9 research outputs found

    Electromyogram Interference Reduction In Neural Signal Recording Using Simple RC Compensation Circuits

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    Neuroprosthesis can partially restore lost motor functionalities of individuals such as bladder voiding using functional electrical stimulation (FES) techniques. FES involves applying pattern of electrical current pulses using implanted electrodes to trigger affected nerves that are damaged due to paralysis. A neural signal recorded using tripolar cuff electrodes is significantly contaminated due to the presence of EMG interference from the surrounding muscles. Conventional neural amplifiers are unable to remove such interferences and modifications to the design are required. The modification to the design of the Quasi-tripole (QT) amplifier is considered in this work to minimise the EMG interferences from neural signal recording. The analogy between this modified version of QT known as mQT and Wheatstone bridge claims to neutralise the EMG interference by adding compensation circuit to either end of the outer electrodes of the tripolar cuff and therefore balancing the bridge. In this work, we present simple 3 and 2 stage RC compensation circuits to minimise EMG interference in trying to balance the bridge in the neural frequency band of interest (500-10kHz). It is shown that simple RC compensation circuit in series reduces EMG interference only at the spot frequency rather than linearly in the entire frequency band of interest. However, two and three stages RC ladder compensation circuits mimicking electrode-electrolyte interface, can minimize the EMG interference linearly in the entire frequency band of interest, without requiring any readjustment to their components. The aim is to minimise EMG interference as close to null as possible. Invitro testing of about 20% imbalanced cuff electrode with proposed 3 and 2 stage RC ladder compensation circuits resulted in linear EMG interference reduction atleast by a factor of 6. On an average, this yielded an improvement of above 80% EMG minimisation, in contrast to above 90% observed in the optimisation results, when 1Ω transimpedance (EMG) was introduced into the setup. Further improvements to the setup and design can give more promising results in reliable neural signal recording for FES applications

    An Implantable Stimulator with Safety Sensors in Standard CMOS Process for Active Books

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    This paper presents a second-generation integrated circuit for the Active Books neural stimulation microsystem. It provides multi-channel stimulation with versatile control of stimulation profiles and reduced crosstalk from other stimulation channels. The new design features enhanced safety by monitoring the temperature and humidity inside the micropackage, and the peak electrode voltage at any stimulating electrode. The humidity sensor uses an interdigitated capacitor covered by a passivation layer and a polyimide covering. To boost sensitivity in the operating range of interest, the temperature sensor uses a temperature-insensitive current that is subtracted from a proportional-to-absolute-temperature current. A 3-b analog-todigital converter is used to record the peak electrode voltage. All sensor data is sent to an implanted central hub using bidirectional connection with error checking. Both the stimulation electronics and sensors are integrated on a 6.2 mm × 4 mm silicon die using XFAB's 0.6-μm CMOS high-voltage process. No post-processing steps are involved. The stimulator uses a fivewire cable to provide the power supply and bidirectional data signals. The chip operates from a 7.5-18 V power supply and can generate stimulation currents of 1 mA, 4 mA or 8 mA with a pulse duration of 2 μs-1.07 ms. The humidity sensor output varies linearly with relative humidity (RH) with a normalized sensitivity of 0.04%/%RH over the range of 20-90%RH. The temperature sensor has a nonlinearity of 0.4% over the range of 20-90 °C and a resolution of 0.12 °C. The stimulator is the first of its kind to include integrated temperature and humidity sensors. Index Terms-Active Books, humidity sensor, implant safety, integrated stimulator, temperature sensor, voltage sensor

    Neutralisation of myoelectric interference from recorded nerve signals using models of the electrode impedance

