2,670 research outputs found

    A new class of wavelet networks for nonlinear system identification

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    A new class of wavelet networks (WNs) is proposed for nonlinear system identification. In the new networks, the model structure for a high-dimensional system is chosen to be a superimposition of a number of functions with fewer variables. By expanding each function using truncated wavelet decompositions, the multivariate nonlinear networks can be converted into linear-in-the-parameter regressions, which can be solved using least-squares type methods. An efficient model term selection approach based upon a forward orthogonal least squares (OLS) algorithm and the error reduction ratio (ERR) is applied to solve the linear-in-the-parameters problem in the present study. The main advantage of the new WN is that it exploits the attractive features of multiscale wavelet decompositions and the capability of traditional neural networks. By adopting the analysis of variance (ANOVA) expansion, WNs can now handle nonlinear identification problems in high dimensions

    Implementation of complex interactions in a Cox regression framework

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    The standard Cox proportional hazards model has been extended by functionally describable interaction terms. The first of which are related to neural networks by adopting the idea of transforming sums of weighted covariables by means of a logistic function. A class of reasonable weight combinations within the logistic transformation is described. Apart from the standard covariable product interaction, a product of logistically transformed covariables has also been included in the analysis of performance of the new terms. An algorithm combining likelihood ratio tests and AIC criterion has been defined for model choice. The critical values of the likelihood ratio test statistics had to be corrected in order to guarantee a maximum type I error of 5% for each interaction term. The new class of interaction terms allows interpretation of functional relationships between covariables with more flexibility and can easily be implemented in standard software packages

    Identifying the neuroanatomical basis of cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease by correlation- and nonlinearity-aware sparse Bayesian learning

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    Predicting cognitive performance of subjects from their magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures and identifying relevant imaging biomarkers are important research topics in the study of Alzheimer's disease. Traditionally, this task is performed by formulating a linear regression problem. Recently, it is found that using a linear sparse regression model can achieve better prediction accuracy. However, most existing studies only focus on the exploitation of sparsity of regression coefficients, ignoring useful structure information in regression coefficients. Also, these linear sparse models may not capture more complicated and possibly nonlinear relationships between cognitive performance and MRI measures. Motivated by these observations, in this work we build a sparse multivariate regression model for this task and propose an empirical sparse Bayesian learning algorithm. Different from existing sparse algorithms, the proposed algorithm models the response as a nonlinear function of the predictors by extending the predictor matrix with block structures. Further, it exploits not only inter-vector correlation among regression coefficient vectors, but also intra-block correlation in each regression coefficient vector. Experiments on the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative database showed that the proposed algorithm not only achieved better prediction performance than state-of-the-art competitive methods, but also effectively identified biologically meaningful patterns

    Efficient Computation of Log-likelihood Function in Clustering Overdispersed Count Data

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    In this work, we present an overdispersed count data clustering algorithm, which uses the mesh method for computing the log-likelihood function, of the multinomial Dirichlet, multinomial generalized Dirichlet, and multinomial Beta-Liouville distributions. Count data are often used in many areas such as information retrieval, data mining, and computer vision. The multinomial Dirichlet distribution (MDD) is one of the widely used methods of modeling multi-categorical count data with overdispersion. In recent works, the use of the mesh algorithm, which involves the approximation of the multinomial Dirichlet distribution's (MDD) log-likelihood function, based on the Bernoulli polynomials; has been proposed instead of using the traditional numerical computation of the log-likelihood function which either results in instability, or leads to long run times that make its use infeasible when modeling large-scale data. Therefore, we extend the mesh algorithm approach for computing the log likelihood function of more flexible distributions, namely multinomial generalized Dirichlet (MGD) and multinomial Beta-Liouville (MBL). A finite mixture model based on these distributions, is optimized by expectation maximization, and attempts to achieve a high accuracy for count data clustering. Through a set of experiments, the proposed approach shows its merits in two real-world clustering problems, that concern natural scenes categorization and facial expression recognition

    Mortality modelling and forecasting: a review of methods

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    Learning Multiple Visual Tasks while Discovering their Structure

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    Multi-task learning is a natural approach for computer vision applications that require the simultaneous solution of several distinct but related problems, e.g. object detection, classification, tracking of multiple agents, or denoising, to name a few. The key idea is that exploring task relatedness (structure) can lead to improved performances. In this paper, we propose and study a novel sparse, non-parametric approach exploiting the theory of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces for vector-valued functions. We develop a suitable regularization framework which can be formulated as a convex optimization problem, and is provably solvable using an alternating minimization approach. Empirical tests show that the proposed method compares favorably to state of the art techniques and further allows to recover interpretable structures, a problem of interest in its own right.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    A Geneaology of Correspondence Analysis: Part 2 - The Variants

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    In 2012, a comprehensive historical and genealogical discussion of correspondence analysis was published in Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics. That genealogy consisted of more than 270 key books and articles and focused on an historical development of the correspondence analysis,a statistical tool which provides the analyst with a visual inspection of the association between two or more categorical variables. In this new genealogy, we provide a brief overview of over 30 variants of correspondence analysis that now exist outside of the traditional approaches used to analysethe association between two or more categorical variables. It comprises of a bibliography of a more than 300 books and articles that were not included in the 2012 bibliography and highlights the growth in the development ofcorrespondence analysis across all areas of research