61 research outputs found

    Aggressive Quadrotor Flight through Narrow Gaps with Onboard Sensing and Computing using Active Vision

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    We address one of the main challenges towards autonomous quadrotor flight in complex environments, which is flight through narrow gaps. While previous works relied on off-board localization systems or on accurate prior knowledge of the gap position and orientation, we rely solely on onboard sensing and computing and estimate the full state by fusing gap detection from a single onboard camera with an IMU. This problem is challenging for two reasons: (i) the quadrotor pose uncertainty with respect to the gap increases quadratically with the distance from the gap; (ii) the quadrotor has to actively control its orientation towards the gap to enable state estimation (i.e., active vision). We solve this problem by generating a trajectory that considers geometric, dynamic, and perception constraints: during the approach maneuver, the quadrotor always faces the gap to allow state estimation, while respecting the vehicle dynamics; during the traverse through the gap, the distance of the quadrotor to the edges of the gap is maximized. Furthermore, we replan the trajectory during its execution to cope with the varying uncertainty of the state estimate. We successfully evaluate and demonstrate the proposed approach in many real experiments. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that addresses and achieves autonomous, aggressive flight through narrow gaps using only onboard sensing and computing and without prior knowledge of the pose of the gap

    Grasping, Perching, And Visual Servoing For Micro Aerial Vehicles

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    Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) have seen a dramatic growth in the consumer market because of their ability to provide new vantage points for aerial photography and videography. However, there is little consideration for physical interaction with the environment surrounding them. Onboard manipulators are absent, and onboard perception, if existent, is used to avoid obstacles and maintain a minimum distance from them. There are many applications, however, which would benefit greatly from aerial manipulation or flight in close proximity to structures. This work is focused on facilitating these types of close interactions between quadrotors and surrounding objects. We first explore high-speed grasping, enabling a quadrotor to quickly grasp an object while moving at a high relative velocity. Next, we discuss planning and control strategies, empowering a quadrotor to perch on vertical surfaces using a downward-facing gripper. Then, we demonstrate that such interactions can be achieved using only onboard sensors by incorporating vision-based control and vision-based planning. In particular, we show how a quadrotor can use a single camera and an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) to perch on a cylinder. Finally, we generalize our approach to consider objects in motion, and we present relative pose estimation and planning, enabling tracking of a moving sphere using only an onboard camera and IMU

    A review of aerial manipulation of small-scale rotorcraft unmanned robotic systems

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    Small-scale rotorcraft unmanned robotic systems (SRURSs) are a kind of unmanned rotorcraft with manipulating devices. This review aims to provide an overview on aerial manipulation of SRURSs nowadays and promote relative research in the future. In the past decade, aerial manipulation of SRURSs has attracted the interest of researchers globally. This paper provides a literature review of the last 10 years (2008–2017) on SRURSs, and details achievements and challenges. Firstly, the definition, current state, development, classification, and challenges of SRURSs are introduced. Then, related papers are organized into two topical categories: mechanical structure design, and modeling and control. Following this, research groups involved in SRURS research and their major achievements are summarized and classified in the form of tables. The research groups are introduced in detail from seven parts. Finally, trends and challenges are compiled and presented to serve as a resource for researchers interested in aerial manipulation of SRURSs. The problem, trends, and challenges are described from three aspects. Conclusions of the paper are presented, and the future of SRURSs is discussed to enable further research interests

    How ornithopters can perch autonomously on a branch

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    Flapping wings are a bio-inspired method to produce lift and thrust in aerial robots, leading to quiet and efficient motion. The advantages of this technology are safety and maneuverability, and physical interaction with the environment, humans, and animals. However, to enable substantial applications, these robots must perch and land. Despite recent progress in the perching field, flapping-wing vehicles, or ornithopters, are to this day unable to stop their flight on a branch. In this paper, we present a novel method that defines a process to reliably and autonomously land an ornithopter on a branch. This method describes the joint operation of a flapping-flight controller, a close-range correction system and a passive claw appendage. Flight is handled by a triple pitch-yaw-altitude controller and integrated body electronics, permitting perching at 3 m/s. The close-range correction system, with fast optical branch sensing compensates for position misalignment when landing. This is complemented by a passive bistable claw design can lock and hold 2 Nm of torque, grasp within 25 ms and can re-open thanks to an integrated tendon actuation. The perching method is supplemented by a four-step experimental development process which optimizes for a successful design. We validate this method with a 700 g ornithopter and demonstrate the first autonomous perching flight of a flapping-wing robot on a branch, a result replicated with a second robot. This work paves the way towards the application of flapping-wing robots for long-range missions, bird observation, manipulation, and outdoor flight

