14 research outputs found

    Design Patterns for Complex Learning

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    A complex view of learning recognises that learning cannot be pre-determined by teaching, but is as much defined by circumstances and context as pre-defined learning objectives. Learning designs that accept uncertainty help us to envision classrooms and curricula that are open, dynamic and innovative. Architect Christopher Alexander’s patterns and pattern language offer a means for researchers, practitioners, learners, and technologists to capture and share the emergent processes of complex learning. This paper examines the unique properties of patterns that support complex design tasks and suggests a design-based research framework for operationalising its practice. Through the thoughtful explication, mining and construction of patterns, all participants can contribute to a richer learning system

    Educating the Internet-of-Things generation

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    As highlighted by the articles in this special issue, the concept of the Internet of Things is becoming increasingly important and understanding both the technical underpinning and wider societal impacts of the Internet of Things (IoT) will be crucial for digital citizens of the future. Building on extensive experience in delivering large-scale distance learning, The Open University has redesigned its introductory computer science curriculum to place the Internet of Things at the centre of students’ experience, in a course called My Digital Life. In this article we present the design of this module, including a learning infrastructure that allows complete novices to experiment with, and learn about, Internet of Things technologies. We also share our experience of having almost 2000 students participate in the first presentation of the course, engaging in a range of activities that include collaborative and collective programming of real-world sensing applications

    Experiencia práctico pedagógica en la aplicación de Scrum en el aula

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    En la siguiente investigacion se aplicó la metodología ágil Scrum en la experiencia práctico pedagógica para optimizar el desarrollo de proyectos de aula, con un ejemplo práctico que desarrolló el patrón pedagógico propuesto, el esquema de la experiencia y el diagrama del patrón de acción de trabajo utilizado.  El objetivo fue aplicar diferentes herramientas metodológicas y la aplicación de la metodología ágil Scrum para el desarrollo del proyecto de Gestión de Evaluaciones del SENA – GEVA, aplicaciones móviles desarrolladas con el fin de apoyar la gestión de evaluaciones de los resultados de aprendizaje de las competencias a desarrollar por parte de (López, 2005) los aprendices con o sin discapacidad visual, la metodología de acuerdo al tipo de investigación en ambos casos tanto para la experiencia pedagógica como para el caso práctico es la de innovación de un proceso, en el desarrollo de la primera se realizó un estudio de caso y en la segunda el desarrollo del proyecto GEVA, se utilizaron la metodología SCRUM (Bauer, 1999), metodología UWE (Koch, Kraus & Hennicker, 2001) y metodología UML (Cachero, 2010).  UWE cubre todo el ciclo de vida y aplica metodologías agiles, de este tipo se centra su atención en aplicaciones personalizadas (adaptivas).  Se aborda la investigación de la experiencia pedagógica a través de la metodología de estudio de caso, considerando la importancia de los elementos y los resultados, describiendo los aspectos observados de la manera más completa posible, para extraer de la experiencia las conclusiones, los logros, casos de éxito obtenidos y posibilidades de aplicación a futuros proyectos.  La experiencia aplicada en su totalidad arrojo resultados de éxito visibles en el desarrollo de proyectos de aula tanto a nivel nacional e internacional

    Apoio Automatizado à mediação da aprendizagem baseada em experimentos

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    A idéia por trás da atividade experimental é permitir aos estudantes atingirem uma maior autonomia intelectual. Para isso, o estudante deve perceber a importância do refletir após o fazer. Esse artigo discute o problema e propõe um sistema, que pode ser incorporado a Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem para gerenciar as atividades apoiadas por esses ambientes. O sistema proposto permite definir processos do tipo “padrão” om atividades que são “instanciadas” para os cursos e conta também conta com uma ferramenta de avaliação automática de textos, que fornece, para o professor, indicadores que podem ser usados para agilizar o feedback para os estudantes


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    : El avance de las nuevas tecnologías de la información en el contexto educativo es cada vez mayor. Con ello aumenta el uso de materiales digitales en el proceso docente para potenciar el aprendizaje. Dentro de este grupo de materiales sobresalen los recursos educativos. En el diseño de un recurso educativo es común que se cometan errores que pueden dar paso a la existencia de problemas de diseño. Para prevenirlos o tratarlos existen los patrones de diseño de recursos educativos. A pesar de su utilidad generalmente no son utilizados porque se desconoce de su existencia o acceder a ellos se torna complejo. En la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas se desarrolla un Entorno para la Gestión de Patrones que busca facilitar el acceso a los patrones, así como su diseño y revisión. Con ello se busca además recomendar los patrones más adecuados para solucionar problemas específicos. Este artículo describe el módulo desarrollado para realizar recomendaciones en dicho entorno, capaz de nutrirse de otros módulos, así como de fuentes disponibles en internet, caminando para ello diferentes técnicas de inteligencia artificial

