13 research outputs found

    Algorithms for the scaling toward nanometer VLSI physical synthesis

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    Along the history of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI), we have successfully scaled down the size of transistors, scaled up the speed of integrated circuits (IC) and the number of transistors in a chip - these are just a few examples of our achievement in VLSI scaling. It is projected to enter the nanometer (timing estimation and buffer planning for global routing and other early stages such as floorplanning. A novel path based buffer insertion scheme is also included, which can overcome the weakness of the net based approaches. Part-2 Circuit clustering techniques with the application in Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology mapping The problem of timing driven n-way circuit partitioning with application to FPGA technology mapping is studied and a hierarchical clustering approach is presented for the latest multi-level FPGA architectures. Moreover, a more general delay model is included in order to accurately characterize the delay behavior of the clusters and circuit elements

    Performance and power optimization in VLSI physical design

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    As VLSI technology enters the nanoscale regime, a great amount of efforts have been made to reduce interconnect delay. Among them, buffer insertion stands out as an effective technique for timing optimization. A dramatic rise in on-chip buffer density has been witnessed. For example, in two recent IBM ASIC designs, 25% gates are buffers. In this thesis, three buffer insertion algorithms are presented for the procedure of performance and power optimization. The second chapter focuses on improving circuit performance under inductance effect. The new algorithm works under the dynamic programming framework and runs in provably linear time for multiple buffer types due to two novel techniques: restrictive cost bucketing and efficient delay update. The experimental results demonstrate that our linear time algorithm consistently outperforms all known RLC buffering algorithms in terms of both solution quality and runtime. That is, the new algorithm uses fewer buffers, runs in shorter time and the buffered tree has better timing. The third chapter presents a method to guarantee a high fidelity signal transmission in global bus. It proposes a new redundant via insertion technique to reduce via variation and signal distortion in twisted differential line. In addition, a new buffer insertion technique is proposed to synchronize the transmitted signals, thus further improving the effectiveness of the twisted differential line. Experimental results demonstrate a 6GHz signal can be transmitted with high fidelity using the new approaches. In contrast, only a 100MHz signal can be reliably transmitted using a single-end bus with power/ground shielding. Compared to conventional twisted differential line structure, our new techniques can reduce the magnitude of noise by 45% as witnessed in our simulation. The fourth chapter proposes a buffer insertion and gate sizing algorithm for million plus gates. The algorithm takes a combinational circuit as input instead of individual nets and greatly reduces the buffer and gate cost of the entire circuit. The algorithm has two main features: 1) A circuit partition technique based on the criticality of the primary inputs, which provides the scalability for the algorithm, and 2) A linear programming formulation of non-linear delay versus cost tradeoff, which formulates the simultaneous buffer insertion and gate sizing into linear programming problem. Experimental results on ISCAS85 circuits show that even without the circuit partition technique, the new algorithm achieves 17X speedup compared with path based algorithm. In the meantime, the new algorithm saves 16.0% buffer cost, 4.9% gate cost, 5.8% total cost and results in less circuit delay

    Buffer insertion in large circuits using look-ahead and back-off techniques

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    Buffer insertion is an essential technique for reducing interconnect delay in submicron circuits. Though it is a well researched area, there is a need for robust and effective algorithms to perform buffer insertion at the circuit level. This thesis proposes a new buffer insertion algorithm for large circuits. The algorithm finds a buffering solution for the entire circuit such that buffer cost is minimized and the timing requirements of the circuit are satisfied. The algorithm iteratively inserts buffers in the circuit improving the circuit delay step by step. At the core of this algorithm are very simple but extremely effective techniques that constructively guide the search for a good buffering solution. A flexibility to adapt to the user's requirements and the ability to reduce the number of buffers are the strengths of this algorithm. Experimental results on ISCAS85 benchmark circuits show that the proposed algorithm, on average, yields 36% reduction in the number of buffers, and runs three times faster than one of the best known previously researched algorithms

    Performance and power optimization in VLSI physical design

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    As VLSI technology enters the nanoscale regime, a great amount of efforts have been made to reduce interconnect delay. Among them, buffer insertion stands out as an effective technique for timing optimization. A dramatic rise in on-chip buffer density has been witnessed. For example, in two recent IBM ASIC designs, 25% gates are buffers. In this thesis, three buffer insertion algorithms are presented for the procedure of performance and power optimization. The second chapter focuses on improving circuit performance under inductance effect. The new algorithm works under the dynamic programming framework and runs in provably linear time for multiple buffer types due to two novel techniques: restrictive cost bucketing and efficient delay update. The experimental results demonstrate that our linear time algorithm consistently outperforms all known RLC buffering algorithms in terms of both solution quality and runtime. That is, the new algorithm uses fewer buffers, runs in shorter time and the buffered tree has better timing. The third chapter presents a method to guarantee a high fidelity signal transmission in global bus. It proposes a new redundant via insertion technique to reduce via variation and signal distortion in twisted differential line. In addition, a new buffer insertion technique is proposed to synchronize the transmitted signals, thus further improving the effectiveness of the twisted differential line. Experimental results demonstrate a 6GHz signal can be transmitted with high fidelity using the new approaches. In contrast, only a 100MHz signal can be reliably transmitted using a single-end bus with power/ground shielding. Compared to conventional twisted differential line structure, our new techniques can reduce the magnitude of noise by 45% as witnessed in our simulation. The fourth chapter proposes a buffer insertion and gate sizing algorithm for million plus gates. The algorithm takes a combinational circuit as input instead of individual nets and greatly reduces the buffer and gate cost of the entire circuit. The algorithm has two main features: 1) A circuit partition technique based on the criticality of the primary inputs, which provides the scalability for the algorithm, and 2) A linear programming formulation of non-linear delay versus cost tradeoff, which formulates the simultaneous buffer insertion and gate sizing into linear programming problem. Experimental results on ISCAS85 circuits show that even without the circuit partition technique, the new algorithm achieves 17X speedup compared with path based algorithm. In the meantime, the new algorithm saves 16.0% buffer cost, 4.9% gate cost, 5.8% total cost and results in less circuit delay

    A Multiple-objective ILP based Global Routing Approach for VLSI ASIC Design

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    A VLSI chip can today contain hundreds of millions transistors and is expected to contain more than 1 billion transistors in the next decade. In order to handle this rapid growth in integration technology, the design procedure is therefore divided into a sequence of design steps. Circuit layout is the design step in which a physical realization of a circuit is obtained from its functional description. Global routing is one of the key subproblems of the circuit layout which involves finding an approximate path for the wires connecting the elements of the circuit without violating resource constraints. The global routing problem is NP-hard, therefore, heuristics capable of producing high quality routes with little computational effort are required as we move into the Deep Sub-Micron (DSM) regime. In this thesis, different approaches for global routing problem are first reviewed. The advantages and disadvantages of these approaches are also summarized. According to this literature review, several mathematical programming based global routing models are fully investigated. Quality of solution obtained by these models are then compared with traditional Maze routing technique. The experimental results show that the proposed model can optimize several global routing objectives simultaneously and effectively. Also, it is easy to incorporate new objectives into the proposed global routing model. To speedup the computation time of the proposed ILP based global router, several hierarchical methods are combined with the flat ILP based global routing approach. The experimental results indicate that the bottom-up global routing method can reduce the computation time effectively with a slight increase of maximum routing density. In addition to wire area, routability, and vias, performance and low power are also important goals in global routing, especially in deep submicron designs. Previous efforts that focused on power optimization for global routing are hindered by excessively long run times or the routing of a subset of the nets. Accordingly, a power efficient multi-pin global routing technique (PIRT) is proposed in this thesis. This integer linear programming based techniques strives to find a power efficient global routing solution. The results indicate that an average power savings as high as 32\% for the 130-nm technology can be achieved with no impact on the maximum chip frequency

    Power Management for Deep Submicron Microprocessors

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    As VLSI technology scales, the enhanced performance of smaller transistors comes at the expense of increased power consumption. In addition to the dynamic power consumed by the circuits there is a tremendous increase in the leakage power consumption which is further exacerbated by the increasing operating temperatures. The total power consumption of modern processors is distributed between the processor core, memory and interconnects. In this research two novel power management techniques are presented targeting the functional units and the global interconnects. First, since most leakage control schemes for processor functional units are based on circuit level techniques, such schemes inherently lack information about the operational profile of higher-level components of the system. This is a barrier to the pivotal task of predicting standby time. Without this prediction, it is extremely difficult to assess the value of any leakage control scheme. Consequently, a methodology that can predict the standby time is highly beneficial in bridging the gap between the information available at the application level and the circuit implementations. In this work, a novel Dynamic Sleep Signal Generator (DSSG) is presented. It utilizes the usage traces extracted from cycle accurate simulations of benchmark programs to predict the long standby periods associated with the various functional units. The DSSG bases its decisions on the current and previous standby state of the functional units to accurately predict the length of the next standby period. The DSSG presents an alternative to Static Sleep Signal Generation (SSSG) based on static counters that trigger the generation of the sleep signal when the functional units idle for a prespecified number of cycles. The test results of the DSSG are obtained by the use of a modified RISC superscalar processor, implemented by SimpleScalar, the most widely accepted open source vehicle for architectural analysis. In addition, the results are further verified by a Simultaneous Multithreading simulator implemented by SMTSIM. Leakage saving results shows an increase of up to 146% in leakage savings using the DSSG versus the SSSG, with an accuracy of 60-80% for predicting long standby periods. Second, chip designers in their effort to achieve timing closure, have focused on achieving the lowest possible interconnect delay through buffer insertion and routing techniques. This approach, though, taxes the power budget of modern ICs, especially those intended for wireless applications. Also, in order to achieve more functionality, die sizes are constantly increasing. This trend is leading to an increase in the average global interconnect length which, in turn, requires more buffers to achieve timing closure. Unconstrained buffering is bound to adversely affect the overall chip performance, if the power consumption is added as a major performance metric. In fact, the number of global interconnect buffers is expected to reach hundreds of thousands to achieve an appropriate timing closure. To mitigate the impact of the power consumed by the interconnect buffers, a power-efficient multi-pin routing technique is proposed in this research. The problem is based on a graph representation of the routing possibilities, including buffer insertion and identifying the least power path between the interconnect source and set of sinks. The novel multi-pin routing technique is tested by applying it to the ISPD and IBM benchmarks to verify the accuracy, complexity, and solution quality. Results obtained indicate that an average power savings as high as 32% for the 130-nm technology is achieved with no impact on the maximum chip frequency

    Path based buffer insertion

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    Along with the progress of VLSI technology, buffer insertion plays an increasingly critical role on affecting circuit design and performance. Traditional buffer insertion algorithms are mostly net based and therefore often result in sub-optimal delay or unnecessary buffer expense due to the lack of global view. In this paper, we propose a novel path based buffer insertion scheme which can overcome the weakness of the net based approaches. We also discuss some potential difficulties of the path based buffer insertion approach and propose solutions to them. A fast estimation on buffered delay is employed to improve the solution quality. Gate sizing is also considered at the same time. Experimental results show that our method can efficiently reduce buffer/gate cost significantly (by 71 % on average) when compared to traditional net based approaches. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work on path based buffer insertion and simultaneous gate sizing

    Path based buffer insertion

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    An Efficient Analytical Approach to Path-Based Buffer Insertion

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    Simulation-Based Maximum Coverage Hazard Detection and Elimination Analysis, Supporting Combinational Logic Loops

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    We demonstrate an iterative simulation-based maximum coverage detection and elimination analysis of logic-hazards for combinational logic loops. Although the focus is on asynchronous circuits with such feedbacks, it is apparent that the proposed approach can be practiced for every digital circuit with combinational loops. In regard to hazard detection, a simulation-based semi-modular analysis is presented, by extending the provided library technology behavioral Verilog files. For hazard elimination, only the standard cells within the paths causing a hazard have been included for analysis. The circuit becomes hazard-free by inserting buffers of the minimum required delay. We develop three path-based buffer insertion approaches; the more advanced ones model each logic gate and their relative timing constraints as a maximum set covering problem. The main characteristic of comparison is the count of inserted buffers and their total delay. The aforementioned hazard analysis is an iterative process, because the overall timing constraints of the circuit alter after each delay insertion. Experimental results indicate that the three hazard elimination approaches have various area penalties and their success rate ranges from 68.7% to 100%. Moreover, not all hazards can be resolved, mainly due to opposing constraints of sensitized hazard paths, and Boolean logic re-synthesis may be required. © 2022 IEEE