47 research outputs found

    National Center for Genome Analysis Program Year 3 Report – September 15, 2013 – September 14, 2014

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    On September 15, 2011, Indiana University (IU) received three years of support to establish the National Center for Genome Analysis Support (NCGAS). This technical report describes the activities of the third 12 months of NCGASThe facilities supported by the Research Technologies division at Indiana University are supported by a number of grants. The authors would like to acknowledge that although the National Center for Genome Analysis Support is funded by NSF 1062432, our work would not be possible without the generous support of the following awards received by our parent organization, the Pervasive Technology Institute at Indiana University. • The Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute was supported in part by two grants from the Lilly Endowment, Inc. • NCGAS has also been supported directly by the Indiana METACyt Initiative. The Indiana METACyt Initiative of Indiana University is supported in part by the Lilly Endowment, Inc. • This material is based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CNS-0521433. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF)

    New Statistical Algorithms for the Analysis of Mass Spectrometry Time-Of-Flight Mass Data with Applications in Clinical Diagnostics

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    Mass spectrometry (MS) based techniques have emerged as a standard forlarge-scale protein analysis. The ongoing progress in terms of more sensitive machines and improved data analysis algorithms led to a constant expansion of its fields of applications. Recently, MS was introduced into clinical proteomics with the prospect of early disease detection using proteomic pattern matching. Analyzing biological samples (e.g. blood) by mass spectrometry generates mass spectra that represent the components (molecules) contained in a sample as masses and their respective relative concentrations. In this work, we are interested in those components that are constant within a group of individuals but differ much between individuals of two distinct groups. These distinguishing components that dependent on a particular medical condition are generally called biomarkers. Since not all biomarkers found by the algorithms are of equal (discriminating) quality we are only interested in a small biomarker subset that - as a combination - can be used as a fingerprint for a disease. Once a fingerprint for a particular disease (or medical condition) is identified, it can be used in clinical diagnostics to classify unknown spectra. In this thesis we have developed new algorithms for automatic extraction of disease specific fingerprints from mass spectrometry data. Special emphasis has been put on designing highly sensitive methods with respect to signal detection. Thanks to our statistically based approach our methods are able to detect signals even below the noise level inherent in data acquired by common MS machines, such as hormones. To provide access to these new classes of algorithms to collaborating groups we have created a web-based analysis platform that provides all necessary interfaces for data transfer, data analysis and result inspection. To prove the platform's practical relevance it has been utilized in several clinical studies two of which are presented in this thesis. In these studies it could be shown that our platform is superior to commercial systems with respect to fingerprint identification. As an outcome of these studies several fingerprints for different cancer types (bladder, kidney, testicle, pancreas, colon and thyroid) have been detected and validated. The clinical partners in fact emphasize that these results would be impossible with a less sensitive analysis tool (such as the currently available systems). In addition to the issue of reliably finding and handling signals in noise we faced the problem to handle very large amounts of data, since an average dataset of an individual is about 2.5 Gigabytes in size and we have data of hundreds to thousands of persons. To cope with these large datasets, we developed a new framework for a heterogeneous (quasi) ad-hoc Grid - an infrastructure that allows to integrate thousands of computing resources (e.g. Desktop Computers, Computing Clusters or specialized hardware, such as IBM's Cell Processor in a Playstation 3)

