480 research outputs found

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 333)

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    This bibliography lists 122 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System during January, 1990. Subject coverage includes: aerospace medicine and psychology, life support systems and controlled environments, safety equipment, exobiology and extraterrestrial life, and flight crew behavior and performance

    Signalling properties at single synapses and within the interneuronal network in the CA1 region of the rodent hippocampus

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    Understanding how the complexity of connections among the neurons in the brain is established and modified in an experience- and activity-dependent way is a challenging task of Neuroscience. Although in the last decades many progresses have been made in characterising the basic mechanisms of synaptic transmission, a full comprehension of how information is transferred and processed by neurons has not been fully achieved. In the present study, theoretical tools and patch clamp experiments were used to further investigate synaptic transmission, focusing on quantal transmission at single synapses and on different types of signalling at the level of a particular interneuronal network in the CA1 area of the rodent hippocampus. The simultaneous release of more than one vesicle from an individual presynaptic active zone is a typical mechanism that can affect the strength and reliability of synaptic transmission. At many central synapses, however, release caused by a single presynaptic action potential is limited to one vesicle (univesicular release). The likelihood of multivesicular release at a particular synapse has been tied to release probability (Pr), and whether it can occur at Schaffer collateral\u2013CA1 synapses, at which Pr ranges widely, is controversial. In contrast with previous findings, proofs of multivesicular release at this synapse have been recently obtained at late developmental stages; however, in the case of newborn hippocampus, it is still difficult to find strong evidence in one direction or another. In order to address this point, in the first part of this study a simple and general stochastic model of synaptic release has been developed and analytically solved. The model solution gives analytical mathematical expressions relating basic quantal parameters with average values of quantities that can be measured experimentally. Comparison of these quantities with the experimental measures allows to determine the most probable values of the quantal parameters and to discriminate the univesicular from the multivesicular mode of glutamate release. The model has been validated with data previously collected at glutamatergic CA3-CA1 synapses in the hippocampus from newborn (P1-P5 old) rats. The results strongly support a multivesicular type of release process requiring a variable pool of immediately releasable vesicles. Moreover, computing quantities that are functions of the model parameters, the mean amplitude of the synaptic response to the release of a single vesicle (Q) was estimated to be 5-10 pA, in very good agreement with experimental findings. In addition, a multivesicular type of release was supported by various experimental evidences: a high variability of the amplitude of successes, with a coefficient of variation ranging from 0.12 to 0.73; an average potency ratio a2/a1 between the second and first response to a pair of stimuli bigger than 1; and changes in the potency of the synaptic response to the first stimulus when the release probability was modified by increasing or decreasing the extracellular calcium concentration. This work indicates that at glutamatergic CA3-CA1 synapses of the neonatal rat hippocampus a single action potential may induce the release of more than one vesicle from the same release site. In a more systemic approach to the analysis of communication between neurons, it is interesting to investigate more complex, network interactions. GABAergic interneurons constitute a heterogeneous group of cells which exert a powerful control on network excitability and are responsible for the oscillatory behaviour crucial for information processing in the brain. They have been differently classified according to their morphological, neurochemical and physiological characteristics. In the second part of this study, whole cell patch clamp recordings were used to further characterize, in transgenic mice expressing EGFP in a subpopulation of GABAergic interneurons containing somatostatin (GIN mice), the functional properties of EGFPpositive cells in stratum oriens of the CA1 region of the hippocampus, in slice cultures obtained from P8 old animals. These cells showed passive and active membrane properties similar to those found in stratum oriens interneurons projecting to stratum lacunosum-moleculare. Moreover, they exhibited different firing patterns which were maintained upon membrane depolarization: irregular (48%), regular (30%) and clustered (22%). Paired recordings from EGFP-positive cells often revealed electrical coupling (47% of the cases), which was abolished by carbenoxolone (200 mM). On average, the coupling coefficient was 0.21 \ub1 0.07. When electrical coupling was particularly strong it acted as a powerful low-pass filter, thus contributing to alter the output of individual cells. The dynamic interaction between cells with various firing patterns may differently control GABAergic signalling, leading, as suggested by simulation data, to a wide range of interneuronal communication. In additional paired recordings of a presynaptic EGFP positive interneuron and a postsynaptic principal cell, trains of action potentials in interneurons rarely evoked GABAergic postsynaptic currents (3/45 pairs) with small amplitude and slow kinetics, and that at 20 Hz exhibited short-term depression. In contrast, excitatory connections between principal cells and EGFP-positive interneurons were found more often (17/55 pairs) and exhibited a frequency and use-dependent facilitation, particularly in the gamma band. In conclusion, it appears that EGFP-positive interneurons in stratum oriens of GIN mice constitute a heterogeneous population of cells interconnected via electrical synapses, exhibiting particular features in their chemical and electrical synaptic signalling. Moreover, the dynamic interaction between these interneurons may differentially affect target cells and neuronal communication within the hippocampal network

