448 research outputs found

    Multiplicative and Exponential Variations of Orthomorphisms of Cyclic Groups

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    An orthomorphism is a permutation σ\sigma of {1,…,n−1}\{1, \dots, n-1\} for which x+σ(x)mod  nx + \sigma(x) \mod n is also a permutation on {1,…,n−1}\{1, \dots, n-1\}. Eberhard, Manners, Mrazovi\'c, showed that the number of such orthomorphisms is (e+o(1))⋅n!2nn(\sqrt{e} + o(1)) \cdot \frac{n!^2}{n^n} for odd nn and zero otherwise. In this paper we prove two analogs of these results where x+σ(x)x+\sigma(x) is replaced by xσ(x)x \sigma(x) (a "multiplicative orthomorphism") or with xσ(x)x^{\sigma(x)} (an "exponential orthomorphism"). Namely, we show that no multiplicative orthomorphisms exist for n>2n > 2 but that exponential orthomorphisms exist whenever nn is twice a prime pp such that p−1p-1 is squarefree. In the latter case we then estimate the number of exponential orthomorphisms.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Mod-2 dihedral Galois representations of prime conductor

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    For all odd primes N up to 500000, we compute the action of the Hecke operator T_2 on the space S_2(Gamma_0(N), Q) and determine whether or not the reduction mod 2 (with respect to a suitable basis) has 0 and/or 1 as eigenvalues. We then partially explain the results in terms of class field theory and modular mod-2 Galois representations. As a byproduct, we obtain some nonexistence results on elliptic curves and modular forms with certain mod-2 reductions, extending prior results of Setzer, Hadano, and Kida

    Computation of Poincare-Betti series for monomial rings

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    The multigraded Poincare-Betti series P_R^k(x_1,...,x_n; t) of a monomial ring k[x_1,...,x_n]/ on a finite number of monomial generators has the form (1+tx_1)(1+tx_2)...(1+tx_n)/b_(R,k)(x_1,...,x_n; t), where b_(R,k)(x_1,...,x_n;t) is a polynomial depending only on the monomial set M and the characteristic of the field k. I present a computer program designed to calculate the polynomial b_(R,k) for a given field characteristic and a given set of monomial generators.Comment: 8 pages, prepared for the School and Workshop on Algebraic geometry and statistics at Politecnico Torino in September 200
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