1,675 research outputs found

    Identifikation von Schadstoffeinleitungen und angepasstes Design eines Monitoringnetzwerkes in Ă„stuaren

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    In the last decades there have been thousands of accidental pollution spills as well as intentional illegal discharges into surface waters all over the world. The identification of pollution source parameters (e.g. the source location) has often proven difficult and heavily depends on measured pollutant concentration data collected after the incident. This thesis investigates how an adapted monitoring design can improve the identification of source parameters after a spill incident, especially in the case of estuaries. Initially, the effect of the spatial and temporal monitoring design on parameter identifiability is analyzed based on a synthetic unidirectional (river) as well as a bidirectional (estuary) test case is carried out. While the transport processes in the river could be represented by an analytical solution of the 2D advection-dispersion-reaction equation, to take into account the tidal dynamics in the estuary, a numerical transport model had to be set up with the Delft3D software suite. The results of the analysis indicate that parameter dependencies exist between different source parameters, which can weaken the identifiability of the individual parameters. However, an appropriate monitoring design can improve parameter identifiability and consequently lead to more reliable parameter estimates. To identify the source parameters after potential pollution incidents, two optimization approaches were selected in this work, which were initially applied to the synthetic bidirectional test case. Both approaches achieved very good results for both perfect and noise perturbed monitoring data. Subsequently, both optimization approaches were transferred to a real-world estuary, the Thi Vai Estuary, located in South Vietnam. To simulate pollution scenarios, a 2D hydrodynamic transport model was set up in Delft3D and calibrated based on monitoring data collected in the EWATEC-COAST research project. The synthetically generated monitoring data of an optimized monitoring network were then used to identify several theoretical spill incidents in the Thi Vai Estuary. Both optimization approaches performed generally well and could correctly identify the source parameters in 80% of the considered scenarios.In den letzten Jahrzehnten kam es weltweit immer wieder zu zahlreichen Unfällen und illegalen Einleitungen, bei denen Schadstoffe in Oberflächengewässer eingeleitet wurden. Die Identifikation der Einleitungsparameter (u.a. des Ortes) stellt hierbei eine große Herausforderung dar und hängt stark von den gesammelten Konzentrationsdaten ab, die nach dem Schadstoffeintrag erhoben wurden. Daher bestand das Hauptziel der Dissertation darin, die Identifikation der Einleitungsparameter im Falle eines Schadstoffeintrags durch ein angepasstes Monitoringdesign insbesondere in Ästuaren zu verbessern. Zunächst wurde, aufbauend auf einen synthetischen Fluss- und Ästuarabschnitt, der Einfluss des räumlichen und zeitlichen Monitoringdesigns auf die Identifizierbarkeit der Einleitungsparameter analysiert. Während die Transportprozesse im Fluss durch eine analytische Lösung der 2D Advektions-Dispersions-Reaktions-Gleichung abgebildet werden konnten, musste für das Ästuar zur Berücksichtigung des Tideeinflusses ein numerisches Transportmodell mit der Software Delft3D aufgebaut werden. Die Ergebnisse der Analyse zeigen, dass zwischen bestimmten Einleitungsparametern Interaktionen bestehen, die die Identifizierbarkeit der einzelnen Parameter schwächen. Ein angepasstes Monitoringdesign kann die Identifizierbarkeit allerdings verbessern und folglich zu einer zuverlässigeren Parameterschätzung führen. Zur Identifikation der Einleitungsparameter nach potentiellen Schadstoffeinträgen wurden in dieser Arbeit zwei verschiedene Optimierungsansätze ausgewählt, die zunächst auf den synthetischen Ästuarabschnitt angewandt wurden. Hier konnten durch beide Ansätze sowohl für perfekte als auch fehlerbehaftete Messdaten sehr gute Ergebnisse erzielt werden. Anschließend wurden beide Optimierungsansätze auf einen realen Ästuar, den Thi Vai Ästuar in Südvietnam übertragen. Zur Simulation verschiedener Einleitungsszenarien wurde ein 2D hydrodynamisches Transportmodell in Delft3D aufgebaut und mit Messdaten, die im Forschungsprojekt EWATEC-COAST erhoben wurden, kalibriert. Die synthetisch generierten Monitoringdaten eines optimalen Monitoringnetzwerkes dienten anschließend zur Identifikation mehrerer theoretischer Einleitungsszenarien. Beide Optimierungsansätze zeigten gute Ergebnisse und konnten die Einleitungsparameter in 80% der betrachteten Szenarien korrekt bestimmen

    Online proceedings of the papers submitted to the 2020 TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference October 2020

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    Quantitative structure fate relationships for multimedia environmental analysis