    On the effects of transcranial alternating stimulation (tACS) on neuronal dynamics and cognition.

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    A few minutes at a busy square in London allow one to appreciate the wide array of actions that humans are capable of expressing— walking, reading a book, tapping touch screen of smartphone, eating, shaking hands and crossing the street. Response inhibition is an essential mechanism of action control and is one of the most studied processes. For example, crossing the street when a fast motorcycle is approaching might necessitate inhibition of stepping forward to avoid being hurt. This ability to quickly suppress a response in a dynamic environment has traditionally been associated with conscious control. Crucially, recent experimental evidence has challenged the view that inhibitory control is restricted to conditions where stimuli are accessible to conscious awareness. Such an unconscious and automatic activation of the motor response system does not necessarily require stimuli to be consciously perceived and is deemed essential to act in a constantly changing environment. This has been interpreted as a basic motor process allowing preparatory mechanisms to automatically suppress an activated movement without the need of conscious cognitive processes. Thus, while there may be differences between automatic and voluntary processes, they might not have entirely distinct neural representations. Indeed, automatic control appears to rely on the corticobasal ganglia network that has been associated with voluntary control. Contemporary research has shown that an up-regulation of neural beta oscillations in the cortico-basal ganglia dynamics can be functionally relevant for inhibition of movement. Consequently, beta oscillations have been proposed as an essential mechanism that allows the motor network to communicate in a dynamic and flexible manner. Present research has demonstrated that it is possible to interact with the neuronal activity by non invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) techniques such as transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS), transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS). Specifically, tACS allows delivery of alternating current at different frequencies and it has been used to manipulate ongoing brain oscillations in a controllable way. This concept is still in the very early stages of research, and much needs to be done in order to fully grasp the underlying mechanisms. Building upon these discoveries, the research presented in this thesis aimed to demonstrate a causal role of beta frequency oscillations on unconscious and automatic inhibition adopting tACS over the primary motor cortex and supplementary motor area. Furthermore combining tACS with TMS and EEG allowed me to characterise the underlying basic mechanisms of its action on corticospinal excitability and neuronal dynamics. Overall, this work contributes to our understanding of the human motor system while offering new insights into the combined approach of tACS and EEG in the characterization of a causal role of neuronal oscillatory dynamics on behaviour

    Modélisation de la consolidation de la mémoire dépendante de l'état d'activité du cerveau

