93,289 research outputs found

    Basic research planning in mathematical pattern recognition and image analysis

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    Fundamental problems encountered while attempting to develop automated techniques for applications of remote sensing are discussed under the following categories: (1) geometric and radiometric preprocessing; (2) spatial, spectral, temporal, syntactic, and ancillary digital image representation; (3) image partitioning, proportion estimation, and error models in object scene interference; (4) parallel processing and image data structures; and (5) continuing studies in polarization; computer architectures and parallel processing; and the applicability of "expert systems" to interactive analysis

    Parallel Computers in Signal Processing

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    Signal processing often requires a great deal of raw computing power for which it is important to take a look at parallel computers. The paper reviews various types of parallel computer architectures from the viewpoint of signal and image processing

    Optical memory disks in optical information processing

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    We describe the use of optical memory disks as elements in optical information processing architectures. The optical disk is an optical memory devicew ith a storage capacity approaching 1010b its which is naturally suited to parallel access. We discuss optical disk characteristics which are important in optical computing systems such as contrast, diffraction efficiency, and phase uniformity. We describe techniques for holographic storage on optical disks and present reconstructions of several types of computer-generated holograms. Various optical information processing architectures are described for applications such as database retrieval, neural network implementation, and image correlation. Selected systems are experimentally demonstrated

    Analysis of Edge Detection Technique for Hardware Realization

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    Edge detection plays an important role in image processing and computer vision applications. Different edge detection technique with distinct criteria have been proposed in various literatures. Thus an evaluation of different edge detection techniques is essential to measure their effectiveness over a wide range of natural images with varying applications. Several performance indices for quantitative evaluation of edge detectors may be found in the literature among which Edge Mis-Match error (EMM), F-Measure (FM), Figure of Merit (FOM) and Precision and Recall (PR) curve are most effective. Several experiments on different database containing a wide range of natural and synthetic images illustrate the effectiveness of Canny edge detector over other detectors for varying conditions. Moreover, due to the ever increasing demand for high speed and time critical tasks in many image processing application, we have implemented an efficient hardware architecture for Canny edge detector in VHDL. The studied implementation technique adopts parallel architecture of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to accelerate the process of edge detection via. Canny’s algorithm. In this dissertation, we have simulated the considered architecture in Modelsim 10.4a student edition to demonstrate the potential of parallel processing for edge detection. This analysis and implementation may encourage and serve as a basis building block for several complex computer vision applications. With the advent of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA), massively parallel architectures can be developed to accelerate the execution speed of several image processing algorithms. In this work, such a parallel architecture is proposed to accelerate the Canny edge detection algorithm. The architecture is simulated in Modelsim 10.4a student edition platform

    Fast parallel algorithms for a broad class of nonlinear variational diffusion approaches

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    Variational segmentation and nonlinear diffusion approaches have been very active research areas in the fields of image processing and computer vision during the last years. In the present paper, we review recent advances in the development of efficient numerical algorithms for these approaches. The performance of parallel implement at ions of these algorithms on general-purpose hardware is assessed. A mathematically clear connection between variational models and nonlinear diffusion filters is presented that allows to interpret one approach as an approximation of the other, and vice versa. Numerical results confirm that, depending on the parametrization, this approximation can be made quite accurate. Our results provide a perspective for uniform implement at ions of both nonlinear variational models and diffusion filters on parallel architectures

    Applications of nonlinear diffusion in image processing and computer vision

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    Nonlinear diffusion processes can be found in many recent methods for image processing and computer vision. In this article, four applications are surveyed: nonlinear diffusion filtering, variational image regularization, optic flow estimation, and geodesic active contours. For each of these techniques we explain the main ideas, discuss theoretical properties and present an appropriate numerical scheme. The numerical schemes are based on additive operator splittings (AOS). In contrast to traditional multiplicative splittings such as ADI, LOD or D'yakonov splittings, all axes are treated in the same manner, and additional possibilities for efficient realizations on parallel and distributed architectures appear. Geodesic active contours lead to equations that resemble mean curvature motion. For this application, a novel AOS scheme is presented that uses harmonie averaging and does not require reinitializations of the distance function in each iteration step

    Solving the Graph Cut Problem via \u3cem\u3el\u3c/em\u3e1 Norm Minimization

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    Graph cuts have become an increasingly important tool for solving a number of energy minimization problems in computer vision and other fields. In this paper, the graph cut problem is reformulated as an unconstrained l1 norm minimization. This l1 norm minimization can then be tackled by solving a sequence of sparse linear systems involving the Laplacian of the underlying graph. The proposed procedure exploits the structure of these linear systems and can be implemented effectively on modern parallel architectures. The paper describes an implementation of the algorithm on a GPU and discusses experimental results obtained by applying the procedure to graphs derived from image processing problems

    A survey of parallel algorithms for fractal image compression

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    This paper presents a short survey of the key research work that has been undertaken in the application of parallel algorithms for Fractal image compression. The interest in fractal image compression techniques stems from their ability to achieve high compression ratios whilst maintaining a very high quality in the reconstructed image. The main drawback of this compression method is the very high computational cost that is associated with the encoding phase. Consequently, there has been significant interest in exploiting parallel computing architectures in order to speed up this phase, whilst still maintaining the advantageous features of the approach. This paper presents a brief introduction to fractal image compression, including the iterated function system theory upon which it is based, and then reviews the different techniques that have been, and can be, applied in order to parallelize the compression algorithm

    Vision-Based Road Detection in Automotive Systems: A Real-Time Expectation-Driven Approach

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    The main aim of this work is the development of a vision-based road detection system fast enough to cope with the difficult real-time constraints imposed by moving vehicle applications. The hardware platform, a special-purpose massively parallel system, has been chosen to minimize system production and operational costs. This paper presents a novel approach to expectation-driven low-level image segmentation, which can be mapped naturally onto mesh-connected massively parallel SIMD architectures capable of handling hierarchical data structures. The input image is assumed to contain a distorted version of a given template; a multiresolution stretching process is used to reshape the original template in accordance with the acquired image content, minimizing a potential function. The distorted template is the process output.Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for any accompanying file