486 research outputs found

    A neutral network approach to automated classification of cracks in images of highway pavement using vectorized data

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    The collection and interpretation of highway pavement distress data is an expensive process. This process, in its traditional sense, required many man hours, as technicians have to survey the highway. This process is also quite dangerous and subject to traffic and weather conditions. Much research has been performed in order to automate the collection and interpretation phases. This research focuses on an alternative methodology for classification of highway pavement distresses. The Learning Vector Quantizer, an artificial neural network architecture, was implemented to classify images of highway pavement according to the longitudinal, transverse, fatigue and block crack types. Data was recorded from vectorized crack segments produced by a segmentation process. The images were recursively broken into smaller blocks, forming a quad-tree type structure. Each block in the image tree was then classified as to the major distress prevalent. This technique should allow for easier measurement of extent and severity. Also it allows records to be kept on individual pieces of highway for comparison with future monitoring. The overall results of the classification were satisfactory, with longitudinal and transverse classification outperforming block and fatigue. This was to be expected as block and fatigue crack types are harder to differentiate. With additional research, this approach should prove to be very beneficial to the pavement management field

    Asphalt Pavement Crack Classification : A Comparative Study of Three AI Approaches: Multilayer Perceptron, Genetic Algorithms and Self-Organizing Maps

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    Thesis ( M.S.) Indiana University South Bend, 2008.This study presents a comparison of three Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches: multilayer perception (MLP), genetic algorithms (GA) and self-organizing maps (SOM) to improve automated asphalt pavement crack classification using computer visio

    Pavement crack detection and clustering via region-growing algorithm from 3D MLS point clouds

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    Road condition monitoring plays a critical role in transportation infrastructure maintenance and traffic safety assurance. This research introduces a methodology to detect cracks on pavement point clouds acquired with Mobile Laser Scanning systems, which offer more versatility and comprehensive information about the road environment than other specific surveying systems (i.e., profilometers, 3D cameras). The methodology comprises the following steps: (1) Road segmentation; (2) the detection of candidate crack points in individual scanning lines of the point cloud, based on point elevation; (3) crack point clustering via a region-growing algorithm; and (4) crack geometrical attributes extraction. Both the profile evaluation and the region-growing clustering algorithms have been developed from scratch to detect cracks directly from 3D point clouds instead of using raster data or Geo-Referenced Feature images, offering a quick and effective pre-rating tool for pavement condition assessment. Crack detection is validated with data from damaged roads in Portugal.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn | Ref. PID2019-105221RB-C43Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn | Ref. FJC2018-035550-

    Deep Learning Approaches in Pavement Distress Identification: A Review

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    This paper presents a comprehensive review of recent advancements in image processing and deep learning techniques for pavement distress detection and classification, a critical aspect in modern pavement management systems. The conventional manual inspection process conducted by human experts is gradually being superseded by automated solutions, leveraging machine learning and deep learning algorithms to enhance efficiency and accuracy. The ability of these algorithms to discern patterns and make predictions based on extensive datasets has revolutionized the domain of pavement distress identification. The paper investigates the integration of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for data collection, offering unique advantages such as aerial perspectives and efficient coverage of large areas. By capturing high-resolution images, UAVs provide valuable data that can be processed using deep learning algorithms to detect and classify various pavement distresses effectively. While the primary focus is on 2D image processing, the paper also acknowledges the challenges associated with 3D images, such as sensor limitations and computational requirements. Understanding these challenges is crucial for further advancements in the field. The findings of this review significantly contribute to the evolution of pavement distress detection, fostering the development of efficient pavement management systems. As automated approaches continue to mature, the implementation of deep learning techniques holds great promise in ensuring safer and more durable road infrastructure for the benefit of society

    Automated pavement imaging program (APIP) for pavement cracks classification and quantification – a photogrammetric approach

