255 research outputs found

    Printed document integrity verification using barcode

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    Printed documents are still relevant in our daily life and information in it must be protected from threats and attacks such as forgery, falsification or unauthorized modification. Such threats make the document lose its integrity and authenticity. There are several techniques that have been proposed and used to ensure authenticity and originality of printed documents. But some of the techniques are not suitable for public use due to its complexity, hard to obtain special materials to secure the document and expensive. This paper discuss several techniques for printed document security such as watermarking and barcode as well as the usability of two dimensional barcode in document authentication and data compression with the barcode. A conceptual solution that are simple and efficient to secure the integrity and document sender's authenticity is proposed that uses two dimensional barcode to carry integrity and authenticity information in the document. The information stored in the barcode contains digital signature that provides sender's authenticity and hash value that can ensure the integrity of the printed document

    Multi-Format Document Verification System

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    The spread of fake documents claiming to be from official sources on social media has led to increasing levels of skepticism and uncertainty in modern society. Currently, there is no easy access method of verification for documents that can be adopted by the public. This paper proposes a method of a multi-format document verification scheme using digital signatures and blockchain. We employ digital signature algorithms to sign document contents extracted using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) methods and attach this signature to the document by converting it into a 2D barcode format. This code can then be used on a shared document to retrieve the document’s digital signature and OCR can be used to verify the signature. In addition to this, we also provide an alternative method of verification in the form of forgery detection techniques. These signed documents are stored in a decentralized storage solution backed by blockchain technology, increasing the solution's overall reliability and security

    Certificateless Digital Signature Technology for e-Governance Solutions

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    . In spite of the fact that digital signing is an essential requirement for implementation of e-governance solutions in any organization, its use in large scale Government ICT implementation is negligible in India. In order to understand the reasons for low-level acceptance of the technology, authors performed a detailed study of a famous e-governance initiative of India. The outcome of the study revealed that the reasons are related to the challenges concerning the use of cryptographic devices carrying private key and the complicated process of generation, maintenance and disposal of Digital Signature Certificates (DSC).The solution, for the challenges understood from the case study, required implementation of a certificateless technology where private keys should be generated as and when required rather than storing them on cryptographic devices. Although many solutions which provide certificateless technology exist, to date there have been no practical implementation for using biometrics for implementing the solution. This paper presents the first realistic architecture to implement Identity Based Cryptography with biometrics using RSA algorithm. The solution presented in the paper is capable of providing a certificateless digital signature technology to the users, where public and private keys are generated on-the-fly

    Reflective-Physically Unclonable Function based System for Anti-Counterfeiting

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    Physically unclonable functions (PUF) are physical security mechanisms, which utilize inherent randomness in processes used to instantiate physical objects. In this dissertation, an extensive overview of the state of the art in implementations, accompanying definitions and their analysis is provided. The concept of the reflective-PUF is presented as a product security solution. The viability of the concept, its evaluation and the requirements of such a system is explored

    Mobile Authentication with NFC enabled Smartphones

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    Smartphones are becoming increasingly more deployed and as such new possibilities for utilizing the smartphones many capabilities for public and private use are arising. This project will investigate the possibility of using smartphones as a platform for authentication and access control, using near field communication (NFC). To achieve the necessary security for authentication and access control purposes, cryptographic concepts such as public keys, challenge-response and digital signatures are used. To focus the investigation a case study is performed based on the authentication and access control needs of an educational institutions student ID. To gain a more practical understanding of the challenges mobile authentication encounters, a prototype has successfully been developed on the basis of the investigation. The case study performed in this project argues that NFC as a standalone technology is not yet mature to support the advanced communication required by this case. However, combining NFC with other communication technologies such as Bluetooth has proven to be effective. As a result, a general evaluation has been performed on several aspects of the prototype, such as cost-effectiveness, usability, performance and security to evaluate the viability of mobile authentication


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    In the current digital age, almost every healthcare organization (HCO) has moved from storing patient health records on paper to storing them electronically. Health Information Exchange (HIE) is the ability to share (or transfer) patients’ health information between different HCOs while maintaining national security standards like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996. Over the past few years, research has been conducted to develop privacy and access control frameworks for HIE systems. The goal of this dissertation is to address the privacy and access control concerns by building practical and efficient HIE frameworks to secure the sharing of patients’ health information. The first solution allows secure HIE among different healthcare providers while focusing primarily on the privacy of patients’ information. It allows patients to authorize a certain type of health information to be retrieved, which helps prevent any unintentional leakage of information. The privacy solution also provides healthcare providers with the capability of mutual authentication and patient authentication. It also ensures the integrity and auditability of health information being exchanged. The security and performance study for the first protocol shows that it is efficient for the purpose of HIE and offers a high level of security for such exchanges. The second framework presents a new cloud-based protocol for access control to facilitate HIE across different HCOs, employing a trapdoor hash-based proxy signature in a novel manner to enable secure (authenticated and authorized) on-demand access to patient records. The proposed proxy signature-based scheme provides an explicit mechanism for patients to authorize the sharing of specific medical information with specific HCOs, which helps prevent any undesired or unintentional leakage of health information. The scheme also ensures that such authorizations are authentic with respect to both the HCOs and the patient. Moreover, the use of proxy signatures simplifies security auditing and the ability to obtain support for investigations by providing non-repudiation. Formal definitions, security specifications, and a detailed theoretical analysis, including correctness, security, and performance of both frameworks are provided which demonstrate the improvements upon other existing HIE systems