    Memorias proyectos de investigación SENNOVA

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    Cuando la ética se torna práctica : una narrativa e investigación de Aula centrada en el cambio del Ethos / Saúl Ernesto García Serrano, Ramón Silva Rodríguez -- La magia de escribir / Nuvia Inés Borbón Ardila, Genaro Humberto Amariles Mejía -- Diseño de Sistema para usar la energía cinética de los ríos en la producción de electricidad en zonas no interconectadas / Enrique Chacón Pinzón -- Experiencia práctico pedagógica en la aplicación de metodologías ágiles a través del aprendizaje basado en proyectos como marco de trabajo dentro de la estrategia de formación profesional integral del SENA -- Suspensión Fórmula SENA Eco / Orlando Torres Clavijo -- Diseño de un acelerador eólico para generación de energía eléctrica por medio de turbinas para zonas de media y baja velocidad de aire.na94 página

    The Investigation and Development of Experiential Learning Theory in Primary and Secondary Education

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    Aim: This study has three key objectives: first, to establish a base of understanding of experiential learning practices in K-12 education. Second, understand what is required to effectively facilitate experiential learning and assessment in K-12 education. Lastly, to develop a framework to enable and support experiential learning theory in K-12 education. Background: Experiential learning is a widely used methodology across disciplines. However, research quantifying its effectiveness at the primary and secondary levels is not available. Existing models and frameworks do not adequately facilitate experiential learning for K-12 educators. Methods: This research study utilized a mixed-methods approach and focused on applying established teaching and assessment practices. Instructors from primary and secondary education were invited to participate after implementing a project or unit of study focusing on experiential learning. Twenty-two participants contributed to the initial survey representing thirty-three percent of those identified as potential participants. A follow-up focus group was conducted with eight of the twenty-two survey participants. Results: This research resulted in three manuscripts: The first manuscript reviews Experiential Learning Theory outlining the need for academic research specifically in K-12 education. The second manuscript is the main research study that establishes a basis of understanding among current practitioners and identifies areas that need to be addressed to facilitate and support experiential learning. The third manuscript outlines a new framework for facilitating experiential learning within K-12 education, including a collection of working principles and characteristics of its successful implementation through an analysis of the literature and research. Conclusion: The analysis of the literature, survey, and focus group revealed several themes supporting the impact of experiential learning methods. Themes included significant positive contributions to teachers and students, improved student engagement, deeper understanding, and authentic learning. Additionally, the findings of this study were consistent with other studies conducted at post-secondary levels in establishing experiential learning methods as having a significant positive impact on students. The findings of this study however, emphasized the role of the facilitator of experiences and the positive impact of experiential learning methods have on the instructor as well as the students. Survey and focus group participants provided insight into topics that best support their expanded use of experiential learning. Furthermore, the available literature focuses on only one experiential learning theory model which is insufficient for supporting K-12 educators. Research conducted in this study has directly resulted in the development of a new framework with a set of working principles and characteristics of effective implementation. Future studies should include empirical testing of the new framework in the context of K-12 education, identifying any necessary revisions and additions

    Educational Design of an Integrative eGovernment Qualification Approach: Educational Design of an Integrative eGovernment Qualification Approach

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    The thesis presents a model, suitable for the design of any type of qualification in integrative eGovernment education. The integrative approach combines education of adult learners and students and promotes international cooperation

    The Effectiveness of a Case Study Method as Compared to a Traditional Learning Method in One Business School in Taiwan

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    The experiential learning approach that involves active, in-depth and collaborative learning is a powerful pedagogical idea and technique to establish students\u27 critical skills for the diverse workplace and the severe competitive global marketplace of the future. The experiential learning approach also builds a bridge across school (theory) and the real-world (experience). There is a large amount of empirical evidence that has shown the experiential learning approach worked well and successfully in business colleges and universities in many Western nations since the 1960s. However, there are only a few researchers who have looked at implementing the experiential learning approach in business colleges and universities in East Asian nations. Given the positive results of a variety of experiential learning methods, activities, and techniques adopted by many business colleges and universities in Western nations, the researcher, in order to determine the results of a similar program in an East Asian nation, has initiated an experimental study among students who are enrolled in a business college in one East Asian nation - Taiwan, Republic of China. This study would discover how effectively and efficiently the team-based case-study method of the experiential learning approach functions in a business college in Taiwan