7 research outputs found

    Experiments on deep face recognition using partial faces

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    YesFace recognition is a very current subject of great interest in the area of visual computing. In the past, numerous face recognition and authentication approaches have been proposed, though the great majority of them use full frontal faces both for training machine learning algorithms and for measuring the recognition rates. In this paper, we discuss some novel experiments to test the performance of machine learning, especially the performance of deep learning, using partial faces as training and recognition cues. Thus, this study sharply differs from the common approaches of using the full face for recognition tasks. In particular, we study the rate of recognition subject to the various parts of the face such as the eyes, mouth, nose and the forehead. In this study, we use a convolutional neural network based architecture along with the pre-trained VGG-Face model to extract features for training. We then use two classifiers namely the cosine similarity and the linear support vector machine to test the recognition rates. We ran our experiments on the Brazilian FEI dataset consisting of 200 subjects. Our results show that the cheek of the face has the lowest recognition rate with 15% while the (top, bottom and right) half and the 3/4 of the face have near 100% recognition rates.Supported in part by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017, under the project PDE-GIR with grant number 778035

    Subspace-Based Holistic Registration for Low-Resolution Facial Images

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    Subspace-based holistic registration is introduced as an alternative to landmark-based face registration, which has a poor performance on low-resolution images, as obtained in camera surveillance applications. The proposed registration method finds the alignment by maximizing the similarity score between a probe and a gallery image. We use a novel probabilistic framework for both user-independent as well as user-specific face registration. The similarity is calculated using the probability that the face image is correctly aligned in a face subspace, but additionally we take the probability into account that the face is misaligned based on the residual error in the dimensions perpendicular to the face subspace. We perform extensive experiments on the FRGCv2 database to evaluate the impact that the face registration methods have on face recognition. Subspace-based holistic registration on low-resolution images can improve face recognition in comparison with landmark-based registration on high-resolution images. The performance of the tested face recognition methods after subspace-based holistic registration on a low-resolution version of the FRGC database is similar to that after manual registration

    A survey of face recognition techniques under occlusion

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    The limited capacity to recognize faces under occlusions is a long-standing problem that presents a unique challenge for face recognition systems and even for humans. The problem regarding occlusion is less covered by research when compared to other challenges such as pose variation, different expressions, etc. Nevertheless, occluded face recognition is imperative to exploit the full potential of face recognition for real-world applications. In this paper, we restrict the scope to occluded face recognition. First, we explore what the occlusion problem is and what inherent difficulties can arise. As a part of this review, we introduce face detection under occlusion, a preliminary step in face recognition. Second, we present how existing face recognition methods cope with the occlusion problem and classify them into three categories, which are 1) occlusion robust feature extraction approaches, 2) occlusion aware face recognition approaches, and 3) occlusion recovery based face recognition approaches. Furthermore, we analyze the motivations, innovations, pros and cons, and the performance of representative approaches for comparison. Finally, future challenges and method trends of occluded face recognition are thoroughly discussed

    Periocular Region-Based Biometric Identification

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    As biometrics become more prevalent in society, the research area is expected to address an ever widening field of problems and conditions. Traditional biometric modalities and approaches are reaching a state of maturity, and their limits are clearly defined. Since the needs of a biometric system administrator might extend beyond those limits, new modalities and techniques must address such concerns. The goal of the work presented here is to explore the periocular region, the region surrounding the eye, and evaluate its usability and limitations in addressing these concerns. First, a study of the periocular region was performed to examine its feasibility in addressing problems that affect traditional face- and iris-based biometric systems. Second, the physical structure of the periocular region was analyzed to determine the kinds of features found there and how they influence the performance of a biometric recognition system. Third, the use of local appearance based approaches in periocular recognition was explored. Lastly, the knowledge gained from the previous experiments was used to develop a novel feature representation technique that is specific to the periocular region. This work is significant because it provides a novel analysis of the features found in the periocular region and produces a feature extraction method that resulted in higher recognition performance over traditional techniques

    Difficult Detection: A Comparison Of Two Different Approaches To Eye Detection For Unconstrained Environments

