1,040 research outputs found

    Probabilistic contingent planning based on HTN for high-quality plans

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    Deterministic planning assumes that the planning evolves along a fully predictable path, and therefore it loses the practical value in most real projections. A more realistic view is that planning ought to take into consideration partial observability beforehand and aim for a more flexible and robust solution. What is more significant, it is inevitable that the quality of plan varies dramatically in the partially observable environment. In this paper we propose a probabilistic contingent Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planner, named High-Quality Contingent Planner (HQCP), to generate high-quality plans in the partially observable environment. The formalisms in HTN planning are extended into partial observability and are evaluated regarding the cost. Next, we explore a novel heuristic for high-quality plans and develop the integrated planning algorithm. Finally, an empirical study verifies the effectiveness and efficiency of the planner both in probabilistic contingent planning and for obtaining high-quality plans.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Sensor Synthesis for POMDPs with Reachability Objectives

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    Partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) are widely used in probabilistic planning problems in which an agent interacts with an environment using noisy and imprecise sensors. We study a setting in which the sensors are only partially defined and the goal is to synthesize "weakest" additional sensors, such that in the resulting POMDP, there is a small-memory policy for the agent that almost-surely (with probability~1) satisfies a reachability objective. We show that the problem is NP-complete, and present a symbolic algorithm by encoding the problem into SAT instances. We illustrate trade-offs between the amount of memory of the policy and the number of additional sensors on a simple example. We have implemented our approach and consider three classical POMDP examples from the literature, and show that in all the examples the number of sensors can be significantly decreased (as compared to the existing solutions in the literature) without increasing the complexity of the policies.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1511.0845

    Contingent task and motion planning under uncertainty for human–robot interactions

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    Manipulation planning under incomplete information is a highly challenging task for mobile manipulators. Uncertainty can be resolved by robot perception modules or using human knowledge in the execution process. Human operators can also collaborate with robots for the execution of some difficult actions or as helpers in sharing the task knowledge. In this scope, a contingent-based task and motion planning is proposed taking into account robot uncertainty and human–robot interactions, resulting a tree-shaped set of geometrically feasible plans. Different sorts of geometric reasoning processes are embedded inside the planner to cope with task constraints like detecting occluding objects when a robot needs to grasp an object. The proposal has been evaluated with different challenging scenarios in simulation and a real environment.Postprint (published version

    IST Austria Technical Report

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    POMDPs are standard models for probabilistic planning problems, where an agent interacts with an uncertain environment. We study the problem of almost-sure reachability, where given a set of target states, the question is to decide whether there is a policy to ensure that the target set is reached with probability 1 (almost-surely). While in general the problem is EXPTIME-complete, in many practical cases policies with a small amount of memory suffice. Moreover, the existing solution to the problem is explicit, which first requires to construct explicitly an exponential reduction to a belief-support MDP. In this work, we first study the existence of observation-stationary strategies, which is NP-complete, and then small-memory strategies. We present a symbolic algorithm by an efficient encoding to SAT and using a SAT solver for the problem. We report experimental results demonstrating the scalability of our symbolic (SAT-based) approach

