68,070 research outputs found

    Intuition in Healthcare Communication Practices: Initial Findings from a Qualitative Inquiry

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    This brief paper reports on how healthcare providers negotiate stages of care and communication by using intuition. This focus shifts attention away from the product-patient records-and towards the process of medical communication. To support this claim, the paper presents preliminary findings from qualitative analysis of two individual ethnographic research projects with live-action clinical nursing simulations and emergency medical services. Using a grounded theory analysis that identified intuitive moments in the writing practices of healthcare providers, this brief paper demonstrates how intuition manifests in all five stages of care-anticipate, assess, plan, act and reassess, and document-and grounds medical assessment and decision making. Analysis suggests three takeaways for healthcare communicators and educators: 1. intuitive work supports patient specific and responsive care; 2. coding and highlighting mediate patient sense; and 3. recognizing and valuing patient sense is a learned skill. The paper concludes with suggestions for reflective activities that could support incorporating intuition into healthcare communication pedagogy

    Enterprise architecture documentation and representation : a pragmatic documentation framework

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    Osa yrityksistä on kaikkialle niiden toimintaan leviävän informaatioteknologian ja niiden toimintaympäristön muutosvauhdin seurauksena kasvanut ulos aikaisemmista informaatioteknologian johtamiskäytännöistään. Seuraavana ratkaisuna näille yrityksille suositellaan yritysarkkitehtuuria. Valitettavasti vakiintuneet yritysarkkitehtuurikehykset ja etenkin niiden dokumentointikäytännöt eivät vielä ole riittävällä tasolla. Niiden lähestymistapa on melko teknisesti orientoitunut – ainakin menetelmämielessä ellei myös sisällön suhteen. Tästä johtuen monet yritysarkkitehtuurihankkeet, vaikka olisivat tuottaneet valtavan määrän malleja ja arkkitehtuuridokumentaatiota, ovat käytännössä lisänneet hyvin vähän organisaation kykyä strategisesti kehittää sen informaatiojärjestelmien ominaisuuksia ja laatua. Tämä työ tutkii yritysarkkitehtuuridokumentaation optimaalista rakennetta ja muotoa edellä mainitun kyvyn kannalta. Tutkimuksen lähtökohdaksi esitellään kahden case-projektin kohtaamia esteitä ja vaikeuksia. Esiteltävän uudenlaisen dokumentointikehyksen, joka on tämän työn pääasiallinen kontribuutio, osoitetaan myöhemmin välttävän kyseiset hankaluudet. Sen rakenne on suhteellisen pienten dokumentaation osien verkko, jossa kullakin osalla on selkeä fyysinen vastine. Dokumentointimuotona kehys käyttää lähes yksinomaan arkkitehtonisia periaatteita.As a consequence of information technology's pervasive role in businesses nowadays and the rate of change businesses experience in their operating environment, many organizations have outgrown from their former IT management practices. Enterprise architecture is promoted to them as the next solution. Unfortunately, the established enterprise architecture frameworks and especially their documentation conventions are clearly not up to the task, yet. Their approach is rather technically oriented – at least method-wise, if not content-wise too. Consequently, many enterprise architecture initiatives although having produced vast volumes of models and architecture documents, have actually added very little to organization's capability to strategically advance the properties and qualities of its information systems. This thesis studies the optimal structure and form of enterprise architecture documentation from the point of view of the above capability. As a starting point for the study the hurdles and difficulties faced by two case projects are reported. The presented novel documentation framework, which is the main contribution of this work, is later shown to avoid these complications. It is structured as a mesh of relatively small pieces of documentation, each piece having a distinct physical counterpart. As a documentation form, the framework uses almost exclusively architectural principles

    Evaluación del uso de la comunicación para el desarrollo en las intervenciones de conflicto. Medir la paz en la comunicación participativa

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    The application of Communication for Development (C4D) in conflict prevention, conflict reduction and post-conflict reconstruction interventions is a relatively new field. International organisations that have begun to adopt new communication & media designs in their peace work are progressively offering a credible baseline to engage in the assessment of this practice. In this paper, I offer a short compendium of the evaluation frameworks I have developed through my empirical research on the impact of Communication for Development in Peacebuilding; this is presented alongside a number of reflections and followed by concluding considerations on the state of the field.La aplicación de la Comunicación para el Desarrollo (C4D) en la prevención y reducción de conflictos, así como en la intervención para la reconstrucción cuando estos no pueden ser evitados, es un campo relativamente nuevo. Las organizaciones internacionales que han rediseñado su comunicación y medios en su trabajo para la consecución de la paz nos están ofreciendo de forma progresiva una base de referencia fiable para participar en la evaluación de esta práctica. En este trabajo presento un breve compendio de los marcos de evaluación que he desarrollado a través de mi investigación empírica sobre el impacto de la Comunicación para el Desarrollo en la consolidación de la Paz; un estudio que viene acompañado de una serie de reflexiones y seguido por unas conclusiones finales sobre el estado en el que este campo se encuentra en la actualidad

    Transcultural Ethnic Validity Model and Intracultural Competence

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    To be a psychosocially competent person, each of us has to have both an internal and an external perspective on our self and our culture, a transcultural ethnic validity perspective. This conclusion is supported by a logical and empirical examination of how we know who we are and use our own judgmental capabilities to guide and change our lives and our situations. Particular emphasis is placed on the nature of psychological science as a human enterprise influenced by the personal and cultural backgrounds of its scientists and those they study

    Mediating between practitioner and developer communities: the Learning Activity Design in Education experience

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    The slow uptake by teachers in post‐compulsory education of new technological tools and technology‐enhanced teaching methods may be symptomatic of a general split in the e‐learning community between development of tools, services and standards, and research into how teachers can use these most effectively (i.e. between the teaching practitioner and technical developer communities). This paper reflects on the experience of transferring knowledge and understanding between these two communities during the Learning Activity Design in Education project funded by the UK Joint Information Systems Committee. The discussion is situated within the literature on ‘mediating representations’ and ‘mediating artefacts’, and shows that the practical operation of mediating representations is far more complex than previously acknowledged. The experience suggests that for effective transfer of concepts between communities, the communities need to overlap to the extent that a single representation is comprehensible to both. This representation may be viewed as a boundary object that is used to negotiate understanding. If the communities do not overlap a chain of intermediate representations and communities may be necessary. Finally, a tentative distinction is drawn between mediating representations and mediating artefacts, based not in the nature of the resources, but in their mode and context of use

    Toward a user-oriented analytical approach to learning design

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    The London Pedagogy Planner (LPP) is a prototype for a collaborative online planning and design tool that supports lecturers in developing, analysing and sharing learning designs. The tool is based on a developing model of the components involved in learning design, and the critical relationships between them. As a decision tool, it makes the pedagogical design explicit as an output from the process, capturing it for testing, redesign, reuse and adaptation by the originator, or by others. The aim is to test the extent to which we can engage lecturers in reflecting on learning design, and make them part of the educational community that discovers how best to use Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). This paper describes the development of LPP, presents pedagogical benefits of visual representations of learning designs, and proposes an analytical approach to learning design based on these visual representations. The analytical approach is illustrated based on an initial evaluation with the lecturers