10,305 research outputs found

    Structural efficiency of percolation landscapes in flow networks

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    Complex networks characterized by global transport processes rely on the presence of directed paths from input to output nodes and edges, which organize in characteristic linked components. The analysis of such network-spanning structures in the framework of percolation theory, and in particular the key role of edge interfaces bridging the communication between core and periphery, allow us to shed light on the structural properties of real and theoretical flow networks, and to define criteria and quantities to characterize their efficiency at the interplay between structure and functionality. In particular, it is possible to assess that an optimal flow network should look like a "hairy ball", so to minimize bottleneck effects and the sensitivity to failures. Moreover, the thorough analysis of two real networks, the Internet customer-provider set of relationships at the autonomous system level and the nervous system of the worm Caenorhabditis elegans --that have been shaped by very different dynamics and in very different time-scales--, reveals that whereas biological evolution has selected a structure close to the optimal layout, market competition does not necessarily tend toward the most customer efficient architecture.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Evolution of networks

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    We review the recent fast progress in statistical physics of evolving networks. Interest has focused mainly on the structural properties of random complex networks in communications, biology, social sciences and economics. A number of giant artificial networks of such a kind came into existence recently. This opens a wide field for the study of their topology, evolution, and complex processes occurring in them. Such networks possess a rich set of scaling properties. A number of them are scale-free and show striking resilience against random breakdowns. In spite of large sizes of these networks, the distances between most their vertices are short -- a feature known as the ``small-world'' effect. We discuss how growing networks self-organize into scale-free structures and the role of the mechanism of preferential linking. We consider the topological and structural properties of evolving networks, and percolation in these networks. We present a number of models demonstrating the main features of evolving networks and discuss current approaches for their simulation and analytical study. Applications of the general results to particular networks in Nature are discussed. We demonstrate the generic connections of the network growth processes with the general problems of non-equilibrium physics, econophysics, evolutionary biology, etc.Comment: 67 pages, updated, revised, and extended version of review, submitted to Adv. Phy

    Limited path percolation in complex networks

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    We study the stability of network communication after removal of q=1−pq=1-p links under the assumption that communication is effective only if the shortest path between nodes ii and jj after removal is shorter than aℓij(a≄1)a\ell_{ij} (a\geq1) where ℓij\ell_{ij} is the shortest path before removal. For a large class of networks, we find a new percolation transition at p~c=(Îșo−1)(1−a)/a\tilde{p}_c=(\kappa_o-1)^{(1-a)/a}, where Îșo≡/\kappa_o\equiv / and kk is the node degree. Below p~c\tilde{p}_c, only a fraction NÎŽN^{\delta} of the network nodes can communicate, where ή≡a(1−∣log⁥p∣/log⁥(Îșo−1))<1\delta\equiv a(1-|\log p|/\log{(\kappa_o-1)}) < 1, while above p~c\tilde{p}_c, order NN nodes can communicate within the limited path length aℓija\ell_{ij}. Our analytical results are supported by simulations on Erd\H{o}s-R\'{e}nyi and scale-free network models. We expect our results to influence the design of networks, routing algorithms, and immunization strategies, where short paths are most relevant.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Resilience of the Internet to random breakdowns

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    A common property of many large networks, including the Internet, is that the connectivity of the various nodes follows a scale-free power-law distribution, P(k)=ck^-a. We study the stability of such networks with respect to crashes, such as random removal of sites. Our approach, based on percolation theory, leads to a general condition for the critical fraction of nodes, p_c, that need to be removed before the network disintegrates. We show that for a<=3 the transition never takes place, unless the network is finite. In the special case of the Internet (a=2.5), we find that it is impressively robust, where p_c is approximately 0.99.Comment: latex, 3 pages, 1 figure (eps), explanations added, Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres

