239 research outputs found

    Novel high performance techniques for high definition computer aided tomography

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorMedical image processing is an interdisciplinary field in which multiple research areas are involved: image acquisition, scanner design, image reconstruction algorithms, visualization, etc. X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT) is a medical imaging modality based on the attenuation suffered by the X-rays as they pass through the body. Intrinsic differences in attenuation properties of bone, air, and soft tissue result in high-contrast images of anatomical structures. The main objective of CT is to obtain tomographic images from radiographs acquired using X-Ray scanners. The process of building a 3D image or volume from the 2D radiographs is known as reconstruction. One of the latest trends in CT is the reduction of the radiation dose delivered to patients through the decrease of the amount of acquired data. This reduction results in artefacts in the final images if conventional reconstruction methods are used, making it advisable to employ iterative reconstruction algorithms. There are numerous reconstruction algorithms available, from which we can highlight two specific types: traditional algorithms, which are fast but do not enable the obtaining of high quality images in situations of limited data; and iterative algorithms, slower but more reliable when traditional methods do not reach the quality standard requirements. One of the priorities of reconstruction is the obtaining of the final images in near real time, in order to reduce the time spent in diagnosis. To accomplish this objective, new high performance techniques and methods for accelerating these types of algorithms are needed. This thesis addresses the challenges of both traditional and iterative reconstruction algorithms, regarding acceleration and image quality. One common approach for accelerating these algorithms is the usage of shared-memory and heterogeneous architectures. In this thesis, we propose a novel simulation/reconstruction framework, namely FUX-Sim. This framework follows the hypothesis that the development of new flexible X-ray systems can benefit from computer simulations, which may also enable performance to be checked before expensive real systems are implemented. Its modular design abstracts the complexities of programming for accelerated devices to facilitate the development and evaluation of the different configurations and geometries available. In order to obtain near real execution times, low-level optimizations for the main components of the framework are provided for Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) architectures. Other alternative tackled in this thesis is the acceleration of iterative reconstruction algorithms by using distributed memory architectures. We present a novel architecture that unifies the two most important computing paradigms for scientific computing nowadays: High Performance Computing (HPC). The proposed architecture combines Big Data frameworks with the advantages of accelerated computing. The proposed methods presented in this thesis provide more flexible scanner configurations as they offer an accelerated solution. Regarding performance, our approach is as competitive as the solutions found in the literature. Additionally, we demonstrate that our solution scales with the size of the problem, enabling the reconstruction of high resolution images.El procesamiento de imágenes médicas es un campo interdisciplinario en el que participan múltiples áreas de investigación como la adquisición de imágenes, diseño de escáneres, algoritmos de reconstrucción de imágenes, visualización, etc. La tomografía computarizada (TC) de rayos X es una modalidad de imágen médica basada en el cálculo de la atenuación sufrida por los rayos X a medida que pasan por el cuerpo a escanear. Las diferencias intrínsecas en la atenuación de hueso, aire y tejido blando dan como resultado imágenes de alto contraste de estas estructuras anatómicas. El objetivo principal de la TC es obtener imágenes tomográficas a partir estas radiografías obtenidas mediante escáneres de rayos X. El proceso de construir una imagen o volumen en 3D a partir de las radiografías 2D se conoce como reconstrucción. Una de las últimas tendencias en la tomografía computarizada es la reducción de la dosis de radiación administrada a los pacientes a través de la reducción de la cantidad de datos adquiridos. Esta reducción da como resultado artefactos en las imágenes finales si se utilizan métodos de reconstrucción convencionales, por lo que es aconsejable emplear algoritmos de reconstrucción iterativos. Existen numerosos algoritmos de reconstrucción disponibles a partir de los cuales podemos destacar dos categorías: algoritmos tradicionales, rápidos pero no permiten obtener imágenes de alta calidad en situaciones en las que los datos son limitados; y algoritmos iterativos, más lentos pero más estables en situaciones donde los métodos tradicionales no alcanzan los requisitos en cuanto a la calidad de la imagen. Una de las prioridades de la reconstrucción es la obtención de las imágenes finales en tiempo casi real, con el fin de reducir el tiempo de diagnóstico. Para lograr este objetivo, se necesitan nuevas técnicas y métodos de alto rendimiento para acelerar estos algoritmos. Esta tesis aborda los desafíos de los algoritmos de reconstrucción tradicionales e iterativos, con respecto a la aceleración y la calidad de imagen. Un enfoque común para acelerar estos algoritmos es el uso de arquitecturas de memoria compartida y heterogéneas. En esta tesis, proponemos un nuevo sistema de simulación/reconstrucción, llamado FUX-Sim. Este sistema se construye alrededor de la hipótesis de que el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas de rayos X flexibles puede beneficiarse de las simulaciones por computador, en los que también se puede realizar un control del rendimiento de los nuevos sistemas a desarrollar antes de su implementación física. Su diseño modular abstrae las complejidades de la programación para aceleradores con el objetivo de facilitar el desarrollo y la evaluación de las diferentes configuraciones y geometrías disponibles. Para obtener ejecuciones en casi tiempo real, se proporcionan optimizaciones de bajo nivel para los componentes principales del sistema en las arquitecturas GPU. Otra alternativa abordada en esta tesis es la aceleración de los algoritmos de reconstrucción iterativa mediante el uso de arquitecturas de memoria distribuidas. Presentamos una arquitectura novedosa que unifica los dos paradigmas informáticos más importantes en la actualidad: computación de alto rendimiento (HPC) y Big Data. La arquitectura propuesta combina sistemas Big Data con las ventajas de los dispositivos aceleradores. Los métodos propuestos presentados en esta tesis proporcionan configuraciones de escáner más flexibles y ofrecen una solución acelerada. En cuanto al rendimiento, nuestro enfoque es tan competitivo como las soluciones encontradas en la literatura. Además, demostramos que nuestra solución escala con el tamaño del problema, lo que permite la reconstrucción de imágenes de alta resolución.This work has been mainly funded thanks to a FPU fellowship (FPU14/03875) from the Spanish Ministry of Education. It has also been partially supported by other grants: • DPI2016-79075-R. “Nuevos escenarios de tomografía por rayos X”, from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. • TIN2016-79637-P Towards unification of HPC and Big Data Paradigms from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. • Short-term scientific missions (STSM) grant from NESUS COST Action IC1305. • TIN2013-41350-P, Scalable Data Management Techniques for High-End Computing Systems from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. • RTC-2014-3028-1 NECRA Nuevos escenarios clinicos con radiología avanzada from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología InformáticaPresidente: José Daniel García Sánchez.- Secretario: Katzlin Olcoz Herrero.- Vocal: Domenico Tali

