11,157 research outputs found

    Collective Phenomena and Non-Finite State Computation in a Human Social System

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    We investigate the computational structure of a paradigmatic example of distributed social interaction: that of the open-source Wikipedia community. We examine the statistical properties of its cooperative behavior, and perform model selection to determine whether this aspect of the system can be described by a finite-state process, or whether reference to an effectively unbounded resource allows for a more parsimonious description. We find strong evidence, in a majority of the most-edited pages, in favor of a collective-state model, where the probability of a "revert" action declines as the square root of the number of non-revert actions seen since the last revert. We provide evidence that the emergence of this social counter is driven by collective interaction effects, rather than properties of individual users.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables; to appear in PLoS ON

    Average-case analysis of perfect sorting by reversals (Journal Version)

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    Perfect sorting by reversals, a problem originating in computational genomics, is the process of sorting a signed permutation to either the identity or to the reversed identity permutation, by a sequence of reversals that do not break any common interval. B\'erard et al. (2007) make use of strong interval trees to describe an algorithm for sorting signed permutations by reversals. Combinatorial properties of this family of trees are essential to the algorithm analysis. Here, we use the expected value of certain tree parameters to prove that the average run-time of the algorithm is at worst, polynomial, and additionally, for sufficiently long permutations, the sorting algorithm runs in polynomial time with probability one. Furthermore, our analysis of the subclass of commuting scenarios yields precise results on the average length of a reversal, and the average number of reversals.Comment: A preliminary version of this work appeared in the proceedings of Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM) 2009. See arXiv:0901.2847; Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, vol. 3(3), 201

    Restricted Covariance Priors with Applications in Spatial Statistics

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    We present a Bayesian model for area-level count data that uses Gaussian random effects with a novel type of G-Wishart prior on the inverse variance--covariance matrix. Specifically, we introduce a new distribution called the truncated G-Wishart distribution that has support over precision matrices that lead to positive associations between the random effects of neighboring regions while preserving conditional independence of non-neighboring regions. We describe Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithms for the truncated G-Wishart prior in a disease mapping context and compare our results to Bayesian hierarchical models based on intrinsic autoregression priors. A simulation study illustrates that using the truncated G-Wishart prior improves over the intrinsic autoregressive priors when there are discontinuities in the disease risk surface. The new model is applied to an analysis of cancer incidence data in Washington State.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-BA927 in the Bayesian Analysis (http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.ba) by the International Society of Bayesian Analysis (http://bayesian.org/

    Software Engineering and Complexity in Effective Algebraic Geometry

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    We introduce the notion of a robust parameterized arithmetic circuit for the evaluation of algebraic families of multivariate polynomials. Based on this notion, we present a computation model, adapted to Scientific Computing, which captures all known branching parsimonious symbolic algorithms in effective Algebraic Geometry. We justify this model by arguments from Software Engineering. Finally we exhibit a class of simple elimination problems of effective Algebraic Geometry which require exponential time to be solved by branching parsimonious algorithms of our computation model.Comment: 70 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1201.434

    Constrained Optimization for a Subset of the Gaussian Parsimonious Clustering Models

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    The expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm is an iterative method for finding maximum likelihood estimates when data are incomplete or are treated as being incomplete. The EM algorithm and its variants are commonly used for parameter estimation in applications of mixture models for clustering and classification. This despite the fact that even the Gaussian mixture model likelihood surface contains many local maxima and is singularity riddled. Previous work has focused on circumventing this problem by constraining the smallest eigenvalue of the component covariance matrices. In this paper, we consider constraining the smallest eigenvalue, the largest eigenvalue, and both the smallest and largest within the family setting. Specifically, a subset of the GPCM family is considered for model-based clustering, where we use a re-parameterized version of the famous eigenvalue decomposition of the component covariance matrices. Our approach is illustrated using various experiments with simulated and real data

    Inference of Ancestral Recombination Graphs through Topological Data Analysis

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    The recent explosion of genomic data has underscored the need for interpretable and comprehensive analyses that can capture complex phylogenetic relationships within and across species. Recombination, reassortment and horizontal gene transfer constitute examples of pervasive biological phenomena that cannot be captured by tree-like representations. Starting from hundreds of genomes, we are interested in the reconstruction of potential evolutionary histories leading to the observed data. Ancestral recombination graphs represent potential histories that explicitly accommodate recombination and mutation events across orthologous genomes. However, they are computationally costly to reconstruct, usually being infeasible for more than few tens of genomes. Recently, Topological Data Analysis (TDA) methods have been proposed as robust and scalable methods that can capture the genetic scale and frequency of recombination. We build upon previous TDA developments for detecting and quantifying recombination, and present a novel framework that can be applied to hundreds of genomes and can be interpreted in terms of minimal histories of mutation and recombination events, quantifying the scales and identifying the genomic locations of recombinations. We implement this framework in a software package, called TARGet, and apply it to several examples, including small migration between different populations, human recombination, and horizontal evolution in finches inhabiting the Gal\'apagos Islands.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures. The accompanying software, instructions and example files used in the manuscript can be obtained from https://github.com/RabadanLab/TARGe
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