693 research outputs found

    Parsing Turkish using the lexical functional grammar formalism

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    This paper describes our work on parsing Turkish using the lexical-functional grammar formalism [11]. This work represents the first effort for wide-coverage syntactic parsing of Turkish. Our implementation is based on Tomita's parser developed at Carnegie Mellon University Center for Machine Translation. The grammar covers a substantial subset of Turkish including structurally simple and complex sentences, and deals with a reasonable amount of word order freeness. The complex agglutinative morphology of Turkish lexical structures is handled using a separate two-level morphological analyzer, which has been incorporated into the syntactic parser. After a discussion of the key relevant issues regarding Turkish grammar, we discuss aspects of our system and present results from our implementation. Our initial results suggest that our system can parse about 82% of the sentences directly and almost all the remaining with very minor pre-editing. Ā© 1995 Kluwer Academic Publishers

    Morphology-Syntax interface for Turkish LFG

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    This paper investigates the use of sublexical units as a solution to handling the complex morphology with productive derivational processes, in the development of a lexical functional grammar for Turkish. Such sublexical units make it possible to expose the internal structure of words with multiple derivations to the grammar rules in a uniform manner. This in turn leads to more succinct and manageable rules. Further, the semantics of the derivations can also be systematically reflected in a compositional way by constructing PRED values on the fly. We illustrate how we use sublexical units for handling simple productive derivational morphology and more interesting cases such as causativization, etc., which change verb valency. Our priority is to handle several linguistic phenomena in order to observe the effects of our approach on both the c-structure and the f-structure representation, and grammar writing, leaving the coverage and evaluation issues aside for the moment

    The Computational Analysis of the Syntax and Interpretation of Free Word Order in Turkish

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    In this dissertation, I examine a language with ā€œfreeā€ word order, specifically Turkish, in order to develop a formalism that can capture the syntax and the context-dependent interpretation of ā€œfreeā€ word order within a computational framework. In ā€œfreeā€ word order languages, word order is used to convey distinctions in meaning that are not captured by traditional truth-conditional semantics. The word order indicates the ā€œinformation structureā€, e.g. what is the ā€œtopicā€ and the ā€œfocusā€ of the sentence. The context-appropriate use of ā€œfreeā€ word order is of considerable importance in developing practical applications in natural language interpretation, generation, and machine translation. I develop a formalism called Multiset-CCG, an extension of Combinatory Categorial Grammars, CCGs, (Ades/Steedman 1982, Steedman 1985), and demonstrate its advantages in an implementation of a data-base query system that interprets Turkish questions and generates answers with contextually appropriate word orders. Multiset-CCG is a context-sensitive and polynomially parsable grammar that captures the formal and descriptive properties of ā€œfreeā€ word order and restrictions on word order in simple and complex sentences (with discontinuous constituents and long distance dependencies). Multiset-CCG captures the context-dependent meaning of word order in Turkish by compositionally deriving the predicate-argument structure and the information structure of a sentence in parallel. The advantages of using such a formalism are that it is computationally attractive and that it provides a compositional and flexible surface structure that allows syntactic constituents to correspond to information structure constituents. A formalism that integrates information structure and syntax such as Multiset-CCG is essential to the computational tasks of interpreting and generating sentences with contextually appropriate word orders in ā€œfreeā€ word order languages

    Chart-driven Connectionist Categorial Parsing of Spoken Korean

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    While most of the speech and natural language systems which were developed for English and other Indo-European languages neglect the morphological processing and integrate speech and natural language at the word level, for the agglutinative languages such as Korean and Japanese, the morphological processing plays a major role in the language processing since these languages have very complex morphological phenomena and relatively simple syntactic functionality. Obviously degenerated morphological processing limits the usable vocabulary size for the system and word-level dictionary results in exponential explosion in the number of dictionary entries. For the agglutinative languages, we need sub-word level integration which leaves rooms for general morphological processing. In this paper, we developed a phoneme-level integration model of speech and linguistic processings through general morphological analysis for agglutinative languages and a efficient parsing scheme for that integration. Korean is modeled lexically based on the categorial grammar formalism with unordered argument and suppressed category extensions, and chart-driven connectionist parsing method is introduced.Comment: 6 pages, Postscript file, Proceedings of ICCPOL'9

    Treebank-based acquisition of wide-coverage, probabilistic LFG resources: project overview, results and evaluation

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    This paper presents an overview of a project to acquire wide-coverage, probabilistic Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) resources from treebanks. Our approach is based on an automatic annotation algorithm that annotates ā€œrawā€ treebank trees with LFG f-structure information approximating to basic predicate-argument/dependency structure. From the f-structure-annotated treebank we extract probabilistic unification grammar resources. We present the annotation algorithm, the extraction of lexical information and the acquisition of wide-coverage and robust PCFG-based LFG approximations including long-distance dependency resolution. We show how the methodology can be applied to multilingual, treebank-based unification grammar acquisition. Finally we show how simple (quasi-)logical forms can be derived automatically from the f-structures generated for the treebank trees

    Natural language software registry (second edition)

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    Incremental constraint-based parsing: an efficient approach for head-final languages

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    In this dissertation, I provide a left-to-right incremental parsing approach for Headdriven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG; Pollard and Sag (1987, 1994)). HPSG is a lexicalized, constraint-based theory of grammar, which has also been widely exploited in computational linguistics in recent years. Head-final languages are known to pose problems for the incrementality of head-driven parsing models, proposed for parsing with constraint-based grammar formalisms, in both psycholinguistics and computational linguistics. Therefore, here I further focus my attention on processing a head-final language, specifically Turkish, to highlight any challenges that may arise in the case of such a language. The dissertation makes two principal contributions, the first part mainly providing the theoretical treatment required for the computational approach presented in the second part. The first part of the dissertation is concerned with the analysis of certain phenomena in Turkish grammar within the frame..
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