    On-premise containerized, light-weight software solutions for Biomedicine

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    Bioinformatics software systems are critical tools for analysing large-scale biological data, but their design and implementation can be challenging due to the need for reliability, scalability, and performance. This thesis investigates the impact of several software approaches on the design and implementation of bioinformatics software systems. These approaches include software patterns, microservices, distributed computing, containerisation and container orchestration. The research focuses on understanding how these techniques affect bioinformatics software systems’ reliability, scalability, performance, and efficiency. Furthermore, this research highlights the challenges and considerations involved in their implementation. This study also examines potential solutions for implementing container orchestration in bioinformatics research teams with limited resources and the challenges of using container orchestration. Additionally, the thesis considers microservices and distributed computing and how these can be optimised in the design and implementation process to enhance the productivity and performance of bioinformatics software systems. The research was conducted using a combination of software development, experimentation, and evaluation. The results show that implementing software patterns can significantly improve the code accessibility and structure of bioinformatics software systems. Specifically, microservices and containerisation also enhanced system reliability, scalability, and performance. Additionally, the study indicates that adopting advanced software engineering practices, such as model-driven design and container orchestration, can facilitate efficient and productive deployment and management of bioinformatics software systems, even for researchers with limited resources. Overall, we develop a software system integrating all our findings. Our proposed system demonstrated the ability to address challenges in bioinformatics. The thesis makes several key contributions in addressing the research questions surrounding the design, implementation, and optimisation of bioinformatics software systems using software patterns, microservices, containerisation, and advanced software engineering principles and practices. Our findings suggest that incorporating these technologies can significantly improve bioinformatics software systems’ reliability, scalability, performance, efficiency, and productivity.Bioinformatische Software-Systeme stellen bedeutende Werkzeuge für die Analyse umfangreicher biologischer Daten dar. Ihre Entwicklung und Implementierung kann jedoch aufgrund der erforderlichen Zuverlässigkeit, Skalierbarkeit und Leistungsfähigkeit eine Herausforderung darstellen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Auswirkungen von Software-Mustern, Microservices, verteilten Systemen, Containerisierung und Container-Orchestrierung auf die Architektur und Implementierung von bioinformatischen Software-Systemen zu untersuchen. Die Forschung konzentriert sich darauf, zu verstehen, wie sich diese Techniken auf die Zuverlässigkeit, Skalierbarkeit, Leistungsfähigkeit und Effizienz von bioinformatischen Software-Systemen auswirken und welche Herausforderungen mit ihrer Konzeptualisierungen und Implementierung verbunden sind. Diese Arbeit untersucht auch potenzielle Lösungen zur Implementierung von Container-Orchestrierung in bioinformatischen Forschungsteams mit begrenzten Ressourcen und die Einschränkungen bei deren Verwendung in diesem Kontext. Des Weiteren werden die Schlüsselfaktoren, die den Erfolg von bioinformatischen Software-Systemen mit Containerisierung, Microservices und verteiltem Computing beeinflussen, untersucht und wie diese im Design- und Implementierungsprozess optimiert werden können, um die Produktivität und Leistung bioinformatischer Software-Systeme zu steigern. Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde mittels einer Kombination aus Software-Entwicklung, Experimenten und Evaluation durchgeführt. Die erzielten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Implementierung von Software-Mustern, die Zuverlässigkeit und Skalierbarkeit von bioinformatischen Software-Systemen erheblich verbessern kann. Der Einsatz von Microservices und Containerisierung trug ebenfalls zur Steigerung der Zuverlässigkeit, Skalierbarkeit und Leistungsfähigkeit des Systems bei. Darüber hinaus legt die Arbeit dar, dass die Anwendung von SoftwareEngineering-Praktiken, wie modellgesteuertem Design und Container-Orchestrierung, die effiziente und produktive Bereitstellung und Verwaltung von bioinformatischen Software-Systemen erleichtern kann. Zudem löst die Implementierung dieses SoftwareSystems, Herausforderungen für Forschungsgruppen mit begrenzten Ressourcen. Insgesamt hat das System gezeigt, dass es in der Lage ist, Herausforderungen im Bereich der Bioinformatik zu bewältigen und stellt somit ein wertvolles Werkzeug für Forscher in diesem Bereich dar. Die vorliegende Arbeit leistet mehrere wichtige Beiträge zur Beantwortung von Forschungsfragen im Zusammenhang mit dem Entwurf, der Implementierung und der Optimierung von Software-Systemen für die Bioinformatik unter Verwendung von Prinzipien und Praktiken der Softwaretechnik. Unsere Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Einbindung dieser Technologien die Zuverlässigkeit, Skalierbarkeit, Leistungsfähigkeit, Effizienz und Produktivität bioinformatischer Software-Systeme erheblich verbessern kann

    Austrian High-Performance-Computing meeting (AHPC2020)

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    This booklet is a collection of abstracts presented at the AHPC conference

    3rd EGEE User Forum

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    We have organized this book in a sequence of chapters, each chapter associated with an application or technical theme introduced by an overview of the contents, and a summary of the main conclusions coming from the Forum for the chapter topic. The first chapter gathers all the plenary session keynote addresses, and following this there is a sequence of chapters covering the application flavoured sessions. These are followed by chapters with the flavour of Computer Science and Grid Technology. The final chapter covers the important number of practical demonstrations and posters exhibited at the Forum. Much of the work presented has a direct link to specific areas of Science, and so we have created a Science Index, presented below. In addition, at the end of this book, we provide a complete list of the institutes and countries involved in the User Forum

