3 research outputs found

    Optimal measurement budget allocation for particle filtering

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    Particle filtering is a powerful tool for target tracking. When the budget for observations is restricted, it is necessary to reduce the measurements to a limited amount of samples carefully selected. A discrete stochastic nonlinear dynamical system is studied over a finite time horizon. The problem of selecting the optimal measurement times for particle filtering is formalized as a combinatorial optimization problem. We propose an approximated solution based on the nesting of a genetic algorithm, a Monte Carlo algorithm and a particle filter. Firstly, an example demonstrates that the genetic algorithm outperforms a random trial optimization. Then, the interest of non-regular measurements versus measurements performed at regular time intervals is illustrated and the efficiency of our proposed solution is quantified: better filtering performances are obtained in 87.5% of the cases and on average, the relative improvement is 27.7%.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figues, conference pape

    SAFDetection:Sensor Analysis based Fault Detection in Tightly-CoupledMulti-Robot Team Tasks

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    This dissertation addresses the problem of detecting faults based on sensor analysis for tightly-coupled multi-robot team tasks. The approach I developed is called SAFDetection, which stands for Sensor Analysis based Fault Detection, pronounced “Safe Detection”. When dealing with robot teams, it is challenging to detect all types of faults because of the complicated environment they operate in and the large spectrum of components used in the robot system. The SAFDetection approach provides a novel methodology for detecting robot faults in situations when motion models and models of multi-robot dynamic interactions are unavailable. The fundamental idea of SAFDetection is to build the robots’ normal behavior model based on the robots’ sensor data. This normal behavior model not only describes the motion pattern for the single robot, but also indicates the interaction among the robots in the same team. Inspired by data mining theory, it combines data clustering techniques with the generation of a probabilistic state transition diagram to model the normal operation of the multi-robot system. The contributions of the SAFDetection approach include: (1) providing a way for a robot system to automatically generate a normal behavior model with little prior knowledge; (2) enabling a robot system to detect physical, logic and interactive faults online; (3) providing a way to build a fault detection capability that is independent of the particular type of fault that occurs; and (4) providing a way for a robot team to generate a normal behavior model for the team based the individual robot’s normal behavior models. SAFDetection has two different versions of implementation on multi-robot teams: the centralized approach and the distributed approach; the preferred approach depends on the size of the robot team, the robot computational capability and the network environment. The SAFDetection approach has been successfully implemented and tested in three robot task scenarios: box pushing (with two robots) and follow-the-leader (implemented with two- and five-robot teams). These experiments have validated the SAFDetection approach and demonstrated its robustness, scalability, and applicability to a wide range of tightly-coupled multi-robot applications

    Modelling and Estimation of Spatiotemporal Cardiac Electrical Dynamics

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    The heart is a complex biological system in which electrical activation signals initiate at the pacemaker cells, propagate through the heart tissue to both trigger and synchronise the mechanical contractions. Abnormalities in the cardiac electrical signals lead to dangerous cardiac arrhythmias. Therefore, understanding the functionalities of the cardiac electrical activity is essential for the development of novel techniques to facilitate advanced diagnosis and treatment for arrhythmia. By combining experimental or clinical electrophysiology data with mathematical models, system theoretic approaches can be used to provide quantitative insights into the normal and pathological mechanisms of the cardiac electrical activity. This thesis proposes model-based estimation methods to reconstruct and quantify the underlying spatiotemporal cardiac electrical dynamics from the cardiac electrogram measurements. Firstly, a statistical model-based estimation framework is proposed to reconstruct the tissue dynamics from the cardiac electrogram measurements. The reconstruction of the tissue dynamics is based on an integrated model of cardiac electrical activity, which incorporates the cardiac action potential dynamics at the cell-level, tissue-level and extracellular-level. The dynamics of the cardiac tissue is described using the monodomain tissue model, which is coupled with the continuous version of modified Mitchell-Schaeffer model. The resulting model equations are of infinite-dimensional form, which is converted into a finite-dimensional state-space representation via a model reduction method. In order to estimate the hidden state variables of the tissue dynamics from the cardiac electrogram measurements, a combined detection-estimation framework using a single filter unscented-transform based smoothing algorithm is proposed. The detection step in the proposed method enables the inclusion of localised stimulus events into the model-based estimation framework. The performance of the proposed algorithms are demonstrated using the modelled cardiac activation patterns of normal and reentrant conditions, in both one-dimensional and two-dimensional tissue field. The findings from this proposed study illustrate that the hidden state variables of the tissue model can be estimated from the electrogram measurements, simultaneously by detecting the stimulus events. Therefore, this method shows that the complex spatiotemporal cardiac activity can be reconstructed from the coarse electrograms using the state estimation methods. Secondly, a complex network modelling approach is proposed to quantify the spatiotemporal organisation of electrical activation during human ventricular fibrillation. The proposed network modelling approach includes three different methods based on correlation analysis, graph theoretical measures and hierarchical clustering. Using the proposed approach, the level of spatiotemporal organisation is quantified during three episodes of VF in ten patients, recorded using multi-electrode epicardial recordings with 30 s coronary perfusion, 150 s global myocardial ischaemia and 30 s reflow. The findings show a steady decline in spatiotemporal organisation from the onset of VF with coronary perfusion. Following this, a transient increases in spatiotemporal organisation is observed during global myocardial ischaemia. However, the decline in spatiotemporal organisation continued during reflow. The results are consistent across all patients, and are consistent with the numbers of phase singularities. The findings show that the complex spatiotemporal patterns can be studied using complex network analysis