522 research outputs found

    CloVR: A virtual machine for automated and portable sequence analysis from the desktop using cloud computing

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    Next-generation sequencing technologies have decentralized sequence acquisition, increasing the demand for new bioinformatics tools that are easy to use, portable across multiple platforms, and scalable for high-throughput applications. Cloud computing platforms provide on-demand access to computing infrastructure over the Internet and can be used in combination with custom built virtual machines to distribute pre-packaged with pre-configured software. We describe the Cloud Virtual Resource, CloVR, a new desktop application for push-button automated sequence analysis that can utilize cloud computing resources. CloVR is implemented as a single portable virtual machine (VM) that provides several automated analysis pipelines for microbial genomics, including 16S, whole genome and metagenome sequence analysis. The CloVR VM runs on a personal computer, utilizes local computer resources and requires minimal installation, addressing key challenges in deploying bioinformatics workflows. In addition CloVR supports use of remote cloud computing resources to improve performance for large-scale sequence processing. In a case study, we demonstrate the use of CloVR to automatically process next-generation sequencing data on multiple cloud computing platforms. The CloVR VM and associated architecture lowers the barrier of entry for utilizing complex analysis protocols on both local single- and multi-core computers and cloud systems for high throughput data processing.https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-12-35

    Skaalautuvat laskentamenetelmät suuren kapasiteetin sekvensointidatan analytiikkaan populaatiogenomiikassa