    Protein Threading for Genome-Scale Structural Analysis

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    Protein structure prediction is a necessary tool in the field of bioinformatic analysis. It is a non-trivial process that can add a great deal of information to a genome annotation. This dissertation deals with protein structure prediction through the technique of protein fold recognition and outlines several strategies for the improvement of protein threading techniques. In order to improve protein threading performance, this dissertation begins with an outline of sequence/structure alignment energy functions. A technique called Violated Inequality Minimization is used to quickly adapt to the changing energy landscape as new energy functions are added. To continue the improvement of alignment accuracy and fold recognition, new formulations of energy functions are used for the creation of the sequence/structure alignment. These energies include a formulation of a gap penalty which is dependent on sequence characteristics different from the traditional constant penalty. Another proposed energy is dependent on conserved structural patterns found during threading. These structural patterns have been employed to refine the sequence/structure alignment in my research. The section on Linear Programming Algorithm for protein structure alignment deals with the optimization of an alignment using additional residue-pair energy functions. In the original version of the model, all cores had to be aligned to the target sequence. Our research outlines an expansion of the original threading model which allows for a more flexible alignment by allowing core deletions. Aside from improvements in fold recognition and alignment accuracy, there is also a need to ensure that these techniques can scale for the computational demands of genome level structure prediction. A heuristic decision making processes has been designed to automate the classification and preparation of proteins for prediction. A graph analysis has been applied to the integration of different tools involved in the pipeline. Analysis of the data dependency graph allows for automatic parallelization of genome structure prediction. These different contributions help to improve the overall performance of protein threading and help distribute computations across a large set of computers to help make genome scale protein structure prediction practically feasible

    Elastic, Interoperable and Container-based Cloud Infrastructures for High Performance Computing