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    The evaluation of pavement conditions is an important part of pavement management. Traditionally, pavement condition data are gathered by human inspectors who walk or drive along the road to assess the distresses and subsequently produce report sheets. This visual survey method is not only time consuming and costly but more importantly it compromises the safety of the field personnel. With an automated digital image processing technique, however, pavement distress analysis can be conducted in a swifter and safer manner. Pavement distresses are captured on images which are later automatically analysed. Furthermore, the automated method can improve the objectivity, accuracy, and consistency of the distress survey data. This research is aimed at the development of an Automated Pavement Imaging Program (APIP) for evaluating pavement distress condition. The digital image processing program enables longitudinal, transverse, and alligator cracking to be classified. Subsequently, the program will automatically estimate the crack intensity which can be used for rating pavement distress severity. Advancement in digital photogrammetric technology creates an opportunity to overcome some problems associated with the manual methods. It can provide a low-cost, near real time geometrical imaging through digital photogrammetry without physically touching the surface being measured. Moreover, digital photogrammetry workstation (DPW) is user-friendly, less tedious and enables surface conditions to be represented as ortho-image, overlay contour with ortho-image, as well as digital elevation model. The algorithms developed in this study are found to be capable of identifying type of cracking and its severity level with an accuracy of about 90% when compared to the traditional method. This is to show that the combination of the photogrammetric approach and APIP is a viable system to be used in pavement evaluations

    Efficient Evaluation of the Number of False Alarm Criterion

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    This paper proposes a method for computing efficiently the significance of a parametric pattern inside a binary image. On the one hand, a-contrario strategies avoid the user involvement for tuning detection thresholds, and allow one to account fairly for different pattern sizes. On the other hand, a-contrario criteria become intractable when the pattern complexity in terms of parametrization increases. In this work, we introduce a strategy which relies on the use of a cumulative space of reduced dimensionality, derived from the coupling of a classic (Hough) cumulative space with an integral histogram trick. This space allows us to store partial computations which are required by the a-contrario criterion, and to evaluate the significance with a lower computational cost than by following a straightforward approach. The method is illustrated on synthetic examples on patterns with various parametrizations up to five dimensions. In order to demonstrate how to apply this generic concept in a real scenario, we consider a difficult crack detection task in still images, which has been addressed in the literature with various local and global detection strategies. We model cracks as bounded segments, detected by the proposed a-contrario criterion, which allow us to introduce additional spatial constraints based on their relative alignment. On this application, the proposed strategy yields state-of the-art results, and underlines its potential for handling complex pattern detection tasks

    An Exploration of Recent Intelligent Image Analysis Techniques for Visual Pavement Surface Condition Assessment.

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    Road pavement condition assessment is essential for maintenance, asset management, and budgeting for pavement infrastructure. Countries allocate a substantial annual budget to maintain and improve local, regional, and national highways. Pavement condition is assessed by measuring several pavement characteristics such as roughness, surface skid resistance, pavement strength, deflection, and visual surface distresses. Visual inspection identifies and quantifies surface distresses, and the condition is assessed using standard rating scales. This paper critically analyzes the research trends in the academic literature, professional practices and current commercial solutions for surface condition ratings by civil authorities. We observe that various surface condition rating systems exist, and each uses its own defined subset of pavement characteristics to evaluate pavement conditions. It is noted that automated visual sensing systems using intelligent algorithms can help reduce the cost and time required for assessing the condition of pavement infrastructure, especially for local and regional road networks. However, environmental factors, pavement types, and image collection devices are significant in this domain and lead to challenging variations. Commercial solutions for automatic pavement assessment with certain limitations exist. The topic is also a focus of academic research. More recently, academic research has pivoted toward deep learning, given that image data is now available in some form. However, research to automate pavement distress assessment often focuses on the regional pavement condition assessment standard that a country or state follows. We observe that the criteria a region adopts to make the evaluation depends on factors such as pavement construction type, type of road network in the area, flow and traffic, environmental conditions, and region\u27s economic situation. We summarized a list of publicly available datasets for distress detection and pavement condition assessment. We listed approaches focusing on crack segmentation and methods concentrating on distress detection and identification using object detection and classification. We segregated the recent academic literature in terms of the camera\u27s view and the dataset used, the year and country in which the work was published, the F1 score, and the architecture type. It is observed that the literature tends to focus more on distress identification ( presence/absence detection) but less on distress quantification, which is essential for developing approaches for automated pavement rating

    Road Surface Defect Detection -- From Image-based to Non-image-based: A Survey

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    Ensuring traffic safety is crucial, which necessitates the detection and prevention of road surface defects. As a result, there has been a growing interest in the literature on the subject, leading to the development of various road surface defect detection methods. The methods for detecting road defects can be categorised in various ways depending on the input data types or training methodologies. The predominant approach involves image-based methods, which analyse pixel intensities and surface textures to identify defects. Despite their popularity, image-based methods share the distinct limitation of vulnerability to weather and lighting changes. To address this issue, researchers have explored the use of additional sensors, such as laser scanners or LiDARs, providing explicit depth information to enable the detection of defects in terms of scale and volume. However, the exploration of data beyond images has not been sufficiently investigated. In this survey paper, we provide a comprehensive review of road surface defect detection studies, categorising them based on input data types and methodologies used. Additionally, we review recently proposed non-image-based methods and discuss several challenges and open problems associated with these techniques.Comment: Survey paper

