974 research outputs found

    Robust streaming in delay tolerant networks

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    Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) do not provide any end to end connectivity guarantee. Thus, transporting data over such networks is a tough challenge as most of Internet applications assume a form of persistent end to end connection. While research in DTN has mainly addressed the problem of routing in various mobility contexts with the aim to improve bundle delay delivery and data delivery ratio, little attention has been paid to applications. This paper investigates the support of streaming-like applications over DTN. We identify how DTN characteristics impact on the overall performances of these applications and present Tetrys, a transport layer mechanism, which enables robust streaming over DTN. Tetrys is based on an on the fly coding mechanism able to ensure full reliability without retransmission and fast in-order bundle delivery in comparison to classical erasure coding schemes. We evaluate our Tetrys prototype on real DTN connectivity traces captured from the Rollerblading tour in Paris. Simulations show that on average, Tetrys clearly outperforms all other reliability schemes in terms of bundles delivery service

    Employing H.264 Coarse and Medium Grain Scalable Video to Optimize Video Playback over Passive Optical Networks

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    In this work, we propose the use of Coarse Grain Scalable (CGS) and Medium Grain Scalable (MGS) H.264/AVC video to optimize video playback on passive optical networks (PONs) by investigating network performance metrics such as data delay, video delay, and video delay jitter. Video playback is improved by sequentially dropping layers of scalable video. Dropping just a single CGS enhancement layer results in improvements of up to 57% for both data and video delay. However, video delay jitter benefits the most with an improvement ranging from 47% to 87%. Surprisingly, dropping subsequent CGS enhancement layers does not significantly improve the PONs performance. In order to remedy this effect, our focus switched to employing the H.264/AVC MGS video standard. Though video traffic delay is the primary object of optimization in this work, the proposed algorithm’s impacts on other network performance metrics such as data traffic delay and video traffic delay variance (jitter) are analyzed as well. Video playback is improved by employing an adaptive scalable video layer dropping algorithm which drops a progressively larger number of scalable video layers as network utilization increases as measured by the moving average of the video packet delay. The influence of the algorithm\u27s three parameters on its performance is investigated in detail, and the results of the optimized adaptive dropping algorithm are compared to baseline static dropping algorithm

    Impact of network dynamics on user\u27s video quality : analytical framework and QoS provision

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    Content-access QoS in peer-to-peer networks using a fast MDS erasure code

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    This paper describes an enhancement of content access Quality of Service in peer to peer (P2P) networks. The main idea is to use an erasure code to distribute the information over the peers. This distribution increases the users’ choice on disseminated encoded data and therefore statistically enhances the overall throughput of the transfer. A performance evaluation based on an original model using the results of a measurement campaign of sequential and parallel downloads in a real P2P network over Internet is presented. Based on a bandwidth distribution, statistical content-access QoS are guaranteed in function of both the content replication level in the network and the file dissemination strategies. A simple application in the context of media streaming is proposed. Finally, the constraints on the erasure code related to the proposed system are analysed and a new fast MDS erasure code is proposed, implemented and evaluated

    Portable Video Streaming Network

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    This dissertation addresses the challenge of developing a video call system capable of supporting both Android mobile devices and fixed computers. Addi tionally, it analyses the quality of video achieved and its variation in the presence of network bandwidth and packet loss constraints. A prototype of a video call system was implemented using a web application and the Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) library. Clients use WebRTC to stream video over a Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) relay server, allowing them to send video to any terminal connected to the Internet. Signalling was implemented using WebSockets and a Node.js server. A quality testing prototype was also implemented, which supports sending pre-recorded videos and capturing and storing video recordings at the sender and receiver. The Video Multimethod Assessment Fusion (VMAF) metric was used as the main video quality metric, based on the comparison between the transmitted and received videos. The quality of a video encoded using the open source video encoder VP8 was analysed in constrained network setups. The results measured the video quality degradation and percentage of received frames, showing that the system is resilient to some bandwidth strangulation and packet loss, although with a noticeable video quality degradation.Esta dissertação aborda o desafio de desenvolver um sistema de videochamada capaz de suportar dispositivos móveis Android e computadores fixos. Além disso, analisa a qualidade do vídeo obtida e sua variação na presença de restrições de largura de banda da rede e perda de pacotes. Um protótipo de um sistema de videochamada foi implementado usando uma aplicação web e a biblioteca Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC). Os clientes usam WebRTC para transmitir o vídeo através de um servidor de retransmissão Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN), permitindo que enviem vídeo a qualquer cliente ligado à Internet. A sinalização foi implementada usando WebSockets e um servidor Node.js. Também foi implementado um protótipo de teste de qualidade, que suporta o envio de vídeos pré-gravados e a captura e armazenamento de gravações de vídeo no emissor e no recetor. A métrica Video Multimethod Assessment Fusion (VMAF) foi utilizada como a principal métrica de qualidade de vídeo, com base na comparação entre os vídeos transmitidos e recebidos. A qualidade de um vídeo codificado usando VP8 foi analisada em configurações de rede com limitações. Os resultados mediram a degradação da qualidade do vídeo e a percentagem de tramas recebidas, mostrando que o sistema é resiliente a algum estrangulamento da largura de banda e perda de pacotes, embora com uma degradação percetível da qualidade do vídeo

