75 research outputs found

    A Pattern-Based Approach to Scaffold the IT Infrastructure Design Process

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    Context. The design of Information Technology (IT) infrastructures is a challenging task since it implies proficiency in several areas that are rarely mastered by a single person, thus raising communication problems among those in charge of conceiving, deploying, operating and maintaining/managing them. Most IT infrastructure designs are based on proprietary models, known as blueprints or product-oriented architectures, defined by vendors to facilitate the configuration of a particular solution, based upon their services and products portfolio. Existing blueprints can be facilitators in the design of solutions for a particular vendor or technology. However, since organizations may have infrastructure components from multiple vendors, the use of blueprints aligned with commercial product(s) may cause integration problems among these components and can lead to vendor lock-in. Additionally, these blueprints have a short lifecycle, due to their association with product version(s) or a specific technology, which hampers their usage as a tool for the reuse of IT infrastructure knowledge. Objectives. The objectives of this dissertation are (i) to mitigate the inability to reuse knowledge in terms of best practices in the design of IT infrastructures and, (ii) to simplify the usage of this knowledge, making the IT infrastructure designs simpler, quicker and better documented, while facilitating the integration of components from different vendors and minimizing the communication problems between teams. Method. We conducted an online survey and performed a systematic literature review to support the state of the art and to provide evidence that this research was relevant and had not been conducted before. A model-driven approach was also used for the formalization and empirical validation of well-formedness rules to enhance the overall process of designing IT infrastructures. To simplify and support the design process, a modeling tool, including its abstract and concrete syntaxes was also extended to include the main contributions of this dissertation. Results. We obtained 123 responses to the online survey. Their majority were from people with more than 15 years experience with IT infrastructures. The respondents confirmed our claims regarding the lack of formality and documentation problems on knowledge transfer and only 19% considered that their current practices to represent IT Infrastructures are efficient. A language for modeling IT Infrastructures including an abstract and concrete syntax is proposed to address the problem of informality in their design. A catalog of IT Infrastructure patterns is also proposed to allow expressing best practices in their design. The modeling tool was also evaluated and according to 84% of the respondents, this approach decreases the effort associated with IT infrastructure design and 89% considered that the use of a repository with infrastructure patterns, will help to improve the overall quality of IT infrastructures representations. A controlled experiment was also performed to assess the effectiveness of both the proposed language and the pattern-based IT infrastructure design process supported by the tool. Conclusion. With this work, we contribute to improve the current state of the art in the design of IT infrastructures replacing the ad-hoc methods with more formal ones to address the problems of ambiguity, traceability and documentation, among others, that characterize most of IT infrastructure representations. Categories and Subject Descriptors:C.0 [Computer Systems Organization]: System architecture; D.2.10 [Software Engineering]: Design-Methodologies; D.2.11 [Software Engineering]: Software Architectures-Patterns

    A Collection of Technical Papers

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    Papers presented at the 6th Space Logistics Symposium covered such areas as: The International Space Station; The Hubble Space Telescope; Launch site computer simulation; Integrated logistics support; The Baikonur Cosmodrome; Probabalistic tools for high confidence repair; A simple space station rescue vehicle; Integrated Traffic Model for the International Space Station; Packaging the maintenance shop; Leading edge software support; Storage information management system; Consolidated maintenance inventory logistics planning; Operation concepts for a single stage to orbit vehicle; Mission architecture for human lunar exploration; Logistics of a lunar based solar power satellite scenario; Just in time in space; NASA acquisitions/logistics; Effective transition management; Shuttle logistics; and Revitalized space operations through total quality control management

    China\u27s Industrial Policy and its Impact on U.S. Companies, Workers and the American Economy