    Enabling technologies for precise aerial manufacturing with unmanned aerial vehicles

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    The construction industry is currently experiencing a revolution with automation techniques such as additive manufacturing and robot-enabled construction. Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a key technology that can o er productivity improvement in the construction industry by means of o -site prefabrication and on-site construction with automated systems. The key bene t is that building elements can be fabricated with less materials and higher design freedom compared to traditional manual methods. O -site prefabrication with AM has been investigated for some time already, but it has limitations in terms of logistical issues of components transportation and due to its lack of design exibility on-site. On-site construction with automated systems, such as static gantry systems and mobile ground robots performing AM tasks, can o er additional bene ts over o -site prefabrication, but it needs further research before it will become practical and economical. Ground-based automated construction systems also have the limitation that they cannot extend the construction envelope beyond their physical size. The solution of using aerial robots to liberate the process from the constrained construction envelope has been suggested, albeit with technological challenges including precision of operation, uncertainty in environmental interaction and energy e ciency. This thesis investigates methods of precise manufacturing with aerial robots. In particular, this work focuses on stabilisation mechanisms and origami-based structural elements that allow aerial robots to operate in challenging environments. An integrated aerial self-aligning delta manipulator has been utilised to increase the positioning accuracy of the aerial robots, and a Material Extrusion (ME) process has been developed for Aerial Additive Manufacturing (AAM). A 28-layer tower has been additively manufactured by aerial robots to demonstrate the feasibility of AAM. Rotorigami and a bioinspired landing mechanism demonstrate their abilities to overcome uncertainty in environmental interaction with impact protection capabilities and improved robustness for UAV. Design principles using tensile anchoring methods have been explored, enabling low-power operation and explores possibility of low-power aerial stabilisation. The results demonstrate that precise aerial manufacturing needs to consider not only just the robotic aspects, such as ight control algorithms and mechatronics, but also material behaviour and environmental interaction as factors for its success.Open Acces

    DĂ©veloppement d'un drone percheur pour atterrissage et grimpe sur des surfaces verticales

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    Ce projet visait le développement du premier drone à aile fixe capable de se percher de façon autonome sur des surfaces verticales et d'en décoller. Inspiré par les oiseaux, l'avion développé utilise une manoeuvre de cabrage assistée par la poussée pour rapidement ralentir avant de se poser. Des microgriffes sont utilisées pour permettre à l'avion de s'accrocher à des surfaces rugueuses, alors que le contrôle de la manoeuvre est entièrement embarqué. L'effet de la poussée aérodynamique sur l'enveloppe d'atterrissage de l'avion est analysée et un contrôleur de vitesse verticale est proposé pour créer des descentes fluides et robustes vers un mur. Plusieurs atterissages ont été testé, à travers une plage de conditions de vol. La poussée aérodynamique de l'avion est également utilisée pour grimper le long de surfaces verticales. Des modèles aérodynamiques sont utilisés pour prédire les performance de l'avion dans plusieurs régimes de grimpe aérienne, et sélectionner un contrôleur pour le maintien d'une distance fixe avec un mur en montée verticale. La manœuvre de grimpe est testée à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur, pour des grimpes courtes et longues

    Astrobee Periodic Technical Review (PTR) Delta 3

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    Astrobee is a free flying robot for the inside of the International Space Station (ISS). The Periodic Technical Review (PTR) delta 3 is the final design review of the system presented to stakeholders

    Feasibility Study to Determine the Economic and Operational Benefits of Utilizing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

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    This project explored the feasibility of using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) in Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) operations. The research team conducted 24 interviews with personnel in four GDOT divisions. Interviews focused on (1) the basic goals of the operators in each division, (2) their major decisions for accomplishing those goals, and (3) the information requirements for each decision. Following an interview validation process, a set of UASs design characteristics that fulfill user requirements of each previously identified division was developed. A “House of Quality” viewgraph was chosen to capture the relationships between GDOT tasks and potential UAS aiding those operations. As a result, five reference systems are proposed. The UAS was broken into three components: vehicle, control station, and system. This study introduces a variety of UAS applications in traffic management, transportation and construction disciplines related to DOTs, such as the ability to get real time, digital photographs/videos of traffic scenes, providing a "bird’s eye view" that was previously only available with the assistance of a manned aircraft, integrating aerial data into GDOT drawing software programs, and dealing with restricted or complicated access issues when terrain, area, or the investigated object make it difficult for GDOT personnel to conduct a task. The results of this study could lead to further research on design, development, and field-testing of UAVs for applications identified as beneficial to the Department.Georgia Department of Transportatio
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