917 research outputs found

    Custodial Leptons and Higgs Decays

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    We study the effects of extended fermion sectors, respecting custodial symmetry, on Higgs production and decay. The resulting protection for the Z->b_L b_L and Z->\tau_R\tau_R decays allows for potentially interesting signals in Higgs physics, while maintaining the good agreement of the Standard Model with precision tests, without significant fine-tuning. Although being viable setups on their own, the models we study can particularly be motivated as the low energy effective theories of the composite Higgs models MCHM_5 and MCHM_10 or the corresponding gauge-Higgs unification models. The spectra can be identified with the light custodians present in these theories. These have the potential to describe the relevant physics in their fermion sectors in a simplified and transparent way. In contrast to previous studies of composite models, we consider the impact of a realistic lepton sector on the Higgs decays. We find significant modifications in the decays to \tau leptons and photons due to the new leptonic resonances. While from a pure low energy perspective an enhancement of the channel pp->h->\gamma\gamma turns out to be possible, if one considers constraints on the parameters from the full structure of the composite models, the decay mode into photons is always reduced. We also demonstrate that taking into account the non-linearity of the Higgs sector does not change the qualitative picture for the decays into \tau-leptons or photons in the case of the dominant Higgs production mechanism.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures; v2: typos corrected, references added, minor clarifying comments and discussion of new Moriond results added, version published in JHE

    D-brane Instantons as Gauge Instantons in Orientifolds of Chiral Quiver Theories

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    Systems of D3-branes at orientifold singularities can receive non-perturbative D-brane instanton corrections, inducing field theory operators in the 4d effective theory. In certain non-chiral examples, these systems have been realized as the infrared endpoint of a Seiberg duality cascade, in which the D-brane instanton effects arise from strong gauge theory dynamics. We present the first UV duality cascade completion of chiral D3-brane theories, in which the D-brane instantons arise from gauge theory dynamics. Chiral examples are interesting because the instanton fermion zero mode sector is topologically protected, and therefore lead to more robust setups. As an application of our results, we provide a UV completion of certain D-brane orientifold systems recently claimed to produce conformal field theories with conformal invariance broken only by D-brane instantons.Comment: 50 pages, 32 figures. v2: version published in JHEP with references adde

    The Missing Data Encoder: Cross-Channel Image Completion\\with Hide-And-Seek Adversarial Network

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    Image completion is the problem of generating whole images from fragments only. It encompasses inpainting (generating a patch given its surrounding), reverse inpainting/extrapolation (generating the periphery given the central patch) as well as colorization (generating one or several channels given other ones). In this paper, we employ a deep network to perform image completion, with adversarial training as well as perceptual and completion losses, and call it the ``missing data encoder'' (MDE). We consider several configurations based on how the seed fragments are chosen. We show that training MDE for ``random extrapolation and colorization'' (MDE-REC), i.e. using random channel-independent fragments, allows a better capture of the image semantics and geometry. MDE training makes use of a novel ``hide-and-seek'' adversarial loss, where the discriminator seeks the original non-masked regions, while the generator tries to hide them. We validate our models both qualitatively and quantitatively on several datasets, showing their interest for image completion, unsupervised representation learning as well as face occlusion handling

    Reactor mixing angle from hybrid neutrino masses

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    In terms of its eigenvector decomposition, the neutrino mass matrix (in the basis where the charged lepton mass matrix is diagonal) can be understood as originating from a tribimaximal dominant structure with small deviations, as demanded by data. If neutrino masses originate from at least two different mechanisms, referred to as "hybrid neutrino masses", the experimentally observed structure naturally emerges provided one mechanism accounts for the dominant tribimaximal structure while the other is responsible for the deviations. We demonstrate the feasibility of this picture in a fairly model-independent way by using lepton-number-violating effective operators, whose structure we assume becomes dictated by an underlying A4A_4 flavor symmetry. We show that if a second mechanism is at work, the requirement of generating a reactor angle within its experimental range always fixes the solar and atmospheric angles in agreement with data, in contrast to the case where the deviations are induced by next-to-leading order effective operators. We prove this idea is viable by constructing an A4A_4-based ultraviolet completion, where the dominant tribimaximal structure arises from the type-I seesaw while the subleading contribution is determined by either type-II or type-III seesaw driven by a non-trivial A4A_4 singlet (minimal hybrid model). After finding general criteria, we identify all the ZN\mathbb{Z}_N symmetries capable of producing such A4A_4-based minimal hybrid models.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures. v3: section including sum rules added, accepted by JHE

