47,827 research outputs found

    Graphical user interface (GUI) for supervisory control of computer intergtated manufacturing (CIM-70A) using SCADA

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    Supervisory Control system and the Acquisition Data or SCADA is generalization of effective plant monitoring and conU'ol system in meeting production needs etc. The aim of the study is to prepare a SCADA system for AS/RS, functional Mechatronics Educational Material which simulates to real-life production system. Graphical control buttons to the system will be design to perform single or multiple tasks. The software is form Citect Pty. Limited called Citect SCADA. This project will be discussed as it applied in a CIM-70A at Mechatronic Laboratory of UTHM. Designing a controlling and monitoring system not only for AS/RS but it is also a way providing up-to-date data. It will provide system operators with central or local control using clear, concise, resizable graphics pages (screens). Graphical control buttons to the system will be design to perform single or multiple tasks. In the last chapter, some methodologies for solving the problem as well as to improve the SCADA are proposed

    Towards binocular active vision in a robot head system

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    This paper presents the first results of an investigation and pilot study into an active, binocular vision system that combines binocular vergence, object recognition and attention control in a unified framework. The prototype developed is capable of identifying, targeting, verging on and recognizing objects in a highly-cluttered scene without the need for calibration or other knowledge of the camera geometry. This is achieved by implementing all image analysis in a symbolic space without creating explicit pixel-space maps. The system structure is based on the ‘searchlight metaphor’ of biological systems. We present results of a first pilot investigation that yield a maximum vergence error of 6.4 pixels, while seven of nine known objects were recognized in a high-cluttered environment. Finally a “stepping stone” visual search strategy was demonstrated, taking a total of 40 saccades to find two known objects in the workspace, neither of which appeared simultaneously within the Field of View resulting from any individual saccade

    The Evolution of Neural Network-Based Chart Patterns: A Preliminary Study

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    A neural network-based chart pattern represents adaptive parametric features, including non-linear transformations, and a template that can be applied in the feature space. The search of neural network-based chart patterns has been unexplored despite its potential expressiveness. In this paper, we formulate a general chart pattern search problem to enable cross-representational quantitative comparison of various search schemes. We suggest a HyperNEAT framework applying state-of-the-art deep neural network techniques to find attractive neural network-based chart patterns; These techniques enable a fast evaluation and search of robust patterns, as well as bringing a performance gain. The proposed framework successfully found attractive patterns on the Korean stock market. We compared newly found patterns with those found by different search schemes, showing the proposed approach has potential.Comment: 8 pages, In proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2017), Berlin, German

    Adaptive fuzzy system for 3-D vision

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    An adaptive fuzzy system using the concept of the Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) type neural network architecture and incorporating fuzzy c-means (FCM) system equations for reclassification of cluster centers was developed. The Adaptive Fuzzy Leader Clustering (AFLC) architecture is a hybrid neural-fuzzy system which learns on-line in a stable and efficient manner. The system uses a control structure similar to that found in the Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART-1) network to identify the cluster centers initially. The initial classification of an input takes place in a two stage process; a simple competitive stage and a distance metric comparison stage. The cluster prototypes are then incrementally updated by relocating the centroid positions from Fuzzy c-Means (FCM) system equations for the centroids and the membership values. The operational characteristics of AFLC and the critical parameters involved in its operation are discussed. The performance of the AFLC algorithm is presented through application of the algorithm to the Anderson Iris data, and laser-luminescent fingerprint image data. The AFLC algorithm successfully classifies features extracted from real data, discrete or continuous, indicating the potential strength of this new clustering algorithm in analyzing complex data sets. The hybrid neuro-fuzzy AFLC algorithm will enhance analysis of a number of difficult recognition and control problems involved with Tethered Satellite Systems and on-orbit space shuttle attitude controller

    Intelligent systems in manufacturing: current developments and future prospects

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    Global competition and rapidly changing customer requirements are demanding increasing changes in manufacturing environments. Enterprises are required to constantly redesign their products and continuously reconfigure their manufacturing systems. Traditional approaches to manufacturing systems do not fully satisfy this new situation. Many authors have proposed that artificial intelligence will bring the flexibility and efficiency needed by manufacturing systems. This paper is a review of artificial intelligence techniques used in manufacturing systems. The paper first defines the components of a simplified intelligent manufacturing systems (IMS), the different Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to be considered and then shows how these AI techniques are used for the components of IMS

    Automatic speech recognition research at NASA-Ames Research Center

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    A trainable acoustic pattern recognizer manufactured by Scope Electronics is presented. The voice command system VCS encodes speech by sampling 16 bandpass filters with center frequencies in the range from 200 to 5000 Hz. Variations in speaking rate are compensated for by a compression algorithm that subdivides each utterance into eight subintervals in such a way that the amount of spectral change within each subinterval is the same. The recorded filter values within each subinterval are then reduced to a 15-bit representation, giving a 120-bit encoding for each utterance. The VCS incorporates a simple recognition algorithm that utilizes five training samples of each word in a vocabulary of up to 24 words. The recognition rate of approximately 85 percent correct for untrained speakers and 94 percent correct for trained speakers was not considered adequate for flight systems use. Therefore, the built-in recognition algorithm was disabled, and the VCS was modified to transmit 120-bit encodings to an external computer for recognition

    An investigation of potential applications of OP-SAPS: Operational Sampled Analog Processors

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    The application of OP-SAP's (operational sampled analog processors) in pattern recognition system is summarized. Areas investigated include: (1) human face recognition; (2) a high-speed programmable transversal filter system; (3) discrete word (speech) recognition; and (4) a resolution enhancement system