1,955 research outputs found

    Exploring the Relevance of Search Engines: An Overview of Google as a Case Study

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    The huge amount of data on the Internet and the diverse list of strategies used to try to link this information with relevant searches through Linked Data have generated a revolution in data treatment and its representation. Nevertheless, the conventional search engines like Google are kept as strategies with good reception to do search processes. The following article presents a study of the development and evolution of search engines, more specifically, to analyze the relevance of findings based on the number of results displayed in paging systems with Google as a case study. Finally, it is intended to contribute to indexing criteria in search results, based on an approach to Semantic Web as a stage in the evolution of the Web

    Concept-based Interactive Query Expansion Support Tool (CIQUEST)

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    This report describes a three-year project (2000-03) undertaken in the Information Studies Department at The University of Sheffield and funded by Resource, The Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries. The overall aim of the research was to provide user support for query formulation and reformulation in searching large-scale textual resources including those of the World Wide Web. More specifically the objectives were: to investigate and evaluate methods for the automatic generation and organisation of concepts derived from retrieved document sets, based on statistical methods for term weighting; and to conduct user-based evaluations on the understanding, presentation and retrieval effectiveness of concept structures in selecting candidate terms for interactive query expansion. The TREC test collection formed the basis for the seven evaluative experiments conducted in the course of the project. These formed four distinct phases in the project plan. In the first phase, a series of experiments was conducted to investigate further techniques for concept derivation and hierarchical organisation and structure. The second phase was concerned with user-based validation of the concept structures. Results of phases 1 and 2 informed on the design of the test system and the user interface was developed in phase 3. The final phase entailed a user-based summative evaluation of the CiQuest system. The main findings demonstrate that concept hierarchies can effectively be generated from sets of retrieved documents and displayed to searchers in a meaningful way. The approach provides the searcher with an overview of the contents of the retrieved documents, which in turn facilitates the viewing of documents and selection of the most relevant ones. Concept hierarchies are a good source of terms for query expansion and can improve precision. The extraction of descriptive phrases as an alternative source of terms was also effective. With respect to presentation, cascading menus were easy to browse for selecting terms and for viewing documents. In conclusion the project dissemination programme and future work are outlined

    Ajax Mistakes

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    Ajax, shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a web development technique for creating interactive web applications. The intent is to make web pages feel more responsive by exchanging small amounts of data with the server behind the scenes, so that the entire web page does not have to be reloaded each time the user requests a change. This is meant to increase the web page's interactivity, speed, and usability. However, there are several common mistakes using it, like: using Axaj just for the sake of Ajax, moreover the back button of the browser become unuseful, there might be a delay displaying enhanced GUI widgets, offline content is not supported, concurrent page loading is dramatically slowed down, sensitive information might be sent encrypted, cross-browser implementation is not one of developers primary concerns, concurrent access is not well supported, running the entire application on the client side makes it slower, there is no support for user without a JavaScript enable browser, GUI might change unexpectedly, there are no URLs which may be referred and indexed by users and search engines, pop-up blockers might kill opening windows, there are a lot of asynchronous operations happening in the background which might be difficult to be controlled, inventing new controls which are less intuitive than the classic ones, style and internationalization issues due to partial page rendering, the lack of data posted back from the user, Web traffic cannot be reported for each section of a given site.Web Technologies, Web Frameworks, AJAX, Asynchronous HTTP Request, User-friendly Interfaces

    Feeds as Query Result Serializations

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    Many Web-based data sources and services are available as feeds, a model that provides consumers with a loosely coupled way of interacting with providers. The current feed model is limited in its capabilities, however. Though it is simple to implement and scales well, it cannot be transferred to a wider range of application scenarios. This paper conceptualizes feeds as a way to serialize query results, describes the current hardcoded query semantics of such a perspective, and surveys the ways in which extensions of this hardcoded model have been proposed or implemented. Our generalized view of feeds as query result serializations has implications for the applicability of feeds as a generic Web service for any collection that is providing access to individual information items. As one interesting and compelling class of applications, we describe a simple way in which a query-based approach to feeds can be used to support location-based services

    A study on academic search engines: comparison between dynamic queries and regular faceted search

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    Dynamic queries interfaces provide a powerful and fun way to search information. Using this technique with a faceted navigation can be very effective for academic researchers who are often engaged in exploratory searches. Facets can play an important role in helping the user understand an information space better. Dynamic queries techniques make the search results immediate and the interaction uninterrupted and focused. They can contribute to the user\u27s understanding of the researched topic(s). Furthermore, they are more playful because users directly manipulate controls and the results are displayed through transition animations, which bring the process closer to a game experience (e.g., moving a slider that rearranges the available products). The study compares for the first time (to the researcher\u27s knowledge) regular faceted search to dynamic queries specifically for academic content. Two academic search engines were developed and compared: a regular faceted interface and a dynamic queries interface. Several strengths and weaknesses were identified in both systems. The dynamic queries prototype has the potential to deliver a greater experience with the appropriate back-end technology and design considerations discussed in this thesis

    An Exploration of Mendeley Reader and Google Scholar Citation for Analysing Indexed Article

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    This paper aims to analyze the number of readers from the published articles of 100 Indonesian researchers in Mendeley reference management software. The list of Indonesian scientists is obtained from the webometrics ranking of scientists. We used the Application Programming Interface (API) of Mendeley to count the number of readers for each article in Mendeley and combine it with Google Scholar citation using the scrap method. We processed ten mostly cited articles that are indexed in the first page of the Google Scholar for each designated scientist. Furthermore, we used the Pearson method to analyze the correlation of the Mendeley readers count and the Google Scholar citation. The results show that they are correlated with a value of 0.266 according to the method of Pearson with N = 1000. Furthermore we found that many online Indonesian journals have no Digital Object Identifier (DOI) yet. Our evaluation of the publication results of 100 Indonesian researchers shows that authors who upload their scientific work on Mendeley, have higher citation number in Google Scholar, because their papers are widely available on the Internet

    Scrolling vs Paging: Reading Performance and Preference of Reading Modes in Long-form Online News

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    This study explores the impact of scrolling and dynamic pagination in long-form online documents on reader performance and reader experience. Previous research has produced mixed results, indicating no difference between modes, or a positive effect favouring scrolling. Recent advances in web standards have enabled simpler, dynamic, performant methods of pagination to tailor content responsively to any screen, meriting renewed study in this area. This paper uses one such method to load subsequent online news pages instantly without buffering. In an online browser experiment with 38 participants, an increase in reading speed in the scrolling mode was found at a level of significance. This follows previous research which has suggested that while a scrolling presentation style exacts extra demands on working memory capacity (WMC), many current web users have developed compensatory strategies and cognitive flexibility for navigating scrolling web documents

    Search Engine Optimization Algorithms for Page Ranking: Comparative Study

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    Every second, the number of visitors increase day by day due to the fast growing of World Wide Web. Till this day there are more than 11.3 billion web pages in the World Wide Web. In the modern era of technology and advance computation, world page ranking become a common feature of modern retrieval system. However, any query in search engine will display both relevant and irrelevant data that can cause overhead to the search engine and will affect the page ranking process. A new optimization technique is needed to improve the existing search engine optimization in increasing the page ranking. This paper presents a comparative study of different page ranking algorithms for search engine optimization. Also it explores some improvements that are needed to overcome the current problem in this field. The simulation result’s analysis clearly shows that there is a need of new optimization technique. This new technique must reduce the complexity and user overhead by displaying only related data which will reduce overheading in search engine