    Spectral transitions in networks

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    We study the level spacing distribution p(s) in the spectrum of random networks. According to our numerical results, the shape of p(s) in the Erdos-Renyi (E-R) random graph is determined by the average degree , and p(s) undergoes a dramatic change when is varied around the critical point of the percolation transition, =1. When > 1, the p(s) is described by the statistics of the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE), one of the major statistical ensembles in Random Matrix Theory, whereas at =1 it follows the Poisson level spacing distribution. Closely above the critical point, p(s) can be described in terms of an intermediate distribution between Poisson and the GOE, the Brody-distribution. Furthermore, below the critical point p(s) can be given with the help of the regularised Gamma-function. Motivated by these results, we analyse the behaviour of p(s) in real networks such as the Internet, a word association network and a protein protein interaction network as well. When the giant component of these networks is destroyed in a node deletion process simulating the networks subjected to intentional attack, their level spacing distribution undergoes a similar transition to that of the E-R graph.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Width of percolation transition in complex networks

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    It is known that the critical probability for the percolation transition is not a sharp threshold, actually it is a region of non-zero width Δpc\Delta p_c for systems of finite size. Here we present evidence that for complex networks Δpc∌pcl\Delta p_c \sim \frac{p_c}{l}, where l∌NÎœoptl \sim N^{\nu_{opt}} is the average length of the percolation cluster, and NN is the number of nodes in the network. For Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi (ER) graphs Îœopt=1/3\nu_{opt} = 1/3, while for scale-free (SF) networks with a degree distribution P(k)∌k−λP(k) \sim k^{-\lambda} and 3<λ<43<\lambda<4, Îœopt=(λ−3)/(λ−1)\nu_{opt} = (\lambda-3)/(\lambda-1). We show analytically and numerically that the \textit{survivability} S(p,l)S(p,l), which is the probability of a cluster to survive ll chemical shells at probability pp, behaves near criticality as S(p,l)=S(pc,l)⋅exp[(p−pc)l/pc]S(p,l) = S(p_c,l) \cdot exp[(p-p_c)l/p_c]. Thus for probabilities inside the region ∣p−pc∣<pc/l|p-p_c| < p_c/l the behavior of the system is indistinguishable from that of the critical point

    Effectiveness of dismantling strategies on moderated vs. unmoderated online social platforms

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    Online social networks are the perfect test bed to better understand large-scale human behavior in interacting contexts. Although they are broadly used and studied, little is known about how their terms of service and posting rules affect the way users interact and information spreads. Acknowledging the relation between network connectivity and functionality, we compare the robustness of two different online social platforms, Twitter and Gab, with respect to dismantling strategies based on the recursive censor of users characterized by social prominence (degree) or intensity of inflammatory content (sentiment). We find that the moderated (Twitter) vs unmoderated (Gab) character of the network is not a discriminating factor for intervention effectiveness. We find, however, that more complex strategies based upon the combination of topological and content features may be effective for network dismantling. Our results provide useful indications to design better strategies for countervailing the production and dissemination of anti-social content in online social platforms

    Overlapping modularity at the critical point of k-clique percolation

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    One of the most remarkable social phenomena is the formation of communities in social networks corresponding to families, friendship circles, work teams, etc. Since people usually belong to several different communities at the same time, the induced overlaps result in an extremely complicated web of the communities themselves. Thus, uncovering the intricate community structure of social networks is a non-trivial task with great potential for practical applications, gaining a notable interest in the recent years. The Clique Percolation Method (CPM) is one of the earliest overlapping community finding methods, which was already used in the analysis of several different social networks. In this approach the communities correspond to k-clique percolation clusters, and the general heuristic for setting the parameters of the method is to tune the system just below the critical point of k-clique percolation. However, this rule is based on simple physical principles and its validity was never subject to quantitative analysis. Here we examine the quality of the partitioning in the vicinity of the critical point using recently introduced overlapping modularity measures. According to our results on real social- and other networks, the overlapping modularities show a maximum close to the critical point, justifying the original criteria for the optimal parameter settings.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure