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    Any form of paralysis due to spinal cord injury or other medical condition, can have a significant impact on the quality and life expectancy of an individual. Advances in medicine and surgery have offered solutions that can improve the condition of a patient, however, most of the times an individual’s life does not dramatically improve. Implanted neuroprosthetic devices can partially restore the lost functionalities by means of functional electrical stimulation techniques. This involves applying patterns of electrical current pulses to innervate the neural pathways between the brain and the affected muscles/organs, while recording of neural information from peripheral nerves can be used as feedback to improve performance. Recording naturally occurring nerve signals via implanted electrodes attached to tripolar amplifier configurations is an approach that has been successfully used for obtaining desired information in non-acute preparations since the mid-70s. The neural signal (i.e. ENG), which can be exploited as feedback to another system (e.g. a stimulator), or simply extracted for further processing, is then intrinsically more reliable in comparison to signals obtained by artificial sensors. Sadly, neural recording of this type can be greatly compromised by myoelectric (i.e. EMG) interference, which is present at the neural interface and registered by the recording amplifier. Although current amplifier configurations reduce myoelectric interference this is suboptimal and therefore there is room for improvement. The main difficulty exists in the frequency-dependence of the electrode-tissue interface impedance which is complex. The simplistic Quasi-Tripole amplifier configuration does not allow for the complete removal of interference but it is the most power efficient because it uses only one instrumentation amplifier. Conversely, the True-Tripole and its developed automatic counterpart the Adaptive-Tripole, although minimise interference and provide means of compensating for the electrode asymmetries and changes that occur to the neural interface (e.g. due to tissue growth), they do not remove interference completely as the insignificant electrode impedance is still important. Additionally, removing interference apart from being dependent on the frequency of the interfering source, it is also subject to its proximity and orientation with respect to the recording electrodes, as this affects the field. Hence neutralisation with those two configurations, in reality, is not achieved in the entire bandwidth of the neural signal in the interfering spectrum. As both are less power efficient than the Quasi-Tripole an alternative configuration offering better performance in terms of interference neutralisation (i.e. frequency-independent, insensitive to the external interference fields) and, if possible, consume less power, is considered highly attractive. The motivation of this work is based on the following fact: as there are models that can mimic the frequency response of metal electrodes it should be possible, by constructing a network of an equivalent arrangement to the impedance of electrodes, to fit the characteristic neutralisation impedance – the impedance needed to balance a recording tripole – and ideally require no adjustment for removing interference. The validity of this postulation is proven in a series of in-vitro preparations using a modified version of the Quasi-Tripole made out of discrete circuit components where an impedance is placed at either side of the outer electrodes for balancing the recording arrangement. Various models were used in place of that impedance. In particular, representing the neutralisation impedance as a parallel RC reduced interference by a factor of 10 at all frequencies in the bandwidth of the neural signal while removed it completely at a spot frequency. Conversely, modelling the effect of the constant phase angle impedance of highly polarisable electrodes using a 20 stages non-uniform RC ladder network resulted in the minimisation of interference without the initial requirement of continuous adjustment. It is demonstrated that with a model that does not perfectly fit the impedance profile of a monopolar electrochemical cell an average reduction in interference of about 100 times is achieved, with the cell arranged as a Wheatstone bridge that can be balanced in the ENG band

    On the identification of sensory information from mixed nerves by using single-channel cuff electrodes

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    Background: Several groups have shown that the performance of motor neuroprostheses can be significantly improved by detecting specific sensory events related to the ongoing motor task (e.g., the slippage of an object during grasping). Algorithms have been developed to achieve this goal by processing electroneurographic (ENG) afferent signals recorded by using single-channel cuff electrodes. However, no efforts have been made so far to understand the number and type of detectable sensory events that can be differentiated from whole nerve recordings using this approach. Methods: To this aim, ENG afferent signals, evoked by different sensory stimuli were recorded using single-channel cuff electrodes placed around the sciatic nerve of anesthetized rats. The ENG signals were digitally processed and several features were extracted and used as inputs for the classification. The work was performed on integral datasets, without eliminating any noisy parts, in order to be as close as possible to real application. Results: The results obtained showed that single-channel cuff electrodes are able to provide information on two to three different afferent (proprioceptive, mechanical and nociceptive) stimuli, with reasonably good discrimination ability. The classification performances are affected by the SNR of the signal, which in turn is related to the diameter of the fibers encoding a particular type of neurophysiological stimulus. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that signals of acceptable SNR and corresponding to different physiological modalities (e.g. mediated by different types of nerve fibers) may be distinguished

