58 research outputs found

    Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population based stochastic optimization technique influenced by the social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling.PSO shares many similarities with evolutionary computation techniques such as Genetic Algorithms (GA). The system is initialized with a population of random solutions and searches for optima by updating generations. However, unlike GA, PSO has no evolution operators such as crossover and mutation. In PSO, the potential solutions, called particles, fly through the problem space by following the current optimum particles. This book represents the contributions of the top researchers in this field and will serve as a valuable tool for professionals in this interdisciplinary field

    Where Quantum Complexity Helps Classical Complexity

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    Scientists have demonstrated that quantum computing has presented novel approaches to address computational challenges, each varying in complexity. Adapting problem-solving strategies is crucial to harness the full potential of quantum computing. Nonetheless, there are defined boundaries to the capabilities of quantum computing. This paper concentrates on aggregating prior research efforts dedicated to solving intricate classical computational problems through quantum computing. The objective is to systematically compile an exhaustive inventory of these solutions and categorize a collection of demanding problems that await further exploration

    A review on probabilistic graphical models in evolutionary computation

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    Thanks to their inherent properties, probabilistic graphical models are one of the prime candidates for machine learning and decision making tasks especially in uncertain domains. Their capabilities, like representation, inference and learning, if used effectively, can greatly help to build intelligent systems that are able to act accordingly in different problem domains. Evolutionary algorithms is one such discipline that has employed probabilistic graphical models to improve the search for optimal solutions in complex problems. This paper shows how probabilistic graphical models have been used in evolutionary algorithms to improve their performance in solving complex problems. Specifically, we give a survey of probabilistic model building-based evolutionary algorithms, called estimation of distribution algorithms, and compare different methods for probabilistic modeling in these algorithms

    Applications of Spin Glasses across Disciplines: From Complex Systems to Quantum Computing and Algorithm Development

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    The main subjects of this dissertation are spin glass applications in other disciplines and spin glass algorithms. Spin glasses are magnetic systems with disorder and frustration, and the essential physics of spin glasses lies not in the details of their microscopic interactions but rather in the competition between quenched ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions. Concepts that arose in the study of spin glasses have led to applications in areas as diverse as computer science, biology, and finance, as well as a variety of others. In the first part of this dissertation I study the equilibrium and non-equilibrium properties of Boolean decision problems with competing interactions on scale-free networks in an external bias (a magnetic field). First, I perform finite-temperature Monte Carlo simulations in a field to test the robustness of the spin-glass phase and I show that the system has a spin-glass phase in a field, i.e., it exhibits a de Almeida–Thouless line. Then I study avalanche distributions when the system is driven by a field at zero temperature to test whether the system displays self-organized criticality. The numerical results suggest that avalanches (damage) can spread across the entire system with nonzero probability when the decay exponent of the interaction degree is less than or equal to 2, i.e., that Boolean decision problems on scale-free networks with competing interactions can be fragile when the system is not in thermal equilibrium. In the second part of this dissertation I discuss the best-case performance of quantum annealers on native spin-glass benchmarks, i.e., how chaos can affect success probabilities. We perform classical parallel-tempering Monte Carlo simulations of the archetypal benchmark problem, an Ising spin glass, on the native chip topology. Using realistic uncorrelated noise models for the D-Wave Two quantum annealer, I study the best-case resilience, or the probability that the ground-state configuration is not affected by random fields and random-bond fluctuations found on the chip. We compute the upper-bound success probabilities for different instance classes based on these simple error models, and I present strategies for developing robust and hard benchmark instances. In the third part of this dissertation I present a cluster algorithm for Ising spin glasses that works in any space dimension and speeds up thermalization by several orders of magnitude at temperatures where thermalization is typically difficult. Our isoenergetic cluster moves are based on the Houdayer cluster algorithm for two-dimensional spin glasses and lead to a speedup over conventional state-of-the-art methods that increases with the system size. We illustrate the benefits (improved thermalization and achievement of more equiprobable sampling of ground states) of the isoenergetic cluster moves in two and three space dimensions, as well as in the nonplanar Chimera topology found in the D-Wave quantum annealing machine. Finally, I study the thermodynamic properties of the two-dimensional Edwards-Anderson Ising spin-glass model on a square lattice using the tensor renormalization group method based on a higher-order singular-value decomposition. Our estimates of the partition function without a high precision data type lead to negative values at very low temperatures, thus illustrating that the method can not be applied to frustrated magnetic systems

    Modern applications of machine learning in quantum sciences

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    In these Lecture Notes, we provide a comprehensive introduction to the most recent advances in the application of machine learning methods in quantum sciences. We cover the use of deep learning and kernel methods in supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning algorithms for phase classification, representation of many-body quantum states, quantum feedback control, and quantum circuits optimization. Moreover, we introduce and discuss more specialized topics such as differentiable programming, generative models, statistical approach to machine learning, and quantum machine learning

    Modern applications of machine learning in quantum sciences

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    In these Lecture Notes, we provide a comprehensive introduction to the most recent advances in the application of machine learning methods in quantum sciences. We cover the use of deep learning and kernel methods in supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning algorithms for phase classification, representation of many-body quantum states, quantum feedback control, and quantum circuits optimization. Moreover, we introduce and discuss more specialized topics such as differentiable programming, generative models, statistical approach to machine learning, and quantum machine learning.Comment: 268 pages, 87 figures. Comments and feedback are very welcome. Figures and tex files are available at https://github.com/Shmoo137/Lecture-Note

    Structure, Dynamics, and Aging of Active Glasses

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    Multivariate Markov networks for fitness modelling in an estimation of distribution algorithm.