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Las aplicaciones científicas implican generalmente una carga computacional variable y no predecible a la que las instituciones deben hacer frente variando dinámicamente la asignación de recursos en función de las distintas necesidades computacionales. Las aplicaciones científicas pueden necesitar grandes requisitos. Por ejemplo, una gran cantidad de recursos computacionales para el procesado de numerosos trabajos independientes (High Throughput Computing o HTC) o recursos de alto rendimiento para la resolución de un problema individual (High Performance Computing o HPC). Los recursos computacionales necesarios en este tipo de aplicaciones suelen acarrear un coste muy alto que puede exceder la disponibilidad de los recursos de la institución o estos pueden no adaptarse correctamente a las necesidades de las aplicaciones científicas, especialmente en el caso de infraestructuras preparadas para la ejecución de aplicaciones de HPC. De hecho, es posible que las diferentes partes de una aplicación necesiten distintos tipos de recursos computacionales. Actualmente las plataformas de servicios en la nube se han convertido en una solución eficiente para satisfacer la demanda de las aplicaciones HTC, ya que proporcionan un abanico de recursos computacionales accesibles bajo demanda. Por esta razón, se ha producido un incremento en la cantidad de clouds híbridos, los cuales son una combinación de infraestructuras alojadas en servicios en la nube y en las propias instituciones (on-premise). Dado que las aplicaciones pueden ser procesadas en distintas infraestructuras, actualmente la portabilidad de las aplicaciones se ha convertido en un aspecto clave. Probablemente, las tecnologías de contenedores son la tecnología más popular para la entrega de aplicaciones gracias a que permiten reproducibilidad, trazabilidad, versionado, aislamiento y portabilidad. El objetivo de la tesis es proporcionar una arquitectura y una serie de servicios para proveer infraestructuras elásticas híbridas de procesamiento que puedan dar respuesta a las diferentes cargas de trabajo. Para ello, se ha considerado la utilización de elasticidad vertical y horizontal desarrollando una prueba de concepto para proporcionar elasticidad vertical y se ha diseñado una arquitectura cloud elástica de procesamiento de Análisis de Datos. Después, se ha trabajo en una arquitectura cloud de recursos heterogéneos de procesamiento de imágenes médicas que proporciona distintas colas de procesamiento para trabajos con diferentes requisitos. Esta arquitectura ha estado enmarcada en una colaboración con la empresa QUIBIM. En la última parte de la tesis, se ha evolucionado esta arquitectura para diseñar e implementar un cloud elástico, multi-site y multi-tenant para el procesamiento de imágenes médicas en el marco del proyecto europeo PRIMAGE. Esta arquitectura utiliza un almacenamiento distribuido integrando servicios externos para la autenticación y la autorización basados en OpenID Connect (OIDC). Para ello, se ha desarrollado la herramienta kube-authorizer que, de manera automatizada y a partir de la información obtenida en el proceso de autenticación, proporciona el control de acceso a los recursos de la infraestructura de procesamiento mediante la creación de las políticas y roles. Finalmente, se ha desarrollado otra herramienta, hpc-connector, que permite la integración de infraestructuras de procesamiento HPC en infraestructuras cloud sin necesitar realizar cambios en la infraestructura HPC ni en la arquitectura cloud. Cabe destacar que, durante la realización de esta tesis, se han utilizado distintas tecnologías de gestión de trabajos y de contenedores de código abierto, se han desarrollado herramientas y componentes de código abierto y se han implementado recetas para la configuración automatizada de las distintas arquitecturas diseñadas desde la perspectiva DevOps.[CA] Les aplicacions científiques impliquen generalment una càrrega computacional variable i no predictible a què les institucions han de fer front variant dinàmicament l'assignació de recursos en funció de les diferents necessitats computacionals. Les aplicacions científiques poden necessitar grans requisits. Per exemple, una gran quantitat de recursos computacionals per al processament de nombrosos treballs independents (High Throughput Computing o HTC) o recursos d'alt rendiment per a la resolució d'un problema individual (High Performance Computing o HPC). Els recursos computacionals necessaris en aquest tipus d'aplicacions solen comportar un cost molt elevat que pot excedir la disponibilitat dels recursos de la institució o aquests poden no adaptar-se correctament a les necessitats de les aplicacions científiques, especialment en el cas d'infraestructures preparades per a l'avaluació d'aplicacions d'HPC. De fet, és possible que les diferents parts d'una aplicació necessiten diferents tipus de recursos computacionals. Actualment les plataformes de servicis al núvol han esdevingut una solució eficient per satisfer la demanda de les aplicacions HTC, ja que proporcionen un ventall de recursos computacionals accessibles a demanda. Per aquest motiu, s'ha produït un increment de la quantitat de clouds híbrids, els quals són una combinació d'infraestructures allotjades a servicis en el núvol i a les mateixes institucions (on-premise). Donat que les aplicacions poden ser processades en diferents infraestructures, actualment la portabilitat de les aplicacions s'ha convertit en un aspecte clau. Probablement, les tecnologies de contenidors són la tecnologia més popular per a l'entrega d'aplicacions gràcies al fet que permeten reproductibilitat, traçabilitat, versionat, aïllament i portabilitat. L'objectiu de la tesi és proporcionar una arquitectura i una sèrie de servicis per proveir infraestructures elàstiques híbrides de processament que puguen donar resposta a les diferents càrregues de treball. Per a això, s'ha considerat la utilització d'elasticitat vertical i horitzontal desenvolupant una prova de concepte per proporcionar elasticitat vertical i s'ha dissenyat una arquitectura cloud elàstica de processament d'Anàlisi de Dades. Després, s'ha treballat en una arquitectura cloud de recursos heterogenis de processament d'imatges mèdiques que proporciona distintes cues de processament per a treballs amb diferents requisits. Aquesta arquitectura ha estat emmarcada en una col·laboració amb l'empresa QUIBIM. En l'última part de la tesi, s'ha evolucionat aquesta arquitectura per dissenyar i implementar un cloud elàstic, multi-site i multi-tenant per al processament d'imatges mèdiques en el marc del projecte europeu PRIMAGE. Aquesta arquitectura utilitza un emmagatzemament integrant servicis externs per a l'autenticació i autorització basats en OpenID Connect (OIDC). Per a això, s'ha desenvolupat la ferramenta kube-authorizer que, de manera automatitzada i a partir de la informació obtinguda en el procés d'autenticació, proporciona el control d'accés als recursos de la infraestructura de processament mitjançant la creació de les polítiques i rols. Finalment, s'ha desenvolupat una altra ferramenta, hpc-connector, que permet la integració d'infraestructures de processament HPC en infraestructures cloud sense necessitat de realitzar canvis en la infraestructura HPC ni en l'arquitectura cloud. Es pot destacar que, durant la realització d'aquesta tesi, s'han utilitzat diferents tecnologies de gestió de treballs i de contenidors de codi obert, s'han desenvolupat ferramentes i components de codi obert, i s'han implementat receptes per a la configuració automatitzada de les distintes arquitectures dissenyades des de la perspectiva DevOps.[EN] Scientific applications generally imply a variable and an unpredictable computational workload that institutions must address by dynamically adjusting the allocation of resources to their different computational needs. Scientific applications could require a high capacity, e.g. the concurrent usage of computational resources for processing several independent jobs (High Throughput Computing or HTC) or a high capability by means of using high-performance resources for solving complex problems (High Performance Computing or HPC). The computational resources required in this type of applications usually have a very high cost that may exceed the availability of the institution's resources or they are may not be successfully adapted to the scientific applications, especially in the case of infrastructures prepared for the execution of HPC applications. Indeed, it is possible that the different parts that compose an application require different type of computational resources. Nowadays, cloud service platforms have become an efficient solution to meet the need of HTC applications as they provide a wide range of computing resources accessible on demand. For this reason, the number of hybrid computational infrastructures has increased during the last years. The hybrid computation infrastructures are the combination of infrastructures hosted in cloud platforms and the computation resources hosted in the institutions, which are named on-premise infrastructures. As scientific applications can be processed on different infrastructures, the application delivery has become a key issue. Nowadays, containers are probably the most popular technology for application delivery as they ease reproducibility, traceability, versioning, isolation, and portability. The main objective of this thesis is to provide an architecture and a set of services to build up hybrid processing infrastructures that fit the need of different workloads. Hence, the thesis considered aspects such as elasticity and federation. The use of vertical and horizontal elasticity by developing a proof of concept to provide vertical elasticity on top of an elastic cloud architecture for data analytics. Afterwards, an elastic cloud architecture comprising heterogeneous computational resources has been implemented for medical imaging processing using multiple processing queues for jobs with different requirements. The development of this architecture has been framed in a collaboration with a company called QUIBIM. In the last part of the thesis, the previous work has been evolved to design and implement an elastic, multi-site and multi-tenant cloud architecture for medical image processing has been designed in the framework of a European project PRIMAGE. This architecture uses a storage integrating external services for the authentication and authorization based on OpenID Connect (OIDC). The tool kube-authorizer has been developed to provide access control to the resources of the processing infrastructure in an automatic way from the information obtained in the authentication process, by creating policies and roles. Finally, another tool, hpc-connector, has been developed to enable the integration of HPC processing infrastructures into cloud infrastructures without requiring modifications in both infrastructures, cloud and HPC. It should be noted that, during the realization of this thesis, different contributions to open source container and job management technologies have been performed by developing open source tools and components and configuration recipes for the automated configuration of the different architectures designed from the DevOps perspective. The results obtained support the feasibility of the vertical elasticity combined with the horizontal elasticity to implement QoS policies based on a deadline, as well as the feasibility of the federated authentication model to combine public and on-premise clouds.López Huguet, S. (2021). Elastic, Interoperable and Container-based Cloud Infrastructures for High Performance Computing [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172327TESISCompendi