    Mass corrections in string theory and lattice field theory

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    Kaluza-Klein compactifications of higher dimensional Yang-Mills theories contain a number of four dimensional scalars corresponding to the internal components of the gauge field. While at tree-level the scalar zero modes are massless, it is well known that quantum corrections make them massive. We compute these radiative corrections at 1-loop in an effective field theory framework, using the background field method and proper Schwinger-time regularization. In order to clarify the proper treatment of the sum over KK--modes in the effective field theory approach, we consider the same problem in two different UV completions of Yang-Mills: string theory and lattice field theory. In both cases, when the compactification radius RR is much bigger than the scale of the UV completion (R≫αâ€Č,aR \gg \sqrt{\alpha'},a), we recover a mass renormalization that is independent of the UV scale and agrees with the one derived in the effective field theory approach. These results support the idea that the value of the mass corrections is, in this regime, universal for any UV completion that respects locality and gauge invariance. The string analysis suggests that this property holds also at higher loops. The lattice analysis suggests that the mass of the adjoint scalars appearing in N=2,4\mathcal N=2,4 Super Yang-Mills is highly suppressed due to an interplay between the higher-dimensional gauge invariance and the degeneracy of bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom.Comment: 27 page

    Broken Symmetry as a Stabilizing Remnant

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    The Goldberger-Wise mechanism enables one to stabilize the length of the warped extra dimension employed in Randall-Sundrum models. In this work we generalize this mechanism to models with multiple warped throats sharing a common ultraviolet brane. For independent throats this generalization is straight forward. If the throats possess a discrete interchange symmetry like Z_n the stabilizing dynamics may respect the symmetry, resulting in equal throat lengths, or they may break it. In the latter case the ground state of an initially symmetric configuration is a stabilized asymmetric configuration in which the throat lengths differ. We focus on two- (three-) throat setups with a Z_2 (Z_3) interchange symmetry and present stabilization dynamics suitable for either breaking or maintaining the symmetry. Though admitting more general application, our results are relevant for existing models in the literature, including the two throat model with Kaluza-Klein parity and the three throat model of flavor based on a broken Z_3 symmetry.Comment: 23 pages; v2 minor cosmetic chang

    Machine Psychology: Investigating Emergent Capabilities and Behavior in Large Language Models Using Psychological Methods

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    Large language models (LLMs) are currently at the forefront of intertwining AI systems with human communication and everyday life. Due to rapid technological advances and their extreme versatility, LLMs nowadays have millions of users and are at the cusp of being the main go-to technology for information retrieval, content generation, problem-solving, etc. Therefore, it is of great importance to thoroughly assess and scrutinize their capabilities. Due to increasingly complex and novel behavioral patterns in current LLMs, this can be done by treating them as participants in psychology experiments that were originally designed to test humans. For this purpose, the paper introduces a new field of research called "machine psychology". The paper outlines how different subfields of psychology can inform behavioral tests for LLMs. It defines methodological standards for machine psychology research, especially by focusing on policies for prompt designs. Additionally, it describes how behavioral patterns discovered in LLMs are to be interpreted. In sum, machine psychology aims to discover emergent abilities in LLMs that cannot be detected by most traditional natural language processing benchmarks

    Implicit Feature Networks for Texture Completion from Partial 3D Data

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    Prior work to infer 3D texture use either texture atlases, which require uv-mappings and hence have discontinuities, or colored voxels, which are memory inefficient and limited in resolution. Recent work, predicts RGB color at every XYZ coordinate forming a texture field, but focus on completing texture given a single 2D image. Instead, we focus on 3D texture and geometry completion from partial and incomplete 3D scans. IF-Nets have recently achieved state-of-the-art results on 3D geometry completion using a multi-scale deep feature encoding, but the outputs lack texture. In this work, we generalize IF-Nets to texture completion from partial textured scans of humans and arbitrary objects. Our key insight is that 3D texture completion benefits from incorporating local and global deep features extracted from both the 3D partial texture and completed geometry. Specifically, given the partial 3D texture and the 3D geometry completed with IF-Nets, our model successfully in-paints the missing texture parts in consistence with the completed geometry. Our model won the SHARP ECCV'20 challenge, achieving highest performance on all challenges.Comment: SHARP Workshop, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 202