    A High Input Impedance Low Noise Integrated Front-End Amplifier for Neural Monitoring

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    Time Stamp – A Novel Time-to-Digital Demodulation Method for Bioimpedance Implant Applications

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    Bioimpedance analysis is a noninvasive and inexpensive technology used to investigate the electrical properties of biological tissues. The analysis requires demodulation to extract the real and imaginary parts of the impedance. Conventional systems use complex architectures such as I-Q demodulation. In this paper, a very simple alternative time-to-digital demodulation method or ‘time stamp’ is proposed. It employs only three comparators to identify or stamp in the time domain, the crossing points of the excitation signal, and the measured signal. In a CMOS proof of concept design, the accuracy of impedance magnitude and phase is 97.06% and 98.81% respectively over a bandwidth of 10 kHz to 500 kHz. The effect of fractional-N synthesis is analysed for the counter-based zero crossing phase detector obtaining a finer phase resolution (0.51˚ at 500 kHz) using a counter clock frequency ( fclk = 12.5 MHz). Because of its circuit simplicity and ease of transmitting the time stamps, the method is very suited to implantable devices requiring low area and power consumption

    Advances in Microelectronics for Implantable Medical Devices

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    Régulateurs "Waterfall" : une nouvelle topologie énergétique pour l'électronique

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    Ce travail décrit une nouvelle topologie d'alimentation qui apporte des bénéfices aux dispositifs portables et aux composants électroniques à faible consommation. À l'autre extrémité du spectre, il serait également applicable aux systèmes à tension de bus plus élevée, tels que les panneaux solaires et les véhicules électriques, qui doivent décomposer des tensions plus élevées en domaines utilisables. La nouvelle topologie, que nous avons nommée Waterfall regulator, est décrite dans le présent travail et nommée ainsi pour ses caractéristiques saillantes rappelant une chute en cascade. Ce dispositif ouvre de nouvelles perspectives pour les systèmes à très basse consommation, basse tension et courant faible. Le mode de fonctionnement consiste à diviser une source d'alimentation brute en plusieurs domaines de tension, qui peuvent ensuite être utilisés pour alimenter les éléments individuels d'un système ou plusieurs unités indépendantes. Nous décrivons ici le premier rapport sur la réussite de la version de recyclage de l'énergie de ce nouveau système. Le dispositif se caractérise par une série de régulateurs de tension à faible chute et de circuits de déversement de courant (pass MOSFET). Le régulateur partage le courant qui traverse sa charge respective et complète le courant du stade suivant par un déversoir de courant, selon les besoins. Le contrôle s'effectue via une architecture de contrôle en cascade et peut être étendu à des périphériques d'ordre supérieur.This work described a new power supply topology that benefits portable device and low power electronics. At the other end of the spectrum, it is also applicable to higher bus voltage systems like solar panels and electric vehicles that must split higher voltages into usable domains. The new topology, which we named waterfall regulator, is describe herein and named as such for its salient features reminiscent of a waterfall. It opens up a new realm of possibilities for supra low power, low voltage and low current systems. The mode of operation consists of splitting a raw supply source into smaller voltage domains which can then be used for powering individual element of a system or powering multiple independent units. We describe here the first report of successful energy recycling version of this novel system. The devices are composed of a series of low dropout voltage regulators and current spillways circuits (pass MOSFET). The regulators share current passing thought their respective load and supplement current through a current spillway as required. Control is achieved through a cascade architecture and can be scaled up to higher order devices