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    Key physicochemical properties for a wide spectrum of chemical pollutants are unknown. This thesis analyses the prospect of assessing the environmental distribution of chemicals directly from supervised learning algorithms using molecular descriptors, rather than from multimedia environmental models (MEMs) using several physicochemical properties estimated from QSARs. Dimensionless compartmental mass ratios of 468 validation chemicals were compared, in logarithmic units, between: a) SimpleBox 3, a Level III MEM, propagating random property values within statistical distributions of widely recommended QSARs; and, b) Support Vector Regressions (SVRs), acting as Quantitative Structure-Fate Relationships (QSFRs), linking mass ratios to molecular weight and constituent counts (atoms, bonds, functional groups and rings) for training chemicals. Best predictions were obtained for test and validation chemicals optimally found to be within the domain of applicability of the QSFRs, evidenced by low MAE and high q2 values (in air, MAE≤0.54 and q2≥0.92; in water, MAE≤0.27 and q2≥0.92).Las propiedades fisicoquĂ­micas de un gran espectro de contaminantes quĂ­micos son desconocidas. Esta tesis analiza la posibilidad de evaluar la distribuciĂłn ambiental de compuestos utilizando algoritmos de aprendizaje supervisados alimentados con descriptores moleculares, en vez de modelos ambientales multimedia alimentados con propiedades estimadas por QSARs. Se han comparado fracciones másicas adimensionales, en unidades logarĂ­tmicas, de 468 compuestos entre: a) SimpleBox 3, un modelo de nivel III, propagando valores aleatorios de propiedades dentro de distribuciones estadĂ­sticas de QSARs recomendados; y, b) regresiones de vectores soporte (SVRs) actuando como relaciones cuantitativas de estructura y destino (QSFRs), relacionando fracciones másicas con pesos moleculares y cuentas de constituyentes (átomos, enlaces, grupos funcionales y anillos) para compuestos de entrenamiento. Las mejores predicciones resultaron para compuestos de test y validaciĂłn correctamente localizados dentro del dominio de aplicabilidad de los QSFRs, evidenciado por valores bajos de MAE y valores altos de q2 (en aire, MAE≤0.54 y q2≥0.92; en agua, MAE≤0.27 y q2≥0.92)

    Lattice Boltzmann modeling for shallow water equations using high performance computing

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    The aim of this dissertation project is to extend the standard Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) for shallow water flows in order to deal with three dimensional flow fields. The shallow water and mass transport equations have wide applications in ocean, coastal, and hydraulic engineering, which can benefit from the advantages of the LBM. The LBM has recently become an attractive numerical method to solve various fluid dynamics phenomena; however, it has not been extensively applied to modeling shallow water flow and mass transport. Only a few works can be found on improving the LBM for mass transport in shallow water flows and even fewer on extending it to model three dimensional shallow water flow fields. The application of the LBM to modeling the shallow water and mass transport equations has been limited because it is not clearly understood how the LBM solves the shallow water and mass transport equations. The project first focuses on studying the importance of choosing enhanced collision operators such as the multiple-relaxation-time (MRT) and two-relaxation-time (TRT) over the standard single-relaxation-time (SRT) in LBM. A (MRT) collision operator is chosen for the shallow water equations, while a (TRT) method is used for the advection-dispersion equation. Furthermore, two speed-of-sound techniques are introduced to account for heterogeneous and anisotropic dispersion coefficients. By selecting appropriate equilibrium distribution functions, the standard LBM is extended to solve three-dimensional wind-driven and density-driven circulation by introducing a multi-layer LB model. A MRT-LBM model is used to solve for each layer coupled by the vertical viscosity forcing term. To increase solution stability, an implicit step is suggested to obtain stratified flow velocities. Numerical examples are presented to verify the multi-layer LB model against analytical solutions. The model’s capability of calculating lateral and vertical distributions of the horizontal velocities is demonstrated for wind- and density- driven circulation over non-uniform bathymetry. The parallel performance of the LBM on central processing unit (CPU) based and graphics processing unit (GPU) based high performance computing (HPC) architectures is investigated showing attractive performance in relation to speedup and scalability

    Turbulence: Numerical Analysis, Modelling and Simulation

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    The problem of accurate and reliable simulation of turbulent flows is a central and intractable challenge that crosses disciplinary boundaries. As the needs for accuracy increase and the applications expand beyond flows where extensive data is available for calibration, the importance of a sound mathematical foundation that addresses the needs of practical computing increases. This Special Issue is directed at this crossroads of rigorous numerical analysis, the physics of turbulence and the practical needs of turbulent flow simulations. It seeks papers providing a broad understanding of the status of the problem considered and open problems that comprise further steps
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