628 research outputs found

    Mean Field description of and propagation of chaos in recurrent multipopulation networks of Hodgkin-Huxley and Fitzhugh-Nagumo neurons

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    We derive the mean-field equations arising as the limit of a network of interacting spiking neurons, as the number of neurons goes to infinity. The neurons belong to a fixed number of populations and are represented either by the Hodgkin-Huxley model or by one of its simplified version, the Fitzhugh-Nagumo model. The synapses between neurons are either electrical or chemical. The network is assumed to be fully connected. The maximum conductances vary randomly. Under the condition that all neurons initial conditions are drawn independently from the same law that depends only on the population they belong to, we prove that a propagation of chaos phenomenon takes places, namely that in the mean-field limit, any finite number of neurons become independent and, within each population, have the same probability distribution. This probability distribution is solution of a set of implicit equations, either nonlinear stochastic differential equations resembling the McKean-Vlasov equations, or non-local partial differential equations resembling the McKean-Vlasov-Fokker- Planck equations. We prove the well-posedness of these equations, i.e. the existence and uniqueness of a solution. We also show the results of some preliminary numerical experiments that indicate that the mean-field equations are a good representation of the mean activity of a finite size network, even for modest sizes. These experiment also indicate that the McKean-Vlasov-Fokker- Planck equations may be a good way to understand the mean-field dynamics through, e.g., a bifurcation analysis.Comment: 55 pages, 9 figure

    Statistical inference in mechanistic models: time warping for improved gradient matching

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    Inference in mechanistic models of non-linear differential equations is a challenging problem in current computational statistics. Due to the high computational costs of numerically solving the differential equations in every step of an iterative parameter adaptation scheme, approximate methods based on gradient matching have become popular. However, these methods critically depend on the smoothing scheme for function interpolation. The present article adapts an idea from manifold learning and demonstrates that a time warping approach aiming to homogenize intrinsic length scales can lead to a significant improvement in parameter estimation accuracy. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this scheme on noisy data from two dynamical systems with periodic limit cycle, a biopathway, and an application from soft-tissue mechanics. Our study also provides a comparative evaluation on a wide range of signal-to-noise ratios

    Fourier spectral methods for fractional-in-space reaction-diffusion equations

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    Fractional differential equations are becoming increasingly used as a powerful modelling approach for understanding the many aspects of nonlocality and spatial heterogeneity. However, the numerical approximation of these models is computationally demanding and imposes a number of computational constraints. In this paper, we introduce Fourier spectral methods as an attractive and easy-to-code alternative for the integration of fractional-in-space reactiondiffusion equations. The main advantages of the proposed schemes is that they yield a fully diagonal representation of the fractional operator, with increased accuracy and efficiency when compared to low-order counterparts, and a completely straightforward extension to two and three spatial dimensions. Our approach is show-cased by solving several problems of practical interest, including the fractional Allenā€“Cahn, FitzHughā€“Nagumo and Grayā€“Scott models,together with an analysis of the properties of these systems in terms of the fractional power of the underlying Laplacian operator

    Conditions for propagation and block of excitation in an asymptotic model of atrial tissue

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    Detailed ionic models of cardiac cells are difficult for numerical simulations because they consist of a large number of equations and contain small parameters. The presence of small parameters, however, may be used for asymptotic reduction of the models. Earlier results have shown that the asymptotics of cardiac equations are non-standard. Here we apply such a novel asymptotic method to an ionic model of human atrial tissue in order to obtain a reduced but accurate model for the description of excitation fronts. Numerical simulations of spiral waves in atrial tissue show that wave fronts of propagating action potentials break-up and self-terminate. Our model, in particular, yields a simple analytical criterion of propagation block, which is similar in purpose but completely different in nature to the `Maxwell rule' in the FitzHugh-Nagumo type models. Our new criterion agrees with direct numerical simulations of break-up of re-entrant waves.Comment: Revised manuscript submitted to Biophysical Journal (30 pages incl. 10 figures

    Riding a Spiral Wave: Numerical Simulation of Spiral Waves in a Co-Moving Frame of Reference

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    We describe an approach to numerical simulation of spiral waves dynamics of large spatial extent, using small computational grids.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, as accepted by Phys Rev E 2010/03/2
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