7 research outputs found


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    This study was conducted in response to the observed difficulties that fourth-grade students at SD Negeri Mlarangan faced in writing descriptive texts in Bahasa Indonesia. The limitations in learning resources and the low intake of the students were identified as contributing factors to these challenges. The aim of the research was to explore the potential of using environmental media as a learning tool to improve students' descriptive writing skills. This research used descriptive research methods, with 26 fourth grade students as research subjects. The learning resources chosen were taken from the local environment, namely Mlarangan Asri Beach Pleret Panjatan Kulon Progo. Data collection methods included observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation, with data credibility assessed through triangulation. The results indicated that the use of environmental media significantly enhanced the students' ability to write descriptive texts, with 68.46% of students categorized as proficient in various writing indicators. The findings suggest that the utilization of the local environment as a learning resource has positive implications for student learning, including increased motivation, enhanced understanding of the subject matter, and a deeper connection to the surrounding environment. The study underscores the importance of integrating environmental media into language learning to facilitate meaningful and engaging learning experiences for students


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    This study was conducted in response to the observed difficulties that fourth-grade students at SD Negeri Mlarangan faced in writing descriptive texts in Bahasa Indonesia. The limitations in learning resources and the low intake of the students were identified as contributing factors to these challenges. The aim of the research was to explore the potential of using environmental media as a learning tool to improve students' descriptive writing skills. This research used descriptive research methods, with 26 fourth grade students as research subjects. The learning resources chosen were taken from the local environment, namely Mlarangan Asri Beach Pleret Panjatan Kulon Progo. Data collection methods included observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation, with data credibility assessed through triangulation. The results indicated that the use of environmental media significantly enhanced the students' ability to write descriptive texts, with 68.46% of students categorized as proficient in various writing indicators. The findings suggest that the utilization of the local environment as a learning resource has positive implications for student learning, including increased motivation, enhanced understanding of the subject matter, and a deeper connection to the surrounding environment. The study underscores the importance of integrating environmental media into language learning to facilitate meaningful and engaging learning experiences for students


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    The purpose of this research are: (1) to know about usage of multimedia in Indonesian Language and Literature Learning; (2) to know about the positive impact of multimedia usage toward the quality and progress of learning Indonesian Language and Literature; (3) to understand the supporting and resisting factors of the usage of multimedia in Indonesian Language and Literature Learning.This is a qualitative research.  The data analysis uses interactive analysis model. The results of the research show that: (1) the usage of multimedia in Indonesian Language and Literature learning was conducted with a complete planning. The teacher prepared the curriculum such as Syllabus, Lesson Plan (RPP), assessment instrument, material, Media, LCD, and also laptop. The Multimedia was used by the teacher as a medium to give motivation at the beginning of the activity in front of the class. (2) The multimedia has positive impact toward the learning quality. The quality improvement can be seen from the increase of motivation, enthusiasm, and also the students’ understanding. (3) The supporting factor of the multimedia usage in Indonesian language and literature learning comes from the complete facilities and infrastructures, the good competence of the teacher in using and managing the class, good understanding of the students, and the availability of learning sources. Whereas the resisting factors found are the lack of funds, the absence of radiator machine and the reduced time in consequence of the teacher’s necessity to leave the class for official and private interests. Keywords: learning, multimedia, language literature, Indonesia


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    AbstractThis study aimed at determining the utilization of multimedia in learning English for the learners. The use of multimedia should be able to fulfill the needs of the learners and can make the learners easy to understand the material being studied. This research used descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used were observation, interview, and documentation. The results of this research were (1) narrative text learning design using multimedia in SMP Negeri 14 Pontianak done by the teacher through preparing some of required aspects such as curriculum analysis, learning need analysis, method, appropriate evaluation and strategy for the learners, as well as the using of media, (2) the implementation of English learning using multimedia could be done well. It could be seen from the active learners in learning activities, (3) The learners’ attitude in achieving the acquisition of learning narrative text by utilizing multimedia based on observations was that learners became more interested and felt happy in learning activities, learners became more active and enthusiastic, and also the learners more excited doing the evaluation test by using multimedia. It can be concluded that the utilization of multimedia in learning English for the acquisition of learning narrative text class VIII students SMP Negeri 14 Pontianak ran well because it can make the learners interested as well as increased the learners' motivation so the learners became enthusiastic in the learning process.Keywords: The utilization of multimedia, learning english, acquisition of learning

    Perceived Requirements of MIS Curriculum Implementation in Bilingual Developing Countries

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    Minority education and curriculum in the multilingual and multicultural society of the UAE

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    This thesis is about the multicultural and multilingual aspects of the UAE society and the school education system. It investigates the educational system in the minority schools in Dubai and explores the effects of this heterogeneity on teaching in general and language teaching in particular. The focus however, is the teaching of the UAE language, Arabic, in minority schools. The study also attempts to answer questions related to changes in curriculum. Chapter 1 introduces the study and describes the UAE geographically and gives its historical background from the 1960s. It then describes the multilingual population and the statement of the problem and the areas for research are identified. The significance of the study, its limitations and finally an overview of the chapters are given. Chapter 2 is concerned with the general view of private and public education. It also includes the sociolinguistic situation and the diglossia situation of Arabic. The language policy and the education system are described. The Mulla System of Education is discussed. Modem education system and education after the establishment of the state of the UAE also find a place here. The school system is detailed with the education policy in the UAE. It finally deals with the place of language in education. Chapter 3 is the theoretical framework of the study. The concept of minority and the unusual minority in the UAE are described through the literature. Studies on immigrants and on their education are reviewed. Literature related to issues of minority education and second language teaching to these immigrants and recommendations for bettering their education is discussed with relevance to the UAE. Finally, the research questions are formulated. Chapter 4 covers the methodology and design of the study. It explains the approach, the population and samples and the main steps. The study is both quantitative and qualitative In that it uses both, the questionnaire and structured interviews to research facts and collect opinions concerning central issues of language teaching and the teaching of Arabic. The respondents are students, teachers and principals of minority schools and some officials from the Ministry of Education. Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 present the data for the seven research questions and the analysis. Along with explanation of the variations, statistically significant variations are also calculated. It includes the various results that come up from the analysis. Chapter 7 summarises the findings, presents cautious conclusions and tentative recommendations for the situation described in the study. It also points out areas for further research