APs via the mobile crowdsensing approach. These show that few channels in 2.4GHz are heavily used and there is hardly any activity in the 5GHz band even though relatively it has a greater number of available channels. Spatial analysis of spectrum usage reveals that co- channel interference among nearby APs operating in the same channel can be a serious problem with around 10 APs contending with each other in many locations. We find that the characteristics of WiFi deployments at city -scale are similar to those of WiFi deployments in public spaces of different indoor environments. We validate our approach in comparison with wardriving, and also show that our findings generally match with previous studies based on other measurement approaches. As an application of the mobile crowdsensing based urban WiFi monitoring, we outline a cloud based WiFi router configuration service for better interference management with global awareness in urban areas.For mesh networks, the use of multiple radio interfaces is widely seen as a practical way to achieve high end -to -end network performance and better utilisation of available spectrum. However this gives rise to another type of interference (referred to as coexistence interference) due to co- location of multiple radio interfaces. We show that such interference can be so severe that it prevents concurrent successful operation of collocated interfaces even when they use channels from widely different frequency bands. We propose the use of antenna polarisation to mitigate such interference and experimentally study its benefits in both multi -band and single -band configurations. In particular, we show that using differently polarised antennas on a multi -radio platform can be a helpful counteracting mechanism for alleviating receiver blocking and adjacent channel interference phenomena that underlie multi -radio coexistence interference. We also validate observations about adjacent channel interference from previous studies via direct and microscopic observation of MAC behaviour.Location is an indispensable information for navigation and sensing applications. The rapidly growing adoption of smartphones has resulted in a plethora of mobile applications that rely on position information (e.g., shopping apps that use user position information to recommend products to users and help them to find what they want in the store). WiFi fingerprinting is a popular and well studied approach for indoor location estimation that leverages the existing WiFi infrastructure and works based on the difference in strengths of the received AP signals at different locations. However, understanding the impact of WiFi network deployment aspects such as multi -band APs and VAPs has not received much attention in the literature. We first examine the impact of various aspects underlying a WiFi fingerprinting system. Specifically, we investigate different definitions for fingerprinting and location estimation algorithms across different indoor environments ranging from a multi- storey office building to shopping centres of different sizes. Our results show that the fingerprint definition is as important as the choice of location estimation algorithm and there is no single combination of these two that works across all environments or even all floors of a given environment. We then consider the effect of WiFi frequency bands (e.g., 2.4GHz and 5GHz) and the presence of virtual access points (VAPs) on location accuracy with WiFi fingerprinting. Our results demonstrate that lower co- channel interference in the 5GHz band yields more accurate location estimation. We show that the inclusion of VAPs has a significant impact on the location accuracy of WiFi fingerprinting systems; we analyse the potential reasons to explain the findings.End -to -end available bandwidth estimation (ABE) has a wide range of uses, from adaptive application content delivery, transport-level transmission rate adaptation and admission control to traffic engineering and peer node selection in peer -to- peer /overlay networks [ 1, 2]. Given its importance, it has been received much research attention in both wired data networks and legacy WiFi networks (based on 802.11 a/b /g standards), resulting in different ABE techniques and tools proposed to optimise different criteria and suit different scenarios. However, effects of new MAC/PHY layer enhancements in new and next generation WiFi networks (based on 802.11n and 802.11ac standards) have not been studied yet. We experimentally find that among different new features like frame aggregation, channel bonding and MIMO modes (spacial division multiplexing), frame aggregation has the most harmful effect as it has direct effect on ABE by distorting the measurement probing traffic pattern commonly used to estimate available bandwidth. Frame aggregation is also specified in both 802.11n and 802.1 lac standards as a mandatory feature to be supported. We study the effect of enabling frame aggregation, for the first time, on the performance of the ABE using an indoor 802.11n wireless testbed. The analysis of results obtained using three tools - representing two main Probe Rate Model (PRM) and Probe Gap Model (PGM) based approaches for ABE - led us to come up with the two key principles of jumbo probes and having longer measurement probe train sizes to counter the effects of aggregating frames on the performance of ABE tools. Then, we develop a new tool, WBest+ that is aware of the underlying frame aggregation by incorporating these principles. The experimental evaluation of WBest+ shows more accurate ABE in the presence of frame aggregation.Overall, the contributions of this thesis fall in three categories - experimental characterisation, measurement techniques and mitigation/solution approaches for performance problems in emerging WiFi network scenarios. The influence of various factors mentioned above are all studied via experimental evaluation in a testbed or real - world setting. Specifically, co- existence interference characterisation and evaluation of available bandwidth techniques are done using indoor testbeds, whereas characterisation of urban WiFi networks and WiFi fingerprinting based location estimation are carried out in real environments. New measurement approaches are also introduced to aid better experimental evaluation or proposed as new measurement tools. These include mobile crowdsensing based WiFi monitoring; MAC/PHY layer monitoring of co- existence interference; and WBest+ tool for available bandwidth estimation. Finally, new mitigation approaches are proposed to address challenges and problems identified throughout the characterisation studies. These include: a proposal for crowd - based interference management in large scale uncoordinated WiFi networks; exploiting antenna polarisation diversity to remedy the effects of co- existence interference in multi -interface platforms; taking advantage of VAPs and multi -band operation for better location estimation; and introducing the jumbo frame concept and longer probe train sizes to improve performance of ABE tools in next generation WiFi networks

    Radio Communications

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    In the last decades the restless evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) brought to a deep transformation of our habits. The growth of the Internet and the advances in hardware and software implementations modified our way to communicate and to share information. In this book, an overview of the major issues faced today by researchers in the field of radio communications is given through 35 high quality chapters written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world. Various aspects will be deeply discussed: channel modeling, beamforming, multiple antennas, cooperative networks, opportunistic scheduling, advanced admission control, handover management, systems performance assessment, routing issues in mobility conditions, localization, web security. Advanced techniques for the radio resource management will be discussed both in single and multiple radio technologies; either in infrastructure, mesh or ad hoc networks