    Four-dimensional tomographic reconstruction by time domain decomposition

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    Since the beginnings of tomography, the requirement that the sample does not change during the acquisition of one tomographic rotation is unchanged. We derived and successfully implemented a tomographic reconstruction method which relaxes this decades-old requirement of static samples. In the presented method, dynamic tomographic data sets are decomposed in the temporal domain using basis functions and deploying an L1 regularization technique where the penalty factor is taken for spatial and temporal derivatives. We implemented the iterative algorithm for solving the regularization problem on modern GPU systems to demonstrate its practical use

    Applications in GNSS water vapor tomography

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    Algebraic reconstruction algorithms are iterative algorithms that are used in many area including medicine, seismology or meteorology. These algorithms are known to be highly computational intensive. This may be especially troublesome for real-time applications or when processed by conventional low-cost personnel computers. One of these real time applications is the reconstruction of water vapor images from Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations. The parallelization of algebraic reconstruction algorithms has the potential to diminish signi cantly the required resources permitting to obtain valid solutions in time to be used for nowcasting and forecasting weather models. The main objective of this dissertation was to present and analyse diverse shared memory libraries and techniques in CPU and GPU for algebraic reconstruction algorithms. It was concluded that the parallelization compensates over sequential implementations. Overall the GPU implementations were found to be only slightly faster than the CPU implementations, depending on the size of the problem being studied. A secondary objective was to develop a software to perform the GNSS water vapor reconstruction using the implemented parallel algorithms. This software has been developed with success and diverse tests were made namely with synthetic and real data, the preliminary results shown to be satisfactory. This dissertation was written in the Space & Earth Geodetic Analysis Laboratory (SEGAL) and was carried out in the framework of the Structure of Moist convection in high-resolution GNSS observations and models (SMOG) (PTDC/CTE-ATM/119922/2010) project funded by FCT.Algoritmos de reconstrução algébrica são algoritmos iterativos que são usados em muitas áreas incluindo medicina, sismologia ou meteorologia. Estes algoritmos são conhecidos por serem bastante exigentes computacionalmente. Isto pode ser especialmente complicado para aplicações de tempo real ou quando processados por computadores pessoais de baixo custo. Uma destas aplicações de tempo real é a reconstrução de imagens de vapor de água a partir de observações de sistemas globais de navegação por satélite. A paralelização dos algoritmos de reconstrução algébrica permite que se reduza significativamente os requisitos computacionais permitindo obter soluções válidas para previsão meteorológica num curto espaço de tempo. O principal objectivo desta dissertação é apresentar e analisar diversas bibliotecas e técnicas multithreading para a reconstrução algébrica em CPU e GPU. Foi concluído que a paralelização compensa sobre a implementações sequenciais. De um modo geral as implementações GPU obtiveram resultados relativamente melhores que implementações em CPU, isto dependendo do tamanho do problema a ser estudado. Um objectivo secundário era desenvolver uma aplicação que realizasse a reconstrução de imagem de vapor de água através de sistemas globais de navegação por satélite de uma forma paralela. Este software tem sido desenvolvido com sucesso e diversos testes foram realizados com dados sintéticos e dados reais, os resultados preliminares foram satisfatórios. Esta dissertação foi escrita no Space & Earth Geodetic Analysis Laboratory (SEGAL) e foi realizada de acordo com o projecto Structure 01' Moist convection in high-resolution GNSS observations and models (SMOG) (PTDC / CTE-ATM/ 11992212010) financiado pelo FCT.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    BioEM: GPU-accelerated computing of Bayesian inference of electron microscopy images