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    High-throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies have enabled rapid DNA sequencing of whole-genomes collected from various organisms and environments, including human tissues, plants, soil, water, and air. As a result, sequencing data volumes have grown by several orders of magnitude, and the number of assembled whole-genomes is increasing rapidly as well. This whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data has revealed the genetic variation in humans and other species, and advanced various fields from human and microbial genomics to drug design and personalized medicine. The amount of sequencing data has almost doubled every six months, creating new possibilities but also big data challenges in genomics. Diverse methods used in modern computational biology require a vast amount of computational power, and advances in HTS technology are even widening the gap between the analysis input data and the analysis outcome. Currently, many of the existing genomic analysis tools, algorithms, and pipelines are not fully exploiting the power of distributed and high-performance computing, which in turn limits the analysis throughput and restrains the deployment of the applications to clinical practice in the long run. Thus, the relevance of harnessing distributed and cloud computing in bioinformatics is more significant than ever before. Besides, efficient data compression and storage methods for genomic data processing and retrieval integrated with conventional bioinformatics tools are essential. These vast datasets have to be stored and structured in formats that can be managed, processed, searched, and analyzed efficiently in distributed systems. Genomic data contain repetitive sequences, which is one key property in developing efficient compression algorithms to alleviate the data storage burden. Moreover, indexing compressed sequences appropriately for bioinformatics tools, such as read aligners, offers direct sequence search and alignment capabilities with compressed indexes. Relative Lempel-Ziv (RLZ) has been found to be an efficient compression method for repetitive genomes that complies with the data-parallel computing approach. RLZ has recently been used to build hybrid-indexes compatible with read aligners, and we focus on extending it with distributed computing. Data structures found in genomic data formats have properties suitable for parallelizing routine bioinformatics methods, e.g., sequence matching, read alignment, genome assembly, genotype imputation, and variant calling. Compressed indexing fused with the routine bioinformatics methods and data-parallel computing seems a promising approach to building population-scale genome analysis pipelines. Various data decomposition and transformation strategies are studied for optimizing data-parallel computing performance when such routine bioinformatics methods are executed in a complex pipeline. These novel distributed methods are studied in this dissertation and demonstrated in a generalized scalable bioinformatics analysis pipeline design. The dissertation starts from the main concepts of genomics and DNA sequencing technologies and builds routine bioinformatics methods on the principles of distributed and parallel computing. This dissertation advances towards designing fully distributed and scalable bioinformatics pipelines focusing on population genomic problems where the input data sets are vast and the analysis results are hard to achieve with conventional computing. Finally, the methods studied are applied in scalable population genomics applications using real WGS data and experimented with in a high performance computing cluster. The experiments include mining virus sequences from human metagenomes, imputing genotypes from large-scale human populations, sequence alignment with compressed pan-genomic indexes, and assembling reference genomes for pan-genomic variant calling.Suuren kapasiteetin sekvensointimenetelmät (High-Throughput Sequencing, HTS) ovat mahdollistaneet kokonaisten genomien nopean ja huokean sekvensoinnin eri organismeista ja ympäristöistä, mukaan lukien kudos-, maaperä-, vesistö- ja ilmastonäytteet. Tämän seurauksena sekvensointidatan ja koostettujen kokogenomien määrät ovat kasvaneet nopeasti. Kokogenomin sekvensointi on lisännyt ihmisen ja muiden lajien geneettisen perimän tietämystä ja edistänyt eri tieteenaloja ympäristötieteistä lääkesuunnitteluun ja yksilölliseen lääketieteeseen. Sekvensointidatan määrä on lähes kaksinkertaistunut puolivuosittain, mikä on luonut uusia mahdollisuuksia läpimurtoihin, mutta myös suuria datankäsittelyn haasteita. Nykyaikaisessa laskennallisessa biologiassa käytettävät monimutkaiset analyysimenetelmät vaativat yhä enemmän laskentatehoa HTS-datan kasvaessa, ja siksi HTS-menetelmien edistyminen kasvattaa kuilua raakadatasta lopullisiin analyysituloksiin. Useat tällä hetkellä käytetyistä genomianalyysityökaluista, algoritmeista ja ohjelmistoista eivät hyödynnä hajautetun laskennan tehoa kokonaisvaltaisesti, mikä puolestaan ​​hidastaa uusimpien analyysitulosten saamista ja rajoittaa tieteellisten ohjelmistojen käyttöönottoa kliinisessä lääketieteessä pitkällä aikavälillä. Näin ollen hajautetun ja pilvilaskennan hyödyntämisen merkitys bioinformatiikassa on tärkeämpää kuin koskaan ennen. Genomitiedon suoraa hakua ja käsittelyä tukevat pakkaus- ja tallennusmenetelmät mahdollistavat nopean ja tilatehokkaan genomianalytiikan. Uusia hajautettuihin järjestelmiin soveltuvia tietorakenteita tarvitaan, jotta näitä suuria datamääriä voidaan hallita, käsitellä, hakea ja analysoida tehokkaasti. Genomidata sisältää runsaasti toistuvia sekvenssejä, mikä on yksi keskeinen ominaisuus kehitettäessä tehokkaita pakkausalgoritmeja tiedontallennustaakkaa ja analysointia keventämään. Lisäksi pakattujen sekvenssien indeksointi yhdistettynä sekvenssilinjausmenetelmiin mahdollistaa sekvenssien satunnaishaun ja suoran linjauksen pakattuihin sekvensseihin. Relative Lempel-Ziv (RLZ) pakkausmenetelmä on todettu tehokkaaksi toistuville genomisekvensseille rinnakkaislaskentaa hyödyntäen. RLZ-menetelmää on viime aikoina sovellettu sekvenssilinjaukseen yhteensopiviin hybridi-indekseihin, joita tässä työssä on nopeutettu hajautetulla laskennalla. Genomiikan dataformaateista löytyvillä tietorakenteilla on ominaisuuksia, jotka soveltuvat hajautettuun sekvenssihakuun, sekvenssilinjaukseen, genomien koostamiseen, genotyyppien imputointiin ja varianttien havaitsemiseen. Pakattu indeksointi sovellettuna hajautetulla laskennalla tehostettuihin menetelmiin vaikuttaa lupaavalta lähestymistavalta populaatiogenomiikan analyysiohjelmistojen mukauttamiseksi suuriin datamääriin. Erilaisia ​​tiedon osittamis- ja muunnosstrategioita hyödynnetään suorituskyvyn tehostamiseen monivaiheisessa hajautetussa genomidatan prosessoinnissa. Näitä uusia skaalautuvia hajautettuja laskentamenetelmiä tutkitaan tässä väitöskirjassa ja demonstroidaan yleisluontoisella bioinformatiikan analyysiohjelmiston arkkitehtuurilla. Tässä työssä johdatellaan genomiikan ja DNA-sekvensointitekniikoiden peruskäsitteisiin ja esitellään rutiininomaisia ​​bioinformatiikan menetelmiä perustuen hajautetun ja rinnakkaislaskennan periaatteille. Väitöskirjassa edetään kohti täysin hajautettujen ja skaalautuvien bioinformatiikan ohjelmistojen suunnittelua keskittyen populaatiogenomiikan ongelmiin, joissa syötedatan määrät ovat suuria ja analyysitulosten saavuttaminen on hidasta tai jopa mahdotonta tavanomaisella laskennalla. Lopuksi tutkittuja menetelmiä sovelletaan tässä työssä kehitettyihin skaalautuviin populaatiogenomiikan sovelluksiin, joita koestetaan kokogenomidatalla supertietokoneen laskentaklusterissa. Kokeet sisältävät virussekvenssien louhintaa ihmisten metagenominäytteistä, genotyyppien täydentämistä (imputointia) suurista ihmispopulaatioista ja pan-genomisen indeksin pakkaamista sekvenssilinjauksen nopeuttamista varten. Lisäksi pakattua pan-genomia kokeillaan referenssigenomin koostamiseen populaatioon perustuvien varianttien havaitsemista varten