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    A well-known paradigm for optimisation is the evolutionary algorithm (EA). An EA maintains a population of possible solutions to a problem which converges on a global optimum using biologically-inspired selection and reproduction operators. These algorithms have been shown to perform well on a variety of hard optimisation and search problems. A recent development in evolutionary computation is the Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (EDA) which replaces the traditional genetic reproduction operators (crossover and mutation) with the construction and sampling of a probabilistic model. While this can often represent a significant computational expense, the benefit is that the model contains explicit information about the fitness function. This thesis expands on recent work using a Markov network to model fitness in an EDA, resulting in what we call the Markov Fitness Model (MFM). The work has explored the theoretical foundations of the MFM approach which are grounded in Walsh analysis of fitness functions. This has allowed us to demonstrate a clear relationship between the fitness model and the underlying dynamics of the problem. A key achievement is that we have been able to show how the model can be used to predict fitness and have devised a measure of fitness modelling capability called the fitness prediction correlation (FPC). We have performed a series of experiments which use the FPC to investigate the effect of population size and selection operator on the fitness modelling capability. The results and analysis of these experiments are an important addition to other work on diversity and fitness distribution within populations. With this improved understanding of fitness modelling we have been able to extend the framework Distribution Estimation Using Markov networks (DEUM) to use a multivariate probabilistic model. We have proposed and demonstrated the performance of a number of algorithms based on this framework which lever the MFM for optimisation, which can now be added to the EA toolbox. As part of this we have investigated existing techniques for learning the structure of the MFM; a further contribution which results from this is the introduction of precision and recall as measures of structure quality. We have also proposed a number of possible directions that future work could take

    Entanglement and Thermalization in Many Body Quantum Systems

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    In this thesis we study problems relating the the structure and simulation of entangled many body quantum systems, their utility in adiabatic quantum computation, and the influence of the environment in thermalizing the system and degrading the usefulness of quantum dynamics in this setting. We then study a particular strongly coupled many body quantum system in order to better understand when quantum systems do not thermalize in this manner. In chapter 2 of this thesis we study the properties of quantum dynamics restricted to an efficiently representable sub-manifold of quantum states both the finite and infinite chain of spin- 1=2 subsystems. We investigate the trade-off between gains in efficiency due to this restriction against losses in fidelity. We find the integration to be very stable and shows significant gains in efficiency compared to the naively related matrix product states. However, much of this advantage is offset by a significant reduction in fidelity. We investigate the effect of explicit symmetry breaking in the ansatz and formulate the principles for determining when correlator product states may be a useful tool. We find that scaling with overlap/bond order may be more stable with correlator product states allowing a more efficient extraction of critical exponents and present an example in which the use of correlator product states is orders of magnitude quicker than matrix product states. In chapters 3, 4 and 5 we extend this picture to allow for the study of the dissipative and decohering dynamics of a quantum system interacting with a bath, and pay particular reference to its effect on adiabatic quantum computation. In chapter 3 we consider a system of mutually interacting superconducting flux qubits coupled to a thermal bath that generalises the dissipative model of Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert to the case of anisotropic bath couplings. We show that the dissipation acts to bias the quantum trajectories towards a reduced phase space. We study the model in the context of the D-Wave computing device and recover dynamics closely related to several models proposed on phenomenological grounds. In chapter 4 we extend this analysis to study explicitly the influence of dissipative dynamics on the lifetime of entanglement. In chapter 5 we apply this understanding to develop a methodology for benchmarking the quantum correlations harnessed by an adiabatic computation and apply this process to the D-Wave Vesuvius machine. Further developing this interest in the effect of thermalisation of quantum dynamics in chapter 6 we consider systems which fail to thermalise even in the presence of strong coupling to their surroundings. This many body localised behaviour has been recently established to be a robust phase of matter in the presence of strong disorder in one dimension. Here we show the the low lying energy states of a many body system contain immobile excitations, this immobility results in an transition in the character of low lying eigenstates at arbitrarily weak disorder. This represents a novel appearance of localising behaviour in many body systems. Finally we consider possible avenues for future work stemming from this thesis

    Report / Institute fĂĽr Physik

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    The 2016 Report of the Physics Institutes of the Universität Leipzig presents a hopefully interesting overview of our research activities in the past year. It is also testimony of our scientific interaction with colleagues and partners worldwide. We are grateful to our guests for enriching our academic year with their contributions in the colloquium and within our work groups
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