    Optimal Planning with State Constraints

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    In the classical planning model, state variables are assigned values in the initial state and remain unchanged unless explicitly affected by action effects. However, some properties of states are more naturally modelled not as direct effects of actions but instead as derived, in each state, from the primary variables via a set of rules. We refer to those rules as state constraints. The two types of state constraints that will be discussed here are numeric state constraints and logical rules that we will refer to as axioms. When using state constraints we make a distinction between primary variables, whose values are directly affected by action effects, and secondary variables, whose values are determined by state constraints. While primary variables have finite and discrete domains, as in classical planning, there is no such requirement for secondary variables. For example, using numeric state constraints allows us to have secondary variables whose values are real numbers. We show that state constraints are a construct that lets us combine classical planning methods with specialised solvers developed for other types of problems. For example, introducing numeric state constraints enables us to apply planning techniques in domains involving interconnected physical systems, such as power networks. To solve these types of problems optimally, we adapt commonly used methods from optimal classical planning, namely state-space search guided by admissible heuristics. In heuristics based on monotonic relaxation, the idea is that in a relaxed state each variable assumes a set of values instead of just a single value. With state constraints, the challenge becomes to evaluate the conditions, such as goals and action preconditions, that involve secondary variables. We employ consistency checking tools to evaluate whether these conditions are satisfied in the relaxed state. In our work with numerical constraints we use linear programming, while with axioms we use answer set programming and three value semantics. This allows us to build a relaxed planning graph and compute constraint-aware version of heuristics based on monotonic relaxation. We also adapt pattern database heuristics. We notice that an abstract state can be thought of as a state in the monotonic relaxation in which the variables in the pattern hold only one value, while the variables not in the pattern simultaneously hold all the values in their domains. This means that we can apply the same technique for evaluating conditions on secondary variables as we did for the monotonic relaxation and build pattern databases similarly as it is done in classical planning. To make better use of our heuristics, we modify the A* algorithm by combining two techniques that were previously used independently – partial expansion and preferred operators. Our modified algorithm, which we call PrefPEA, is most beneficial in cases where heuristic is expensive to compute, but accurate, and states have many successors

    A Review of Symbolic, Subsymbolic and Hybrid Methods for Sequential Decision Making

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    The field of Sequential Decision Making (SDM) provides tools for solving Sequential Decision Processes (SDPs), where an agent must make a series of decisions in order to complete a task or achieve a goal. Historically, two competing SDM paradigms have view for supremacy. Automated Planning (AP) proposes to solve SDPs by performing a reasoning process over a model of the world, often represented symbolically. Conversely, Reinforcement Learning (RL) proposes to learn the solution of the SDP from data, without a world model, and represent the learned knowledge subsymbolically. In the spirit of reconciliation, we provide a review of symbolic, subsymbolic and hybrid methods for SDM. We cover both methods for solving SDPs (e.g., AP, RL and techniques that learn to plan) and for learning aspects of their structure (e.g., world models, state invariants and landmarks). To the best of our knowledge, no other review in the field provides the same scope. As an additional contribution, we discuss what properties an ideal method for SDM should exhibit and argue that neurosymbolic AI is the current approach which most closely resembles this ideal method. Finally, we outline several proposals to advance the field of SDM via the integration of symbolic and subsymbolic AI

    Algorithms and Conditional Lower Bounds for Planning Problems

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    We consider planning problems for graphs, Markov decision processes (MDPs), and games on graphs. While graphs represent the most basic planning model, MDPs represent interaction with nature and games on graphs represent interaction with an adversarial environment. We consider two planning problems where there are k different target sets, and the problems are as follows: (a) the coverage problem asks whether there is a plan for each individual target set, and (b) the sequential target reachability problem asks whether the targets can be reached in sequence. For the coverage problem, we present a linear-time algorithm for graphs and quadratic conditional lower bound for MDPs and games on graphs. For the sequential target problem, we present a linear-time algorithm for graphs, a sub-quadratic algorithm for MDPs, and a quadratic conditional lower bound for games on graphs. Our results with conditional lower bounds establish (i) model-separation results showing that for the coverage problem MDPs and games on graphs are harder than graphs and for the sequential reachability problem games on graphs are harder than MDPs and graphs; (ii) objective-separation results showing that for MDPs the coverage problem is harder than the sequential target problem.Comment: Accepted at ICAPS'1

