984 research outputs found

    Achieving High Speed CFD simulations: Optimization, Parallelization, and FPGA Acceleration for the unstructured DLR TAU Code

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    Today, large scale parallel simulations are fundamental tools to handle complex problems. The number of processors in current computation platforms has been recently increased and therefore it is necessary to optimize the application performance and to enhance the scalability of massively-parallel systems. In addition, new heterogeneous architectures, combining conventional processors with specific hardware, like FPGAs, to accelerate the most time consuming functions are considered as a strong alternative to boost the performance. In this paper, the performance of the DLR TAU code is analyzed and optimized. The improvement of the code efficiency is addressed through three key activities: Optimization, parallelization and hardware acceleration. At first, a profiling analysis of the most time-consuming processes of the Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes flow solver on a three-dimensional unstructured mesh is performed. Then, a study of the code scalability with new partitioning algorithms are tested to show the most suitable partitioning algorithms for the selected applications. Finally, a feasibility study on the application of FPGAs and GPUs for the hardware acceleration of CFD simulations is presented

    A fast parallel algorithm for special linear systems of equations using processor arrays with reconfigurable bus systems

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    A parallel algorithm using Processor Arrays with Reconfigurable Bus Systems has been designed to solve dense Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) systems of equations Ax = b. The key content of this report is the parallelisation of the algorithm by Delosme & Ipson [8]. In order to design a parallel algorithm for PARBS, many procedures involved in [8] are handled in a slightly different way. The parallel time and processor’s complexity of each step of the algorithm is calculated. The parallel time complexity is O(n) using 2n × 2n × 5n number of Processing Elements

    Fault-tolerant meshes with minimal numbers of spares

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    This paper presents several techniques for adding fault-tolerance to distributed memory parallel computers. More formally, given a target graph with n nodes, we create a fault-tolerant graph with n + k nodes such that given any set of k or fewer faulty nodes, the remaining graph is guaranteed to contain the target graph as a fault-free subgraph. As a result, any algorithm designed for the target graph will run with no slowdown in the presence of k or fewer node faults, regardless of their distribution. We present fault-tolerant graphs for target graphs which are 2-dimensional meshes, tori, eight-connected meshes and hexagonal meshes. In all cases our fault-tolerant graphs have smaller degree than any previously known graphs with the same properties

    Geometric modeling for computer aided design

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    The primary goal of this grant has been the design and implementation of software to be used in the conceptual design of aerospace vehicles particularly focused on the elements of geometric design, graphical user interfaces, and the interaction of the multitude of software typically used in this engineering environment. This has resulted in the development of several analysis packages and design studies. These include two major software systems currently used in the conceptual level design of aerospace vehicles. These tools are SMART, the Solid Modeling Aerospace Research Tool, and EASIE, the Environment for Software Integration and Execution. Additional software tools were designed and implemented to address the needs of the engineer working in the conceptual design environment. SMART provides conceptual designers with a rapid prototyping capability and several engineering analysis capabilities. In addition, SMART has a carefully engineered user interface that makes it easy to learn and use. Finally, a number of specialty characteristics have been built into SMART which allow it to be used efficiently as a front end geometry processor for other analysis packages. EASIE provides a set of interactive utilities that simplify the task of building and executing computer aided design systems consisting of diverse, stand-alone, analysis codes. Resulting in a streamlining of the exchange of data between programs reducing errors and improving the efficiency. EASIE provides both a methodology and a collection of software tools to ease the task of coordinating engineering design and analysis codes

    An efficient parallel algorithm for the all pairs shortest path problem using processor arrays with reconfigurable bus systems

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    The all pairs shortest path problem is a class of the algebraic path problem. Many parallel algorithms for the solution of this problem appear in the literature. One of the efficient parallel algorithms on W-RAM model is given by Kucera [17]. Though efficient, algorithms written for the W-RAM model of parallel computation are too idealistic to be implemented on the current hardware. In this report we present an efficient parallel algorithm for the solution of this problem using a relatively new model of parallel computing, Processor Arrays with Reconfigurable Bus Systems. The parallel time complexity of this algorithm is O(log2 n) and processors complexity is n2 × n × n