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    [Excerpt] China’s industrial policies have had a profound effect on the U.S. economy. The trade deficit with China in goods reached 266billionin2008,resultinginslowerU.S.economicgrowthandfewerjobsherethanifthetraderelationshipweremorebalancedbetweenimportsandexports.WitnessesdifferedastothedegreethattheoverallU.S.tradedeficitwoulddeclineifthetradingrelationshipbetweenthetwocountrieswerebroughtintobalance.ButitissignificantthattheU.S.deficitwithChinarepresented33percentofthetotalU.S.tradedeficitwiththeworldand42.6percentofthedeficitwithnon−oilexportingcountries.Inaddition,itisnotjustthesizeofthedeficitthatpolicymakersshouldexamine,butthechangingnatureofitscomposition.TheUnitedStatesin2008ranarecord266 billion in 2008, resulting in slower U.S. economic growth and fewer jobs here than if the trade relationship were more balanced between imports and exports. Witnesses differed as to the degree that the overall U.S. trade deficit would decline if the trading relationship between the two countries were brought into balance. But it is significant that the U.S. deficit with China represented 33 percent of the total U.S. trade deficit with the world and 42.6 percent of the deficit with non-oil exporting countries. In addition, it is not just the size of the deficit that policymakers should examine, but the changing nature of its composition. The United States in 2008 ran a record 72.7 billion trade deficit with China in advanced technology products

    Assessment of Socio-Economic Sustainability and Resilience after COVID-19

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    The pandemic period has caused severe socio-economic damage, but it is accompanied by environmental deterioration that can also affect economic opportunities and social equity. In the face of this double risk, future generations are ready to be resilient and make their contribution not only on the consumption side, but also through their inclusion in all companies by bringing green and circular principles with them. Policy makers can also favor this choice

    Public Administration in Ethiopia

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    First handbook on Ethiopian Public Administration Building an effective, inclusive, and accountable public administration has become a major point of attention for policymakers and academics in Ethiopia who want to realise sustainable development. This first handbook on Ethiopian Public Administration is written by Ethiopian academics and practitioner-academics and builds on PhD studies and conference papers, including studies presented at the meetings of the Ethiopian Public Administration Association (EPAA), established in 2016. Public Administration in Ethiopia presents a wide range of timely issues in four thematic parts: Governance, Human Resources, Performance and Quality, and Governance of Policies. Each of the individual chapters in this volume contributes in a different way to the overarching research questions: How can we describe and explain the contexts, the processes and the results of the post-1990 politico-administrative reforms in Ethiopia? And what are the implications for sustainable development? This book is essential for students, practitioners, and theorists interested in public administration, public policy, and sustainable development. Moreover, the volume is a valuable stepping stone for PA teaching and PA research in Ethiopia. Contributors: Adare Assefa Mitiku (Defense Construction Enterprise), Aklilu Wubet Lema (Addis Ababa University), Alebachew Asfaw Yimer (Bahir Dar University), Annie Hondeghem (KU Leuven), Bacha Kebede Debela (Ambo University), Bahiru Deti Heyi (Dilla University), Belayneh Bogale Zewdie (Kotebe Metropolitan University), Geert Bouckaert (KU Leuven), Gutata Goshu Amante (Addis Ababa University), Bruno Broucker (KU Leuven), Challa Amdissa Jiru (Addis Ababa University), Defferew Kebebe Tessema (Addis Ababa University), Denamo Addissie Nuramo (Addis Ababa University), Deribe Assefa Aga (Ethiopian Civil Service University), Dessalegn Kebede Kedida (Oromia Police College), Frehiwot Gebrehiwot Araya (Addis Ababa City Public Service and Human Resource Development Bureau), Henok Seyoum Assefa (Ethiopian Public Administration Association, EPAA), Hirko Wakgari Amanta (Oromia State University), Hiwot Amare Tadesse (Ambo University), Kassa Teshager Alemu (Ethiopian Civil Service University), Kiflie Worku Angaw (Dilla University),Moti Mosisa Gutema (Dilla University), Solomon Gebreyohans Gebru (KU Leuven), Steve Troupin (KU Leuven), Temesgen Genie Chekol (Dire Dawa Institute of Technology), Tewelde Mezgobo Ghrmay (Mekelle University), Trui Steen (KU Leuven), Meuriaw Ayalew (Assosa University / Addis Ababa University), Zekarias Minota Seiko (Ethiopian Civil Service University / Addis Ababa University

    UMSL Bulletin 2021-2022

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    The 2021-2022 Bulletin and Course Catalog for the University of Missouri St. Louis. This is the July 1, 2021 pdf snapshot version of the University Bulletin and Course Catalog.https://irl.umsl.edu/bulletin/1086/thumbnail.jp
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