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    High-throughput sequencing has accelerated applications of genomics throughout the world. The increased production and decentralization of sequencing has also created bottlenecks in computational analysis. In this dissertation, I provide novel computational methods to improve analysis throughput in three areas: whole genome multiple alignment, pan-genome annotation, and bioinformatics workflows. To aid in the study of populations, tools are needed that can quickly compare multiple genome sequences, millions of nucleotides in length. I present a new multiple alignment tool for whole genomes, named Mugsy, that implements a novel method for identifying syntenic regions. Mugsy is computationally efficient, does not require a reference genome, and is robust in identifying a rich complement of genetic variation including duplications, rearrangements, and large-scale gain and loss of sequence in mixtures of draft and completed genome data. Mugsy is evaluated on the alignment of several dozen bacterial chromosomes on a single computer and was the fastest program evaluated for the alignment of assembled human chromosome sequences from four individuals. A distributed version of the algorithm is also described and provides increased processing throughput using multiple CPUs. Numerous individual genomes are sequenced to study diversity, evolution and classify pan-genomes. Pan-genome annotations contain inconsistencies and errors that hinder comparative analysis, even within a single species. I introduce a new tool, Mugsy-Annotator, that identifies orthologs and anomalous gene structure across a pan-genome using whole genome multiple alignments. Identified anomalies include inconsistently located translation initiation sites and disrupted genes due to draft genome sequencing or pseudogenes. An evaluation of pan-genomes indicates that such anomalies are common and alternative annotations suggested by the tool can improve annotation consistency and quality. Finally, I describe the Cloud Virtual Resource, CloVR, a desktop application for automated sequence analysis that improves usability and accessibility of bioinformatics software and cloud computing resources. CloVR is installed on a personal computer as a virtual machine and requires minimal installation, addressing challenges in deploying bioinformatics workflows. CloVR also seamlessly accesses remote cloud computing resources for improved processing throughput. In a case study, I demonstrate the portability and scalability of CloVR and evaluate the costs and resources for microbial sequence analysis

    Isolation and characterization of bacteriophages with therapeutic potential

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    Cyberinfrastructure resources enabling creation of the loblolly pine reference transcriptome

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    This paper was presented at XSEDE 15 conference.Today's genomics technologies generate more sequence data than ever before possible, and at substantially lower costs, serving researchers across biological disciplines in transformative ways. Building transcriptome assemblies from RNA sequencing reads is one application of next-generation sequencing (NGS) that has held a central role in biological discovery in both model and non- model organisms, with and without whole genome sequence references. A major limitation in effective building of transcriptome references is no longer the sequencing data generation itself, but the computing infrastructure and expertise needed to assemble, analyze and manage the data. Here we describe a currently available resource dedicated to achieving such goals, and its use for extensive RNA assembly of up to 1.3 billion reads representing the massive transcriptome of loblolly pine, using four major assembly software installations. The Mason cluster, an XSEDE second tier resource at Indiana University, provides the necessary fast CPU cycles, large memory, and high I/O throughput for conducting large-scale genomics research. The National Center for Genome Analysis Support, or NCGAS, provides technical support in using HPC systems, bioinformatic support for determining the appropriate method to analyze a given dataset, and practical assistance in running computations. We demonstrate that a sufficient supercomputing resource and good workflow design are elements that are essential to large eukaryotic genomics and transcriptomics projects such as the complex transcriptome of loblolly pine, gene expression data that inform annotation and functional interpretation of the largest genome sequence reference to date.This work was supported in part by USDA NIFA grant 2011- 67009-30030, PineRefSeq, led by the University of California, Davis, and NCGAS funded by NSF under award No. 1062432

