825 research outputs found

    Railway timetabling from an operations research

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    In this paper we describe Operations Research (OR) models andtechniques that can be used for determining (cyclic) railwaytimetables. We discuss the two aspects of railway timetabling: (ii)the determination of arrival and departure times of the trains atthe stations and other relevant locations such as junctions andbridges, and (iiii) the assignment of each train to an appropriateplatform and corresponding inbound and outbound routes in everystation. Moreover, we discuss robustness aspects of bothsubproblems.

    Operations research in passenger railway transportation

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    In this paper, we give an overview of state-of-the-art OperationsResearch models and techniques used in passenger railwaytransportation. For each planning phase (strategic, tactical andoperational), we describe the planning problems arising there anddiscuss some models and algorithms to solve them. We do not onlyconsider classical, well-known topics such as timetabling, rollingstock scheduling and crew scheduling, but we also discuss somerecently developed topics as shunting and reliability oftimetables.Finally, we focus on several practical aspects for each of theseproblems at the largest Dutch railway operator, NS Reizigers.passenger railway transportation;operation research;planning problems

    Delay Management with Re-Routing of Passengers

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    The question of delay management is whether trains should wait for a delayed feeder trainor should depart on time. In classical delay management models passengers always taketheir originally planned route. In this paper, we propose a model where re-routing ofpassengers is incorporated.To describe the problem we represent it as an event-activity network similar to the oneused in classical delay management, with some additional events to incorporate originand destination of the passengers. We present an integer programming formulation ofthis problem. Furthermore, we discuss the variant in which we assume fixed costs formaintaining connections and we present a polynomial algorithm for the special case ofonly one origin-destination pair. Finally, computational experiments based on real-worlddata from Netherlands Railways show that significant improvements can be obtained bytaking the re-routing of passengers into account in the model.public transportation;OD-pairs;delay management;re-routing

    The new Dutch timetable: The OR revolution

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    In December 2006, Netherlands Railways introduced a completely new timetable. Its objective was to facilitate the growth of passenger and freight transport on a highly utilized railway network, and improve the robustness of the timetable resulting in less train delays in the operation. Further adjusting the existing timetable constructed in 1970 was not option anymore, because further growth would then require significant investments in the rail infrastructure. Constructing a railway timetable from scratch for about 5,500 daily trains was a complex problem. To support this process, we generated several timetables using sophisticated operations research techniques, and finally selected and implemented one of these timetables. Furthermore, because rolling-stock and crew costs are principal components of the cost of a passenger railway operator, we used innovative operations research tools to devise efficient schedules for these two resources. The new resource schedules and the increased number of passengers resulted in an additional annual profit of 40 million euros (60million)ofwhichabout10millioneuroswerecreatedbyadditionalrevenues.Weexpectthistoincreaseto70millioneuros(60 million) of which about 10 million euros were created by additional revenues. We expect this to increase to 70 million euros (105 million) annually in the coming years. However, the benefits of the new timetable for the Dutch society as a whole are much greater: more trains are transporting more passengers on the same railway infrastructure, and these trains are arriving and departing on schedule more than they ever have in the past. In addition, the rail transport system will be able to handle future transportation demand growth and thus allow cities to remain accessible. Therefore, people can switch from car transport to rail transport, which will reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.

    Integrating Passengers\u27 Routes in Periodic Timetabling: A SAT approach

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    The periodic event scheduling problem (PESP) is a well studied problem known as intrinsically hard. Its main application is for designing periodic timetables in public transportation. To this end, the passengers\u27 paths are required as input data. This is a drawback since the final paths which are used by the passengers depend on the timetable to be designed. Including the passengers\u27 routing in the PESP hence improves the quality of the resulting timetables. However, this makes PESP even harder. Formulating the PESP as satisfiability problem and using SAT solvers for its solution has been shown to be a highly promising approach. The goal of this paper is to exploit if SAT solvers can also be used for the problem of integrated timetabling and passenger routing. In our model of the integrated problem we distribute origin-destination (OD) pairs temporally through the network by using time-slices in order to make the resulting model more realistic. We present a formulation of this integrated problem as integer program which we are able to transform to a satisfiability problem. We tested the latter formulation within numerical experiments, which are performed on Germany\u27s long-distance passenger railway network. The computation\u27s analysis in which we compare the integrated approach with the traditional one with fixed passengers\u27 weights, show promising results for future scientific investigations

    Railway timetabling from an operations research

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    In this paper we describe Operations Research (OR) models and techniques that can be used for determining (cyclic) railway timetables. We discuss the two aspects of railway timetabling: (ii) the determination of arrival and departure times of the trains at the stations and other relevant locations such as junctions and bridges, and (iiii) the assignment of each train to an appropriate platform and corresponding inbound and outbound routes in every station. Moreover, we discuss robustness aspects of both subproblems

    An iterative heuristic for passenger-centric train timetabling with integrated adaption times

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    In this paper we present a method to construct a periodic timetable from a tactical planning perspective. We aim at constructing a timetable that is feasible with respect to infrastructure constraints and minimizes average perceived passenger travel time. In addition to in-train and transfer times, our notion of perceived passenger time includes the adaption time (waiting time at the origin station). Adaption time minimization allows us to avoid strict frequency regularity constraints and, at the same time, to ensure regular connections between passengersā€™ origins and destinations. The combination of adaption time minimization and infrastructure constraints satisfaction makes the problem very challenging. The described periodic timetabling problem can be modelled as an extension of a Peri- odic Event Scheduling Problem (PESP) formulation, but requires huge computing times if it is directly solved by a general-purpose solver for instances of realistic size. In this paper, we propose a heuristic approach consisting of two phases that are executed iteratively. First, we solve a mixed-integer linear program to determine an ideal timetable that mini- mizes the average perceived passenger travel time but neglects infrastructure constraints. Then, a Lagrangian-based heuristic makes the timetable feasible with respect to infras- tructure constraints by modifying train departure and arrival times as little as possible. The obtained feasible timetable is then evaluated to compute the resulting average per- ceived passenger travel time, and a feedback is sent to the Lagrangian-based heuristic so as to possibly improve the obtained timetable from the passenger perspective, while still respecting infrastructure constraints. We illustrate the proposed iterative heuristic approach on real-life instances of Netherlands Railways and compare it to a benchmark approach, showing that it finds a feasible timetable very close to the ideal one
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