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    Eye detection is a well studied problem for the constrained face recognition problem, where we find controlled distances, lighting, and limited pose variation. A far more difficult scenario for eye detection is the unconstrained face recognition problem, where we do not have any control over the environment or the subject. In this paper, we take a look at two different approaches for eye detection under difficult acquisition circumstances, including low-light, distance, pose variation, and blur. A new machine learning approach and several correlation filter approaches, including a new adaptive variant, are compared. We present experimental results on a variety of controlled data sets (derived from FERET and CMU PIE) that have been re-imaged under the difficult conditions of interest with an EMCCD based acquisition system. The results of our experiments show that our new detection approaches are extremely accurate under all tested conditions, and significantly improve detection accuracy compared to a leading commercial detector. This unique evaluation brings us one step closer to a better solution for the unconstrained face recognition problem. ©2009 IEEE.IEEE Systems,Man and Cybernetics Society,IEEE Biometrics CouncilB. Leite, E. Pereira, H. Gomes, L. Veloso, C. Santos and J. Carvalho, A Learning-based Eye Detector Coupled with Eye Candidate Filtering and PCA Features, In Proc. of the XX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 2007Smith, L., (2002) A Tutorial on Principal Components Analysis, , http://kybele.psych.cornell.edu/~edelman/Psych-465-Spring-2003/PCA, tutorialViola, P., Jones, M., Robust Real-time Face Detection (2004) Int. Journal of Computer Vision, 57 (2), pp. 137-154Bishop, C.M., (2006) Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, , Springer, 1st editionSim, T., Baker, S., Bsat, M., The CMU Pose, Illumination, and Expression (PIE) Database (2002) Proc. of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture RecognitionBoult, T.E., Scheirer, W.J., Long Range Facial Image Acquisition and Quality (2009) Biometrics for Surveillance and Security, , M. Tistarelli, S. Li and R. Chellappa, editors, Springer-VerlagBoult, T.E., Scheirer, W.J., Woodworth, R., FAAD: Face at a Distance (2008) SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, , Orlando FL, AprilPhillips, P.J., Moon, H., Rizvi, S., Rauss, P., The FERET Evaluation Methodology for Face-Recognition Algorithms (2000) IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 22 (10), pp. 1090-1104T. Vogelsong, T. Boult, D. Gardner, R. Woodworth, R.C. Johnson and B. Heflin, 24/7 Security System: 60-FPS Color EMCCD Camera With Integral Human Recognition, Sensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense VI. Edited by M. Carapezza, Proceedings of the SPIE 6538 (2007), 65381SM. Savvides, B. Kumar, and P. Khosla, Corefaces - Robust Shift Invariant PCA based Correlation Filter for Illumination Tolerant Face Recognition, in Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2004D. Bolme, B. Draper, and J. R. Beveridge, Average of Synthetic Exact Filters, in Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009. Available from: http://www.cs.colostate.edu/ ~bolme/Bolme2009Asef.pdfPhillips, P.J., Vardi, Y., Efficient Illumination Normalization of Facial Images (1996) Pattern Recognition Letters, 17 (8), pp. 921-927Chen, T., Yin, W., Zhou, X., Comaniciu, D., Huang, T., Total Variation Models for Variable Lighting Face Recognition (2006) IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 28 (9), pp. 1519-1524Tyson, R., (2000) Introduction to adaptive optics, , SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, WACarroll, J., Gray, D., Roorda, A., Williams, D., Recent Advances in Retinal Imaging with Adaptive Optics (2007) Optics and Photonics News, pp. 36-42Yao, Y., Abidi, B., Kalka, N., Schmid, N., Abidi, M., Improving Long Range and High Magnification Face Recognition: Database Acquisition, Evaluation, and Enhancement Comput. Vis. Image Understand, 2007. , doi:10.1016/j.cviu.2007.09.004Jin, L., Yuan, X., Satoh, S., Li, J., Xia, L., A Hybrid Classifier for Precise and Robust Eye Detection (2006) Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, 4, pp. 731-735Wang, P., Green, M.B., Ji, Q., Wayman, J., Automatic Eye Detection and Validation (2005) Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionMahalanobis, A., Kumar, B., Casaent, D., Minimum Average Correlation Energy Filters (1987) Appl. Opt, 26 (17), p. 3633Savvides, M., Kumar, B., Efficient Design of Advanced Correlation Filters for Robust Distortion-Tolerant Face Recognition (2003) AVSS, pp. 45-52Brunelli, R., Poggiot, T., Template Matching: Matched Spacial Filters and Beyond (1997) Pattern Recognition, 30 (5), pp. 751-768Savvides, M., Abiantun, R., Jeo, J., Park, S., Xie, C., Kumar, B., Partial & Holistic Face Recognition on FRGC-II data using Support Vector Machine Kernel Correlation Feature Analysis (2006) IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Biometric