    Video streaming over Ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing protocol

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    Video streaming is content sent in compressed form over the netwoks and viwed the users progressively. The transmission of video with the end goal that it can be prepared as consistent and nonstop stream. The point is that to give client support to client at anyplace and at whatever time. Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are considered an attractive nertwork for information transmission in many applications where the customer programme can begin showing the information before the whole record has been transmitted. Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) protocol is considered as one of the most important routing protocols in MANET. However, routing protocols assume a crucial part in transmission of information over the network. This paper investigates the performance of AODV Routing Protocol under video traffic over PHY IEEE 802.11g. The protocol model was developed in OPNET. Different outcomes from simulation based models are analyzed and appropriate reasons are also discussed. A different scenarios of video streaming were used. The metric in terms of throughput, end to end delay, packet delivery ratio and routing overhead were measured. A comparision with GRP and GRP are also reported

    A Framework For Efficient Data Distribution In Peer-to-peer Networks.

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    Peer to Peer (P2P) models are based on user altruism, wherein a user shares its content with other users in the pool and it also has an interest in the content of the other nodes. Most P2P systems in their current form are not fair in terms of the content served by a peer and the service obtained from swarm. Most systems suffer from free rider\u27s problem where many high uplink capacity peers contribute much more than they should while many others get a free ride for downloading the content. This leaves high capacity nodes with very little or no motivation to contribute. Many times such resourceful nodes exit the swarm or don\u27t even participate. The whole scenario is unfavorable and disappointing for P2P networks in general, where participation is a must and a very important feature. As the number of users increases in the swarm, the swarm becomes robust and scalable. Other important issues in the present day P2P system are below optimal Quality of Service (QoS) in terms of download time, end-to-end latency and jitter rate, uplink utilization, excessive cross ISP traffic, security and cheating threats etc. These current day problems in P2P networks serve as a motivation for present work. To this end, we present an efficient data distribution framework in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks for media streaming and file sharing domain. The experiments with our model, an alliance based peering scheme for media streaming, show that such a scheme distributes data to the swarm members in a near-optimal way. Alliances are small groups of nodes that share data and other vital information for symbiotic association. We show that alliance formation is a loosely coupled and an effective way to organize the peers and our model maps to a small world network, which form efficient overlay structures and are robust to network perturbations such as churn. We present a comparative simulation based study of our model with CoolStreaming/DONet (a popular model) and present a quantitative performance evaluation. Simulation results show that our model scales well under varying workloads and conditions, delivers near optimal levels of QoS, reduces cross ISP traffic considerably and for most cases, performs at par or even better than Cool-Streaming/DONet. In the next phase of our work, we focussed on BitTorrent P2P model as it the most widely used file sharing protocol. Many studies in academia and industry have shown that though BitTorrent scales very well but is far from optimal in terms of fairness to end users, download time and uplink utilization. Furthermore, random peering and data distribution in such model lead to suboptimal performance. Lately, new breed of BitTorrent clients like BitTyrant have shown successful strategic attacks against BitTorrent. Strategic peers configure the BitTorrent client software such that for very less or no contribution, they can obtain good download speeds. Such strategic nodes exploit the altruism in the swarm and consume resources at the expense of other honest nodes and create an unfair swarm. More unfairness is generated in the swarm with the presence of heterogeneous bandwidth nodes. We investigate and propose a new token-based anti-strategic policy that could be used in BitTorrent to minimize the free-riding by strategic clients. We also proposed other policies against strategic attacks that include using a smart tracker that denies the request of strategic clients for peer listmultiple times, and black listing the non-behaving nodes that do not follow the protocol policies. These policies help to stop the strategic behavior of peers to a large extent and improve overall system performance. We also quantify and validate the benefits of using bandwidth peer matching policy. Our simulations results show that with the above proposed changes, uplink utilization and mean download time in BitTorrent network improves considerably. It leaves strategic clients with little or no incentive to behave greedily. This reduces free riding and creates fairer swarm with very little computational overhead. Finally, we show that our model is self healing model where user behavior changes from selfish to altruistic in the presence of the aforementioned policies

    Multimedia Streaming through Wireless Networks

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    An overview of wireless networks, cross-layer optimization techniques, and advances in wireless LAN technologies is presented. This paper presents a scalable and adaptive system-level approach to wireless multimedia in the emerging, Proactive Enterprise computing environment. A Distributed Network Information Base with Service Agents at each node is proposed to enable network-wide, proactive adaptation with adaptive routing and end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) management. The paper suggests that a combination of technological advancements in emerging wireless networks, node-level cross-layer optimizations, and the proposed distributed cross-node system-level architecture are all required to efficiently scale and adapt wireless multimedia in the current market