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    In cryo-electron microscopy (EM), molecular structures are determined from large numbers of projection images of individual particles. To harness the full power of this single-molecule information, we use the Bayesian inference of EM (BioEM) formalism. By ranking structural models using posterior probabilities calculated for individual images, BioEM in principle addresses the challenge of working with highly dynamic or heterogeneous systems not easily handled in traditional EM reconstruction. However, the calculation of these posteriors for large numbers of particles and models is computationally demanding. Here we present highly parallelized, GPU-accelerated computer software that performs this task efficiently. Our flexible formulation employs CUDA, OpenMP, and MPI parallelization combined with both CPU and GPU computing. The resulting BioEM software scales nearly ideally both on pure CPU and on CPU+GPU architectures, thus enabling Bayesian analysis of tens of thousands of images in a reasonable time. The general mathematical framework and robust algorithms are not limited to cryo-electron microscopy but can be generalized for electron tomography and other imaging experiments

    Microwave Tomography Using Stochastic Optimization And High Performance Computing

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    This thesis discusses the application of parallel computing in microwave tomography for detection and imaging of dielectric objects. The main focus is on microwave tomography with the use of a parallelized Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) forward solver in conjunction with non-linear stochastic optimization based inverse solvers. Because such solvers require very heavy computation, their investigation has been limited in favour of deterministic inverse solvers that make use of assumptions and approximations of the imaging target. Without the use of linearization assumptions, a non-linear stochastic microwave tomography system is able to resolve targets of arbitrary permittivity contrast profiles while avoiding convergence to local minima of the microwave tomography optimization space. This work is focused on ameliorating this computational load with the use of heavy parallelization. The presented microwave tomography system is capable of modelling complex, heterogeneous, and dispersive media using the Debye model. A detailed explanation of the dispersive FDTD is presented herein. The system uses scattered field data due to multiple excitation angles, frequencies, and observation angles in order to improve target resolution, reduce the ill-posedness of the microwave tomography inverse problem, and improve the accuracy of the complex permittivity profile of the imaging target. The FDTD forward solver is parallelized with the use of the Common Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) programming model developed by NVIDIA corporation. In the forward solver, the time stepping of the fields are computed on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). In addition the inverse solver makes use of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) system to distribute computation across multiple work stations. The FDTD method was chosen due to its ease of parallelization using GPU computing, in addition to its ability to simulate wideband excitation signals during a single forward simulation. We investigated the use of distributed Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Differential Evolution (DE) methods in the inverse solver for this microwave tomography system. In these optimization algorithms, candidate solutions are farmed out to separate workstations to be evaluated. As fitness evaluations are returned asynchronously, the optimization algorithm updates the population of candidate solutions and gives new candidate solutions to be evaluated to open workstations. In this manner, we used a total of eight graphics processing units during optimization with minimal downtime. Presented in this thesis is a microwave tomography algorithm that does not rely on linearization assumptions, capable of imaging a target in a reasonable amount of time for clinical applications. The proposed algorithm was tested using numerical phantoms that with material parameters similar to what one would find in normal or malignant human tissue

    A distributed ASTRA toolbox

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    While iterative reconstruction algorithms for tomography have several advantages compared to standard backprojection methods, the adoption of such algorithms in large-scale imaging facilities is still limited,

    Integration of TomoPy and the ASTRA toolbox for advanced processing and reconstruction of tomographic synchrotron data

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    The processing of tomographic synchrotron data requires advanced and efficient software to be able to produce accurate results in reasonable time. In this paper, the integration of two software toolboxes, TomoPy and the ASTRA toolbox, which, together, provide a powerful framework for processing tomographic data, is presented. The integration combines the advantages of both toolboxes, such as the user-friendliness and CPU-efficient methods of TomoPy and the flexibility and optimized GPU-based reconstruction methods of the ASTRA toolbox. It is shown that both toolboxes can be easily installed and used together, requiring only minor changes to existing TomoPy scripts. Furthermore, it is shown that the efficient GPU-based reconstruction methods of the ASTRA toolbox can significantly decrease the time needed to reconstruct large datasets, and that advanced reconstruction methods can improve reconstruction quality compared with TomoPy's standard reconstruction method