    Automated Extraction of Road Information from Mobile Laser Scanning Data

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    Effective planning and management of transportation infrastructure requires adequate geospatial data. Existing geospatial data acquisition techniques based on conventional route surveys are very time consuming, labor intensive, and costly. Mobile laser scanning (MLS) technology enables a rapid collection of enormous volumes of highly dense, irregularly distributed, accurate geo-referenced point cloud data in the format of three-dimensional (3D) point clouds. Today, more and more commercial MLS systems are available for transportation applications. However, many transportation engineers have neither interest in the 3D point cloud data nor know how to transform such data into their computer-aided model (CAD) formatted geometric road information. Therefore, automated methods and software tools for rapid and accurate extraction of 2D/3D road information from the MLS data are urgently needed. This doctoral dissertation deals with the development and implementation aspects of a novel strategy for the automated extraction of road information from the MLS data. The main features of this strategy include: (1) the extraction of road surfaces from large volumes of MLS point clouds, (2) the generation of 2D geo-referenced feature (GRF) images from the road-surface data, (3) the exploration of point density and intensity of MLS data for road-marking extraction, and (4) the extension of tensor voting (TV) for curvilinear pavement crack extraction. In accordance with this strategy, a RoadModeler prototype with three computerized algorithms was developed. They are: (1) road-surface extraction, (2) road-marking extraction, and (3) pavement-crack extraction. Four main contributions of this development can be summarized as follows. Firstly, a curb-based approach to road surface extraction with assistance of the vehicle’s trajectory is proposed and implemented. The vehicle’s trajectory and the function of curbs that separate road surfaces from sidewalks are used to efficiently separate road-surface points from large volume of MLS data. The accuracy of extracted road surfaces is validated with manually selected reference points. Secondly, the extracted road enables accurate detection of road markings and cracks for transportation-related applications in road traffic safety. To further improve computational efficiency, the extracted 3D road data are converted into 2D image data, termed as a GRF image. The GRF image of the extracted road enables an automated road-marking extraction algorithm and an automated crack detection algorithm, respectively. Thirdly, the automated road-marking extraction algorithm applies a point-density-dependent, multi-thresholding segmentation to the GRF image to overcome unevenly distributed intensity caused by the scanning range, the incidence angle, and the surface characteristics of an illuminated object. The morphological operation is then implemented to deal with the presence of noise and incompleteness of the extracted road markings. Fourthly, the automated crack extraction algorithm applies an iterative tensor voting (ITV) algorithm to the GRF image for crack enhancement. The tensor voting, a perceptual organization method that is capable of extracting curvilinear structures from the noisy and corrupted background, is explored and extended into the field of crack detection. The successful development of three algorithms suggests that the RoadModeler strategy offers a solution to the automated extraction of road information from the MLS data. Recommendations are given for future research and development to be conducted to ensure that this progress goes beyond the prototype stage and towards everyday use

    A simplified computer vision system for road surface inspection and maintenance

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    This paper presents a computer vision system whose aim is to detect and classify cracks on road surfaces. Most of the previous works consisted of complex and expensive acquisition systems, whereas we have developed a simpler one composed by a single camera mounted on a light truck and no additional illumination. The system also includes tracking devices in order to geolocalize the captured images. The computer vision algorithm has three steps: hard shoulder detection, cell candidate proposal, and crack classification. First the region of interest (ROI) is delimited using the Hough transform (HT) to detect the hard shoulders. The cell candidate step is divided into two substeps: Hough transform features (HTF) and local binary pattern (LBP). Both of them split up the image into nonoverlapping small grid cells and also extract edge orientation and texture features, respectively. At the fusion stage, the detection is completed by mixing those techniques and obtaining the crack seeds. Afterward, their shape is improved using a new developed morphology operator. Finally, one classification based on the orientation of the detected lines has been applied following the Chain code. Massive experiments were performed on several stretches on a Spanish road showing very good performance
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