    The BioLighthouse: Reusable Software Design for Bioinformatics

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    Advances in next-generation sequencing have accelerated the field of microbiology by making accessible a wealth of information about microbiomes. Unfortunately, microbiome experiments are among the least reproducible in terms of bioinformatics. Software tools are often poorly documented, under-maintained, and commonly have arcane dependencies requiring significant time investment to configure them correctly. Microbiome studies are multidisciplinary efforts but communication and knowledge discrepancies make accessibility, reproducibility, and transparency of computational workflows difficult. The BioLighthouse uses Ansible roles, playbooks, and modules to automate configuration and execution of bioinformatics workflows. The roles and playbooks act as virtual laboratory notebooks by documenting the provenance of a bioinformatics workflow. The BioLighthouse was tested for platform dependence and data-scale dependence with a microbial profiling pipeline. The microbial profiling pipeline consisted of Cutadapt, FLASH2, and DADA2. The pipeline was tested on 3 canola root and soil microbiome datasets with differing orders of magnitude of data: 1 sample, 10 samples, and 100 samples. Each dataset was processed by The BioLighthouse with 10 unique parameter sets and outputs were compared across 8 computing environments for a total of 240 pipeline runs. Outputs after each step in the pipeline were tested for identity using the Linux diff command to ensure reproducible results. Testing of The BioLighthouse suggested no platform or data-scale dependence. To provide an easy way of maintaining environment reproducibility in user-space, Conda and the channel Bioconda were used for virtual environments and software dependencies for configuring bioinformatics tools. The BioLighthouse provides a framework for developers to make their tools accessible to the research community, for bioinformaticians to build bioinformatics workflows, and for the broader research community to consume these tools at a high level while knowing the tools will execute as intended

    Bio-Inspired Systems: Computational and Ambient Intelligence. 10th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2009, Salamanca, Spain, June 10-12, 2009. Proceedings, Part I

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    This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2009, held in Salamanca, Spain in June 2009. The 167 revised full papers presented together with 3 invited lectures were carefully reviewed and selected from over 230 submissions. The papers are organized in thematic sections on theoretical foundations and models; learning and adaptation; self-organizing networks, methods and applications; fuzzy systems; evolutionary computation and genetic algoritms; pattern recognition; formal languages in linguistics; agents and multi-agent on intelligent systems; brain-computer interfaces (bci); multiobjetive optimization; robotics; bioinformatics; biomedical applications; ambient assisted living (aal) and ambient intelligence (ai); other applications