    Study and development of a remote biometric authentication protocol

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    This paper reports the phases of study and implementation of a remote biometric authentication protocol developed during my internship at the I.i.t. of the C.n.r. in Pisa. Starting from the study of authentication history we had a look from the first system used since the 60ies to the latest technology; this helped us understand how we could realize a demonstration working protocol that could achieve a web remote authentication granting good reliability: to do this we choosed to modify the SSL handshake with biometric tests and we decided to use smart-cards a secure vault for the sensible biometric data involved. In the first chapter you will find a brief definition of authentication and an introduction on how we can achieve it, with a particular focus on new biometric techniques. In the second chapter there\u27s the history of authentication from the very first password system to actual ones: new token and smart card technolgies are longer stressed in order to introduce the reader to the last chapter. In the third chapter you will find the project framework, the development of our implementation choiches and the source code of the demo project

    ID Photograph hashing : a global approach

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    This thesis addresses the question of the authenticity of identity photographs, part of the documents required in controlled access. Since sophisticated means of reproduction are publicly available, new methods / techniques should prevent tampering and unauthorized reproduction of the photograph. This thesis proposes a hashing method for the authentication of the identity photographs, robust to print-and-scan. This study focuses also on the effects of digitization at hash level. The developed algorithm performs a dimension reduction, based on independent component analysis (ICA). In the learning stage, the subspace projection is obtained by applying ICA and then reduced according to an original entropic selection strategy. In the extraction stage, the coefficients obtained after projecting the identity image on the subspace are quantified and binarized to obtain the hash value. The study reveals the effects of the scanning noise on the hash values of the identity photographs and shows that the proposed method is robust to the print-and-scan attack. The approach focusing on robust hashing of a restricted class of images (identity) differs from classical approaches that address any imageCette thĂšse traite de la question de l’authenticitĂ© des photographies d’identitĂ©, partie intĂ©grante des documents nĂ©cessaires lors d’un contrĂŽle d’accĂšs. Alors que les moyens de reproduction sophistiquĂ©s sont accessibles au grand public, de nouvelles mĂ©thodes / techniques doivent empĂȘcher toute falsification / reproduction non autorisĂ©e de la photographie d’identitĂ©. Cette thĂšse propose une mĂ©thode de hachage pour l’authentification de photographies d’identitĂ©, robuste Ă  l’impression-lecture. Ce travail met ainsi l’accent sur les effets de la numĂ©risation au niveau de hachage. L’algorithme mis au point procĂšde Ă  une rĂ©duction de dimension, basĂ©e sur l’analyse en composantes indĂ©pendantes (ICA). Dans la phase d’apprentissage, le sous-espace de projection est obtenu en appliquant l’ICA puis rĂ©duit selon une stratĂ©gie de sĂ©lection entropique originale. Dans l’étape d’extraction, les coefficients obtenus aprĂšs projection de l’image d’identitĂ© sur le sous-espace sont quantifiĂ©s et binarisĂ©s pour obtenir la valeur de hachage. L’étude rĂ©vĂšle les effets du bruit de balayage intervenant lors de la numĂ©risation des photographies d’identitĂ© sur les valeurs de hachage et montre que la mĂ©thode proposĂ©e est robuste Ă  l’attaque d’impression-lecture. L’approche suivie en se focalisant sur le hachage robuste d’une classe restreinte d’images (d’identitĂ©) se distingue des approches classiques qui adressent une image quelconqu

    Biometrics & [and] Security:Combining Fingerprints, Smart Cards and Cryptography

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    Since the beginning of this brand new century, and especially since the 2001 Sept 11 events in the U.S, several biometric technologies are considered mature enough to be a new tool for security. Generally associated to a personal device for privacy protection, biometric references are stored in secured electronic devices such as smart cards, and systems are using cryptographic tools to communicate with the smart card and securely exchange biometric data. After a general introduction about biometrics, smart cards and cryptography, a second part will introduce our work with fake finger attacks on fingerprint sensors and tests done with different materials. The third part will present our approach for a lightweight fingerprint recognition algorithm for smart cards. The fourth part will detail security protocols used in different applications such as Personal Identity Verification cards. We will discuss our implementation such as the one we developed for the NIST to be used in PIV smart cards. Finally, a fifth part will address Cryptography-Biometrics interaction. We will highlight the antagonism between Cryptography – determinism, stable data – and Biometrics – statistical, error-prone –. Then we will present our application of challenge-response protocol to biometric data for easing the fingerprint recognition process
