36,107 research outputs found

    Generation, Ranking and Unranking of Ordered Trees with Degree Bounds

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    We study the problem of generating, ranking and unranking of unlabeled ordered trees whose nodes have maximum degree of Δ\Delta. This class of trees represents a generalization of chemical trees. A chemical tree is an unlabeled tree in which no node has degree greater than 4. By allowing up to Δ\Delta children for each node of chemical tree instead of 4, we will have a generalization of chemical trees. Here, we introduce a new encoding over an alphabet of size 4 for representing unlabeled ordered trees with maximum degree of Δ\Delta. We use this encoding for generating these trees in A-order with constant average time and O(n) worst case time. Due to the given encoding, with a precomputation of size and time O(n^2) (assuming Δ\Delta is constant), both ranking and unranking algorithms are also designed taking O(n) and O(nlogn) time complexities.Comment: In Proceedings DCM 2015, arXiv:1603.0053

    Tree-Structured Neural Machine for Linguistics-Aware Sentence Generation

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    Different from other sequential data, sentences in natural language are structured by linguistic grammars. Previous generative conversational models with chain-structured decoder ignore this structure in human language and might generate plausible responses with less satisfactory relevance and fluency. In this study, we aim to incorporate the results from linguistic analysis into the process of sentence generation for high-quality conversation generation. Specifically, we use a dependency parser to transform each response sentence into a dependency tree and construct a training corpus of sentence-tree pairs. A tree-structured decoder is developed to learn the mapping from a sentence to its tree, where different types of hidden states are used to depict the local dependencies from an internal tree node to its children. For training acceleration, we propose a tree canonicalization method, which transforms trees into equivalent ternary trees. Then, with a proposed tree-structured search method, the model is able to generate the most probable responses in the form of dependency trees, which are finally flattened into sequences as the system output. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed X2Tree framework outperforms baseline methods over 11.15% increase of acceptance ratio

    Temporalized logics and automata for time granularity

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    Suitable extensions of the monadic second-order theory of k successors have been proposed in the literature to capture the notion of time granularity. In this paper, we provide the monadic second-order theories of downward unbounded layered structures, which are infinitely refinable structures consisting of a coarsest domain and an infinite number of finer and finer domains, and of upward unbounded layered structures, which consist of a finest domain and an infinite number of coarser and coarser domains, with expressively complete and elementarily decidable temporal logic counterparts. We obtain such a result in two steps. First, we define a new class of combined automata, called temporalized automata, which can be proved to be the automata-theoretic counterpart of temporalized logics, and show that relevant properties, such as closure under Boolean operations, decidability, and expressive equivalence with respect to temporal logics, transfer from component automata to temporalized ones. Then, we exploit the correspondence between temporalized logics and automata to reduce the task of finding the temporal logic counterparts of the given theories of time granularity to the easier one of finding temporalized automata counterparts of them.Comment: Journal: Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Journal Acronym: TPLP Category: Paper for Special Issue (Verification and Computational Logic) Submitted: 18 March 2002, revised: 14 Januari 2003, accepted: 5 September 200

    Exploiting parallelism in coalgebraic logic programming

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    We present a parallel implementation of Coalgebraic Logic Programming (CoALP) in the programming language Go. CoALP was initially introduced to reflect coalgebraic semantics of logic programming, with coalgebraic derivation algorithm featuring both corecursion and parallelism. Here, we discuss how the coalgebraic semantics influenced our parallel implementation of logic programming

    Flows on Graphs with Random Capacities

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    We investigate flows on graphs whose links have random capacities. For binary trees we derive the probability distribution for the maximal flow from the root to a leaf, and show that for infinite trees it vanishes beyond a certain threshold that depends on the distribution of capacities. We then examine the maximal total flux from the root to the leaves. Our methods generalize to simple graphs with loops, e.g., to hierarchical lattices and to complete graphs.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    On the logical definability of certain graph and poset languages

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    We show that it is equivalent, for certain sets of finite graphs, to be definable in CMS (counting monadic second-order logic, a natural extension of monadic second-order logic), and to be recognizable in an algebraic framework induced by the notion of modular decomposition of a finite graph. More precisely, we consider the set F_∞F\_\infty of composition operations on graphs which occur in the modular decomposition of finite graphs. If FF is a subset of F_∞F\_{\infty}, we say that a graph is an \calF-graph if it can be decomposed using only operations in FF. A set of FF-graphs is recognizable if it is a union of classes in a finite-index equivalence relation which is preserved by the operations in FF. We show that if FF is finite and its elements enjoy only a limited amount of commutativity -- a property which we call weak rigidity, then recognizability is equivalent to CMS-definability. This requirement is weak enough to be satisfied whenever all FF-graphs are posets, that is, transitive dags. In particular, our result generalizes Kuske's recent result on series-parallel poset languages

    On two-way communication in cellular automata with a fixed number of cells

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    The effect of adding two-way communication to k cells one-way cellular automata (kC-OCAs) on their size of description is studied. kC-OCAs are a parallel model for the regular languages that consists of an array of k identical deterministic finite automata (DFAs), called cells, operating in parallel. Each cell gets information from its right neighbor only. In this paper, two models with different amounts of two-way communication are investigated. Both models always achieve quadratic savings when compared to DFAs. When compared to a one-way cellular model, the result is that minimum two-way communication can achieve at most quadratic savings whereas maximum two-way communication may provide savings bounded by a polynomial of degree k
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