2,011 research outputs found

    AutoAccel: Automated Accelerator Generation and Optimization with Composable, Parallel and Pipeline Architecture

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    CPU-FPGA heterogeneous architectures are attracting ever-increasing attention in an attempt to advance computational capabilities and energy efficiency in today's datacenters. These architectures provide programmers with the ability to reprogram the FPGAs for flexible acceleration of many workloads. Nonetheless, this advantage is often overshadowed by the poor programmability of FPGAs whose programming is conventionally a RTL design practice. Although recent advances in high-level synthesis (HLS) significantly improve the FPGA programmability, it still leaves programmers facing the challenge of identifying the optimal design configuration in a tremendous design space. This paper aims to address this challenge and pave the path from software programs towards high-quality FPGA accelerators. Specifically, we first propose the composable, parallel and pipeline (CPP) microarchitecture as a template of accelerator designs. Such a well-defined template is able to support efficient accelerator designs for a broad class of computation kernels, and more importantly, drastically reduce the design space. Also, we introduce an analytical model to capture the performance and resource trade-offs among different design configurations of the CPP microarchitecture, which lays the foundation for fast design space exploration. On top of the CPP microarchitecture and its analytical model, we develop the AutoAccel framework to make the entire accelerator generation automated. AutoAccel accepts a software program as an input and performs a series of code transformations based on the result of the analytical-model-based design space exploration to construct the desired CPP microarchitecture. Our experiments show that the AutoAccel-generated accelerators outperform their corresponding software implementations by an average of 72x for a broad class of computation kernels

    Programming parallel dense matrix factorizations with look-ahead and OpenMP

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    [EN] We investigate a parallelization strategy for dense matrix factorization (DMF) algorithms, using OpenMP, that departs from the legacy (or conventional) solution, which simply extracts concurrency from a multi-threaded version of basic linear algebra subroutines (BLAS). The proposed approach is also different from the more sophisticated runtime-based implementations, which decompose the operation into tasks and identify dependencies via directives and runtime support. Instead, our strategy attains high performance by explicitly embedding a static look-ahead technique into the DMF code, in order to overcome the performance bottleneck of the panel factorization, and realizing the trailing update via a cache-aware multi-threaded implementation of the BLAS. Although the parallel algorithms are specified with a high level of abstraction, the actual implementation can be easily derived from them, paving the road to deriving a high performance implementation of a considerable fraction of linear algebra package (LAPACK) functionality on any multicore platform with an OpenMP-like runtime.The researchers from Universidad Jaume I were supported by the CICYT Projects TIN2014-53495-R and TIN2017-82972-R of the MINECO and FEDER, and the H2020 EU FETHPC Project 671602 "INTERTWinE". The researchers from Universidad Complutense de Madrid were supported by the CICYT Project TIN2015-65277-R of the MINECO and FEDER. Sandra Catalan was supported during part of this time by the FPU program of the Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte. Adrian Castello was supported by the ValI+D 2015 FPI program of the Generalitat Valenciana.Catalán, S.; Castelló, A.; Igual, FD.; Rodríguez-Sánchez, R.; Quintana Ortí, ES. (2020). 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