345 research outputs found

    Perfect Octagon Quadrangle Systems with an upper C4-system and a large spectrum

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    An octagon quadrangle is the graph consisting of an 8-cycle (x1, x2,..., x8) with two additional chords: the edges {x1, x4} and {x5, x8}. An octagon quadrangle system of order ν and index λ [OQS] is a pair (X,H), where X is a finite set of ν vertices and H is a collection of edge disjoint octagon quadrangles (called blocks) which partition the edge set of λKν defined on X. An octagon quadrangle system Σ=(X,H) of order ν and index λ is said to be upper C4-perfect if the collection of all of the upper 4-cycles contained in the octagon quadrangles form a μ-fold 4-cycle system of order ν; it is said to be upper strongly perfect, if the collection of all of the upper 4-cycles contained in the octagon quadrangles form a μ-fold 4-cycle system of order ν and also the collection of all of the outside 8-cycles contained in the octagon quadrangles form a ρ-fold 8-cycle system of order ν. In this paper, the authors determine the spectrum for these systems, in the case that it is the largest possible


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    An \emph{octagon quadrangle} is the graph consisting of a length 88 cycle (x1,x2,,x8)(x_{1},x_{2},\dots,x_{8}) and two chords, {x1,x4}\{x_{1},x_{4}\} and {x5,x8}\{x_{5},x_{8}\}. An \emph{octagon quadrangle system} of order vv and index λ\lambda is a pair (X,B)(X,\mathcal B), where XX is a finite set of vv vertices and B\mathcal B is a collection of octagon quadrangles (called blocks) which partition the edge set of λKv\lambda K_{v}, with XX as vertex set. In this paper we determine completely the spectrum of octagon quadrangle systems for any index λ\lambda, with the only possible exception of v=20v=20 for λ=1\lambda=1

    An Arithmetization of Logical Oppositions

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    An arithmetic theory of oppositions is devised by comparing expressions, Boolean bitstrings, and integers. This leads to a set of correspondences between three domains of investigation, namely: logic, geometry, and arithmetic. The structural properties of each area are investigated in turn, before justifying the procedure as a whole. Io finish, I show how this helps to improve the logical calculus of oppositions, through the consideration of corresponding operations between integers

    strongly balanced 4 kite designs nested into oq systems

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    In this paper we determine the spectrum for octagon quadrangle systems [OQS] which can be partitioned into two strongly balanced 4-kitedesigns

    The Spectrum of Balanced P^(3)(1, 5)-Designs

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    Given a 3-uniform hypergraph H(3), an H(3)-decomposition of the complete hypergraph K(3)_v is a collection of hypergraphs, all isomorphic to H(3), whose edge sets partition the edge set of K(3)_v. An H(3)-decomposition of K(3)_v is also called an H(3)-design and the hypergraphs of the partition are said to be the blocks. An H(3)-design is said to be balanced if the number of blocks containing any given vertex of K(3)_v is a constant. In this paper, we determine completely, without exceptions, the spectrum of balanced P(3)(1 5)-designs

    Paperfolding morphisms, planefilling curves, and fractal tiles

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    An interesting class of automatic sequences emerges from iterated paperfolding. The sequences generate curves in the plane with an almost periodic structure. We generalize the results obtained by Davis and Knuth on the self-avoiding and planefilling properties of these curves, giving simple geometric criteria for a complete classification. Finally, we show how the automatic structure of the sequences leads to self-similarity of the curves, which turns the planefilling curves in a scaling limit into fractal tiles. For some of these tiles we give a particularly simple formula for the Hausdorff dimension of their boundary.Comment: 32 pages, 23 figure

    Dualities and collineations of projective and polar spaces and of related geometries

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