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    Our brains enable us to perform complex actions and respond quickly to the external world, thanks to transitions between different brain states that reflect the activity of interconnected neuronal populations. An intriguing example is the ever-present switch of brain activity that occurs while transitioning between periods of active and quiet waking. It involves transitions from small-amplitude, high-frequency brain oscillations to large-amplitude, low-frequency oscillations, accompanied by neuronal activity switches from tonic firing to bursting. The switch between these firing modes is regulated by neuromodulators and the inherent properties of neurons. Simultaneously, our brains have the ability to learn and form memories through persistent changes in the strength of the connections between neurons. This process is known as synaptic plasticity, where neurons strengthen or weaken connections based on their respective firing activity. While it is commonly believed that putting in more effort and time leads to better performance when memorizing new information, this thesis explores the hypothesis that taking occasional breaks and allowing the brain to rest during quiet waking periods may actually be beneficial. Using a computational approach, the thesis investigates the relationship between the transitions in brain states from active to quiet waking described by the neuronal switches from tonic firing to bursting, and synaptic plasticity on memory consolidation. To investigate this research question, we constructed neurons and circuits with the ability to switch between tonic firing and bursting using a conductance-based approach. In our first contribution, we focused on identifying the key neuronal property that enables robust switches, even in the presence of neuron and circuit heterogeneity. Through computational experiments and phase plane analysis, we demonstrated the significance of a distinct timescale separation between sodium and T-type calcium channel activation by comparing various models from the existing literature. Synaptic plasticity is studied to understand learning and memory consolidation. The second contribution involves a taxonomy of synaptic plasticity rules, investigating their compatibility with switches in neuronal activity, small neuronal variabilities, and neuromodulators. The third contribution reveals the evolution of synaptic weights during the transition from tonic firing in active waking to bursting in quiet waking. Combining bursting neurons with traditional synaptic plasticity rules using soft-bounds leads to a homeostatic reset, where synaptic weights converge to a fixed point regardless of the weights acquired during tonic firing. Strong weights depress, while weak weights potentiate until reaching a set point. This homeostatic mechanism is robust to neuron and circuit heterogeneity and the choice of synaptic plasticity rules. The reset is further exploited by neuromodulator-induced changes in synaptic rules, potentially supporting the Synaptic-Tagging and Capture hypothesis, where strong weights are tagged and converge to a high reset value during bursting. While burst-induced reset may cause forgetting of previous learning, it also restores synaptic weights and facilitates the formation of new memories. To exploit this homeostatic property, an innovative burst-dependent structural plasticity rule is developed to encode previous learning through long-lasting morphological changes. The proposed mechanism explains late-stage of Long-Term Potentiation, complementing traditional synaptic plasticity rules governing early-stage of Long-Term Potentiation. Switches to bursting enable neurons to consolidate synapses by creating new proteins and promoting synapse growth, while simultaneously restoring efficacy of postsynaptic receptors for new learning. The novel plasticity rule is validated by comparing it with traditional synaptic rules in various memory tasks. The results demonstrate that switches from tonic firing to bursting and the novel structural plasticity enhance learning and memory consolidation. In conclusion, this thesis utilizes computational models of biophysical neurons to provide evidence that the switches from tonic firing to bursting, reflecting the shift from active to quiet waking, play a crucial role in enhancing memory consolidation through structural plasticity. In essence, this thesis offers computational support for the significance of taking breaks and allowing our brains to rest in order to solidify our memories. These findings serve as motivation for collaborative experiments between computational and experimental neuroscience, fostering a deeper understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying brain-state-dependent memory consolidation. Furthermore, these insights have the potential to inspire advancements in machine learning algorithms by incorporating principles of neuronal activity switches

    On the functions, mechanisms, and malfunctions of intracortical contextual modulation

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    A broad neuron-centric conception of contextual modulation is reviewed and re-assessed in the light of recent neurobiological studies of amplification, suppression, and synchronization. Behavioural and computational studies of perceptual and higher cognitive functions that depend on these processes are outlined, and evidence that those functions and their neuronal mechanisms are impaired in schizophrenia is summarized. Finally, we compare and assess the long-term biological functions of contextual modulation at the level of computational theory as formalized by the theories of coherent infomax and free energy reduction. We conclude that those theories, together with the many empirical findings reviewed, show how contextual modulation at the neuronal level enables the cortex to flexibly adapt the use of its knowledge to current circumstances by amplifying and grouping relevant activities and by suppressing irrelevant activities

    Regulation of rhythm genesis by volume-limited, astroglia-like signals in neural networks.

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    Rhythmic activity of the brain often depends on synchronized spiking of interneuronal networks interacting with principal neurons. The quest for physiological mechanisms regulating network synchronization has therefore been firmly focused on synaptic circuits. However, it has recently emerged that synaptic efficacy could be influenced by astrocytes that release signalling molecules into their macroscopic vicinity. To understand how this volume-limited synaptic regulation can affect oscillations in neural populations, here we explore an established artificial neural network mimicking hippocampal basket cells receiving inputs from pyramidal cells. We find that network oscillation frequencies and average cell firing rates are resilient to changes in excitatory input even when such changes occur in a significant proportion of participating interneurons, be they randomly distributed or clustered in space. The astroglia-like, volume-limited regulation of excitatory synaptic input appears to better preserve network synchronization (compared with a similar action evenly spread across the network) while leading to a structural segmentation of the network into cell subgroups with distinct firing patterns. These observations provide us with some previously unknown insights into the basic principles of neural network control by astroglia
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