    Unifying mesh- and tree-based programmable interconnect

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    We examine the traditional, symmetric, Manhattan mesh design for field-programmable gate-array (FPGA) routing along with tree-of-meshes (ToM) and mesh-of-trees (MoT) based designs. All three networks can provide general routing for limited bisection designs (Rent's rule with p<1) and allow locality exploitation. They differ in their detailed topology and use of hierarchy. We show that all three have the same asymptotic wiring requirements. We bound this tightly by providing constructive mappings between routes in one network and routes in another. For example, we show that a (c,p) MoT design can be mapped to a (2c,p) linear population ToM and introduce a corner turn scheme which will make it possible to perform the reverse mapping from any (c,p) linear population ToM to a (2c,p) MoT augmented with a particular set of corner turn switches. One consequence of this latter mapping is a multilayer layout strategy for N-node, linear population ToM designs that requires only /spl Theta/(N) two-dimensional area for any p when given sufficient wiring layers. We further show upper and lower bounds for global mesh routes based on recursive bisection width and show these are within a constant factor of each other and within a constant factor of MoT and ToM layout area. In the process we identify the parameters and characteristics which make the networks different, making it clear there is a unified design continuum in which these networks are simply particular regions

    An improved generalization of mesh-connected computers with multiple buses

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    ©2001 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.Mesh-connected computers (MCCs) are a class of important parallel architectures due to their simple and regular interconnections. However, their performances are restricted by their large diameters. Various augmenting mechanisms have been proposed to enhance the communication efficiency of MCCs. One major approach is to add nonconfigurable buses for improved broadcasting. A typical example is the mesh-connected computer with multiple buses (MMB). We propose a new class of generalized MMBs, the improved generalized MMBs (IMMBs). We compare IMMBs with MMBs and a class of previously proposed generalized MMBs (GMMBs). We show the power of IMMBs by considering semigroup and prefix computations. Specifically, as our main result we show that for any constant 0<&epsiv;<1, one can construct an N½×N½ square IMMB using which semigroup and prefix computations on N operands can be carried out in O(N&epsiv;) time, while maintaining O(1) broadcasting time. Compared with the previous best complexities O(N&frac18;) and O(N&frac116;) achieved on a rectangular MMB and GMMB, respectively, for the same computations, our results show that IMMBs are more powerful than MMBs and GMMBsYi Pen; Zheng, S.Q.; Keqin Li; Hong She

    Fast Ant Colony Optimization on Runtime Reconfigurable Processor Arrays

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    Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a metaheuristic used to solve combinatorial optimization problems. As with other metaheuristics, like evolutionary methods, ACO algorithms often show good optimization behavior but are slow when compared to classical heuristics. Hence, there is a need to find fast implementations for ACO algorithms. In order to allow a fast parallel implementation, we propose several changes to a standard form of ACO algorithms. The main new features are the non-generational approach and the use of a threshold based decision function for the ants. We show that the new algorithm has a good optimization behavior and also allows a fast implementation on reconfigurable processor arrays. This is the first implementation of the ACO approach on a reconfigurable architecture. The running time of the algorithm is quasi-linear in the problem size n and the number of ants on a reconfigurable mesh with n2 processors, each provided with only a constant number of memory words

    A constant time parallel algorithm for the triangularization of a sparse matrix using CD-PARBS

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    An algorithm for the triangularization of a matrix whose graph is a directed acyclic graph, popularly known as dag, is presented. One of the algorithms for obtaining this special form has been given by Sargent and Westerberg. Their approach is practically good but sequential in nature and cannot be parallelised easily. In this work we present a parallel algorithm which is based on the observation that, if we find the transitive closure matrix of a directed acyclic graph, count the number of entries in each row, sort them in the ascending order of their values and rank them accordingly, we get a lower triangular matrix. We show that all these operations can be done using 3-d CD- PARBS(Complete Directed PARBS) in constant time. The same approach can be used for the block cases, producing the same relabelling as produced by Tarjan’s algorithm, in constant time. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first approach to solve such problems using directed PARBS