    Microbial community functioning at hypoxic sediments revealed by targeted metagenomics and RNA stable isotope probing

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    Microorganisms are instrumental to the structure and functioning of marine ecosystems and to the chemistry of the ocean due to their essential part in the cycling of the elements and in the recycling of the organic matter. Two of the most critical ocean biogeochemical cycles are those of nitrogen and sulfur, since they can influence the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins, primary productivity and microbial community structure. Oxygen concentration in marine environments is one of the environmental variables that have been largely affected by anthropogenic activities; its decline induces hypoxic events which affect benthic organisms and fisheries. Hypoxia has been traditionally defined based on the level of oxygen below which most animal life cannot be sustained. Hypoxic conditions impact microbial composition and activity since anaerobic reactions and pathways are favoured, at the expense of the aerobic ones. Naturally occurring hypoxia can be found in areas where water circulation is restricted, such as coastal lagoons, and in areas where oxygen-depleted water is driven into the continental shelf, i.e. coastal upwelling regions. Coastal lagoons are highly dynamic aquatic systems, particularly vulnerable to human activities and susceptible to changes induced by natural events. For the purpose of this PhD project, the lagoonal complex of Amvrakikos Gulf, one of the largest semi-enclosed gulfs in the Mediterranean Sea, was chosen as a study site. Coastal upwelling regions are another type of environment limited in oxygen, where also formation of oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) has been reported. Sediment in upwelling regions is rich in organic matter and bottom water is often depleted of oxygen because of intense heterotrophic respiration. For the purpose of this PhD project, the chosen coastal upwelling system was the Benguela system off Namibia, situated along the coast of south western Africa. The aim of this PhD project was to study the microbial community assemblages of hypoxic ecosystems and to identify a potential link between their identity and function, with a particular emphasis on the microorganisms involved in the nitrogen and sulfur cycles. The methodology that was applied included targeted metagenomics and RNA stable isotope probing (SIP). It has been shown that the microbial community diversity pattern can be differentiated based on habitat type, i.e. between riverine, lagoonal and marine environments. Moreover, the studied habitats were functionally distinctive. Apart from salinity, which was the abiotic variable best correlated with the microbial community pattern, oxygen concentration was highly correlated with the predicted metabolic pattern of the microbial communities. In addition, when the total number of Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) was taken into consideration, a negative linear relationship with salinity was identified (see Chapter 2). Microbial community diversity patterns can also be differentiated based on the lagoon under study since each lagoon hosts a different sulfate-reducing microbial (SRM) community, again highly correlated with salinity. Moreover, the majority of environmental terms that characterized the SRM communities were classified to the marine biome, but terms belonging to the freshwater or brackish biomes were also found in stations were a freshwater effect was more evident (see Chapter 3). Taxonomic groups that were expected to be thriving in the sediments of the Benguela coastal upwelling system were absent or present but in very low abundances. Epsilonproteobacteria dominated the anaerobic assimilation of acetate as confirmed by their isotopic enrichment in the SIP experiments. Enhancement of known sulfate-reducers was not achieved under sulfate addition, possibly due to competition for electron donors among nitrate-reducers and sulfate-reducers, to the inability of certain sulfate-reducing bacteria to use acetate as electron donor or to the short duration of the incubations (see Chapter 4). Future research should focus more on the community functioning of such habitats; an increased understanding of the biogeochemical cycles that characterize these hypoxic ecosystems will perhaps allow for predictions regarding the intensity and direction of the cycling of elements, especially of nitrogen and sulfur given their biological importance. Regulation of hypoxic episodes will aid the end-users of these ecosystems to possibly achieve higher productivity, in terms of fish catches, which otherwise is largely compromised by the elevated hydrogen sulfide concentrations