    Inference and Learning with Planning Models

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    [ES] Inferencia y aprendizaje son los actos de razonar sobre evidencia recogida con el fin de alcanzar conclusiones lógicas sobre el proceso que la originó. En el contexto de un modelo de espacio de estados, inferencia y aprendizaje se refieren normalmente a explicar el comportamiento pasado de un agente, predecir sus acciones futuras, o identificar su modelo. En esta tesis, presentamos un marco para inferencia y aprendizaje en el modelo de espacio de estados subyacente al modelo de planificación clásica, y formulamos una paleta de problemas de inferencia y aprendizaje bajo este paraguas unificador. También desarrollamos métodos efectivos basados en planificación que nos permiten resolver estos problemas utilizando algoritmos de planificación genéricos del estado del arte. Mostraremos que un gran número de problemas de inferencia y aprendizaje claves que han sido tratados como desconectados se pueden formular de forma cohesiva y resolver siguiendo procedimientos homogéneos usando nuestro marco. Además, nuestro trabajo abre las puertas a nuevas aplicaciones para tecnología de planificación ya que resalta las características que hacen que el modelo de espacio de estados de planificación clásica sea diferente a los demás modelos.[CA] Inferència i aprenentatge són els actes de raonar sobre evidència arreplegada a fi d'aconseguir conclusions lògiques sobre el procés que la va originar. En el context d'un model d'espai d'estats, inferència i aprenentatge es referixen normalment a explicar el comportament passat d'un agent, predir les seues accions futures, o identificar el seu model. En esta tesi, presentem un marc per a inferència i aprenentatge en el model d'espai d'estats subjacent al model de planificació clàssica, i formulem una paleta de problemes d'inferència i aprenentatge davall este paraigua unificador. També desenrotllem mètodes efectius basats en planificació que ens permeten resoldre estos problemes utilitzant algoritmes de planificació genèrics de l'estat de l'art. Mostrarem que un gran nombre de problemes d'inferència i aprenentatge claus que han sigut tractats com desconnectats es poden formular de forma cohesiva i resoldre seguint procediments homogenis usant el nostre marc. A més, el nostre treball obri les portes a noves aplicacions per a tecnologia de planificació ja que ressalta les característiques que fan que el model d'espai d'estats de planificació clàssica siga diferent dels altres models.[EN] Inference and learning are the acts of reasoning about some collected evidence in order to reach a logical conclusion regarding the process that originated it. In the context of a state-space model, inference and learning are usually concerned with explaining an agent's past behaviour, predicting its future actions or identifying its model. In this thesis, we present a framework for inference and learning in the state-space model underlying the classical planning model, and formulate a palette of inference and learning problems under this unifying umbrella. We also develop effective planning-based approaches to solve these problems using off-the-shelf, state-of-the-art planning algorithms. We will show that several core inference and learning problems that previous research has treated as disconnected can be formulated in a cohesive way and solved following homogeneous procedures using the proposed framework. Further, our work opens the way for new applications of planning technology as it highlights the features that make the state-space model of classical planning different from other models.The work developed in this doctoral thesis has been possible thanks to the FPU16/03184 fellowship that I have enjoyed for the duration of my PhD studies. I have also been supported by my advisors’ grants TIN2017-88476-C2-1-R, TIN2014-55637-C2-2-R-AR, and RYC-2015-18009.Aineto García, D. (2022). Inference and Learning with Planning Models [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/18535

    Egocentric Planning for Scalable Embodied Task Achievement

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    Embodied agents face significant challenges when tasked with performing actions in diverse environments, particularly in generalizing across object types and executing suitable actions to accomplish tasks. Furthermore, agents should exhibit robustness, minimizing the execution of illegal actions. In this work, we present Egocentric Planning, an innovative approach that combines symbolic planning and Object-oriented POMDPs to solve tasks in complex environments, harnessing existing models for visual perception and natural language processing. We evaluated our approach in ALFRED, a simulated environment designed for domestic tasks, and demonstrated its high scalability, achieving an impressive 36.07% unseen success rate in the ALFRED benchmark and winning the ALFRED challenge at CVPR Embodied AI workshop. Our method requires reliable perception and the specification or learning of a symbolic description of the preconditions and effects of the agent's actions, as well as what object types reveal information about others. It is capable of naturally scaling to solve new tasks beyond ALFRED, as long as they can be solved using the available skills. This work offers a solid baseline for studying end-to-end and hybrid methods that aim to generalize to new tasks, including recent approaches relying on LLMs, but often struggle to scale to long sequences of actions or produce robust plans for novel tasks
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