82 research outputs found

    Parallelizing RRT on distributed-memory architectures

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    This paper addresses the problem of improving the performance of the Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm by parallelizing it. For scalability reasons we do so on a distributed-memory architecture, using the message-passing paradigm. We present three parallel versions of RRT along with the technicalities involved in their implementation. We also evaluate the algorithms and study how they behave on different motion planning problems

    Parallelizing RRT on large-scale distributed-memory architectures

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    This paper addresses the problem of parallelizing the Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm on large-scale distributed-memory architectures, using the Message Passing Interface. We compare three parallel versions of RRT based on classical parallelization schemes. We evaluate them on different motion planning problems and analyze the various factors influencing their performance

    A scalable method for parallelizing sampling-based motion planning algorithms

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    Abstract—This paper describes a scalable method for paral-lelizing sampling-based motion planning algorithms. It subdi-vides configuration space (C-space) into (possibly overlapping) regions and independently, in parallel, uses standard (sequen-tial) sampling-based planners to construct roadmaps in each region. Next, in parallel, regional roadmaps in adjacent regions are connected to form a global roadmap. By subdividing the space and restricting the locality of connection attempts, we reduce the work and inter-processor communication associated with nearest neighbor calculation, a critical bottleneck for scalability in existing parallel motion planning methods. We show that our method is general enough to handle a variety of planning schemes, including the widely used Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) and Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRT) algorithms. We compare our approach to two other existing parallel algorithms and demonstrate that our approach achieves better and more scalable performance. Our approach achieves almost linear scalability on a 2400 core LINUX cluster and on a 153,216 core Cray XE6 petascale machine. I

    Massively parallelizing the RRT and the RRT*

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    In recent years, the growth of the computational power available in the Central Processing Units (CPUs) of consumer computers has tapered significantly. At the same time, growth in the computational power available in the Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) has remained strong. Algorithms that can be implemented on GPUs today are not only limited to graphics processing, but include scientific computation and beyond. This paper is concerned with massively parallel implementations of incremental sampling-based robot motion planning algorithms, namely the widely-used Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm and its asymptotically-optimal counterpart called RRT*. We demonstrate an example implementation of RRT and RRT* motion-planning algorithm for a high-dimensional robotic manipulator that takes advantage of an NVidia CUDA-enabled GPU. We focus on parallelizing the collision-checking procedure, which is generally recognized as the computationally expensive component of sampling-based motion planning algorithms. Our experimental results indicate significant speedup when compared to CPU implementations, leading to practical algorithms for optimal motion planning in high-dimensional configuration spaces

    Parallel Quantum Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees

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    In this paper, we present the Parallel Quantum Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree (Pq-RRT) algorithm, a parallel version of the Quantum Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees (q-RRT) algorithm. Parallel Quantum RRT is a parallel quantum algorithm formulation of a sampling-based motion planner that uses Quantum Amplitude Amplification to search databases of reachable states for addition to a tree. In this work we investigate how parallel quantum devices can more efficiently search a database, as the quantum measurement process involves the collapse of the superposition to a base state, erasing probability information and therefore the ability to efficiently find multiple solutions. Pq-RRT uses a manager/parallel-quantum-workers formulation, inspired by traditional parallel motion planning, to perform simultaneous quantum searches of a feasible state database. We present results regarding likelihoods of multiple parallel units finding any and all solutions contained with a shared database, with and without reachability errors, allowing efficiency predictions to be made. We offer simulations in dense obstacle environments showing efficiency, density/heatmap, and speed comparisons for Pq-RRT against q-RRT, classical RRT, and classical parallel RRT. We then present Quantum Database Annealing, a database construction strategy for Pq-RRT and q-RRT that uses a temperature construct to define database creation over time for balancing exploration and exploitation.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figure

    A Scalable Framework for Parallelizing Sampling-Based Motion Planning Algorithms

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    Motion planning is defined as the problem of finding a valid path taking a robot (or any movable object) from a given start configuration to a goal configuration in an environment. While motion planning has its roots in robotics, it now finds application in many other areas of scientific computing such as protein folding, drug design, virtual prototyping, computer-aided design (CAD), and computer animation. These new areas test the limits of the best sequential planners available, motivating the need for methods that can exploit parallel processing. This dissertation focuses on the design and implementation of a generic and scalable framework for parallelizing motion planning algorithms. In particular, we focus on sampling-based motion planning algorithms which are considered to be the state-of-the-art. Our work covers the two broad classes of sampling-based motion planning algorithms--the graph-based and the tree-based methods. Central to our approach is the subdivision of the planning space into regions. These regions represent sub- problems that can be processed in parallel. Solutions to the sub-problems are later combined to form a solution to the entire problem. By subdividing the planning space and restricting the locality of connection attempts to adjacent regions, we reduce the work and inter-processor communication associated with nearest neighbor calculation, a critical bottleneck for scalability in existing parallel motion planning methods. We also describe how load balancing strategies can be applied in complex environments. We present experimental results that scale to thousands of processors on different massively parallel machines for a range of motion planning problems

    Scaling Robot Motion Planning to Multi-core Processors and the Cloud

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    Imagine a world in which robots safely interoperate with humans, gracefully and efficiently accomplishing everyday tasks. The robot's motions for these tasks, constrained by the design of the robot and task at hand, must avoid collisions with obstacles. Unfortunately, planning a constrained obstacle-free motion for a robot is computationally complex---often resulting in slow computation of inefficient motions. The methods in this dissertation speed up this motion plan computation with new algorithms and data structures that leverage readily available parallel processing, whether that processing power is on the robot or in the cloud, enabling robots to operate safer, more gracefully, and with improved efficiency. The contributions of this dissertation that enable faster motion planning are novel parallel lock-free algorithms, fast and concurrent nearest neighbor searching data structures, cache-aware operation, and split robot-cloud computation. Parallel lock-free algorithms avoid contention over shared data structures, resulting in empirical speedup proportional to the number of CPU cores working on the problem. Fast nearest neighbor data structures speed up searching in SO(3) and SE(3) metric spaces, which are needed for rigid body motion planning. Concurrent nearest neighbor data structures improve searching performance on metric spaces common to robot motion planning problems, while providing asymptotic wait-free concurrent operation. Cache-aware operation avoids long memory access times, allowing the algorithm to exhibit superlinear speedup. Split robot-cloud computation enables robots with low-power CPUs to react to changing environments by having the robot compute reactive paths in real-time from a set of motion plan options generated in a computationally intensive cloud-based algorithm. We demonstrate the scalability and effectiveness of our contributions in solving motion planning problems both in simulation and on physical robots of varying design and complexity. Problems include finding a solution to a complex motion planning problem, pre-computing motion plans that converge towards the optimal, and reactive interaction with dynamic environments. Robots include 2D holonomic robots, 3D rigid-body robots, a self-driving 1/10 scale car, articulated robot arms with and without mobile bases, and a small humanoid robot.Doctor of Philosoph